How do you reconcile your racism with the fact that there are a lot of perfectly good non-whites...

How do you reconcile your racism with the fact that there are a lot of perfectly good non-whites, and also tons of super shitty white people?

I'm not sure what to make of it honestly. I thought ethnostates made so much sense.

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>the virgin peterson

Racism is not believing your race is perfect you stupid jew.

Would you ask a mother how she reconciles loving her kids most when there are other kids that a better?

peterson is doing good work exposing the left and all that entails to the masses/normies. any character assasinator trying to completely rekt his image is likely a KIKE

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Peterson is a fucking JQ denying commie loving centrist cuck and you are a mutt. end of thread.

Nope, hes a pragmatist, and if he goes full 1488 he loses his appeal, ya fucking dunce. kys toothpaste


He’s an occultist.

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They still vote overwhelmingly for dem policies

How do you reconcile with being such a self loathing amorphous loser?

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>A lot of good non-whites
>a lot

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Hes not any one thing. But he for sure buttflusters leftists

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He has a portrait of Lenin.

Outliers, nigger

I'm not a racist because 99% of the people are inferior

What he achieves day to day with his work greatly negates any ideological weakness he may possess.

im racist but i still maintain the belief that everyone is garbage
im a true blue misanthrope
as a "red-pilled" accelerationist i support the destruction of society with cultural marxism while also being fully 1488
i probably have the most nuanced opinions on this board

>How do you reconcile your racism with the fact that there are a lot of perfectly good non-whites, and also tons of super shitty white people?
By understanding how distributions work

He denounces the left and their identity politics, he talks endlessly of the left going too far in the 20th century. him having soviety iconography in his house runs counter to his message to the masses - "marxism and collectivism is bad"

You're argument is so fucking tired there is a name for it: NAXALT. And it has been debunked more times than your arse has been violated.

I'm not actually racist

I'm just disappointed by all groups

White people have retarded spirits that will take longer to fix than the genetics of every other race

Easy. In traditional homogenous white societies, shitty people were the exception. In this multicult hellhole, otherwise good, dynamic, enthusiastic whites have been demoralised and isolated by the agenda.
Conversely non-whites have every reason (gibs me dats) to be happy given they have had this civilisations institutions, facilities and infrastructure given to them. How would there be any other outcome from this immigration agenda? Lets not forget though, that the turd world/ shitskin world has rampant corruption and crime, ergo on average they're much shittier people.

I’m not racist, I just want affirmative action removed and IQ hate facts to be recognized. I’m a racial truthist.

bong post best post. A meme campaign detailing this line of thought might actually be very effective.

You're country wasn't any better when it was mostly whites.

>So what if you’re right 90% of the time?
>What about the other 10%?!

I want to restrict reproduction rights to anyone with an IQ below 95 or a significant vice. Not my fault niggers and spics would be disproportionately affected.

Normally distributed characteristics in a population vs individuals in that population. /bread

>hes a pragmatist
He certainly is, just not for us.
He panders to right wingers by attacking leftists that nobody likes already, then pushes immigration and the idea that whites working as a group is evil.
Also of course, that Jews are superior.

Can you think of a system for neutralizing the right that is more effective than what he is doing?

>You're country wasn't any better when it was mostly whites.
His country is still mostly whites. And it was a lot better when it was almost all whites.

If you have a group of 1,000 white people, let’s say about 950 of them will be good, decently honest people.

A group of 1,000 shitskins, you’ll have about 400 decent people, still shittier than the white group.

1,000 niggers you’ll be lucky to find 90 blacks that won’t fucking kill you and steal your shit.

Why would you let violence
-prone animals into your house on purpose? It’s suicide.

It's not racist to say that everyone should have a home and contribute to their OWN PEOPLE. So we reconcile it with the fact that they can go fucking HOME and make THEIR OWN society a better place. If they DON'T have a home because their people (Niggers) refuse to BUILD one, then they are shit out of luck. Racism IS NOT REAL, it is LANGUAGE used by JEWS to deflect from THEIR crimes. Saging this thread kike.

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who's us? the alt right? white ethnostate individuals? be pragmatic and quit drinking the 88 koolaid. 14 should be your focus, and you dont achieve that by chimping out like niggers over every minority in the nation
>pushes immigration
got a source, genuinely curious

The problem is, was and will be the fucking normies and their psychopatic overlords.

because it's better to live in a homogeneous society with a shared group interest. I would rather live with a group of dumb poor Anglos and have a sense of community and shared interests, than a mixed bunch of individulised, rootless people all pulling in different directions.
I wouldn't even consider this racist though and accept that you can get good and bad people in all groups. I basically just feel all people should have the right to self determination. In this sense the ethno state is perfectly reasonable and fairy achievable for the UK and many other European countries.

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Yeah we were always a contender with Bangladesh for the acid attack capital of the world. We always had marauding gangs of feral savages roaming the streets, indiscriminately killing people for petty possessions. Children didn't play in the streets unsupervised, people didn't leave their doors unlocked, and communities never looked out for each other. Never rose to superpower status either, and absolutely didn't become a nexus of scientific, technological and cultural innovation. This country is definitely better off now.

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the world would be a much better place if everyone knew entry level statistics

yes it was. There is almost no dispute about this. The only people who would think otherwise are non whites

With a firm knowledge on how statistics work you stupid cunt.

I agree with that to a certain extent, but I don't think he 'neutralises' the right. You don't have to agree with everything he says. He is simply useful for what he is useful for

I reconcile it by arguing that different races fall on different sides of the tipping-point
That said, I pretty much hate most people of all races so...

I'm not racist. I don't hate non-whites. I simply recognize white people's right to exist and be sovereign in their own country.

>got a source, genuinely curious
It's the typical neocon ideal of
>the nation is just a corporation no different than Wal-Mart, or Amazon, bring in anyone who might increase gdp

>He is simply useful for what he is useful for
For what though? Giving discontent white men self help courses and corralling them into neocon boomerism?
Of course, not without taking millions of dollars from them first.

>How do you reconcile your racism with the fact that there are a lot of perfectly good non-whites, and also tons of super shitty white people?
crime statistics

>It was at this moment when JBP decided to bust the sickest dance moves and by doing so he redpilled the masses and put an end to the chaos.

By not wanting to associate with either. My problem stems from being forced to associate with both.

I'll take white shitheels over other race's shitheels.
Other races need their excellent people so their homes and lands can be made better.
Over in their homes and lands, away from me, where I can visit them, safely.
Everyone would be better off if they are not forced to mix together in one big hateful, scared, cold, impersonal mass of fuckheads.

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>and also tons of super shitty white people?
Blacks are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crime. I'll take the super shitty white people thanks. They're already here.

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Someday it will be made into a social taboo to love your own children more than other children.

NAXALT fallacy

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Just because you never saw Britain in its former glory and were never formally taught about it in your 'education' is no excuse for ignorance.
We were once the envy of the world, in schooling, in living standards, in military prowess, in scientific achievements, in cultural marvels, in architecture and so much more.
We have been brought low by two destructive world wars and the onslaught brought by the destruction of our Empire by the Americans and their kike masters.
We have been enslaved, like all of Europe has, by the EU and (((those))) controlling it but one day we will once again be free.
Britain and its people have seen darker times, faced greater adversity and triumphed time and time again.
It is up to the newer generations to throw off the yoke placed on us by our masters and the generations that came before, to remake Britain into the glory it once was.
We will once again rule the waves, we will once again make the world tremble at our glory, and we will once again triumph.

How does it feel to be spineless and lacking any form of real conviction because you dont have the capacities to actually stand for a single belief?

>1 post by this ID
Well done faggots you got trolled again

>reddit flag

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Must be hard aimlessly drifting through life worried about getting judged by faggots and niggers who destroy your culture and country.

I reconcile by looking at the trends, there are a few shit white people, a lot of shit black people and a lot of good white people.

you forgot about your reddit flag again, reddit

>white people are the least racist and the most empathetic, if you were white you'd know that

All modern politics is about just confirming your beliefs even if they aren't 100% correct.

>there is no elvish race in the world
the closest one would be Sikhs though

fair point.
His stuff on gender, free speech, use of language, gender equality is good though.
He has also raised the profile of discussion over cultural marxism, leftists in education and the importance of western values.
I think your reasons for criticism are probably correct though

No stats or proof to back this up I just feel its true so its true!
Being smart is easy!

that instantly removes all posters on pol and most of the poor dirty whites

He tries to explain the rationality behind occultism and why it attracts people. That doesn't mean he believes in all of it.

Even if we only import the "good" non-whites they will return to the mean of their race in a couple of generations. Even if they interbreed you just wind up with worse people on the whole.

We should be sterilizing the useless white people.

Shitty whites > shitty nigs, spics, camel jockeys and the rest. Always.

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You stupid motherfucker
KYS immediately

>reconcile your racism

Maybe we shouldn't be bringing in millions of foreigners illegally per year when we are 26 trillion dollars in debt, you fuckface.


Fucking jew, stop murdering Palestinians and sterilizing Ethiopian jews just because they are black.

before you remark on the state of someone elses room, perhaps you should clean your own, first.

>Peroxide coal burner

Is it who i think it is?