Why is it called transphobia etc?

Why is it called transphobia etc?
"phobia" implies that i am scared or something

I am not fucking scared of trans people
I just think they are human garbage and shouldn't exist.

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because faggots only understand submissive emotions.

On that note, why is it called "anti-semitism" and not semitophobia?

Who could be behind such linguistic trickery?

Drag queens are beautiful.

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i wonder if Jow Forums had a problem with black ppl being tranies

i mean they will most likely not reproduce than and also tranies have high sucide rates

Islamophobia is the same thing. They want to >>>imply

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Best part is all the people Israelis love to murder are semitic people as well. Israelis are antI semitic by definition.

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Me too, I'm gay, but I think we need a purge of LGBT shit

good point user

It's called phobia to belittle your opinion and discard it as irrational and weak It's the same with xenophobia etc.

A phobia is also an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational about not wanting these """""people""""" to teach your kids that it's okay to have themselves mutilated and become another suicide statistic.

Is that barak obama??

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I'm fucking tired of leftists trying to force everyone to celebrate mental illness. If you're a tranny, you're a fucking freak of nature... get help.

That's a good point, because all the stormfags on this bitch are fucking terrified of the Jew.

the suffix you are looking for is "misia"; it means "disgusted by."
transmisia--disgusted by transsexuals
homomisia--disgusted by homosexuals
islamisia--disgusted by muslims


That's the point user

Phobic as a suffix really just means "adverse to".

E.g. plant leaves are frequently "hydrophobic" even if the plant is not capable of feeling fear and simply functions better by not mixing with water. Same thing with society not mixing with gays.

I think we need a purge of non-straight people

Pretty much. It's out of hand.

Phobia only implies an aversion to something, not a fear of it