Can someone please redpill me on Jews? I try searching for “Evil Jew” on google but nothing comes up

Can someone please redpill me on Jews? I try searching for “Evil Jew” on google but nothing comes up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


First, we start with Sanhedrin 55b of the Babylonian Talmud.
>A maiden age 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition

Attached: Sanhedrin 55b - Eng.jpg (1620x2160, 952K)

Next, we move to Shabbath 137b of the Talmud

>Jews get circ'd
>Converts get circ'd
>Slaves get circ'd

There are many cut lads out there that aren't Jews or Converts...

Attached: Shabbath - 137b.jpg (3240x4320, 3.24M)

Moving on back to Sanhedrin 59a

>A heathen (gentile) who studies the Torah deserves death

Attached: Sanhedrin 59a - Eng.jpg (1620x2160, 914K)

I'm going to take a pause for questions before continuing.

Questions? Anyone?

The truest redpill is that Jow Forums got rejected by a hot Jewish woman with fantastic tits and is now perpetually butthurt and whining like a virginal faggot.

This user has also clearly failed to experience vaginal penetration.

Attached: Hot Jewish woman big tits.png (556x435, 196K)

kike detected

If there are no questions, I'll continue.

Sanhedrin 58b
>if a heathen smites a Jew he is worthy of death

Attached: Sanhedrin 58b - Eng.jpg (1620x2160, 935K)

and don't forget the 4 BILLION in Gittin 57b, these people are good with math and honesty.

I reckon that's a google problem you have there.

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>kike detected
Nah, just a white guy who has seen how mad incels get when rejected by Jewish women with truly fantastic tits. The levels of butthurt and whining are unbelievable. Haven't you seen it too?

Attached: Best Jewish tits.jpg (937x1171, 131K)

Oh boy, New excerpts to verify! I never heard that one before, thank you!

Sanhedrin 107b
>A particularly salty rabbi wrote such nasty things about Jesus they were censored in the English translation

Attached: Sanhedrin 107b - Eng - admitted censorship highlighted.jpg (1620x2160, 901K)

>(((white guy))) can't stop talking and posting about Jewish tits
Porn is a Jewish psyop, kike. We're into your tricks.

Sanhedrin 57a
>Jew steals from jew, item must be returned.
>Gentile steals from gentile, item must be returned.

Attached: Sanhedrin 57a - Eng - PART 1.jpg (1620x2160, 946K)

>gentile steals from a jew, item must be returned
>Jew steals from a gentile, item may be retained

Attached: Sanhedrin 57a - Eng - PART 2.jpg (1620x2160, 893K)

That's all for now, OP.
Your homework - Google "The Talmud".

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Their plans are older than your nation

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The same jews that enslaved blacks through slavery so they could steal their land like they stole the land from the native people to create Israhell.

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Please continue dear teacher.

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>Meme flag
Every fucking time. Hey kike, how's it feel when women of all races (even your own) reject you for hot as fuck tall white guys like me? When they start waving their hair around, wearing high heels to accentuate their ass for Gentiles?

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Being a mad, autistic permavirgin is the only psyops, user. Try channeling your experience of rejection into something constructive, like restoring old trains or volunteering at your local swimming pool.

Attached: Gorgeous Jewess.jpg (1080x961, 124K)

God bless you Talmud man! Godspeed, keep dropping red pills. Get a poster campaign of Talmud passages going: "Read Talmud"

This guy....searching "Evil Jew" using "Evil Jew"

Any other recommendations? And am I flagged now or something??

*Jewgle* is owned by them

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that belly makes me want to impregnate her

Here's the last few pages of the last dump I was banned for.

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Read some Kevin MacDonald or watch some of his interviews.

Attached: Kiddushin - Page 199.jpg (3240x4320, 3.25M)

Talmud dump thread

More like samefagging thread.

Attached: Kiddushin - Page 200.jpg (3240x4320, 3.51M)

Talmud is a discussion book that has no religious authority. Any Jew can go against the Talmud and it wouldn't be a sin.

GOOGLE George Soros

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>Talmud is a discussion book that has no religious authority
Good one.
>The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד talmūd "instruction, learning", from a root LMD "teach, study") is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and theology.[1][2][3] Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to "all Jewish thought and aspirations", serving also as "the guide for the daily life" of Jews.[4]

Attached: Kiddushin - Page 201.jpg (3240x4320, 3.56M)

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I dated a Jewish woman who was stunning, lived on the upper east side from her family's historic slave money. The thing was though, she wasn't white. No matter how hard she acted, no matter what European clothes she wore, no matter how she dyed her hair blonde, no matter how she wore colored contacts, and the venemous jealousy she felt at white women who could wake up in the morning effortlessly beautiful was the indicator of the Jew. She gave amazing blowjobs though. Jewish women are the best cocksuckers. That's usually how they nab us Aryan boys

But it's true? That's by definition what the Talmud is.
I don't know how better to define it.

Plus that rule that states a Jew's host country's laws are the same as their own laws.

Go fck yourself shlomo

>has no religious authority.
>is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and theology.
Pick one.

Yeah and a lot of rabbis also equate growing a full beard to eating kosher food.
But they're not the same.

Read Henry Ford’s book on the international jew

>a few strange rabbis believe something which is not widely held among Jews
>therefore the Talmud has no religious significance somehow, even though anyone on familiar with the subject, including the vast majority of religious Jews, would disagree
Your desperation is great m8.

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Spent. I need a new way of getting this out to people. I haven't taken any new scans since the ban, other than Shabbath at someone's request.

Attached: Kiddushin - Page 203.jpg (3240x4320, 3.38M)

>defending and/or justifying the Talmud

>a few strange rabbis believe something which is not widely held among Jews
>a few
>a few
Google "religious Jews" RIGHT NOW into Google and look at how many rabbis have full grown beards.
Yes, it's the exact same belief as the Talmud.

You're losing this argument hard, m8, but keep trying. I'm enjoying myself on a Sunday morning.

How does that kike office of yours look? Is there alot of disgusting big nose kikes breathing heavily beside you? How little are they paying you to spam women pics and defend Jews?

I'm stating that the Talmud is an important relgious text to Jews, dumbass.
You said "And a lot of rabbis also equate growing a full beard to eating kosher food", which is an completely unsupported claim. What is "a lot"? The majority? A minority? If so, what percentage of Jews believe in this?

It's not comparble to the importance of the Talmud.

>You're losing this argument hard, m8
Sure m8. ;^0
They are taught from birth that they are superior to non Jews, and non Jews were solely created for the Jews to use and exploit
They are also taught to always lie to and never tell non Jews the truth about what they believe/have been taught, which is smart because holocaust
Sorry for titposting only did it so maximum number of people see this video

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delete this

Goyim should not be reading Talmud. Fuck off to your new testament

>which is an completely unsupported claim
Like I said, take a random Google search. It's a huge number of rabbis.
And in fact, it's the same number of rabbis who actually READ THE TALMUD.
Only religious Jews read the Talmud. It's a boring, complicated book. So, I win.

Fun fact: Technically using electricity on the sabbath for Jews is not a sin.

> an important relgious text to Jews
Only hassidics Jews that are hated by secular Jews.

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My bad, carry on.

Keep squeaking, rat.

>Like I said, take a random Google search. It's a huge number of rabbis.
citation needed. "Google it" isn't an argument.

>Only religious Jews read the Talmud.
citation needed.

> Technically using electricity on the sabbath for Jews is not a sin
As long as you don't turn it on or off.

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kol ha'olam kulo, gesher tzar mehod
ve ha yekar lo lefached kval

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Even turning it on and off isn't technically a sin. It's just that to be on the safe side, they declared it shouldn't be done.

Right so watching videos of religious Jew gatherings, ALL with full grown beards, is not proof enough for you?
You're reaching hard here.

Oy vey! The goyim aren't supposed to know!

When are you guys going to realize that Jimmy the Jew from up the street loves America and hates blacks and latinos moving into his neighborhood just as much as you do?

I can feel the temptation to just call your enemies "jews" and call it a day, but the vast majority of Jews do not control the world, and if we simply kill the 10,000 or less that do as well as the whites who conspire alongside them, it would be a job completed.

לך תזדיין חזיר

>a few strange rabbis believe something which is not widely held among Jews
This isn't true, ALL Jews believe that they are superior to goyim and goyim should or one day will serve Jews.
Here's a simple test you can do if you don't think so. Ask a Jew if they are superior to non Jews, they will lie and say no. Ask them if they believe in god, they will say yes. Ask them if they believe that they are gods chosen people, they will answer yes. Ask them if non Jews should be treated the same as Jews by god, they will say no.
This is what they truely believe that they are superior to non Jews and we are here for their benefit

Well to read the Talmud you need to know Hebrew and aramean. It's a book that has to be read with at least another person since it is supposed to create debate. Typically it is read in yeshivas(religious schools).

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>agrees with vid showing a Jew
>a Jew who has a full grown beard
I am laffin.

Oh and by the way, only religious Jews read the Talmud. For one, it's not taught at Sunday school or anything.
Two, it's difficult to learn on your own. You need a proper teacher to go through it.

>Right so watching videos of religious Jew gatherings, ALL with full grown beards, is not proof enough for you?
You're the one that was trying to suggest it was a fringe belief, idiot. The bottom line is that the Talmud is a very important text to Judaism, almost as important if not as important than the Torah. You're simply ignorant if you ask otherwise, if you're a desperate shill, which is what I'm assuming you are.

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I never denied that many Jews grow beards you fucking stupid nigger.

>לך תזדיין חזיר
lecha dodi lecrat kala b'neh shabbat necabela

Attached: merkabah.jpg (400x383, 77K)

>Oh and by the way, only religious Jews read the Talmud. For one, it's not taught at Sunday school or anything.
SUNDAY SCHOOL? Fucking Sunday school? For Jews? hahahaha

Classic Aussie trolling here m8. Fuck off.

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No, my original argument was that claiming the Talmud is some holy text is the same as believing growing a beard is equal to kosher food. It's no sin to go against the Talmud either.

The Talmud IS an important part of religious Jewish culture, but it's still nothing more than a discussion book and should be taken at the same grain of salt as, say, growing a full beard. Many religious Jews see growing a full beard the same as keeping kosher.

Sunday school is the extent that most modern Jews learn about Judaism in the Western world. Where else do they learn it?

Growing beards is a mitzvah. If you want to pretend to be a rabbi you need to grow your hair and beard.

They don't all do that though you are right. There is more or less liberal people like everywhere else.

Real Jews use latin characters with Hebrew. Goyim don't actually know Hebrew they just use google translate. There is no way to translate latin transliterations of Hebrew. Pwned.

>Sunday school is the extent that most modern Jews learn about Judaism in the Western world. Where else do they learn it?
In a fucking Yeshiva, you idiot. Sunday isn't the Jewish holy day either. Sunday school is for Christians.

No, it's a sin to shave the sideburns, and it's also a sin to shave the hair off your face. You can use an electric razor because it doesn't technically shave it off your face.

Growing a full thick beard is anything but a mitzvah.

>most Jews go to Yeshiva

>most Jews go to Yeshiva
Never said that.

Your retarded claim was that the Talmud was a large part of Jewish culture or whatever.
I asked, how would most modern Jews even learn Talmud?
You answered, through Yeshiva.

You're a fucking idiot.

Your hubris is your weakness.

I said that it was just as important for religious Jews as the Torah. I never said that secular Jews attend Yeshiva.

See mitzvah n°252
Just because you don't do a mitzvah doesn't mean you are sinning.

So we're back to the religious Jews here? Cool.
So religious Jews (the same ones who read the Talmud) equate growing a full beard (which isn't a mitzvah) to keeping kosher.
These same religious Jews have a RULE that forces them to treat their host country's laws as their own laws.
They also have a law that prevents them from treating converts any differently.

Many hold the opinion that if you had the chance to do a mitzvah but didn't, it counts as a sin.

memeflag kike detected

Looks like Weev

>So we're back to the religious Jews here? Cool.
I never stated otherwise.

Even Hasidics don't seem to think so.

This early master of Chasidism said that when the verse refers to a person who "does one of them," it really means a person who observes a mitzvah, not one who violates it. He observed that:
When you commit a transgression and you know it, you feel your heart break inside you and you return to God in repentance. However, when you do a mitzvah and you glorify yourself in it, you think highly of yourself and fill yourself with pride over it. You say to yourself, "I have added to the riches of the Holy Blessed One."

Talmud is a comprehensive work of legal theory. It's not a spiritual work but a philosophical and legal work, much like the US Code. Consider it was first published before the concept of nations with formal legal codes was really formalized. Talmud is impressive and innovative as fuck. But it's not really spiritual or treated like the Torah or the Zohar. I think even ultra-Orthodox will agree that Torah and Zohar are more important to religion.

Barely any Jews today are religious budarinoo. And the ones that are are leeching neets if they are not rabbi for the most part

>it is not permissible to do so

It's incorrect to say that it has no religious authority, which is the claim I was responding to.

Eh, grey area. Tanya flirts with the idea that even if you THINK of doing a mitzvah but don't do it, it counts as a mitzvah.


So? Are you able to follow a conversation? I responded to this post:

Here, goys - just in case you run into any "real jews"

It has legal authority, that is Jewish law. It's basically the legal codes for the ancient state of Israel. Esp the Jerusalem edition. There is hundreds of pages just on shit like how to grow crops correctly. Rabbis are traditionally like the lawyer/judge/intellectual of a Jewish community which is why they have to be versed in Talmud just like a lawyer has to know the law books

Yes it has no religious authority. The bible has religious authority. It is a book made to stifle debate between readers, as to what is good and what is not, with the laws of the land and the laws of the Torah at hand.