Name 5 countries that will dissapear in the future

Name 5 countries that will dissapear in the future.

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Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and Lithuania.

Sweden, Germany, Britain, Saudi-Arabia(China destroys them for the Oil) and Australia

Countries don't disappear, their cultures do

>not including the land of the mutt


Shut your motherfucking whoremouth.

We got shale and an Ocean. Your county is FINISHED!

Just pick 5 white ones. ezpz

Putin thinks of you guys as nothing but a runaway Oblast of loving Mother Russia.

Don't get me wrong, I think Finland will put up an amazing fight, but in the end, the Russian flag will fly over Eduskuntatalo within a month of the invasion.

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>North Korea

>amazing fight
don't give him false hope, user, that's just cruel.

If it stays non-nuclear, Finland has the advantage except in numbers of conscripts to put into the fight.

1. EU
2. EU
3. EU
4. EU
5. EU
Fuck yourself, Eurocuck.

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all of them
nothing lasts forever

1 israel
2 israel
3 israel
4 israel
5 israel

>took 16 posts to get to israel
We're making progress here boys

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EU, USA, Israel, China, Russia

All of them. WW3 will be nuclear.

Depends what you mean.
Some "countries" may remain as separate administrative jurisdictions. In this sense not many. Perhaps Korean reunification some time in the next 30 years. Possible dislocation of Lebanon and perhaps a final solution to the Western Sahara question. Both north and south Sudan as well as Somalia.
If you mean ethnic/racial/cultural forms, many countries are at risk.

Every country will disappear in the future.
You should have specified a time limit, such as "in the next 200 years".

Turkey Azerbaijan Iraq Syria and UK

Don't even try it faggot.

Albania, Albania, Albania, Albania and Albania. So Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Slovenia will finally get along and stop hating each other.

I fuckin hate Australians.

Honestly, only Polan and Finlan could give the Ruskie any resistance (barring NATO).

Can you fucking read you homeless retard?

Palestine, Yemen, and Lebanon, unfortunately.
The United States, unironically.
Ukraine, fortunately.

Canada (balkanization)
USA (balkanization)
Israel (people eventually get sick of jews)
Yemen (conquest)
Kosovo (conquest)

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Wow I was typing this when I saw your post

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Since you didn't provide the exact time frame, choose any five countries or nations. They'll all come to a pass.


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- Estonia
- Lithuania
- Mainland China ("P.R.C.")
- UAE (the Emirates)
- EU (not a country, but they think they are one)



Good choice, krautfren. That's what we all hope for. Bring back the DM. 1 DM = 80 Rappen. 4 FF = 1 SFr.

1. Memedonia/FYROM/North Macedonia

2. Montenegro

3. Kosovo

4. Bosnia and Herzegovina

5. Belarus

6. Slovenia

Spain, France, and take your pick of the baltic countries.

I am sorry, Armeniabro, but....

Army or not, you must realise you are DOOMED

1. Canada
2. Canada
3. Canada
4. Canada
5. Canada

A man can dream

based moshe

America (It will dissapear as a unified entity and instead turn into a number of separate states that will range from 0-50% white)

Saudi Arabia (It will collapse once the oil runs out, remember that the country is only 100 years old and was created through conquest)


North Korea and South Korea (Unification)

brazil will become a racial wasteland
idk about the 5th

Belgium Luxembourg Bangladesh one of the Koreas and finally Mongolia

you know you'll be an irrelevant africa tier shithole until you collapse and everyone in the world will just forget about you after 5 mins right? this is the price you pay for messing with us agopyan. don't hate us, hate your treacherous ancestors

I expect a decent and respectful reply or I'm gonna rub my dick on your holy mountain next time I travel east

>balkanizaiton in north america

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Finland and Sweden would be gone through conventional means in less than two weaks.

If they tried resisting alone.

Russian missile forces are the largest in the world.

Even the smallest Russian ocean-going vessels are incredibly potent ground attack platforms.

Forget about Bolshevik infantry columns, Finnish ski troups.
They are as anachronistic as Napoleonic and Civil War tactics were for WW1 and WW2.

Why I like them


United states


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>Reddit filename

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look Simo, there's something I want you to consider
There are more Irish people in America than there are in Ireland, you Finns can do the same thing they did and you won't even have to be second class citizens like they were

America (Because of demographics)
Saudi Arabia


Most Irish Americans have multiple European ethnicities in them. The rest are mutts like pic related.

I wouldn't mind this at all, moving to Russia soon anyways.

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They're divided and falling apart, even Trump can't save this society, not in maximum the 8 years he'll be in office.
They always disappear, their existence is a temporary fluke.
Russia might take it.
China will take it.
One of them will be wiped out by the other and it's allies, I'm not sure which it is yet, but probably Palestine.

EU, Commonwealth, Vatican city, City of London, Washington DC, United Nations

RAREEEEEEE! Armobro just so you know Jow Forums loves you. Non cucked country

> Taiwan
> UK
> South Africa
> Ukraine
> Brazil

Great Britain

haha more like
failland amirite

They were cucked pretty hard by Turkey tbqh.

If the water level rises we could literally dissapear lmao.

Why would Brazil disappear?

all will burn

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I'd rather die than move to us


Russia's industrial capacity is below the light red European countries put together. How much of a deluded brainlet can you be, really ?

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Someone who thinks FFS!

Bosnia & Herzegovina
Central African Republic

Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Canada

I forgot to make up my analysis before remembering this index

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we're balkanizing too


SEETHING TURK. what treacherous ancestors? random peasants were loyal to the ottoman empire and were killed for no reason.

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North American Union
South America
African Union,

Everything will turn into one big governmental union, the New World Order. Those countries to be will only become sections, provinces to be governed

A dream. Only retarded extremist plebs who made nothing of themselves could oppose it.

NATO and the EU have the fate of the rest of history in our hands. But no, we gotta be pussies and break down in front of Russian/Chinese active measures and propaganda.

unsourced quote

Your country is hereby renamed Snomalia

sure, throwing all cultures together and blending it with a mixture of Arabian and African elements will preserve our culture. No need for your own country, just merge into a super union

Sheit is going down here mate, the country went from a semi coup, through the military intervention on rio to complete paralization for a couple of weeks
this year wel'll have the presidential election of the ages, we're asking for our guns back, traditionalism is crashing with faggotry
we either balkanize, turn nationalistic and crush brasilia or civil war
but what i really want is to see the Crown restored but since we cant have that id settle for the second best, balkanization
let the north rot and competition between the southeast and the south will boost economy

I want the eventual eradication of all culture, but first the Christian West must dominate all there is.

The real answer is some random five pacific island literally where countries

It’s already 50 states fucker. Do any of you losers get that?


>North Korea

>inb4 "why did you list turkey twice?"

Nah, Albania will be the Heart of Europe

Yeah, its good to dream right? We in the south will eventually became a next gen US, having waves of new Mexicans( people from the north of former BR) and we will eventually collapse

closed borders i guess...
but fucking mercosul would mean open borders
wat do?
i think that legalizing gambling in the northeastern coast would improve things a little

>mfw people putting in Syria, Yemen, Ukraine or Palestine
Guys, the situation in Syria is stabilizing, and it will stabilize. Syria will not collapse so long as there's Assad and so long as he has Russia's backing. And an assassination seems highly unlikely.
Yemen is also stabilizing. Sure the government is in tatters and their economy is pretty much dead, they will suffer for decades to come, but their neighbours (mainly the saudis) will continue to prop them up, even if it's just some puppet state.
Ukraine will not stop existing. Russia might take chunks of it, maybe even some other country. Or some parts may break off to form independent states. But the core of the country will remain as a country. And it is highly unlikely they would switch names and become a different country. And stop having wet dreams about Russia annexing them, they already got most of what they wanted out of Ukraine. And eradicating a country from existence would lead to a HUGE backlash internationally.
Palestine will also not stop existing. It will likely continue to get pushed out of its territory and get taken by the jews. But the state of Palestine will continue to exist even if it holds no territory and has no living inhabitants. That's because the jews will NEVER admit to eradicating/conquering another country. Their identity is being perpetual victims. And the USA will continue to back their claims that the Palestine is still alive and well, even if it becomes a fallout-tier wasteland.

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Finnbro got it right.

>but first the Christian West must dominate all there is
Then why are you and your kind out to destroy the Christian West?

Saudi Arabia