Operation Einstein

Now that (((Einstein))) has been outed as a racist in the liberal media, we need to push a movement to have every statue in the world taken down. In the name of progress and tolerance, of course.

First target: statue of Einstein at National Academy of Science in Washington, D.C.

Attached: Einstein 4.jpg (1200x800, 332K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off kike. Stop trying to destroy history.

All you people think about day in and day out is how you're gonna try and manipulate the goyim isn't it? You people deserve the death penalty.

Search "Einstein racist" for a plethora of journalists clutching their pearls and swooning upon finding out that a pretty smart guy is racist against lesser beings.

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So what would this accomplish?

I like this idea.

distracting the goyim from the IG report and real news. I'm so sick of these jewish shills pushing this bullshit 24/7 through every media outlet. Every website. They are pushing so hard at this point that they are gonna get pogromed soon.

There’s one in Vail Village, CO if you want to start a list of targets. This could be a great op.

Honestly, nothing.

It's not like the Jews will cave and let us have the Robert E. Lee statues they took down again.

I mean it's only fair right, the lunatic left tore down all those statues of evil white bigots who had racist views or owned slaves at a time when all wealthy farmers did.

So what's one more (((white))) bigot on the scrap pile? To leave his statues would be terribly un-progressive.

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You seem a little rattled, JIDF scum. First assignment?

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>be a Jewish scientist
>thinks other races are subhuman

Looks pretty choice. I'm sure a progressive town like Vail, CO would be ashamed to have a statue of such a vile racist in their midst.

To keep it would be hypocrisy--completely unbecoming of the noble Democrats.


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>leaning back to show off how superior he is to niggers, chinks and other subhumans
Holy shit, we need this triggering statue taken down ASAP.

Yea bud, doing the same thing as libcucks is degenerate and stupid. Only morons duped by Jews get upset over statues, you won't beat them playing copycat.

To newfags and causal observers who are deciding who is a jew shill here: OP is on to something. (((Einstein))) is cherished therefore putting the spotlight on taking his statue down will cause an insane amount of kvetching. The jew and his pet negros/feminists will eat each other alive virtue signaling and talking about jewish racism. The whole time this is happening everyone will be redpilled on the difference in Whites and jews as well as pointing out that jews were responsible for the opium trade that destroyed almost 200 years of Asian progress. I literally see no downside.At worst the left is pacified by it's jewish masters and we can forever point to this as a "Hands off history" defense when they go after General Lee ect... Let's make this happen.

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I have to agree with this. Statues of Einstein aren't old enough to be all that worried about actual destruction of history and memory, and it would be a fucking magnificent visual to have crowds of shitskins bashing Einstein statues with baseball bats or shame-faced Vichy white politicians covering him up with tarps.

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Look at this vile racist, probably giving orders to his slaves and innocent PoC. These statues must be torn down for the sake of Science.

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That's one ugly fuckin statue

#HeyEinstein - you don't have to be a genius to see that we're all equal (except white devils)

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I think the prototype was made using human feces


Smash the statues of this phony kike.

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White supremacists are flocking to take selfies with this Nazi weirdo

#HeyEinstein - go jump in a black hole (probably called them nigger holes)

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>The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein reveal that his impressions of people he met were, in fact, racist. The journals—which were reportedly not intended for public consumption—have been translated from German and published by Princeton University Press, which the publisher says is “the first time Einstein’s travel diary will be made available to anyone who isn’t a serious Einstein scholar.”

> Quotes from the volume make for unsettling reading. He describes “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” he met on his travels, and is particularly racist towards the Chinese, writing that “it would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

All trace of this racist (and probably transphobic) Nazi scum must be purged from the earth.

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Tbh with you not a good idea as they will unironically think it's a good idea and not see any problem with it

The statue in DC is interesting for three reasons. First, it’s in DC. Going for objects in the center of power produces more coverage and results in a bigger win. Second, it has a number of quotes inscribed on it. New quotes can be added. In fact, an argument can be made that history now needs to be revised in light of the new findings. Third, this is the original statue from which casts were made that ended up at Georgia Tech and Israel. To upset this statue attacks its primogeniture and upends the chain.



What a world we live in, eh boys?

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>plant evidence on Jow Forums for journalists
>actually think Jow Forums will fall for this shit after the 38573495439653 attempt.
You losers try the same shit over and over again. Fucking pathetic.

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tfw there's more statues of some Jewish fraud, than most founding fathers/presidents

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Shills. Bump.





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The #heyeinstein tag is basically unused and would be easy to throttle or honeypot. #Einstein is active enough along with #racist to use and blend in well enough to avoid a vox hit piece.

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Besides being a fraud, this mansplaining white supremicist actually stole all his ideas from his Russian wife (who probably stole them from Africans).

Tearing down all of Einstein's statues is the only way to correct this injustice.

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bump for the lulz. The butthurt on plebbit would be astronomical

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Good idea.

Considering liberals adore him and he's a jew I wonder how that will go.

I respect his scientific contributions which are enormous and real but there's a special place in hell for every racist jew that spent his time telling goys not to be racists. Fuck this jewish supremacist.

good point

Why does a racist (((white))) supremacist like Einstein get his own statue, when there are no statues to this British Muslim girl who is smarter than Eistein and Hawking put together?

I'm sure she will one day make massive contributions to modern science, like many other talented PoC. Israel should tear down their racist Einstein statue and make one of her instead.

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True, it is still a shame. But at least the Jew will finally see what he has done to himself. And more importantly, this MIGHT wake a few white STEM types up as to how psycho the left is.


oh god, the females are so ugly that the pajeets won't even rape them

Sorry, meant to say quintessentially British.

Tesla regarded Einstein as an idiot. Einstein agreed.

It begins

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Great idea, we should do this with any Jew we can dig up racism on


Best thing one can do is show his theory leading to nukes was bullshit. When we can all agree nukes are fake the world will war hard and the stupid will get culled.

spoken like a true spiritless and obtuse chink

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I'd be willing to be twitter is monitoring these forums at this point because I was instantly shadowbanned for posting.

Tear down all statues that promote #racism and discrimination.
There is no place in #America for this.
#Racist #Einstein

That was me... I can't see that tweet anymore

yeah it's gone

seeing some salty Asians crop up, so they just need a little tipping to start calling for statues to be removed

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They do. Doesn’t matter. They’ve shown their had. This op has major potential because it could tar and feather the most venerated Jewish scientist there is, the (((gold))) standard for Genius.

I would organize on a Discord or somewhere else off site. Remember (((they))) only have so many resources to dedicate to monitoring forums/boards etc. Try flying with a handle that can’t be token-associated with Einstein. Drop the name Einstein from the hashtag for example. #RacistScientistsOfThe20thCentury with a pic of Einstein is harder for the algos to catch. Also, avoid tweeting it at other bots, tweet to normies. There was a paper that recently came out showing how an Israeli CS department was able to ID a hashtag campaign based on account associations.

This thread should be archived to show how twitter is monitoring Jow Forums to suppress conservative views.

This is the ADL logo... perhaps it should be used on einstein memes...

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someone needs to scratch into the notepad he is holding "I hate niggers"

It would remove a a statue. Statues of people are against islam.

good idea

bix nood?

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coordinate with your local antifa chaptr

Bump with a custom twitter banner.

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>Stop trying to destroy history
The Jew evaluates Western questions from the Jewish standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true.

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it's all optics my man.
Go read the diary entries yourself, they're not dickheaded or wrong. That's besides the point, however.
Sometimes you have to encourage the enemy to overplay their hand. But yeah, no. something something Antifa

jews are sliding something maybe this

Give the (((people))) promoting this a taste of their own medicine. The best way to kill a golem.

>Getting some early salt.

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