Is Stephen Miller /ourjew/?
Is Stephen Miller /ourjew/?
the creation of nazi jews is by far the funniest and lamest thing the left has done
someone needs to shame april for suggesting jews look like goebbels
Roy Cohn's ghost inhabits his vessel
the resistance thing is so fucking cringe holy shit
so funny and so lame, that it just might work!
He really does look like Goebbels.
stephen miller is Trump's handler
>the creation of nazi jews is by far the funniest and lamest thing the left has done
Um no sweetie. The left did not create nazis jews - the jews created the nazis.
tfw compared to Miller
Why did they pick Goebbels over Eichmann?
He's obviously the reincarnation of Cohn
Yes. Now stop asking.
because he likes white christmas
>nazi accusations
>against a jew
Holy fuck the Left is rudderless.
Ashkenazi = Ash Can Nazi
Nazi Jews are just Jews with self-knowledge.
damn Taub lost weight
Nazi Jews existed in Nazi Germany though.
I remember how during the campaign he'd always speak first at Trump rallies to get the crowd fired up before Trump walked on stage. The way he speaks and uses gestures looked straight out of the Nazi era. And that's a good thing/
Betar is the Hitler Jewth
fuck off and die mohamed
>Obama fills government with useless "Czar" positions
>mfw Trump makes Miller the "Deportation Czar"
I'll be actually looking forward to this...
He's totally based yes
>"Deportation Czar"
How do we meme this?
>mfw Trump makes Putin Russian Czar
why are you faggots pretending you're Jow Forums
what's even the point
The unhinged Trump haters still haven't decided what Trump is:
Anti semit
Israel puppet
Jew supporter
How can one jew be this based?
He's secretly still friends with Richy Spencer.
..and based af. Damn that kike is impressive.
pic related is /ourjew/
ask-a-nazi jews
wtf he is an utter boss
nice try rabbi, shouldnt you be fucking your sister somewhere like the inbred kike you are?
He's always been /ourjew/
How much do you want to bet he's the "Senior White House official" cited in this article.
The left really is flaming out. I'll tell my grandchildren what it was like to live through this, to watch so much belief, so much confidence in one's rectitude, get exhausted. The Russia Narrative/the Resistance is the legacy media's swan song. It will be studied long after all the journos are YouTubers and bloggers.
the kikes are really over playing the holocaust card.
he is the Noble Jew and will be spared
who was the professor that groomed Spencer and Miller to be this way? the same one that coined alternative right?
>Jow Forums has a boner for redpiller miller for 3 years
>only now they are catching up
goebbels was based, and probably a quarter jewish
Thanks for posting this one, was digging through my folder and couldnt find
Next time I make a public speech Im gonna do the finger wag
Post Miller gif Shut their lying mouths
I like other better
Gtfo my board commie faggots.
Slavboo fucks.
Its called SS-Obergruppenführer.
Roman Salute?
Ah just saw other post.
Yeah same here user.