Macron sides with Italy over Germany on migration

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His other face says different

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Then what the hell is he doing ?

Playing both sides and getting away with it, that's how he won the presidency lmao, he signals to all voters when it suits, and the French are so confused they just go along with it

bruv im getting real tired of this frogs shit

Being a centrist extremist

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This. Macron is a two faced sociopath piece of shit that doesn't care about anything because he has no children.

I've never thought about it, holy fug

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He's going to start another war
Jupiter is doing what must be done

The Absolute State of Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys.

π-th Dimension C H E S S

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Got that racism licence mate?

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nice one

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it's called radical centrist

>joins conte in bid to reform EU treaty on migration
pls keep taking them all
>swipes at Merkel for refusing to take in more french niggers
>urges spain to receive the Aquarius
french politics has always been homo sexual like that

The weird little granny fucker is a basketcase, absolutely janusesque

Macron is weak.

Such a proud french tradition.

He's shilling for every kind of profitable outcome via extremism - there's a reason this banker was shilled so hard for by the media and is acting like the bestie of putin, trump, merkel, spain, italiy, goldman sachs and others all at the same time

Perhaps the biggest kike in europe

But Merkel said one week ago that Italy was right and that EU was leaving Italy alone and that they should all help Italy.

It's a fucking scam because they can't fight italy, greece and v4 at same time. This is literally what leftists do all the time.
>push left
>push left
>push left
>oh we push too far
>push right
>push left

She's another one,very very skilled at knowing when to throw the right a meaningless bone while giving the left everything concrete, that's why she's survived so long, and Macron will be president of france for at least a decade by using the same trickery, just when the right starts to hate him he'll say 'deport niggers', and then his approval ratings rocket, the left starts getting pissed off and he quietly takes aquarius migrants, not reported widely in france but the left get the message and simmers down.


The three 'M's - all playing the right like a fiddle while clearly being full on globalist Marxist shills.

Cool new pol hangout - feel free to join!


Fucking tippity top kekers

this is bad news for Denmark. The Italians want to make it so that entering Italy is the same as entering any EU member state. They want to allow the migrants to go where ever the want within the EU as they know most will leave Italy for more richer nations.
Denmark needs to get the fuck out of this EU cancer.

Centrist extremism is just schizophrenia.
>Macron: We of the true centrist creed shall initially support NGO migrant ferry trips with French taxes...then attack Merkel and publicly state we want to reform the EU...I am a political genius!

>according to the plan

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Whatever the Bog tells him to. They know what must be done, trust in them.

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Jews play both sides, user.
Zionists throw the liberal Jews under the bus in a bid to promote Zionism. And the liberal Jews, like Merkel, are in on the scam.

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yes, you naturally don't trust a shitalian gypsy but the french are the worst by far.

You called ?

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everything south of yours truly I dont trust. But yeah French are some of the worst as they make Italians look like angels.

Enjoy your enrichment jean. It's your port they are landing in

Never trust the frogs

Germany needs to suffer
They're always planning something and must be destroyed

Welcome to (((the center)))

Meet his spanish version. The (((media))) are pushing really hard for him to be the next spanish president.

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>They want to allow the migrants to go where ever the want within the EU
What the fuck are you talking about you snow nigger, we specifically voted against that.

Didn't they just accept a bunch of (((migrants))) from the Aquarius though? Why did he change his way?

you're trying to play us into taking your niggers read the article

Jews desperately trying to coopt the fucking populist anti immigrant wave of voter discontent. You can bet as soon as they can control it they'll ram niggers straight up the italians asses again.

I never liked this evil Goldman Sachs cocksucker.

>"Who puts its feet in Italy, puts its feet in Europe"
what did he mean by this then?

nothing will stop me for voting to vox

Netherlands has the same reservation. But our PM is a coward who say we'll back any plan that has the full support of all member states, knowing full well v4 will veto.

Honestly, we should stop worrying about distribution and focus on EXPULSION and PROTECTION.

All of this talk about who gets what amount of rapefugees is a fucking tertiary issue when we have a million+ REJECTED asylum seekers. We have airports and prisons in every country, we can kick out the willing and indefinately detain the unwilling right fucking now.

That guy isn't even that bad looking, just has shit teeth.

>t. briton

4D chess. But remember who his mentor is : (((Jacques fucking (((Attali))))).
He has Soros kikelevel and wants Jerusalem to be the world capital.

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WHY DIDN'T THEY ALREADY DO THAT 2015? Did they think the migrants would disappeared in the thin air?

Yes i know what he is SAYING, however actions speak louder than words and actions say that we voted against renegotiating Dublin (the part about "redistributing" fugees).

They are YOUR niggers, you called them, you fish them. If they have to be outside of Africa then Germany is their place.

Refugee centers in North Africa are just a smoke screen that they bring up every year. It's also implying that we should take in more, when we really should take care of deportation.

Typical slimy bullshit, he wants to reform Dublin so the enrichment can be spread between member states easier and set up immigration centres in north africa. The 'rescues' will carry on as before but now we'll be getting shipments of legal niggers with paperwork who urgently need housing, food etcetc


Right-wingers fighting for asylums in Africa instead of here are fighting the wrong battle.

>Playing both sides and getting away with it
This. Remember, he worked as a rotschild whore before running for president. He still is a whore to the jews.

I've always been tsundre for France. I've cracked jokes about them on a regular basis, but to me their connections with us is something that'll last an eternity.

I'm proud of them for doing this, although I think it's just french cowardliness that achieved this(scared of terror attacks), I'm glad they'll be a little bit safer.

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this, Macron is a rat.

>Italian forensic psychiatrist say that Macron is the victim of pedophilia and is now a dangerous psychopath

I saw a MACRON YES thread hours ago, which one is false?
I have an idea.

What a bullshit.
He seduces his teacher and there is no pedophilia at 15 years.

he is le epic centric at its finest
This is your "lol both sides are stupid!" guy

>He seduces his teacher and there is no pedophilia at 15 years.
Shut up Brigitte

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Macron is a snake.

Think we could get him to gas HALF the jews for centrism?


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Dude seriously.
I want this guy rotting in a shit dumpster as much as anyone. And I'm french.

france just took blacks from that NGO ship. lmao these politicians are fucking with you so hard.

>trusting a banker that worked for the Rotschild family
I still don't know what went through frenchies mind to vote for such a kike. Probably by that huge amount of propaganda that he was bestowed upon. It just clearly shows that democracy never existed in this world whatsoever, we're just a playground for the kikes, a gigantic source of incomes for their own selfishness. It would be time for the citizen of Europe to wake up or it'll be too late once they realize it.

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Says Perfide Albion.

they would have voted for napoleon's hat if it had been running against le pen. it was an anybody-but-le pen vote.

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>I still don't know what went through frenchies mind to vote for such a kike.
30 years of brainwashing for the boomers by the TV against the FN + sacrifice of the PS and the biggest and most obvious shill campaign organised by the MSM for a guy who was a literal nobody few months before.
Still, (((they))) are playing for time, next time they won't be able to pull a joker like Macron.
We just need someone like Marion or equivalent leading a real far right party and kicking out the fat stupid aunt.