Is this comet pizza shooter guy still alive?

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They locked him in the basement

Dude is living it up with the millions he was paid

he played his part and vanish back into obscurity

He was just a psyop to get used off the trail.

I think the welch's are part of the operation going back decades

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I hate this fucking world so much

there we go

Rowan county? Like Salisbury North Carolina? That's niggers mine boys I'll dig into that niggers pillowcase while he's sleeping on it

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he got a promotion at the FBI shortly after the successful operation

That was an obvious false flag event, and he was an obvious crisis actor, or patsy. How amazing that he 'fired a dangerous assault weapon' but hit nobody at all. Just amazing luck for the Pedesta team!

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A single round that penetrated their data server

this the reason why they used him
>Welch, a native of Salisbury, North Carolina, made the news in his home state last month after allegedly ramming his Buick LeSabre into a teenage pedestrian. According to the website of WBTV, the 13-year-old “suffered head, torso, and leg injuries,” and “Welch stayed at the scene of the crash and waited for police.” One witness, however, told WBTV that Welch hadn’t tried to swerve out of the way when he saw the group of teenagers walking down the road
he ran over some kid a month before the comet incident. I dont think any charges were filed for that. also bonus points:
>And after an earthquake devastated Haiti in 2010, killing hundreds of thousands, Maddison Welch traveled to the impoverished island and spent weeks there building houses with a church.

he also has minor stuff like drug possession charges going back to 2007. this guy a good useful idiot

The car thing sounds like a completely made-up fake news story. Show me the news video, and I bet all kinds of Masonic symbols and number '33' and references to freemasonry will be on display.

Most of this crap, and anything involving freemasonry and crisis actors, is all made up garbage to (whatever, propagandize? ZSheeplify?) the masses.

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there isnt much to the story with the car accident.
it was so under the radar. No pictures or videos

didn't the guy even have an imdb page?

Nothing obvious, but this is the exact same kind of deal with David Zogg of the fake Parkland shooting fame. Some time before he became a crisis-actor sensation and darling of the media promoting anti-gun cuckholdry, he was in the news before, for a stupid made-up "argument at the beach with a lifeguard' story.

tl;dr- they recycle these crisis actors in all kinds of media retardation, from Dr. Phil show dramatics, to staged shooting events crisis actors.

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yes. his dad ran Forever Young Productions so this dude was probably involved with those sketchy money laundering film projects.

I don't know, but the crisis actor "Omar Mateen" of the Pulse nightclub shooting (hoax) was an 'actor' in smalltime Z movies, probably had a imdb page, as many of the mock victims of Pulse nightclub did.

Also note-- Many many of the 'witnesses' of the London bridge hoax events, and Batmanclan theater hoax event, were BBC news employees, and professional actors and professional models (none of them skilled, because their vamping for the cameras as 'victims' was pathetic and obvious)

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How dare you.

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How fucking dare you!

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I seriously wonder why no one ever questions this it was such a red flag

SERIOUS QUESTION-- How can people watch this shit and not realize it's all complete horseshit?

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they only catch articles on huffpost or a quick news coverage story. they dont dig into it after that, so they dont see all the weird shit

I'll post a few of my favorite crisis actors.

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actors are real people that can have bad shit happen to them. Or do you believe Sharon Tate was a crisis actor as well?

I agree with this in general. But I think there is also an ingrained belief in the sheeple that "if media reports it, it must be true"

Or that 'being on the news' means something really happened.

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>Has to go back to 1960 to find an event that was real...

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How about Ben Swann? Is Ben Swann still alive?

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I'm pretty sure he is still alive, and recently posting. Unlike the ....


Oh wait, they're alive too.

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Bingo! He was part of the plan to throw off evidence trail.

>>>>>>>COULD BE


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Post info pls I'd like to hear.

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If you live in Salisbury you should just shoot yourself.

He's pepperoni.

Parkland shooting was a complete hoax event, same as Pulse, Sandy Hook, Nice truck attack etc etc etc. All hoax events staged by the government.

Strategy of tension, operation Gladio 2.0, why do (((they))) do it? I'm not sure, they want to keep the masses dumbed-down and believing in complete retardation I guess.

Parkland shooting?? Complete hoax from top to bottom. Main players are all 'crisis actors' participating in a drill. Sheeple publice? Also participating in the drill, just not for pay.

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Main Sandy Hoax crisis actor Robby Parker, with photochopped family.

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(Free) Mason Wells, present and injured at at least three of the main fake bombing incidents all over the world.

>Name is "Mason"
>Pure coincidence move on goyim....

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LOL. That was the most obvious psy op i have seen. The deep state goons had that dude come in and make people open a freezer. Corporate media: Pizzagate exposed as hoax.

That was his purpose. To make people believe that something really isn't going on.

Was “Innocence of Muslims”, the movie they initially blamed the violence around Benghazi for, one of those “money laundering” films? Always seemed weird Obama admin & (((Media))) shat all over that film and free speech when Benghazi happened initially.

>Mason Wells, at only 19 years old, has already survived enough terrorist attacks for a lifetime. "This is his third terrorist attack," his father, Chad Wells, tells ABC News. "We live in a dangerous world and not everyone is kind and loving." Mason was one of the Mormon missionaries injured in the bomb blast at the Brussels airport
>In 2013, Mason was a block away from the Boston Marathon finish line waiting for his mother, who was running in the race, when the bombs exploded.
its amazing how many cross over characters show up in a false flag that survived another false flag.

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I dont know if they really money laundering films, but I notice they always seem to be involved with these film productions for cheap shit movies. It like something youd hear about the Mafia being involved in

wow you're fucking stupid. i feel sorry for you.

The Parker Parents are two of the most obvious and fake crisis actors ever. The Father comes out literally laughing his ass off. i don't think this is a mistake, it's their (((their))) way of conditioning the masses. Duality?

>Your eyes tell you it's fake
>Somber serious Anderson cooper's voice tells you it's real

It's a way to make the people into sheeple, to believe in the media masters, over their own eyes and intuition.

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heh his full name seems to be Elder Mason Wells. the articles keep calling him that

He's right though, the shooter miraculously shot through a door and into CPP's computer hard drive.

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Ben swann has a new jewtube page, some ok stuff.

Convenient bullet hole location. Now that hard drive is "unreadable" right?

>175411988..... (88)
>Mason Wells, (33, IF THE MASONS COUNT W AS 3)
>Chad Wells, (33)
>ABC News. (1+2 3 = 33)
>Mormon missionaries (MM = 33)
>>In 2013 (2+1 3) = (33)

It's all freemasonry, these hoaxes are all freemason rituals, they weave their number 33 through all the names and themes, if that is not obvious enough, the kid is literally named "MASON"

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the metal is sticking out which means somehow the bullet went inside the case and managed to exit out the top. magic bullet

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and young Mason's "learned Elder" who came to visit him in hospital, was named something like

H. Oaks to signal that all the bombings were Hoaxes lol. At least they make these circuses entertaining.

I am worrying about my waifu though (pic related) why her name have to be "MM"?

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also Burke MM Bates the helicopter pilot who died in cville.

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>Brother of Katey Foley (And Alex Israel)

have unusual appearance similarity with the supreme gentleman.

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Do you think little Trey was really killed, as a Satanic sacrifice (as even movies portray) or was it a hoax killing, and Trey just got a new identity and a promotion in freemasonry? (I have no idea myself)

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Never knew where to mention this... but over the years of terrorist attacks I’ve noticed something. There is always a Mormon killed. Every time a bomb goes off or a truck squished someone there just happens to be a Mormon in that exact spot at that exact moment. Million bucks says Evan The deep state Mormon is connected to that somehow.

its absolutely insane


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I wouldn't put it pass them to kill the kid. or they could have gotten a kid who looked similar. the whole thing was a big set up for the racial divide we see today. Even if ZimZam was a Peruvian Jew. He play the part of the wwf wrestler everyone loves to hate

right guy has:
>shorter forehead
>longer face
>more perfilated nose
>stronger chin
>visible adams apple
>ears are fucking different

only thing that they have somewhat similar are the eyes/eyeborws

funny I always notice the baptists

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Baptist Mormon, same thing...

Pedosta and the “shooter” hang out together on weekends and watch vhs child molestation tapes on John Podesta’s old school CRT televisions.

then I def notice. Mormon, Methodist and Baptist. Sometimes I find facebook profiles with these people involved in some happening and they are always broken home kooks with timelines filled with shitty religious memes

thats like john gotti hanging out with the local peurto rican drug dealer who works for the family

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There is ten year age difference, so if they are the same crisis actor, they used the young 'gentleman' from ten years before for the 'supreme gentleman' shooting spree op, then when the Katey Foley meme interview, they use him at his then real age.

Things the government and media say, are usually complete lies and hoaxes, understanding this is the first step.

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I can't remember which hoax event this image was attached to, anyone remember?

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Probably nobody remembers that one, there were plenty other hoax events and false flags.

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Not entirely, here's a server that leads to Russia from Jimmy Comet's art gallery, look at the different nameservers kek.

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And why is the Drumph administration protecting antifa and letting right wing advocates rot in jail and be victimized by (((big money lawfare))) lawsuits?

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We have video of the truck literally plowing through people.
Muslims kill.

There is no such video sir cuck.. The "video" you mention, is a grainy staged nonsense (which shows nothing like a truck massacre) posted by known Mossad man and NWO insider "photographer/journalist" Richard Gutyahr, also married to another Israeli mossadnik Female.

Just as at Charlottesville, where the 'witness' was known CIA dirty-tricks specialist Brennan Gilmore. These false flag scripts literally write themselves.

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>Speaking of Charlottesville......

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and 911

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and Vegas....

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This was some staged bullshit if I ever saw it. Remember how the street cam aimed at Comet was moved, but only for the time period of the "attack"?

yea. I also watched all the interviews from people there and no one mention the gun shooting. I think they add that later in the written articles

Just like the London bridge hoax attacks and Nice fake truck attack.

>ten thousand security cameras running
>Zero footage ever released or shown

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i wanna fugg that. who is it?

Remember how CNN etc launched the whole "Fake News" campaign just to write off pizzagate?

You mean with movie studios like Asylum Films?

maybe! forever young productions seems to have it's own website but I didn't wanna click on it

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Martina Markota mah dude. She's an alt-right QT, she was at HWNDU for a short few visits.

Did some surfing on forever productions. They have currently 2 links (one for their movie called Mermaid treasure (ripoff of the goonies and maybe treasure Island) and Welch Jr.'s Homepage. The screening list is well decent (screenshot related), but couldn't find info on any other movie except Mermaid Treasure and a Gaming film called Off-line

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so sayseth satan

Good looking gun. Semi autos aren't so bad when you can get large capacity magazines and bump fire stocks.

You can't trust people that much. If someone offers you a lot to do a job like that you're already dead.

Why is Trump staging them?

>large capacity magazines
You mean standard capacity?

brow/eye structure, jaw, and shoulders are very different. also mouth placement.

please don't fall for the face blindness meme. however I don't disagree with your actual points.

Standard is 20 box.
That is what Stoner ordained.

Charlotte. Nigger

He's not.

good work! that web page look like it should be in a museum

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