Is this the correct order?

Is this the correct order?
The lowest are on the bottom of course.

Attached: sorted.png (1200x779, 996K)

nailed it

Attached: 1529026177198.jpg (630x447, 133K)

Lowest = Dumbest?

Kikes aren't stupid, they are just cancer. And if this is a measure of toxicity, then nogs can't be on there because animals aren't really able to be toxic.

Daniel carver was funny

Pretty good, exept I’d move gays to the top of the list since they aren’t a threat to our genepool

I'd put chinks along with kikes and gays up to the top since they don't breed. Otherwise this is fine.

I like mexican is on here instead of wetback or beaner or something

The German fears the Eskimo!!

yeah I found this while watching some best ofs. funny shit.

Correct order

Attached: 1506739486893m.jpg (1024x490, 67K)

Spotted the guy with the fishhead gf

Azns are objectively just the lesser of a handful of evils. I've never even met an Eskimo tbf.

>being white is racism

fixed it for you

Attached: tof.png (778x990, 1.2M)

Attached: I like.jpg (641x767, 90K)

Eskimos are always the highest on this list. They stay the fuck away from whites in remote ass areas.

>putting 'mexicans' instead of 'spics'

what a missed opportunity :(

Eskimos basically just want to live their traditional life and get fat off seals. They can't any more and it sucks, they're decent as far as natives go.

i am pretty sure Mexican is not a race

Reeee! Zimmerman isn't white and Trayvon was beating the shit out of him against the pavement. Another second and it Trayvon would have been a murderer. At what point during an attack are we allow4ed to defend ourselves? do niggers seriously think they deserve the right to snoop around our neighborhoods for gangs to plan robberies and if confronted they should be allowed to murder the neighborhood watch in those communities? Niggers can go to hell. What they want is the Congo it sounds like, so why don't they get the fuck out of our countries?


I wish there was a high res shot of this. Such a great pic to post with no contexts, especially with that nazi just sitting in the back.