Why do women suck at everything?

Why do women suck at everything?

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Not sure what you mean, op

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>men go see movies
>they bring their girlfriends/wives
>Movies start to be about stronk womyn
>men stop seeing movies
>women still do not go see movies
Even chick flicks are usually pretty funny desu. They have to be or else men would not go see them with their wives/girlfriends.

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>Make a movie in a genre that women typically don't pay attention to
>Miffed when women don't pay attention to your movie

White male critics aren't the ones not watching the movies though.

I didn't even know there was an Ocean's 8.

that's because stronk femins don't need no male marketing push before opening weekend. >checkmate misogynists....oh wait

White males ruin everything

Maybe it was just shit.

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>Why do women suck at everything?
They don't, they just suck at being men.

>tfw womens Oceans 8 is .77 Oceans to the male Oceans 11

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White males or (((white males)))?

yet wonder woman gets like a 90% on rotten tomatoes.

fuck these stupid cunts

Did they make it 8 because they couldn't find enough actresses that fit their criteria to do 11?

(((rotten tomatoes)))

Why don't they come up with their own idea for a movie instead of doing reheated trash? Annihilation was pretty good.

Harvey Weinstein's final intern.

Her job was to choose scripts and go down on Harvey.

Maybe it was just shit.

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I knew this movie would suck for three reasons:
>it's full of women
>it's a remake of a great buddy film that was a remake of another great buddy film
>Hollywood "predicted" a big opening weekend for it; they only push that when it's not self-evident in order to generate fake excitement
fuck these useless cunts and their shitty movies

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>everyone who disagrees with me is a white male

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is she compromised?

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worse, think of ghostbusters when it first came out
how awful is this piece of crap then?



yeah well dont turn a great series of movies into a fucking feminist statement next time.

actually its because all female gender flipped movie re-boots are box office poison.


>movie for women and feminism
>blame men when it bombs

The trailer for this """"action"""" film is literally snarky women gossiping around a restaurant table eating food

even if it is (((rotten tomatoes))), you can see a public score.

wonder woman critics: 92%
wonder woman public: 88%

the fact that the public hated it and still they bitch about it says how much of big cunts these women are.

She will never know you existed

cause dicks

Did any Ocean's movie ever get a good review? They're all garbage. Just banter between famous people and a thin heist plot.

Not a one.



>White males ruin everything

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>make shitty movie
>bad reviews

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they got 80s, 4/5s, b- type ratings for the first one at least.

call em out
the critics are jews, not white

yeah but her movies arent going to be the same if it turns out shes a flaming idiot

Ugly bitches co-opting a movie series CREATED AND WRITTEN BY MEN.

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I'd compromise the hell outta her vag if you know what i mean

Women tend to think they should be rewarded for mere effort, rather than superior outcome. And as a rule, men tend to do just that on their behalf. This is why they suck at everything.

Also, they have smaller brains and lower IQs.

Why is Rihanna the prettiest woman in that photo?


I'm surprised how it made, of course that was just the opening week
This is also after some other woman said there needs to be more minority critics.


>All female Ghost Busters was a huge flop
>Let's double down on retarded and do all female Ocean's movie

Notice how this time they did not diversity cast a literal gorilla and instead went for a "hot" 62% black

oh i agree with you i just dont trust anybody anymore.

she's not tbqh

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Oceans 69

Stormy Daniels and 68 guys

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>women led film written and directed by women is made
>movie looks boring and not very good
>majority of people involved in the movie come out and attack men/smug it up about how women made this film and its incredible
>movie tanks because its just not a good movie and was poorly made
>all the women involve cry and complain that sexism/misogyny is the only reason whatsoever the movie could be bad

Its like pottery. Every fucking time its the same story with these YAAAS QUEEEN films. When will they learn?

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But none of those white male critics are straight, so they should love it.

I saw this live and thought for sure it was a prank. But sadly it was 100% real. Keep in mind these women are pros.

Um no sweetie women don't ever make mistakes. And are always right about everything k

>Why do women suck at everything?
>They blame le white males afterwards
What if
>females critizes the movie/actresses


They're absolutely right the reviews were unfair. White male movie critics are bias towards reviewing women higher. If their review was fair it would have been significantly lower and matched the audience reviews more closely.

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>targets white audience with unoriginal idea bandwagoning on existing franchise

>get mad when majorly white male market is displeased with your lack of canon and quality of approach

If you didn't just push your ideals on us and use us strictly for money maybe it could be enjoyable.

Don't remake a existing franchise with just females start your own fucking franchise.
There's plenty of females that Jow Forums liked I'm sure.

Laura croft, Ripley, Sarah Conner for example?

Only time I saw a female lead that actually convinced me out of disbelief was
sigourney weaver in the alien franchise.

>the critics are jews, not white

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>Why do women suck at everything?
When all you ever hear is affirmation, with no grounding in reality, you cannot ever *really* comprehend the idea that your actions influence outcomes.

TL;DR -- "You're a princess and can do anything" [without work/training/effort!]

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So films with male leads, women cannot critic or talk about them right? Fuck off.

criminally underrated

>part 4 a shit
imagine my shock. normally the 4th movie in a series is the best.

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sauce on a game worth playingf???

What the fuck did mindy do to her face

This has nothing to do with the film being woman focused, there ahve been plenty of successful movies that are woman focused. There are two issues with this movie and most women centered movies in general:

1. Most women focused movies tend to be a direct rip off of another movie; Oceans 11, Ghostbusters, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, etc. Stealing the premise of another good movie does not make a good movie regardless of genders of the actors.

2. If your movie is bad, it will be bad no matter the actor. Even huge stars like Bruce Willis or Will Smith have starred in shit movies despite being fantastic actors.

I'm not very good at mashing A either

i want to fuck hela soo bad

Got the reference

This. No matter what, women will never accept responsibility for anything. Truly the niggers of the sexes.

>shitty movie with women reviewed poorly
>clearly sexism
>Wonder Woman gets great reviews
>absolute PROOF that women = box office success

Or maybe people like good movies and don't like shitty movies you stupid jew dykes

I was going to beg you to reassure me that this was some sort of joke. Holy shit this is absolutely embarassing. I don't think all women are completely useless but damn do they make the case for it.

>Refusing to stand up on the bike to absorb the impacts
Literally riding a bike 101.

i thought there might have been, but is it seriously an all female version of ocean's 11?

Maybe that's their plan.

>Even chick flicks are usually pretty funny desu

Are these the same critics that are also panning Solo

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exactly... duoubobs preceeded buy quads tooo.... numerically undeniable

Stuffed it full of shitty food.

There has been kike articles all week blaming the failure of Solo on white males also.

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Solo flops
>are movies with white male leads box office poison?

Female Ghostbusters reboot and all female Ocean's films fail to meet expectations
>why are movie fans and critics so sexist?

It's so tiresome.

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DESU, this whole transvestigation stuff is looking more legit by the day

Who even decided to make this movie?
The Oceans movies are heist movies, which carters pretty specifically to a very small audience.
Women aren't usually into heist movies.
So who was the target audience?

Sandra Bullock hot granny.

>we need more women and minorities in movies, it will inspire and empower those groups

>why aren't white men inspired and empowered by movies filled entirely with women and minorities?

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so what you're saying is you hate feminists.

you can't possibly find bigger liberal faggots than movie reviewers. every review sucks off dramas and romcoms like no tomorrow. they give every action flick a sub 7 review no matter what. unless it makes them cry.

they are whining about their own backup choir. this is about as low as you can go. i read the article earlier, and it's just one huge white male bash fest. probably one of the most openly racist articles I've ever read. maybe they just didn't like it because your shitty movie was girls dressed in suits trying to act cool. you should have made the reviewers cry, then you would have gotten what you wanted.

>Women tend to think they should be rewarded for mere effort
They really think they should be rewarded for mere presence.

>when you've seen this one so often you don't even have to click it to chuckle

on top of that, did anyone really want to see another Oceans 11, let alone a gender bent version? no one's going to see it because it's rehashed garbage people are bored of seeing.

well I go to movies with my mum personally...

The Asian girl is cute. They're thin and young. Sandra Bullock was born in 1964, Cate Blanchett in 1969. They were top tier in their day. The others are goblins

No one wanted one
It's why they didn't make a fourth one with the male cast

So they accept they made a movie that white males don't like but still want white males to pay to see it?

movies like this aren't made for audience and profit....stop thinking money is material, nigger
its fiat....whether you believe in CIAniggers or not, any Government has a vested stake in keeping its populace 'entertained', dating even back to the Roman gladiators

in this case, this movie was just pumped, regardless, of fiat money outcome, to inunduate us with more SJW bullshit

this is very similar to the porn industry.....what's it the govt, to have a an agency make some shell companies, build sets, and hire sluts to film....if it meant subverting a populace.....

let me guess, you advise people to watch FOX news.

dude, I mean come on......
they don't strike you a atleast a bit manly.....like they are practicing inversion, and laughing at you, as you praise them on their looks.