User, have you taken the Kefirpill?

>Kefir is a fermented milk beverage produced by the action of bacteria and yeasts that exist in symbiotic association in kefir grains. The artisanal production of the kefir is based on the tradition of the peoples of ***Caucasus***, which has spread to other parts of the world, from the late 19th century, and nowadays integrates its nutritional and therapeutic indications to the everyday food choices of several populations. The large number of microorganisms present in kefir and their microbial interactions, the possible bioactive compounds resulting of microbial metabolism, and the benefits associated with the use this beverage confers kefir the status of a natural probiotic, designated as the 21th century yoghurt. Several studies have shown that kefir and its constituents have antimicrobial, antitumor, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory activity and also improve lactose digestion, among others. This review includes data on the technological aspects, the main beneficial effects on human health of kefir and its microbiological composition. Generally, kefir grains contain a relatively stable and specific microbiota enclosed in a matrix of polysaccharides and proteins. Microbial interactions in kefir are complex due to the composition of kefir grains, which seems to differ among different studies, although some predominant Lactobacillus species are always present. Besides, the specific populations of individual grains seem to contribute to the particular sensory characteristics present in fermented beverages. This review also includes new electron microscopy data on the distribution of microorganisms within different Brazilian kefir grains, which showed a relative change in its distribution according to grain origin.

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Kefir and Kombucha, yes.

If your wife doesn't know how to make this to keep you and your offspring healthy, it's time to upgrade.

Do you buy at the store or make your own?

There is zero excuse to buying at $3-$4 each when you can make it for pennies and be in total control of the process.

I make my own

what a meme
none of those claims are true, their just faking shit to keep their funding

kefir, wheatgrass juice, and food grade h202

Check it out brothers. Three relatively easy ways to help out your bodies and live a long life.

If you are going to eat dairy this would be a good way to do it.

> Thinks Monster Energy drinks and Doritos will keep him healthy.

Yeah, keep thinking natural pro and prebiotics are bad for you.

>wheatgrass juice
Kind of a pain. Have to get some trays, some soil, some wheat berries. Grow it yourself, food processor, strain it. But once you have all the tools it's not a ton of time every day. You can plant the next batch and juice yourself a couple fistfulls while you make dinner, pretty easily.

You don't even have to do dairy kefir. You can make water kefir.

>food grade h202
It's like $30 for a two years supply. Can order online. This stuff can be dangerous, so, DO YOUR RESEARCH, but once you know what you're doing and have the stuff in the fridge, you just put a few drops in water and drink it. Stuff tastes like hell but is good and easy

didnt say
>Energy drinks and Doritos
didnt mention
gr8 job m80, contact the guys that authored the paper and ask the for a job cause you're good at making shit up

Add in broccoli sprouts and you're on your way.

I eat my Activia everyday. And I swear by it. I take gigantic dumps on the reg

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My brother used to make Kombucha and it was a pain in the ass to keep him company while he was doing it.

Water kefir is much, much easier.

Buy you some kefir grains, user.

Do a week of kefir, kombucha, and heavy salads and you will notice how much better your shits are.

How do you keep them from spoiling?. Sometimes I'll want to go weeks without making some. They always seem to go bad in the fridge

>literally 0 evidence that probiotics do anything at all in healthy people without small bowel diseases

All those faggot hipster names for trendy overhyped ethnic kike-forced trinket foods.

What kind of sandnigger trickery is this

Please don’t reproduce.

>just drinking and reading about goat milk kefir
>this thread pops up
Quit fucking with my head.

how to produce the starter seed?

Yeah, all of the articles on pudmed about probiotics are total bullshit.

>we know everything

I don’t think kefir grains can be started without an original colony

i settled for kimchi, i can put it on hamburgers and its tasty as fuck.

That´s synchronicity, just go with what it tells you. And enjoy your keffir, user.

I started megadosing probiotics recently, hundreds of billions a day from various sources including Kefir, and my quality of life has massively improved. My life has been inexplicably terrible since my appendix was removed 15 years ago and I think I've finally found the solution after who knows how many attempts. Even my eyesight is better.

What does the hydrogen peroxide do for you?

I've been brewing my own kombucha for about a month now. Tried kefir for the first time a couple days ago (plain, Aldi brand) and it tasted pretty awful. How would I make the stuff more enjoyable?

>21th century yogurt

try again sweaty

>tasted pretty awful
It should just taste like yoghurt. Maybe a little more sour, but not unpleasant.

yes. Keffir has much more probiotics, lactobacillus, benefical yeasts than any other commercial product. It's free. It's eggscellent and it's natural. I've only tried the milk kefir.

i drink it every day. I feel good most of the time.

do not let it ferment so much. One day is enough. Or you can add some sugar. No probs.

I think Sauerkraut has the most.

If you don't like the plain shit try the flavoured stuff or use it in smoothies

flavoured kefir is for pussies. Might as well flavor your steak.


I have taken the kafir pill

i haven't made kefir but i usually make a big batch of sauerkraut every 6 months

there was a study once that found out that most people have ruined their taste buds cos everything is artificial and flavored nowadays. Most people don't even know what raw food tastes like. If you really want to be a connoisseur of the foods you must retrain your taste buds and eat vegetables by themselves... raw... same goes for fruit and meat. Not a lot of people know what an unflavored steak tastes like. Or shrimp or fish. It's kind of sad because they never truly experience the true nature and flavor of most foods.

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Kek, we Slavs drink it daily.

does kefir have estrogen in it like milk?

I've heard that in just a year of daily sugar intake you completely fuck your taste buds with no going back. Now think about the average american who DRINKS a pound of sugar DAILY.
>you will never taste a carrot

I don't use a refrigerator, so fermentation in general is a great boon to me.

Sourdough bread was my first big staple involving that, which if you use whole wheat or oat flour, amazingly healthy and incredibly cheap.

Kefir was the next one. Where I'm at, a gallon of milk is $1 at walmart. About half of its volume separates into curds. From this, I'm able to make:
Cream Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Hard Cheese

I haven't experimented with much else but it's incredibly versatile and produces a lot of extra vitamins. Most importantly, though: it's very cheap. I waste nothing, eventually turning anything left-over into hard cheese.

The only catch is you need to not be retarded, which excludes most people here by default.

I drink goat milk kefir and breast milk everyday. goat milk is superior to cow milk, more easily digestible, none of that a1 casein which is linked to cancer. make a smoothie with fresh fruit if you don't like the taste.

have you taken the breast milk pill?

it's sad, really. People who say food tastes bland usually mean... this does not have enough salt or sugar in it. One you go back to eating "bland" you won't believe how oversalted and oversweetened everything tastes.

>Putting kefir in the fridge
What the fuck, user

Put milk kefir in a cup of milk and just leave it, it'll be fine for weeks like that. If you go too long (more than a month) it'll start to taste different, so it won't return to its better taste after a few batches, but it's still very much functional and alive.

For water kefir, just put it in some sugar water or whatever, same principle.

It's going to taste dank as fuck if you leave it weeks.

Yeap: kefir, full corn bread slides dipped in olive oil, tomatoes sliced into parts & a banana what I'm eating atm.
But I'm curious to know how does pol find most of the general grocery store kefirs that have sugar in it (like 3,5g per 100g portion)?
Is it proper kefir? What are protein & sugar rations of a proper kefir?

sourdough is cooked so i'm guessing all the probiotics are dead. It still tastes good though

If you live in UK every Polish shop has cheap good quality kefir.
I had to laugh when I saw a 100mg bottle of kefir for 3 pounds in Boots.

The taste depends on how long it takes to ferment, which depends on how many kefir grains you use.

If you don't use enough grains, it'll be sour by the time it ferments to the right consistency, so it'll taste gross. Not much downside to using "too many", just the fact that it'll ferment way too quickly.

Rule of thumb is to use enough that it's at the right taste and consistency at 24 hrs, which will take some adjustment over time. If you make some bad batches, turn them into hard cheese (strain curds in cheesecloth, put weight on them until all whey is gone, let them sit out covered in salt for a week, will keep forever)

>giant fucking stones being pissed out
yeah nah, shitcunt. enjoy your fucking pain

I'm not part of the anti-sugar team. If you prepare something that is too sour you will stop eating it (worst scenario). So, add a little of something extra and let it do its job.

You don't drink the milk it's been sitting in you dunce, you only put it in milk to keep it alive.

If you mean that leaving it will affect the taste, then yeah. I even said that
>If you go too long (more than a month) it'll start to taste different, so it won't return to its better taste after a few batches
But that's temporary, for like if you need to go on a trip or something.

I've ordered equipment to start making it.

Yeah, but the vitamins they produce aren't destroyed, and most importantly: the glycemic index goes down because the yeast eats starch, so it's better for you all around.

Is that Aldi Kefir even proper kefir as you don't need to prepare it further?

You don’t eat those. You remove and rinse for your next batch

You took the first step to changing your life.

Ironically eating three probiotic pills a day has had more effect than ten years of effort already.

Kefir is just yogurt from a different bacteria. There are lots of other "yogurts" and other than tasting good if you're eastern european ( aquired taste...) they don't do anything. Stop being retarded

There are diffferent strains of bacteria depending on if you are doing water or dairy kefir. The grains for each are different.

yeah grandpas hard on it tho

This -ANons?

>breast milk

Are you serious?

Where do you get the supply? Cant be prego for ever...