Let's share mutual stories and we help each other:

Let's share mutual stories and we help each other:

>be me 3 months ago
>be a fat lazy neckbearded useless retard
>my desk was full of empty cans and empty chip bags
>always fapped, literally, every day I fapped at least 4 times
>no hobbies at all, just wasted my time playing TF2 and shitposting on Jow Forums
>always constantly angry atm, whining about everything and responding all petitions for finding a job or cleaning my room with "yeah, I'll do it later dw"
>didn't do it one single time, felt depressed but it was too comfortable to do anything about it
>one day
>be browsing Jow Forums as usual
>visit Jow Forums for curiosity
>see a /sig/ thread
>be curious about what that was, didn't really know what it meant
>as I scroll through the thread, I see infographics and info about improving your life and lectures on good habits
>at first I thought all that was bullshit made by these so-called "motivators", who whine about being productive and shit
>they weren't
>they were anons telling stories about changing their life habits and social view of everything
>I start looking at all the material they left for us to read
>start to inform about the things I did wrong
>fight with myself for having some common sense
>at last, I stand up from my chair
>have a full 360º degrees look about my room
>grab a pack of XXL plastic bags
>start throwing all the garbage I had there
>3 full bags went by, I was all evening cleaning up that mess
>when I finished, my room felt like fucking Mars
>it was just another planet to live in
>my desk was clean, if you passed the finger you wouldn't catch any sort of oil or grease with the tip of your finger
>grabed all my pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers and markers and put it on a big glass
>instead of my floor covered in chip fragments and spilled soda marks, it was so clean I could see myself through the reflection
>fell completely realized for the first time in years

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Other urls found in this thread:


>after that I went to have a shower and eat something
>after the shower I went to the fridge to see what to eat
>it was all full of instant noodles and Pepsi/Monster cans, not a single raw ingredient like meat or vegetable
>felt disgusted in a very long time, I literally ate all that garbage 24/7 for at least 3 years
>went to a dietist, asked her for a healthy diet to lose weight
>she told to eat adequately and gave me a paper in which there was a full balanced menu
>take that menu as if it was the word of God
>throw away all the shit I had on the fridge
>start buying healthy food
>to make healthy food I needed to know how to cook
>start learning how to cook, shit was awesome
>as time progressed in three weeks I could do a simple familiar meal for 4 persons
>eating healthy was one step, doing exercise was another
>since childhood I detested doing sport, probably that statement made me have a sedentary life
>pick running because it was simple to do
>the first time I could barely make a kilometer without dying
>felt like shit when I returned home
>my body urged me to stop doing that, I refused
>second day I also felt like shit, but just a little bit less
>third day: a little less
>fourth day: a little less
>as the weeks went by I could do more and more and more until...
>I went running and after I finished, I checked my phone
>I made 7km
>7 fucking km
>I couldn't believe it
>I also read some books on socializing and how to do friends and shit like that
>now I started talking more to people in class and in home
Holy shit, this feels like heaven boys

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Been tryng this on my own with no rel guide. just doing simple things like a small workout every day. Cleaning and some structure. While I don't feel amazing it's definitely been a great start. Rest of life in shambles but one step at a time lads. Even small amount of effort every day truly helps.

I'm gonna post some infographics for anyone interested :)
At least you're doing something user. Good start and keep it up!

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God speed anons, you can do it like I did.

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The last one was by accident lel

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>300 lbs down to 190 lbs

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gratz man

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I work two jobs to save up money before going to grad school in the fall. I have next to no time to improve myself even though I'm working. Please help.

Do one small improvement every day. Like switch that coke bottle to a water bottle. Or read one page in a book before bed instead of wasting an hour on the phone.
Just start with a small thing and eventually do more.

thank you user, I needed to see this thread today

I also needed this shit today.
Now I'm feeling motivated to make some changes.
Thank you.

"Before" is SO much cooler.

This isn’t really /SIG/ but this is the most inspirational thing Iv ever seen!

Some times Jow Forums does good

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rolling on my own roller

I think this thread would be better made on More exclusive, less shitposting desu

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Jow Forums is for faggots and /sig/ belongs on Jow Forums.

>bant is for faggots
enforces my point further, what are you trying to improve on pol

Could anyone recommend me some books to start off with? I've only read 2 books I'm the past and that's 1984, and economics for dummies back in school.

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About 6 months ago, I decided to clean my life up after spending a while on Jow Forums. It was the /sig/ threads that finally motivated me to fix myself. Now I don't smoke weed, I only drink small amounts at the weekends, I gained 20 pounds of muscle (I used to be underweight because I was a drug addict as a teenager) and I have incredible determination and confidence for the first time in my life. I'm respected more by everyone in my life and many people have told me that I seem like a totally different person now.
I can honestly say that I feel happy and have respect for myself for the first time in my life. Working out is a big help, reading good books and eating better food have helped me immensely too.
I once thought that I was too far gone to save. I was lost in bad habits, low self esteem and self pity. I hope that this serves to inspire others because, if I can do it, anyone can do it.


Getting rid of the Katana was a mistake if it was actually valuable in some non-monetary way

Other than that, good.


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is good, basically a personal self hep book written by a Roman Emperor for a Roman Emperor.

Short of that, have a look at the book list posted near the top of this thread.

Really tho, its not about what book to read, its just reading a book that is important. Regardless of the book, reading makes you more intelligent, more well rounded, understanding, and it is much more productive than internet browsing for hours on end


>waste of time
Choose one

Good job, user. We must first improve ourselves before we can improve our families, our societies, and our people.

We're all gonna make it, brah.

Good job, user!


>The Warrior's Journey.

Wrong! Politics is all about control. /sig/ is about self-control. Without self-control, one can't control their external circumstances. Control of external circumstances is politics.

Therefore, /sig/ IS Jow Forums.

Now, go do 10 pushups, jog/walk 1 mile, and eat some steamed veggies.

Good job, user!

more Stale than my own cum lad


Well done tubs


roll just for the lolz


Nice. I'm okay with this :) Been learning German anyways.

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Books and goals go hand in hand. If you find a goal, try and find a writer with similar interests.

>How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie
>Self help, 200-300 pages or so
Basically, how not to be an Autist when talking to people, the book.
It's common sense to people who're good with people, a bible for the rest of us autists.

>Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep - P.K.Dick
>Fiction, Sci-fi, 200 pages or so long.
The book blade runners based on, takes less time to read than the film takes to watch, and didn't bore me to sleep in it's opening.
Solid book if you want to question what makes humans human.

Those are some easy reads. I find once you can crack through a 200 - 300 page book again, you can step up and read some bigger pieces. Take "Atlas shrugged" for example.

Has anyone gone through bad depression and found it hard to concentrate. Is this normal? I currently have this depression thing for a while,plus I was drinking nearly every night for 6 months until 3 days ago. But yeah. Find it hard to concentrate when feeling depressed, then I feel stupid because if this, which makes me even more depressed. It's like an alliance of Depression and it's bastard child, confusion, playing tug of war in my head and bringing me down.

This is great to hear.. keep it up

Thanks man

The Road
No Country for Old Men
Fight Club

These are "easy" books but they're still adult literature. I always suggest these to my friends (men only) to read if they aren't readers. Every single time the guy comes back a week later and tells me he inhaled it. They're modern, normal English, with themes that apply to men, especially the /sig/ culture.

Start with Fight Club. You could be done with it in 3 days. Then the road. You could be done with that in 2 days. And that's not even rushing yourself either. Report back to /sig/ after.

You better run bitch.

Maybe he sold it to pay for his AR

Clean your room

Wash your penis, pal.

What materials are you using? If I may ask

I can't really agree on mgtow being neckbeard. Women today are trash and not worth wasting your time with.
Same for shitting on Atheism and promoting to follow a desert cult instead.

tfw no zyzz

Yeah...if you take a couple grams of that on an empty stomach you're fucking ready to go.

>Has anyone gone through bad depression and found it hard to concentrate. Is this normal?
Yes it is like this, and it fucking sucks. A good sleep schedule and away from all distractions while concentrating made me pass my exams.

Good job lad.

Starship Troopers.

The book is not like the movie. It is focused more on political philosophy than on space marines hunting giant insects. It is an easy read while also providing an interesting view of how civilisation could be run.

Also I didn't realize L-arginine balanced pH...that would explain why it worked so well for threshold work on the MTB.

I've been using Duolingo.com, it seems to be good for getting your foot in the door. They have quite a few languages to choose from as well. And a torrented version of Rosetta stone.


I've been using Duolingo for Spanish (already speak French and English) and it's surprisingly way better than I thought it would be. Really good for the basics. And a LOT more content than I thought would be included in a free app. I've only used the Spanish one though so I can't speak to the other languages it offers.

I’ve become hooked on heroin and want to quit but I work 7 days a week and can’t ever get time off to withdraw in peace. When I stop I get really sick and can’t function at work so I just keep doing enough to get by. I’m up to a bundle a day by now. What the fuck should I do /sig/?

> shave your pubes
> trim your eyebrows
> face lotion

Is SIG supposed to become a beta faggot ?
tim your nostril mostly ... I'd say when you arrive a certain age.

> shit > shower > shave

Why would you shave once you took your shower ?
It would take fews second to wash your after shaved and consume water again.

Truely german inneficienty at its best.

I fucked up my achilles tendon, can't run and can't walk too much without feeling pain, what can i do? i have too much energy that i want to use and i can't, is making me angry.

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>filthy frog-fucking Frenchman doesn't know how to properly bathe

Wow I'm fucking shocked

That's okay I suppose, better than nothing. I would like to recommend you the materials mentioned in this video (also the channel is pretty cool if you're interested in this sort of stuff)


Get some weights and start lifting

Thanks lads. I'm still in shock at how much life can change with a bit of hard work and determination. I'm gonna keep going, there's no limit to this.

As bathing as everything to do with triming your eyes brow and puting (((chemical))) lotion on your face.

not even talking about shaving your pubes if you are active. it's totally idiotic. you will get irritation much.

also shit>shaving>shower is more efficient.

> t frenchman who dunnot bathing like a faggot but wake up at 4 am , where every second in the morning is precious. who don't need a guide to take a shit.

Wtf type of off-white milk is after-sig Womack drinking?

How do I improve my ability to concentrate/focus while studying?
I've set aside about 10 hours for studying every day, but thanks to my inability to keep my concentration up, I end up with only about 3 hours of actually studying, with the rest of it doing nothing at all.

How are you supposed to put forward a political movement if you can't lead by example? /sig/ is complementary to everyone on Jow Forums

While i'm here, i might as well join in.

>Be me
>Be one year ago
>Fumble smart phone as i pull my ass off of the toilet, dropping it into the toilet
>It's dead on impact
>Had heard that people have been able to change their lifes easier by ditching their smart phones
>Decided to give it a go, seeing as i don't have any choice in the current matter
>The world actually seemed to change
>Was way less anxious in public as i wasn't able to just escape my surroundings and browse Jow Forums wherever
>Didn't pull phone out whenever i was waiting around, so i actually took in the world around me more
>Stopped consuming shit android Vidya, and youtube videos in my down time
>Needed to find something to fill the gaps in time i developed
>Started Reading books again
>Because the amount of time i was spending on my phone, consuming useless knowledge, was quite large, devouring books wasn't hard
>Read like 10 or so in the past 8 months on various subjects
>Learned more about the world from books on philosophy, Politics and Economics than my parents had collectively in their 25 years of adulthood
>Learn about the financial sector and how they need people with my particular computing skills
>Currently learning to apply these skills, whilst doing my degree
>Building a clear career path for myself, hoping to out earn my parents, combined, within the next 5 - 10 years.
>Decide to ditch vidya consoles and YouTube
>Dad asks me why i'm selling off my consoles, he takes some of my hands like the faggot he is
>Now have a bit more time on my hands
>Start reading self help books on conversations and relationship building
>Learned how to become an Artist, not an autist

I regret not giving these things up earlier in life.
It's fucking hard, to find what to do with all this extra time. Like a literall 20+ hours a week free for better things.
Thinking about refining myself into more of a human being, and join in with local politics.


take short breaks, take advantage of those breaks by cleaning, making a healthy meal or a short walk

rowing machine?

Thats water.
Hows flint michigan.

good luck brothers, for yourselves to help others.

That is our way, they need leadership, they need you to be there. Do it for them.

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Also posting some Jow Forums memes and redpills

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Glad to hear it frand.
Keep on the path.

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