Are there feminine males that are pol approved?

I’m not talking about man children, or onions boys. Is there a type of feminine male that is acceptable? What about sensitive, quiet guys as long as they are stoic and not spastic?

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Onion boys is a onions boy typo... odd


being quiet is not a weakness.
I don't say much I just listen.

Being quiet does not make one feminine. It means one listens and thinks about what they are going to say. It shows control over emotions, a more masculine trait.
Quiet and stoic is fine, but sensitive is a gray area. As long as they aren't controlled by emotion, it is acceptable.

Anyone can talk, just listen and people will tell you their whole life after 10 minutes of knowing you.

Precisely. It is a very useful trait.

Is that Millennial Woes?

I do crossplay ama

Why are you a degenerate who can't dress properly?

you mean fags

Pics. Now.

I knew a cute twink who was pretty right wing. I've seen a lot on twitter too.

But, none I've met in real life sadly.

>No cute conservative twink to to take to go shooting with

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I think I mean more shy

whats an onion boy?

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"As God created man and woman, so too he fashioned the hero and the poet. THe poet cannot do what the other does,
he can only admire, love and rejoice in the hero. Yet he too is happy, and not less so, for the hero is as it were
his better nature, with which he is in love rejoicing in the fact that this after all is not himself, that his love
can be admiration...
If he thus remains true to his love... he has completed his work, then he is gathered to the hero, who has loved him
just as faithfully, for the poet is as it were the hero's better nature, powerless it may be as a memory is, but also
transfigured as a memory is. Hence noone shall be forgotten who was grreat, and though time tarries long, though a
cloud of misunderstanding takes the hero away, his lover comes nevertheless, the longer the time that has passed,
the more faithfully will he cling to him. "

There are a class of men who exist outside the masculine hierarchy most compete in. These men form an important role as
the shamans and artists of society, specifically because they are in touch with the feminine and chaotic forces of the subconscious.

I should say that most people carry both the hero and poet inside themselves, and both can be cultivated in ways that compliment each other, but that in my experience as a musician, the flourishing of the one often comes at the expense of the other. As I become more of a man out of a desire to be a good boyfriend and functioning adult, I lose touch with the poet that
once dominated me.

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Where in America have you ever come across quiet, stoic women OP?

It auto changes to onion when I type s o y

Growing up I was quiet and people always made fun of me because apparently being loud and obnoxious is normal

qt nazi traps are ok

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This is me. Is there anyway to be both a poet and a good boyfriend and functioning adult?

This is true

bronze aged pervert

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