
Why is soccer a communist sport?

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beacuse all you need is one $5 dollar ball and some empty space. Name a sport with a lower cost of entry.

'Sport' is capitalist; it's the fans who are commies.

Because poor people can afford to play it

>am*rican flag
as expected


>Euro F*ag

in the ocean or a lake.

football is a beautiful game. It's cheap, skillful and shit players can play. It has great tactics, but you don't have to have great tactics to play it. You don't to be a certain shape to play, you can be tall or short. It's fucking great, I'm loving the world cup.

The gay aspect is a foreign thing and is really looked down on in British and most northern European countries. By that I mean feigning injury and rolling around on the ground and all that kid of stuff

>Name a sport with a lower cost of entry.

Mountaineering, swimming, running, long distance walking, bareknuckle boxing etc.

Football needs a pitch, goals and a ball, it is pretty freaking expensive.

Don't even need that. You can play with a empty coke bottle/can, and I've been on building sites where we just got a load of plastic and taped it together with insulation tape and had a game.


Mountaineering? Yeah mate, just try going up a mountain bare foot with a tshirt and shorts (which you can for a kick about with your mates).

Poor niggers can play. Why do you think Americans completely ignore it

I lived in the foothills and we would hike mountain game trails without gear.

Poor niggers play football too.

Despite the fact we suck on the international stage, and I don't care much for the sport, I was proud of our boys for not taking part in the diving and faking injury bullshit.

Because like modern communism, its full of pussies

Because they lack taste in sports. That is why american handegg is popular over there

A goal can be two trashcans. You literally just need a ball. Compare to ice hockey or American football which are incredibly expensive.

I have climbed several 3000m and 4000m peaks with normal sports gear. Mount Whitney (4500m) is pretty easy with normal sports shoes with a good profile.

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Because there is a bunch of back and forth followed by the occasional useless goal.

> digits
Eurotrash BTFO

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>sports gear, special shoes
>$5 ball

come on hans

Pretty much the same process of a communist government. Good point.

We played tennis, table tennis, basketball, football, handball, Völkerball (whatever you call that) and went skiing, surfing, mountaineering, swimming, kanuing and cannoning (before it was called that way).

Football wasn’t really the lowest entry sport. You need at least 4 guys (compared to 2 for basketball ), a goal or trashcans, space and a somewhat ok ball.

Fpbp cost of entry is very low.

hm? would an empty pepsi or fanta can do instead?

Not sure what you do, but I typically use shoes if I walk around outside. The incremental costs for mountaineering are literally 0 as I just use my regular sports shoes. For football you need special shoes if you want to play on grass effectively.

I am not going to let so pan-european to disrepect me and my burgers like that.


What about the other 90% of the population who would have to drive for miles to the nearest mountain and would need to take food, buy hiking boots etc.

I said barefoot lad. Also, I bet you had a backpack, and had to drive there - all cost money.

I do like the Nationalism aspect of the World Cup, but what ruins it is that let nationalities rep tradition white countries like France.


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implying you have those things near your home

Walking = Hiking.

Foothills are below the mountains dumbass.

You could even use one of these, Jose.

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Have you got any carp in there?


>implying you have those things near your home

I am in Bavaria so yes

Jesus fella, jumpers for goal posts or even just marks on the ground or a wall.

You don't even need a football half the time. You can just have a couple of kids with a tennis ball playing one touch

Erm.. that's right. Well done my American friend.

Then is really soccer if your playing with a tennis ball?

I played a lot of football as a kid. I tell you, people should do other stuff. Most people have running shoes and a bike. I say, triathlon should be a common sport. Basketball too. I also freaking don’t know why we don’t have public tennis courts everywhere.

We have public tennis courts in the ghetto in the USA.

it's disgusting. It was not a thing at all in British football until fairly recently. It ruins the game and is pathetic

I am watching these games because I like to gamble and the players are so faggy.

I still love it but yeah, that kinda kills it for me. I've got to support a load of Africans

Your perspective on the world is atrocious. You think some kid in Honduras is going to buy special kleets for soccer? Seriously, Hans, try to understand the point here: dirt poor countries are still able to play soccer in some form, especially as kids.

Like look at that Croatia team all white and Croatian.

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it it also pretty nationalistic and thus probably fascist

> several European teams
> not one unified

I can't even right now.


Because Pan European doesn’t work.

yeah it's good for technique and if you are playing 1 or 2 touch you are developing a good first touch. Its obviously not football, but you are developing your key skills. Good for kids at launch break. Good if don't have much space too

which makes it a great sport for the world.

Nationalism is good.

Bro the US has 320+ million people and resources and claim to be a sports power house but we can't put a team in the world cup it's embarassing

Not to mention we are in a weak division

long live bavaria.

It is surprising considering I see soccers leagues all over the fucking place.

Leafs are boycotted in this thread. Fucking tariff bitch.

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(((They))) took out rough play to protect their 100 million dollar stars. Original soccer where you can full charge clobber an opponent to get the ball and slid tackling is legal is real soccer. A few refs and some lower tier clubs still allow rough play. It tends to fuck players up though so the big money crowd pussified the rules to protect their investments.

It's an inevitability you'll eventually find yourselves a place on the world stage. It's definitely a shame the USA isn't taking part this year that's for sure.

The fact that the USA didn't want to listen to Klensmen, about recruiting from the poor class instead of the rich class, suggests to me that (((somebody))) has ordered the USA to suck at soccer. Also, the USA needs to work on team building and proper use of formation before it has a right to cry about losing. You actually have to try to play the game before you can be upset at failure.

this. it's the poor nation's sport for a reason. similarly, basketball in nigger neighborhoods. you only need a ball, you eventually work your way up with shoes

Because eurocucks love it, not to mention it is the sport preferred by faggots, which also falls under the eurocuck territory.

It's not a heightist sport either- badass basketball players never make it because theyre not 6+ ft tall... same with football.

Soccer is more competitive in respect to lack of height discrimination... larger pool of players competing

Running. Hence why marathons are dominated by Africans with bare feet

maybe today

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