Why are you guys Nationalists?

>Why are you guys Nationalists?
I'm a Racial Fascist, I am anti-egalitarian and anti-democracy but I think Nationalism is a thing of the past. It made sense when transportation was by horse and communication was by mail but with the rise of the internet we now are experiencing a shift to a more globalized culture where people in LA talk the same way as people in New York, you can go anywhere in the world in less than 12 hours. I understand wanting to be with your own kind and being apart of a traditional culture but we must ADAPT, that is the very key to survival. doesn't it make more sense to have multinational unions combining our recourses and labour in order to accomplish greater goals?

Or are we really stuck in a world of petty tribal rivalries over small land regions? Don't get me wrong I am a racist, I understand wanting to be around your own kind, I don't think the races should mix and I think there will end up being racial hierarchy but wouldn't a world government be more efficient?
>Isn't a united humanity better?

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>I'm a Racial Fascist,
So you're a Jew?

No, I'm a WASP

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No. You're JIDF. Can you just fuck off already? how depraved is your life? Seriously, tell me. What makes you shill on Jow Forums every day? Why? You only make people realize that the problem is the Jews. The Jews that try and keep everyone divided.

Wow, I remember being able to debate ideas here. What I'm proposing is nothing new. Tom Metzger former leader of the KKK "shills" for it, Franic Parker Yockey "shilled" for it, I'm just trying to figure out an alternative way forward.

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There's no need to have a single state, just create a white ethnostate and a bunch of ethno-vassals, while promoting nationalist ethos to make sure they don't merge.

Nationalism keeps the white race divided, our resources and labour divided, our goals divided.

I'm not saying "destroy the nations" but a White Racial union is a GOOD THING. I understand a swede doesn't want to live next to a Ukrainian and vice versa. All you need in that case is freedom of association. Eventually through technology we WILL blend aryans into a super culture, just like clans blended into NATIONS.

A racial caste will form with Niggers on the bottom, South Americans above them, then Chinks, then Aryans on top.

I'm just saying traditionalism is great but we need to ADAPT in order to achieve greater goals like colonizing space.

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Just because the Left proposes similar ideas doesn't make it automatically a bad thing. STOP BEING THAT FUCKING REACTIONARY.
Communism doesn't work. Equality is a lie. The races are different. But does than mean we have to confine ourselves to ways of governance from the fucking medieval times!?

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If your vision of the world is clinging only to the past dogmatically and not figuring out ways we can get off this fucking rock then FUUUUUUCK YOU

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If we mixed all whites into a single race/category, then we would essentially deprive them of their identity and cause them to display the associated nihilism, a problem that is something we have. It's the same reason we shouldn't mix whites and asians; its not that either one is inferior, nor the resulting breed being somehow defective. It just promotes identical nihilism.
>A racial caste will form with Niggers on the bottom, South Americans above them, then Chinks, then Aryans on top.
What the point of having a caste when you can have ethno-vassals? In their country they will be breeding with each other, doing their work and proud of what they are. If you try to integrate them as a thrall of a greater race, they will become unproductive, bitter and eventually become the negros we have today.

Nationalism is just now starting to take root. You thinks, it's over, but really, it's just begun. Italia turning nationalist and hopping on the populist bandwagon is a good thing and evidence of Nationalism's rebirth in Europe. The election of Trump in the US is further evidence.

Also, you seem like you put a lot of faith in technology, which is good; however flawed if taken to a fanatical level. However, to fuel a technocracy you need to have more brute production sectors, which would be perfect with ethno-vassals. They produce enough to fend themselves, keep a little more to display their sovereignty, then the rest is traded away for technology. A state with high-technology could keep all of it's neighbors in check by selling irreplaceable tech in exchange for the things needed to live and fuel progress.

>If we mixed all whites into a single race/category, then we would essentially deprive them of their identity

Identity is made up, you are your GENETICS. Scientifically we can group people by their differences within the "white race" and I don't want to get rid of those differences. I'm not trying to actively destroy nations, I'm saying they WILL be destroyed by communication, a larger culture will form and nationalism will become a thing of the past, so what do we replace it with? There will be subgroups within the white race (nords, meds, etc.) I'm not calling for a mixing but we will unite through a CULTURE.

>It's the same reason we shouldn't mix whites and asians.
Different races dude, an Asian and Aryan cannot produce the same culture because of their GENETICS.

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>Isn't a united humanity better?

No, a united people of similar history and heritage, that leave others to be unless provoked is better. You can't have a "united humanity" because the "we are all human" meme is bullshit. It's bullshit because of 1. In group preference and 2. Greed, which is human nature no matter of ''egalitarian" you try to be.


Yeah but that doesn't mean its a good thing. The EU would be amazing if it was FASCIST, not this weird neo-liberal jew shit that imports niggers.

I'm not opposed to people living within their nation and celebrating their culture I'm just saying that because of communication and travel it really will become a thing of the past in 50 years. That's not necessarily a bad thing if we create a greater culture that unites the white race. I am against this new JEWISH culture and globalization.

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>Identity is made up, you are your GENETICS.
You're not wrong, but you're not right. Identity is in many ways dictated by your genetics, but there are many factors above that attributed to conditioning. For one, a white will almost always have higher IQ than blacks, but the question of whether this white speaks English or Ebonics varies on conditioning.

Greed is just a symptom of Capitalism my friend, if your people have a common purpose towards greatness and achievement then there's simply no reason for Capitalism in that sense.

Germany already proved this.

No, a larger nation would just dominate the rest. This is the problem with nationalism.
If you look at the history of the world it is a series of states getting BIGGER and BIGGER, eventually we will live in a One World Government, we NEED to secure one that is not dominated by JEWS.

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>Different races dude, an Asian and Aryan cannot produce the same culture because of their GENETICS.
You're pretty stupid if you believe this the way I think you do, your culture isn't dictated by your genes. Many things are; such as IQ, tendencies for violence or harmony, etc. However, those are affecting factors, not dictating factors. If I threw a white baby into a black tribe and conditioned so, in no way would it be like it's peers. However, it would it no way resemble the "culture" of a white.

>but I think
No you didn't.
> It made sense when ... but with the rise of ... globalized culture ... you can go anywhere in the world in less than 12 hours.
This is a piss poor argument for why nationalism is obsolete. Apply yourself.
>we must ADAPT
Provide arguments to support your thesis.
>doesn't it make more sense to combin[e] our recourses and labour
You can if you wish from your own wealth. If you force this on others as a requirement, you will soon become intimately familiar with a 5.56 NATO "Communist Killer" that a liberty-loving American has decided to share with you.
>Or are we really stuck in a world of petty tribal rivalries over small land regions?
Why do you feel it is your place to become involved?
>I don't think
We agree.
>wouldn't a world government be more efficient?

I'm not against a one-world government, I'm against a one world country. There can be one person pulling the strings, as long as the populace feels like they are in control.

To be honest, you are going to call me a kike for this, but Israel's model for the world government is perfect, take away the race-mixing and degeneracy.

If it will become a thing of the past, why are you so insistent on destroying it?

>those are affecting factors, not dictating factors
most impressive parsing of words I've seen today. Genes most certainly do affect culture, especially considering that while any individual might be subject to dictating factors, the populating at large (and thus the culture) will be more moved by affecting factors.

1. Yes, we are all human. But we ARE different and unequal, cultures should be separate and so should races.

2. So we are destined to just be greedy and live of life of materialism instead of getting our act together, stop fighting each other in ZIOWARS and not create a global space program to colonize the universe?

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>We must adapt

Muh "don't use force" I'm a "free" American, everything that isn't unregulated capitalism is COMMUNISM

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what kind of kikery is this?

>most impressive parsing of words I've seen today. Genes most certainly do affect culture, especially considering that while any individual might be subject to dictating factors, the populating at large (and thus the culture) will be more moved by affecting factors.
I'm not disagreeing they affect, however my point is they don't dictate. Generational conditioning, or "culture" dictates based on itself and its factors. Take away the borders and merge it all into one country, take away the culture, bring about nihilism. A one-world government can control the world, as long as each "country" passes on its "culture" to its next generations. Dissolve them all together, and no matter how hard you try the latter will be impossible.

So your a globalist? Fuck off kike.

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It's impossible to do this , you're extremely unaware of how complicated this would be , america alone is far too big to be governed which is why the state has kept expanding alon with the debt and corruption, every single state should be a separate country.

There's too much chance for corruption and ignorance with huge governments and people somewhere 'insignificant' end up getting fucked over or ignored.

It's too difficult to do and even the kikes with their supposed big brained 115 IQ average wouldn't have a hope in hell of making it work without disasterous consequences.

the only way you can preserve racial purity is with either a physical or mental boarder that prevents mixing. the nation state engenders both. the biggest hurdle would be to find a paradigm that is equally effective but global.
take in mind that america is like 5% of world pop. whites in general take up about 10-15% of world pop. nearly the entire planet is a giant shithole with shithole people. even if you are including "honarary" people. so really your shits all retarted. we don't need a global government. we need to keep the hordes at bay and secure the good land and resources.

Your argument for implementing a world government is based on the smoke and mirrors of a Hollywood sound stage?

>I'm not against a one-world government, I'm against a one world country.

World government isn't a choice IT'S BEEN HERE!!!!!!!!!! Every step of humanity has been creating a larger and larger state apparatus. Nationalism is actually libertarian non aggression teir logic.

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You don't need an iron grip, autonomous vassals are key. Of course they will stray, they will cause you problems. However, as long as quotas are filled and they stay in the loop, its fine.

Not insisting on destroying it, National culture is dying with nothing to replace itself with but Jewish globalism. This is why people are reverting to Nationalism an older model... we need a better model to replace it with that isn't the kikes. What is so hard to understand about this?

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Sigh... Alt-Righters... Guys, I've been in this movement for over a decade. I'm not saying anything different than what William Pierce or Tom Metzger has proposed in the fucking 90s. If you DONT KNOW WHO TOM METZGER IS OR DAVID LANE YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL SOMEONE A KIKE.

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>How do you do fellow Jow Forumslacks
>I'm Drumpf supporter tooo guise!

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The only way I can conceive of your way working is if we simply dissolved the negros and lesser races, by reverse race-mixing or extermination. However, you forget that negros and chinks, negros are strong and make great laborers. Chinks have little morals, high IQ and make good scientists, whites have decent IQ, good morals(leadership as a result) and make great politicans/managers.

Updated version, lost a portion of intended.

The only way I can conceive of your way working is if we simply dissolved the negros and lesser races, by reverse race-mixing or extermination. However, you forget that negros and chinks, such "lesser" races aren't inferior. Negros are strong and make great laborers. Chinks have little morals, high IQ and make good scientists, whites have decent IQ, good morals(leadership as a result) and make great politicans/managers.

>Why are you guys Nationalists?
i think we're nationalists in the nationalist/dynastic dichotomy.
>I am a racist
you're not really, if you were put into a group entirely composed of your own race, you would sort yourself into even smaller ethnicities. this is because we all for the most part live in isolated bubbles of about .25m people(you've probably seen social media maps demonstrating this effect), with lifetime relationships of about 150.
>Isn't a united humanity better?
name something besides a bureacracy that all humanity has in common but not with bonobos. humanity barely means anything, its usually just a prelude to a shakedown.

i think the future is smaller, not larger states. it solves a lot of technical and economic problems, and also lowers political stakes to manageable sizes. world government makes everything worth lying and cheating for.

So their wasn't greed in the communist soviet bloc? Their wasn't greed in the Nazi Party? Are you soooooo altruistic that you leave nothing past your basic needs and give the rest to the government to then be redistributed to your fellow folk? No you don't faggot. Greed comes in many forms from just seeking the survival of you are your family to making as much money ass possible or gaining as much power as possible. Usually the more the greed, the more the tendency the greedy person will fail because they are jaded. Now go lick Hitler's balls you stupid NATSOC.

Exactly my point. It's almost as if a natural caste system and Hierarchy would form that could benefit all of us.

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>I am a racist

Agreed, however ignorance is bliss. The moment the negro becomes aware of the caste system is the moment is collapses. Keep them in their country, make them think like they aren't in the system, the caste prospers. Integrate them into a superstate, then they cannot understand mental labor, think it is a higher lifestyle and protests against it. 2 possibilities lie from there:

The smaller group rebels and starts to fight, bringing on violence, or if kept under a whip bringing production losses.

The smaller group is exterminated and dissolved, resulting in inefficient workers doing jobs they weren't meant to.

I could not agree with you more that there a natural caste system, however I have one fundamental difference.

It was never meant to be realized, ignorance is bliss.

Everything you said was made up bullshit. The Asian IQ advantage is non-existent, as born out by history and China's continued copyright theft.

>National culture is dying with nothing to replace itself with but Jewish globalism
National culture is directly being killed by Jewish globalism. Why don't we just get rid of that first and see what happens?
>because you're a worthless kike just trying to jew people into following you

More Jewish lies. Hierarchies are natural and have persisted in nature for millions of years. Equality is the recent lie which the Jew has leveraged to foment discord. Stamp out the concept of equality, and you're golden.


hahahah what a retard!

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Ackshully , the nazis would fine employers if they docked peoples wages to pisstake amounts back then and they'd give the money that was fined from the employer to the employee.

Capitalism is the root to our own destruction as a people, if you do not wish to help your people grow and only yourself then you will be crushed just like the rest of you fucking retarded individualistic Ancaps.

Lol it's funny you mention the soviets as well , American wallstreet capitalists had no problem funding the communists in Russia and investing there as well, funny how that works out isn't it.

Maybe you should stop licking the leftover shit from fucking kikes and actually educate yourself to understand why Capitalism holds us back as a fucking people, destroys any momentum had by the all so "jaded greed" you speak of, your precious system has assraped your country now to 20T in debt and fuck all to show for it, yeah your shitty fucking system somehow works doesn't it you dumb fucking kike.

>t. a retard who thinks that all race's genes are equal

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Well this came out of nowhere.

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Pure authoritarianism is mechanically superior than egalitarianism, however like communism it is an idea that contradicts human nature. Equality is inefficient however human nature gravitates people towards it, meaning we have to have egalitarianism or a perceived version of it to a degree. Any society not egalitarian or perceived, will unfortunately move that direction.

I'm starting to think all these people that call me a Jew for saying the White race should unite and that I'm a Jew for supporting ideas that the leader of the Klan has proposed... are possibly jewish themselves.

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Pure conjecture, completely unsupported by anything.

I noticed how you skillfully avoided the question, Moishe.

That’s why LA and New York are in the same country. Do people in LA and Prague speak the same way?

Look at society in the last few years, it more or less common sense. The reason for it is obviously that even if you agree with authoritarianism, you want to be the one on top. As long as you acknowledge that human greed is real, unpreventable and perhaps even necessary, then you can't refute the above point. If you demand empirical evidence, look at society in the last few years, its more or less common sense.

You actually think the US has a true capitalist system? You are stupid you Britcuck. They Jews run everything here and are def not capitalist. They are welfare queens living off of uncle same with their Corp Welfare. I don't consider the US economy a capitalist system.

Different languages, sweetie.
But yes, LA and NY used to have a distinct culture, dialect, style, etc.
Now the population of the two are almost interchangeable along with every city in America.
Over what? Only 10 years since the rise of social media and youtube? Can you imagine 100 years down the line?
We either get in control and save the white race from accepting the Nigger culture and allow our own to form or we become... Brazilian...

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Of course you're a racial fascist. It's the only thing you can cling to after your bloodline has been muddied and mixed for generations in the lands of (((USA))). US nationalism simply doesn't exist, that's why you can't be one. However, what you need to understand is that trying to bring others down to your miserable level is not going to work.

>isn't a united humanity better?
No. Humanity cannot unite because we'll always cling to the purest slither of identity that we have. In case of aristocracy it's their families, in case of common Europeans it's nationalism, in case of common Americans it's racial fascism or whatever you poor mutts come up with. If you want to create a world government of whites you'll need to purge everyone who's against it, even whites, and repopulate the world with just the people who have the same identity as the conquerors do. Otherwise you'll never end up uniting everyone.

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What are nations but groupings of races.

Do caste systems even work? Class warfare is fairly real. You could argue that the world today is already more or less a loose caste system where people are originized through meritocracy. You have class and racial tension just from this, what makes you think that this worldwide inclusion of all races and genetic profiles will be any different? It just seems more authoritarian which is just harder to enforce. People aren't going to just openly accept being castrated/eugenically manipulated especially if they aren't at the top of the caste system.

>Look at society in the last few years, it more or less common sense
>look at society in the last few years, its more or less common sense.
Keep this in mind guys, it's what JIDF-bot looks like when it throws an error code. Equality confirmed for meme, everybody saying it's inevitable can't push elevator buttons on Saturday.

AKA we are already in a caste system with jews at the top and the walls of our prisons are invisible, basically your ideal system already realized and better.

Your sorry excuse for a nation keeps getting invaded by the larger ones next to you and you still believe in nationalism?

"Sovereign" powers.
I'm all for people of the same kind sticking together geographically, that's completely natural.
I'm advocating for an Aryan Imperium.

T_d levels of intelligence, if we don't agree on one a degenerate to jingoism you're a shill.

This is what I'm talking about when I say that US nationalism doesn't exist, you're even mistaking the concept of a nation with the concept of a country. My """sorry excuse for a nation""" kept its fire kindled for 123 years despite our invaders' major efforts to put that fire out until it reemerged again with the same traditions and language to form a new country. Just because the entity uniting the nation under a single banner is weak doesn't mean that the nation is.

This. Countries aren't the controllers of the state. Countries are something deeper, something cultural; and to integrate a country into another one is a long and rarely successful process. If it's desirable is another argument...

off topic but will yall accept me in poland if I'm literally half polish and half french canadian (can you even tell the difference)?
I have chadface if that helps

Your perfect fantasy of fucking capitalism has never fucking existed you dumb twerp , and guess what , it never will fucking exist because it always leads to the EXACT same bullshit we're in now!!!, instead the oligarchs are the welfare queens , i wonder how the fuck that happened LOL.

No capitalism is real capitalism , no communism is real communism , they are both horseshit systems that can't function with a people deserving of higher quality goals and attainment and are clearly perfectly capable of achieving greatness going off history alone , instead we're in this depth of late-stage capitalistic horseshit void and we have retards like you sayin it's nothing to do with capitalism.

The USA unironically would've been better off throwing 20T out of a plane across the US incrementally.

>that is the very key to survival
>there will end up being racial hierarchy
>>Isn't a united humanity better?
Only if all racial Jewry and good goys fuck off back to Israel. :^0

>Capitalism is equally as flawed as communism

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>lol lets make a NWO but WE'RE at the top

>if we don't agree on one a degenerate to jingoism you're a shill
Would you be more comfortable continuing this conversation in Hebrew, Rabbi?

no you globalist piece of shit we will NOT adapt to your TYRANNY

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LOL , yeah the very capitalism that is pretty much wiping out the white race, yeah i'd say that's pretty fuckin' bad there , pal.

Look here you dumb idiot
this leaf is saying that civilization allows the dumb idiots to survive because there is no selection
the dumb idiots are allowed to be part of society
they vote by controlling the state more or less
they want gibs and shit
thats it
its part of the fucking cycle

start with one race and use eugenics

also socialism

*ahem* nation socialism...

>a mode of ressource allocation = culture paradigm shifts

you are fucking retarded

>capitalists lobbying for immigration to saturate job market and stagnate wages
>capitalists lobbying for global warming denial to keep shitting on the environment and to turn the sierra club POZ
>capitalists are what is causing immigration

>bu.. but its not TRUE capitalism

Nowadays, you need to be a sort of "Machiavellian" or realist. If you're talking about handling with people in this modern age and going along with whatever trend just to keep up your image, this is the suggested path for all Jow Forumsacks (specifically natsocs). But never forget that if you were to be given the hypothetical choice, the fire and flames of the Fuhrer would summon up once more.

Are you sure you want to rest your corpse on that argument?

Why are all the lovely capitalist rich billionaires in support of complete open borders and a welfare state to boot we all wonder?

Because whilst they hide their money in one way or another making it taxless , the average pleb has to pay out the ass for the gibs the incoming scourge of browns such a yourself ask for.

Now why the fuck would a capitalist ever do such a thing, it's because they hate competition and LOVE cheap labour , it's BAD for them so they have a REQUIREMENT in buying out your sack of shit government to do these wonderful things that help them so much.

Capitalism has ALLOWED the anti-whites to destroy whites.

A united white race is a better white race

once again
national socialism is the answer you dumb dumbs

I am a nazi , you're preaching to the choir , read my past posts.