Why are corporations people in the US?

I’ve just realized how absolutely Jewish this is

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fire up the ovens

Because they have the most money and that's how you determine a person's value

Corporations should not be entitled to free speech.

That woman wants to be plowed

should they be allowed to make political campaign contributions? they are people after all

how the fuck are her legs backwards.

they're not

Corporate stock buybacks are booming, thanks to the Republican tax cuts

that's just some shit that the Republican Trump billionaire globalist elites made up to fool right wing retards who don't know any better

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The banking industry is poised to save $30 billion this year, thanks to tax cuts

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Good fucking slut.

Also in Italy. Enterprises are Judicial People

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Federal budget deficit climbs 66% in May

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To avoid brainlets from understanding that you shouldn't attack the company, you should attack the literal people who make these decisions and make their life a living hell. At most when you attack a company its a headache for a PR team while nothing at all changes for the execs making these decisions. I guarantee if you make the execs life a living hell you'll get results. But don't worry, everyone will continue to attack companies instead and never really change anything. Anyone smart enough to know to attack the person is smart enough to have too much to lose to do something like that.

Corporations shouldn't be able to do shit but offer their product or service. That's it!

It was a brilliant trick that the billionaire globalist elites used their pawn Trump to fool the rural and suburban retards into giving the elites the biggest tax cuts in history.

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Cool. I should be able to take out a mortgage and get a good rate on financial services.

Its an association of people. Twas that way back when they were first reall invented and codifyed into law by the dutch as limited liability joint stock investment companies. The word corporation literally has its root in the word corporal, or relating to the human body or in the flesh.

>corporations already making billions in profits, will surely reduce their prices if we just give them another tax cut

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Is that the teacher that farted in the kids mouth?

Better late than never. Even Adam smith shit on corporations, in the Wealth of Nations.

>Why are corporations people in the US?
They can talk about privilege.

They can talk about power.

Yet there's one group of people that, mysteriously, is FORBIDDEN to discuss.

Did you know that there are just 20 million jews MAX worldwide, less than 0.1% of the world population?


7 million in the US. 7 million in Israel. The balance scattered elsewhere.

Yet jews write the West's laws, mandate holocaust indoctrination, jail people for questioning it, utterly dominate its media, financial institutions and education system etc. etc. and utterly dictate the West's foreign policies.

And we always have a dozen pro-jew threads going on here at any given time.

Weird, huh?

For comparison: Christianity = 2 billion, Islam = 1.5 billion, Hinduism = 1 billion etc.

Just a coincidence, I guess.
>The Jewish people may account for less than 0.1% of the world's population, but among the billionaires around the globe, 165 or 11.6% of them are Jews, and their joint wealth has reached the incredible amount of $912 billion, according to Forbes Israel. Out of the 50 richest people in the world, about a quarter or 25% are jewish.

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trump gave them all giant tax cuts

really makes u think

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She looks crazy, stay the fuck away from her.

Record Buybacks Put Shareholder Payouts on Pace for $1 Trillion


Trump’s tax cuts, budget spending bill to raise deficit to $1 trillion by 2019: Analysis

really makes you think

based rural and suburban retard leaf

Is there anymore photos of op

The problem stems from the fact that corporations are taxes, and the system is based upon the principle of 'no taxation without representation.' If you want to tax a corporation, you also have to allow them to campaign for their interests just like the other entities you tax.

Doesn't mean I like it, of course.

What kind of idiots lurk here?

Spic lawyer here

I wouldn't know how it is stated in the US (aside from being almost the same but with different names), but in Mexico there are physical persons and moral persons

An association of people in pursue of an specific goal
You and me

Each one of them has specific attributes

Physical people
>Capacity: joy and exercise
>Martial status

Moral people
>Capacity: joy and exercise
>Social reason

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doesn’t answer my question at all, spic

>It was a brilliant trick that the billionaire globalist elites used their pawn Trump
Try Nixon, and he wasn't tricked, he was just a corrupt shit-sucking traitor like every president from LBJ on.

It should, the "people" status emerged as the gov's necessity to make corporations and businesses follow the law, you have to consider them people so you can actually demand, defend and make them pay for any illicit actions they carry on

If a corporation makes fraud on you, for example, you'll need to demand someone so you can make it pay, that someone is the group of people that run the corporation, business, institution, etc. the "moral" person

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And it is not only in the US, it is like that around the whole world, and it has been like that for thousands of years, stop being a redneck sub-urban animal and start traveling or something

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Me: why is x like this in America?

>beaner intellectual: well idk about the US but here in cartel land x is like that because y

really fucking makes me think

to dilute responsibility and save money

So corporations can conduct business.
Why do you need corporations to conduct business? So investors can pool their resources and also limit liability.
There's more to it but that'll cover the starting point.

>more Mexican intellectuals

is today a holiday?

I do not know the nomenclature you retarded crap but I do know how it works and why it should work like that and I just explained to you exactly what you asked, can't wait for the reconquista so we can kill all of you degenerate prots

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They count as persons because they have separate legal personality. They have separate legal personality largely because investment would be significantly curtailed if liability was infinite for shareholders in a corporation. That is, with separate legal personality, absent "piercing the veil" in exceptional circumstances, shareholders are only liable up to the amount they have invested in the corporation. If it were not a separate entity, then if you invested $5 in Walmart and someone sued Walmart for $5,000,000 you would owe them the entire $5,000,000.

There are definitely some retarded parts of American corporate law but separate legal personhood is 100% not the problem. The real problem is the profit directive derived from Ford v Dodge Bros, but I forget what Americans call it - tl;dr short term profit is the only legitimate consideration for Directors/Officers.

what in the fuck is going on in that pic?

How do we fix white women, Jow Forums?

Ford v Dodge is pretty much ignored.

It's still evident in every American case I've read, but admittedly I'm not called in fucking Delaware or something. The court generally considers other factors but uses the profit motive as a starting point.

I could be wrong though. I rarely end up reading U.S. law unless it's Texan and relates to oil and gas. Texan contracts look fucking weird btw

Corporations are made up of people, people make mistakes and as such thats how giant companies try to defend against minor mistakes and giving away money anytime someone feels wronged by a faulty product or "poor" customer service. While this protects the poor wage slave just trying to make money because any lawsuit goes against the company as a whole, it also says corporations aren't foolproof and any faults are because they're humans and shouldn't be sued.

Oh shit corporations are controlling the nunber of their available stocks. Almost like its a common strategy or something

Ford vs. Dodge is taught in Corporations as a relic of the old, pre-war days. Shareholders have vastly less control over the board today.

They already in most industries are charging rock bottom.

Thats the point of competition.

You cant get much cheaper than walmart retard.

They make marginal profits over their revenue

stock buybacks were illegal until reagan and virtually unheard of till a few years ago

this is a bastardization of capitalism u fucking corporate shill

why does every non-American insist on letting us no what irrelevant patch of land they hail from? I see it all the time in yt comments as well

>love from Ireland XD
>I’m from Switzerland and even I agree with this! XD
>the white guy was right and that’s coming from a native Zimbabwean XD

it’s like you think we care and I promise we don’t.

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why do u corporate shills think that walmart, which makes $13 billion a year in profits need more tax cuts

your entire ideology is giving massive tax cuts to billionaires and bankrupting your own country

how much does the walton family pay you?


>stock buybacks were illegal until reagan
what the fuck

Corporations are owned by people, mostly your 401K retirement.

Corporations are run by Jews and ignore their shareholders like Mark Zuckerberg does.

because of the amendment that made niggers people, good luck fixing that..

top 1% own more than half the stock market

this is how the rich get richer

u serve Soros

Even if this dumb nigger meme was accurate
I'd still rather have tax cuts for billionaires than mentally ill tranny faggots and mudslime imports having an influence on our culture

If they didn't own corporations they would own capital in other ways.

Funny, I also see "Luv from 'mercia" every time, your point is futile

or maybe they could pay american middle class plebs higher wages and they would be worth slightly less billions

this could work but Republicans are cucks who love to cuck themselves to give more money to the billionaires

Couldn't you say that corporations are made of people who pay taxes on their work (profit) and they do get representation ?

Whether they could or not, that's got nothing to do with the corporations.

Jeff bezos might be the most dangerous man in the world

no you don’t. if you’re going to cope, at least attempt to make some sense, paco

>ITT literally niggers


Corporations campaign for their interests all the time. What are you talking about.

lmao yes it does

the elites u serve suppress wages in order to put more money in their pockets

>the system is based upon the principle of 'no taxation without representation.'

Which, btw, was a fucking retarded concept to begin with.

Exactly, 100% of our lifespan should be spent building everything up. Prove me wrong.

Because if they don't let them donate money they'd have to shut down the union donations and then the left would be broke.

They're not literally people. They have the same rights as the people who own them.

They are considered juridical persons so as to limit the liability of shareholders and employees.

irrelevant to the discussion. Robots are owned by people, should they have all the rights of people? How about goldfish?

Actually they have more rights than people, which is why they are garbage.

"I hate too much to be objective and reasonable. Respect my opinion cuz I used the buzzwords."

ye I do

Not an argument, schlomo.

It's the Jewish influence that's the problem and Trump has been abysmally weak on the Jewish question

corp = corpse. it's a dead entity as are you the moment yo momma signed that birth/berth certificate which created a legal dead entity. a bond was issued on wall street on that cert which essentially made you a slave.

educate yourself about the law of the land, maritime & admiralty law. the ussa lost the republic in 1861...search the ussa is a corporation. every agency, every department, all the way down to your municipality has a DUNS number. i'm not gonna hold your hand, but i'll leave you much to absorb. get busy.


superior court judge in AK who's done yeoman's work exposing this.

listen to Frank O'Collins & Mary Elizabeth Croft on YT.
here's her book.

>the corporate entity is 'an institutional psychopath' and a 'psychopathic creature.

>The organizational psychopath craves a god-like feeling of power and control over other people. They prefer to work at the very highest levels of their organizations, allowing them to control the greatest number of people. Psychopaths who are political leaders, managers, and CEOs fall into this category.

>According to Dutton, the ten careers that have the highest proportion of psychopaths are: CEO/managers, Lawyers, politicians, Media (TV/radio), Salesperson, businessmen

because they want to have rights equal to humans though they are not capable of moral behavior.

why do you ask the question when you already know the answer?

Because its a good way to keep your weakth and assets safe from getting sued by faggots. Get smart.

oh look, its one of those "am i being detained" retards

You are supposed to invest in them you broke ass motherfucker

stay ignorant at your own peril nigger.

>When you end up getting both.

Corporations are literally groups of people and those people have rights that are protected.

That is all that this means, and trying to interpret it as "corporations have personhood" is a willfully moronic interpretation shared by people who have replaced thoughtfulness with mindless snark.

As long as we strip the rights from unions, non-profits, and other non-people as well, I’m all for it.

Becaude it has 500 billion in revenue and barely makes 2.5 percent of that in profit.

Thats what we call marginal profit you retarded obama leaf.

It makes it next to imppssible to upgrade ot incest for the future when you are making such low margins

Why do we care ?

A minority of people invwst in any major way; those with money to spare are udually in the top 10 to 20 percent and if they are good will exponentially gain wealtg from smart investments. Most millionares became so by investing and as a result yes a large chubk of the stock market is owned by arelatively few people

>Thats the point of competition.

Isn't that why taxes exist? To create incentive for companies to do better?

In what way ?

It seems left wing globalists are by far the ones going out of their way to suppress wages .

You are not entitled to 6 digit salaries because you have a business degree .

I wana perform a lot of sexual acts on this little whore.

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Wow an actual sovereign citizen nutjob on Jow Forums, quite rare. You guys are batshit insane btw love the videos where you guys get owned in court.

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>I’ve just realized how absolutely Jewish this is

Not only are corporations granted person hood, people are considered coprorations. They do this to get around the Constitution.

Rich people aren't entitled to everything they own just because they have it either. No one is entitled to anything.

You think predators in nature give a fuck the prey they eat worked hard to stay alive?

If you are stupid enough to hoard the majority of resources(money in our case) to the point where the majority of the population can't live in non slavery conditions don't be surprised when they turn against you and want to take your resources by force.

fmr, states are sovereign not people.

jhc you're stupid.