Explain how you can be pro-life but at the same time be against immigrant children?

Explain how you can be pro-life but at the same time be against immigrant children?
Hard mode: You can't use the phrase "stupid librul, shut up".

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Well, yeah, I can, you faggot

i'm only pro white life

I'm only pro-life for white kids.

Just like how you cant be pro-abortion and against murdering immigrant children.

The kid's still alive, where's the hypocrisy

Who is "anti immigrant children?

Because pro-life means supporting the rights of the children that should actually be here, while crying about a bunch of little brown faggots destroying the country doesn't mean they should be here?

It's not that fucking hard, Jesus Christ. Not to mention they're not even related issues at all, since one is a general statement about the right to simply be alive where the other is a political statement about the supposed value of diversity.

>democrats for life

Yeah, we should really stop murdering those illegal immigrant children. Oh wait...a fucking leaf

Pro-life only for my country. I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks as long as they don't bother me.

why do you support separating legal citizens from their children when their parents commit crime and are put in jail? It's inhuman

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Immigration Gumballs and White Genocide Best explanation ever

Granting a worse life to a person is not the same as killing that person

>you cant be pro-anything and against zionisim
really? fuck media.

Because I don't have any responsibility to foreign citizens or foreign interests.

But I'm Anti-life, why should I care?

jokes on them
I'm pro-abortion and anti-immigrant children

Also we aren't killing illegal aliens or children.

We don't kill any children. Libshits, Your move.

....because we're not going to kill them?

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>being pro-life
do I look like a christicuck to you?

no one cares kike

Explain how you con be pro-choice but at the same time be for immigrant children

>Charles C. Camosy
Holy shit, I had this guy as a theology professor. Teaches at Fordham U. Nice guy, passionate and intelligent, had pretty nuanced views. Nice to see he got an article in the NYT.

He's a devout Catholic kek. I don't necessarily completely agree with him but the fact that I personally knew him makes it harder for me to flame against him as is the norm on Jow Forums.

>killing defenseless children in the womb is the same as turning away freeloading families at the border
the liberal mind, everyone

You can't be Pro immigrant and anti gun

This is how I imagine you so no not really.

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It was their body and their choice to try and sneak in with their crotch fruit

and not wanting babies murdered in the womb doesn't mean laws don't apply to people

But I'm pro choice and anti immigration

Unless they're white, obviously

Basically anti-horde

Living in the country you are born in is the same as abortion. Ok.

I'm not even pro-life. If brown people and retarded libshits want to abort their babies go right ahead.

This is how:

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It has been categorically proven by leftists that there is no such thing as a shit hole country. Therefore, sending children back to the nation they're citizens of is not a bad thing. Plus Trump and white people are all nazis. There are no white people in Mexico but tons of them in America. There.

False equivalency holy shit.

>Against infant murder
>In favor of stopping criminal parents from making their children accomplices to crime.

Hey kids get in the car, we're going to break into a bank.

>Criminal parents are at fault and deserve to lose their kids.

Hey kids get in the shady coyote van, (it's ok I paid him 50 dollars american to ensure you won't be left cooked on the side of the road or sold into slavery) we're going to break into a country.

>It's Drumpf's fault, also: let's abort them.


I'm pro-their-life-in-their-own-country, so yeah, I can be pro-life and still be against an invasion.


Yes I can. I am only pro white life.

they're really shilling this shit hard.
first thing on the news tonight:
>the growing outrage over the trump administration and its policy of separating children from their families
blame the parents - they committed a crime and the kids get to reap the benefits.
also stupid liberals should shut up.

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I dont get how is possible to compare killing someone with sending someone to his own country.

I’m not pro life, I’m pro eugenics.

you can't be pro-choice and vegan.

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Will they ever stop interpreting pro-life literally?
It's used in the context of the abortion discussion. Nobody says they're pro-life and believe everyone, regardless of who they are or what they did have a right to live.
Saying a criminal should die isnt the same as saying an innocent baby should.
If someone aborts, it's their crime. If you let your kid die in a shithole like mexico, its your fault.
If some dude gets spanked in front of my house i'm not responsible because I did not beat the fuck out of 10 nigger gangsters.
Mexico is supposed to fix their shit. It's not the US's responsibility to fix any country or save their people. Denying access to your house to a temrinally ill person is not murder. Denying access to a country to people who live in dagerous situations (of their government's own making) is not murder.
But the whole discussion is irrelevant because the term pro-life is used as if we're pro every life any time in any situation because, as always, retards like you dont care about the context on which the term was created and is used.
TLDR: Use pro-life in the correct context

I'm not pro-life. Abortion is self regulating eugenics.

Are they then saying if you’re pro choice your against immigrant kids? I knew they were rayciss

I think instead of being called Opinion pieces they should be called Retarded pieces because that's what you have to be to write this kind of thing.

Shitlibs: If you don't let every single foreign child in the world come here with their parents you are basically aborting babies in the womb.

I was pro life until I realized it was a justifiable evil. Pic related.

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Im pro white baby life

>the growing outrage over the trump administration and its policy of separating children from their families
This shit has been going on since Obama was in office, why the outrage now?


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"also you need to let us keep aborting babies, just you need to follow this false equivalency"

You're either a roasted or a complete bitch the way you talk.

I swear to God I cannot stand when shitlibs try to use the compassion of people against them. It is a trust and civilization destroying mechanism. They do this shit constantly. The compassion will run out very soon though.


>Holy shit, I had this guy as a theology professor. Teaches at Fordham U. Nice guy, passionate and intelligent, had pretty nuanced views. Nice to see he got an article in the NYT.

>The quality of the NYT has gone even farther below zero with this article alone.

When did you realize he was an ignorant overly emotional faggot who thought false equivalency made for a good argument?

This is esp. implied via something insane like Catholicism, esp. as he's furthering the left's position on abortion, or have they become pro-infanticide now?

I don't have these hangups personally as a pro-life atheist but the devotion to stupid people and their propaganda is creepy with Catholics.

SO damn funny.
Liberals are trying so fucking hard.
But the babies, the children, the defenseless women, the widows and orphans.
What about Jose and Juan the Drug runners.
NO feels for them???

You mean the opposite.
You cant be pro choice, then start complaining about birth rates and what not. what would make sense would be "you cant be against refugees and be pro life", but at that point we'd only debunk the refugee claim, outing them as just economical immigrants there to leech of the state. KYS.

>fuck Drumpf for calling Mexico a shithole
>sending illegal immigrant children back to Mexico is a death sentence

Really tumbles my pistachios

Exactly. So if I become pro-abortion I can keep out all the brown kids? Don't tempt me. Shitlibs: " we don't really think the two are equivalent, but we bet you will cuck if we question your morality without you thinking through the logic of the statement."

25 million mexicans coming your way tomodachi

Growing really tired of this shitty tactic that they're employing more and more.

Easy, faggot. I'm against killing children in the womb but not against criminals using children to gain access to the country.

Wow, that was really hard. Not.

You failed hard mode.


that's literally the point of pro-life, to not have immigrants.

I'm pro choice because most abortions are performed on blacks.


Meh. I fucked up and used 'but not' instead of 'and'.

I'm going to have to get a hole punched in my "You's a nigger card".

But I'm drunk and that's my excuse for being a retard. What's yours?

>how you can be pro-life but at the same time be against immigrant children?


why would a pro-lifer be at all ok with suicide?

The worse part is all the cucks wringing their hands about it and dancing around the issue.


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Look I found a photo of you

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by your logic you also can't be pro immigrant and pro abortion, die in a fire leaf.

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>against murdering immigrant children.

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Well, I know him as a person so it’s hard emotionally to be so harsh, but yeah, I do think Catholics are a bit creepy/crazy a lot of the time. He’s actually pro-life, also anti-euthanasia, pro-celibacy outside marriage, anti-pornography, also a feminist. I don’t agree with him but it’s hard to hate him. He’s one of those figures with interesting views which can’t be fit into the Rep/Dem dichotomy and includes views from both and thus is usually ignored in modern debate. His argument is that of Christian compassion for immigrants/immigrant children. different id now because I’m phoneposting like a faggot

My favorite part of this pic is that the name is blacked out but the ssn is there plain as day.

You lost hardmode because you called him a faggot.
I don't need any excuse because I didn't lose hardmode.

Ok, I'll take the Hard mode pls
I'm pro life cause children are innocent and once they have a independent heart beat you have no right to kill them. Children who enter the country illegally are commiting a crime, but since they are 'doli incapax’ meaning “incapable of crime". Because of this they should be deported to where ever the fuck they came from. If its legal immigration (the article title failed to specify) I dont care, legal immigration is legal. Deporting illegals isn't equivalent to killing them. Especially if their a fence jumper, cause Mexico despite how much you hate taco benders is actually a civilized nation with an economy where they can easily survive.

stupid librul, shut up

Classic liberal horseshit
Nobody is against immigrant children - first off it's ILLEGAL immigrant children. Second nobody is against them in general.
We're just against them being HERE.


I am not pro life-in-general. So it's no cognitive dissonance for me to be against immigrant children.

They aren't being killed just separated. Duh. It's common sense.

And then"separated" kids... How is that any different than when a parent goes to jail cause of a crime like burglary ? Btw the kids who are separated aren't even treated badly.

I hate anyone who isn't white.

This is why Pro-Life was a retarded fucking meme.

Just admit your anti-abortion (for perfectly healthy white babies).

I'm against all form of child exploitation, whether it's murdering them inside their mother because she is a irresponsible cunt or using them as tickets to infiltrate your neighboring country and better your life at their expense. Both cases are despicable, but in the end even a big hearted man like myself recognizes that Mexican children are not the responsibility of American tax payers and need to go back with their shitty parents that are abusing them. Maybe we can do them a favor and kill their parents for them.



Unfortunately for him I can still read the name too. He's just lucky I'm not some Nigerian prince.

Being a vegan won't make a difference anyway, everything has a soul. Even spinach! You can't win.

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How many of these cases are Mexicans bringing children that aren't even theirs with them because they think it will make them less likely to get deported? I know they would do something like that. Nothing is out of the question when it comes to scamming the gringo.

I agree they shouldn't be separated. They should be sent back with their parents. Why aren't they being sent back?

More than leftists are willing to admit.

Saying "it's wrong to kill babies in the womb" is not the same as saying "every child in the world should be automatically allowed to stay in the United States."

>You can't use the phrase "stupid librul, shut up"
Ok, fine.
The problem aren't the children, the problem here are the parents. If they didn't try to enter the US illegally they wouldn't be separated from their kids.
And fuck trying to change things in their own country. The best thing to do is to move to the US and then turn it into the same shithole they left behind.

Ok dumbass, you want all children incarcerated in jail with their spawn, own that shit.

Convicted murderers, their kid goes to jail too.

Convicted for selling or using narcotics, you kids go to pound me in the ass jail with you.

Try to pimp some kid out by illegally crossing the US border without proper I.D., fuck you, kids go to pound me in the ass jail too.

Fuck sending the kids to the nearest relative, that would be inhumane according to dumbasses like you. US is a sovereign nation, choices have bad consequences sometimes/

>so privileged
>feels deep empathy for "immigrants"
>theyre just people too
>why some people so mean?
>wants minimum wage for everyone
>that's fair
>creates artificial labor market for illegal immigrant labor
>artificial labor comes
>new force diffuses old force
>destroys country, cultures, law
>loses luxery to be so privleged
>new country doesn't feign benevolence
>now lives in wanton despotism
>realizes the immigrant thoughts he had may not have been his own making
>It's too late
>new hegemonic ideas start to materialize from internet
>the new ones are at odds with old ones
>swallows cognitive dissonance with gin
>accepts new directives
>is such a productive member of society

They are being separated because authorities don't want to send the kids to prison for processing like the adults. If you ask nicely though, perhaps they could make an exception.