
Watch as the left eat their own. I've been thinking that the Bi part always proved there were only two genders and now this happens.

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I mean, sex according to them is different than gender, so being attracted to two sexes does not actually disagree with their mantra. Well, of course they are such a cobbled mess of confused sociopathic victims that they probably don't even agree on an official mantra. I bet the majority of them would probably say there are more than two sexes actually, even though biologically that simply is not true in any way. (There are also only two genders) and their official stance has always been that gender and sex are different. The fact that this is an honest problem to "adults" is insulting to humankind. I should be executed just for replying to this thread.

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I always used to hear from Lesbians that they blamed bisexuals for spreading AIDS from gay men into their community.

But then anymore being just gay isn't progressive enough and their movement is dominated by trannies.

Fact is there are only 2 genders and "bisexuality" just means "undecided." They're right, but for the wrong reasons.

They should take transexual off too. It is patronizing to include them with the others. Like they are all issues with the heart and mind, but one makes you feel like youre the opposite sex, not make you want to have sex with your same sex.

sex refers specifically to male and female.
gender refers to any kind, class, or sort (see genre), meaning gender is less descriptive than sex.
to further disrupt the LGBT paradigm, bisexual is a better term to describe trannies or hermaphrodites.
but while this is all well and good, the progressive left has so destroyed their own jargon, that winning these semantic debates aren't really victories
but it is fun nonetheless.

GG pol, we did it again

No, there are two genders. Everything else is mental illness and brainwashing.


Thank you for being the rational voice, but unfortunatly the irrational scream the hardest. Therefor they'll win

>"Accelerationism" latches onto this with fervor and exploits it to ensure that the repercussions disadvantage them and benefit us

Drop the T too, bigots


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Trans implies you can’t be a man and a woman at the same time. This is troublingly ableist.

We're definitely in accelerationism right now.
around 2010 I figured gay marriage in the U.S. was at least another 30 years away and perhaps we'd come to our senses before that.
Now we're adding another letter to the LGBWTFBBQ clusterfuck every week.

the other problem with the "more than 2 genders" idea is that it is nonsensical.
as i said before ,gender is another word for genre and within a class or type of music for example, we would all agree that there are more than 2 genres or genders.
there are only 2 sexes of humans, male and female.
there are 0 zero genders of humans unless we start truly using homo sapiens, habilis, neanderthal, Australopithecus to label people.
to allow the left to hijack gender and use it for male and female etc is anti-science and completely destroys the idea of scientific classification.
we shouldn't allow them to drag us into this debate from the angle they want.

>Lesbians that they blamed bisexuals for spreading AIDS
look up the rates of unplanned pregnancies in the lesbian community, the majority of self described lesbians never stop having sex with men

Then does being gay imply only men exist? What if bi just means you are attracted to people who identify as men and women? This is a terrible argument

Classic reddit liberal argument

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to sum up:
humans only have 2 sexes: male and female
there are many genders of humans by only as it applies to types of humans such as sapiens, habilis et al


Holy shit that was you guys? My SJW cousins are freaking out about this today! Family reunions are fun.

>I should be executed just for replying to this thread

You should be, but hopefully you could be some sort of modern-day Robespierre, guillotining scores of degenerates before being guillotined yourself.

the switch from "re" to "er" in genRE and gendRE (old french) to gendER (english) is simply the result of the great vowel shift

That's exactly why I don't support the faggot community. They claim to be for bisexuals and then I get shut down as a bi man.

>hurr durr bi now gay later

At least the other side is consistent in not believing my heterosexuality with a taste for cock. But even better is the non faggots don't care and leave me to my devices.

I've also had faggots tell me
>hurr durr why not pansexual
I'll tell you why: cos word parts matter. Pan implies everything. Meaning I could be equally aroused by a fucking toaster. Or even worse, it implies that I could aroused by children. Pan means EVERYTHING.

So no, I'm not pansexual. I am attracted sexually to WOMEN and MEN.

And lastly, there are only two genders. Sex and gender are interchangeable.

if you frame these arguments correctly from a scientific standpoint and not get sucked into a semantics and dictionary definition game (which is want leftists are wont to do) you will fare much better.

Fucking beautiful

Only a matter of time.

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There's not actually a contradiction between "Bisexual means being attracted to two genders" and "There are more than two genders."

Or is #droptheB a Jow Forums troll?

There is a contradiction. Because the (((non binary))) I could possibly be attracted to are going to be noticeably male or female. You can call yourself whatever the fuck you want socially, but on legal documents you're putting down the physical structure ypu possess.

the picture in the background makes it look serious and emotional. So powerful lol

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Well, if the complete list of genders is male, female, unicorn, and Apache helicopter... I don't see why someone can't claim to be bisexual on account of being attracted to two of those genders.

They could even save the term 'bisexual' by stressing the -sexual part. Even the most rabid SJWs insist there are only two sexes, AFAIK.


That's fake. All LGBT types ignore the B fallacy and get uber triggered if it gets brought up by anyone.

>complete list of genders
That's the problem. There isn't one. Not a single far left can answer the simple question of how many genders there are if it's not two.

Most of them don't even know that gender theory wasn't a thing in the US until 1948 and even then it had no biological basis whatsoever. It was all about muh feefees then.

Like I said, you can believe you're something other than male or female so long as you're not being a dick about it. But at some point these gender specials are going to need to grow up.

>bi now gay later
>bi is gay erasure
>hurr durr half way out of the closet
Yeah totally hasn't been a self defeating thing at all.


The number of genders you are allowed to be attracted to: 0, 1, infinity.
Everyone clear on that now?

In their cognitive dissonance, they may still be forced to admit sex and gender are still somehow different, but to them, gender is what should be seen by society, not sex. What should be attracting or not is gender, not sex. 'Bisexual' implicitly contradicts the notion that gender replaces societal recognition of sex. Therefore, if bisexuality exists, what is implied is that society has the right to recognize sex, e.g. recognizing mtf trannies as men. Their cognitive dissonance is that gender should for some reason replace sex in terms of societal recognition. So recognizing mtf trannies by their sex would imply non-recognition of their gender, which doesn't make sense, hence the cognitive dissonance, and therefore implicitly betrays their mental illness.

Meme potential

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never interrupt your enemy(ies) when they're screwing themselves. the Overton Window is shifting to the Right-end of the spectrum, while the Marxian-Lenninists volunteer their own insane views. the "feelz/emotions' group v. the 'logic/reason' group, fortunately or unfortunately inches the nation closer to civil war(s) as leadership moves towards iron-fisted rule

Interestingly, when you understand that everyone thinks they're in the logic/reason group, it makes sense that the right is seen as stupid hateful racists by the left.

How can there be more than 2 genders anyways?

Anyone have screen caps of people agreeing with this

Bsluts should be gassed