The Solutions Thread

I don’t want arguments.
I don’t care about opinions.

This will be a continuing thread where the power of pol will come together to solve each of these issues once and for all!

Only participate if you have a solution, otherwise fuck off back to your loli hentai.


1) The JQ
2) White Women
3) Islam
4) Niggers
5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
6) Canada
7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
8) Liberalism
9) Communism
10) Obesity
11) Public School System
12) Jewish Debts
13) Chinks
14) Anti-Trump sentiments
15) Mexican Children
16) Feminism & Rape accusers
17) Jow Forums MODS
18) Brown People
19) Immigrants
20) Child Sex Bots

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make anime real

>30 day suspension
Sorry, not sorry.

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Why would someone take a picture like this?

It’s from a movie, retard.

Why would someone take a shot in a movie like this?

1) Mass executions
2) Slavery
3) Mass executions
4) Mass executions
5) Mass executions
6) Mass executions
7) End all subsidies, allow free market to choose most cost-efficient option
8) Mass executions
9) Mass executions
10) Mass executions
11) Model it after Jap schools
12) Forgiven. All usury eventually leads to evil and should be abolished
13) Mass executions
14) Who cares? He hasn't done everything perfectly, so some of this is natural
15) Deport them. Failing that, mass executions
16) Mass executions
17) Mass executions
18) Mass executions
19) Build a REAL wall, none of this gay pussy concrete fence shit. We're talking Great Wall of China here, built and manned 24/7 by the army as we scale back our involvement in other countries and give foreigners fewer reasons to blame us for their own fucking problems
20) Pieces of metal and plastic, who cares? For those who do end up diddling real kids, mass executions

Labor camps for most of those. Need lower prices for the sex bots.

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1) Industrial-scale gassings
2) Industrial-scale gassings
3) Industrial-scale gassings
4) Industrial-scale gassings
5) Industrial-scale gassings
6) Industrial-scale gassings
7) Industrial-scale gassings
8) Industrial-scale gassings
9) Industrial-scale gassings
10) Industrial-scale gassings
11) Industrial-scale gassings
12) Industrial-scale gassings
13) Industrial-scale gassings
14) Industrial-scale gassings
15) Industrial-scale gassings
16) Industrial-scale gassings
17) Jow Forums MODS are GODS
18) Industrial-scale gassings
19) Industrial-scale gassings
20) Industrial-scale gassings

>1) The JQ
>2) White Women
>3) Islam
>4) Niggers
>5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
>6) Canada
>7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
>8) Liberalism
>9) Communism
>10) Obesity
>11) Public School System
>12) Jewish Debts
>13) Chinks
>14) Anti-Trump sentiments
>15) Mexican Children
>16) Feminism & Rape accusers
>17) Jow Forums MODS
>18) Brown People
>19) Immigrants
>20) Child Sex Bots

Anything other than Genocide is LARP'ing.

Solve problem no. 1, and you solved all other 19 problems.

How else will you get your giant loli fix?

So you admit the shot has weird pedo undertones?

Solving 1 solves 2,3,4,5.... and more.

We need one user to risk his life and kill atleast the main jew family, you know it.

It's not weird to want to have a giant loli step and suck on you.

Sounds good, user. You have my support.

Problem 21, women age past 13


Kids killing other kids at school

No more public school.

Raise and protect your own fucking kids

We could replace most high school classes with online ones.


No more school shootings.

Fuckin solved


if you remove number 1 all the other problems wouldn t exist . . well except for Jow Forums mods . they will forever faggots ofc

>2) Slavery
>AKA let's re-create the conditions that caused the problem
Will the fatburger's thirst for BBC ever end?

It was made for a reason people.

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It's all a simple numbers game. Right now, we have more than they do. In America we have access to force multipliers (weapons). Those of us who know what is happening ought to just take out as many of them as we can. Trading 1 of us for X of them is a worthwhile trade for the race.

There is literally nothing wrong with having sex with little girls as long as you are attractive.

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I meant, make the women slaves, but I think you knew that, smart-ass.

7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
Stop corn subsidies.

10) Obesity
make people pay for their weight in air fare + above

All those problems are created by your first problem..... Solve the first problem and all the others will solve themselves natrally,

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There are 3700 synagogues and 22 million neonazis in the United States.

It's not very difficult to imagine a solution.

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These kind of threads really arent allowed on Jow Forums anymore

make every regular Jow Forums user the local commandant of their area and it probably wouldn't take more than a few years to get things on the right trail.

OK this may or may not be on topic, but here goes. The solution to the blacked bullshit is to post jewish miscengination rates and jewesses getting blacked. Every thread I have posted this suggestion in has been immediately pruned.

Attached: Mods don't like this sholomed.png (1902x953, 1.2M)

>2) White Women
>5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
>8) Liberalism
Take back control of mass-media, academia, promote non-degenerate values.

there are elements of this pic that can be hot, but like this it's just creepy boner kill.

Solving the first problem solves almost all the rest of the problems, and the first problem is solved first with education, awareness, and empowerment of whites worldwide.

>13) Chinks
Restore manufacturing in North America/Europe.
This will happen anyways once 3d printing of consumer goods becomes cheaper than shipping them from overseas.

1) The JQ
>begin fascist movement, which gradually begins establishing its new banking laws and corporations. When kike financiers don't play ball (they obviously won't) deport all alien subverters back to their native countries (kikes will be deported to Israel)
2) White Women
>make white men man the fuck up, kikes have poisoned the food supply so much with hormones, that in the new fascist state any man with lower testosterone then 600 ng/dl must go on state supplied obligatory TRT. Men will man the fuck up, and women will obey their instincts as they will follow men (women follow strong men, it's the law of life and the essence of the womanpill)
3) Islam
>when fascism deports all the muslims and keeps their population less then 5% in the new nation, the remaining 5% of muslims will work with the new fascist state to stop kikery around the globe. Assimilated muslims with a low amount will allow for alliance between whites/latinos and muslims against kikes.
4) Niggers
>deport niggers back to their native nations. Once Fascism works economically and creates a surplus of new wealth through a common market managed by the wage-price mechanism, surplus can be used to build nigger schools, nigger job training, and nigger subsidies in their shitholes so they stay out of the civilized world.
5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
>Fascism's focus will be on a healthy nation, with corporations and parliament/congress regularly studying with actual scientific evidence the phenomena which is associated with faggotry and other mental illness. They will be treated accordingly, by medical professionals. Faggotry will not be persecuted, but it will not be allowed to poison the rest of society.
6) Canada

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Basically just live acting against these things and hope others do the same

It should create a butterfly effect, as well as taking actions to spread a new ideology

I don’t really know what else to do

7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
>government with the power to act and the health corporations will study and determine which foods are high in (((hormones))) and ((high fructose corn syrups)) and create regulations against it. Businesses who continue selling foods like this will be shut down by the fascist state.
8) Liberalism
>once liberals realize that nationalists have more balls and valor then they ever will, and that high T men won't put up with their bullshit (as kike media will no longer distort virtues and vices like they do now) weak motherfuckers will stay on their leashes. Liberals who aren't pussies will see the fascist solutions to marxian problems and will folow suit. Those that don't will just be old trannies, faggots, and fat lesbians, who will be shunned by the rest of nationalist society.
9) Communism
communism is a kike tool, just as international kike capitalism flourishes under chaos, so does communism. When communists no doubt try thier disgusting tactics, subverting, cowardly attacks, and murder, they will be met with a patriotic fascist movement on the street. Citizens won't be afraid of these zealous cancers anymore, and they'll quickly regret their (((revolution))). This is why a fascist movement is most important.
10) Obesity
Fascist state will focus on health, aesthetics, and punishment of businesses which use excess sugars and fats.
11) Public School System
Fascist education will focus on technical issues, focus on modern science and technology. Critical and logical thinking curriculi will be adapted. Education will be meritocratic.
12) Jewish Debts
Fuck the kikes and their debts. When the fascist state industrializes and it builds a geopolitical common market with other nations (like an actual european nation, not the kike EU) or a south american alliance, economy will be free from ((international finance)) and its depressions. The surplus wealth will be used to pay kikes in tel aviv.

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Why would you want to nuke Canada? They're a first world country full of nice white people with years of history and a rich culture built on both pride and respect.
If you want to nuke someone then just nuke the faggot quebecois or the fucking natives.

13) Chinks
>geopolitical blocks, with a government with the power to act (if the nationalist movements spread to other nations in geographical proximity, then this will be easier) and scientifically plan industry through the wage-price mechanism will be able to BTFO China at least enough to keep the chinks fropm trying anything. Without their shit tier goods to export into our common market (be it south american or european) they will starve to death more then they already are.
14) Anti-Trump sentiments
>continue fighting the culture war. Make fascist viewpoints more mainstream. Mention the JQ as much as possible, but with a rational academic approach. Redpill normies gradually.Trump is just a symptom. True nationalism is alive and well. The goyim know.
15) Mexican Children
>Let Trump continue deporting. ICE has deported a shit ton of tacos and will continue to do so.
16) Feminism & Rape accusers
>Feminism has one fatal weakness: it is 100% absolute jewish smoke and mirrors. Back in the day by the time one published a paper to discredit a movement, it was already too far advanced. Science is on our side. Evidence, statistics, and modern science can discredit everything these harpies throw at us. Also use questions like 'in whose interest is it that women flood the workforce, creating excess demand in the labour market, so as to pay lower wages?'
17) Jow Forums MODS
>concentration camps.
18) Brown People
>Deport to native countries. If all cannot be deported, the new fascist state will create a homogeneity law, which makes it illegal for immigrants to compose more then 5% of the population. Immigration laws are subject to change according to empiric studies done by the scientific and industrial corporations, then discussed by fascist parliament/congress
19) Immigrants
>see above

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There is nothing wrong with slicing your throat as long as my blade is attractive. Who are you trying to impress, you sad cunt? Imagine being you.

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1. Kikes (commies. SJWs, bankers, media liars, etc.) are the enemy and need to be gassed. Not all Jews are the enemy, though. Some of them are cool. But they have their own interests as a people. Don't expect them to be on the side of us ethno-nationalists. They won't be. But we can still put them to use against the kikes.

Just let them have Israel. In fact, let them have the whole middle east, because fuck Islam. Let them have it on the understanding that they help us destroy Islam and don't fuck around over here.

I have a whole youtube video on it. It's long, though

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2. The solution to white women is to stop being cucks. Women like strong men. If you're pathetic, they won't want you. White women want white men, and they would be happier in a trad-wife scenario, but they just don't know it yet because white men have become so pathetic.

The solution is war. We're past the point of anything else.

3. Islam can be wiped out using the zionists. Just let them take the middle east. They can have the whole place. Then, we just persecute Islam over here as well, making it illegal to teach it in schools, banning mosques (maybe), and having endless propaganda against it, while also encouraging religious conversions out of it (and protecting those who leave it).

Eventually, it will die, if you do that. Destroying Mecca will be a big part of that. If the Jews in Israel take the middle east, that should be one of their first moves: ending the ability of Muslims to complete the pilgrimage by desecrating the city and banning all Muslims from it.

i'm very disappointed about you america, obviously theres only one answer:

Extreme violence

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2) Stop pandering to them.
3) Keep them out of the country.
6) Ignore them.
7) Get rid of sugar quotas. Sugar is 2x or 3x market price which is why everyone uses HFC.
9) Helicopters.
11) Ban public schools. Vouchers only.

4. Eugenics. Capital punishment for serious repeat violent felons (rapists, murderers, armed robbers that commit more than a few of these crimes). Capital punishment for anyone who is part of a gang. Increased penalties for those who commit any violent felony, such that you get an indefinite sentence on the first offense with a minimum number of years needed to even be considered for release. Sterilize the low IQ, single mother welfare leeches, relapsing drug addicts and alcoholics, criminals who don't commit serious crimes, but still have a long rapsheet for smaller offenses. Labor camps for welfare leeches.

The ones not dealt with by that aren't necessary a problem. For the ones that chant BLM and shit and feel oppressed, give them a free plane ticket to Africa in exchange for their citizenship and an agreement to never, ever return.

My solution to all these pressing matters: lead from behind.

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5. Faggotry can be punished with jail. Don't need to do anything about homosexuality. Degeneracy in public is what bothers me. I don't care if you're gay. Just don't fag up our streets with your bullshit.

But as for transgenderism, I'd ban any kind of bullshit teaching to kids about this shit, ban underage therapies for it, and make it a crime to encourage it in your children. I'd also have a eugenics program to sterilize mentally ill people generally, so these folks would be included.

That's a very apt, intelligent analogy you've got there, user. Mind if I borrow it?

B all means.

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6. Canada might fix itself, but if they go commie, then we will simply need to crush the leaf under our jackboot when the time comes. Or maybe let Britain do it, since they're part of the commonwealth.

7. No comment because fake and gay

8. Propaganda and good education will cure most of them. But a little bit of liberalism isn't a problem anyway. It's only a problem when it takes over and gets retarded, like it has now.

9. Einsatzgrupen seem to be the answer to the commie problem. Ready. Aim. Fire!

10. A lot of fatties start out young. Make letting your kids get obese into a form of child abuse. Discourage obesity with public service announcements and lots of propaganda. Being fat sucks anyway, so as long as no one is encouraging it, people are more likely to try and lose weight or not get fat.

11. Abolish public unions. Voucher program. Fire all the shitty teachers. Reformed to also include training for trade fields.

12. Largely abolished. I'd end the mortgage industry and make all unused land and property public. Anyone can build on it. I'd also consider all student loan debts paid, but not pay the banks. Instead, I'd seize them and just cancel the debts.

13. Not as much of a problem. Just don't let them fuck us on trade and don't let them have their way.

14. Laugh at the retards. Trump's approval will only grow if he is successful. The Lugenpresse can try, but they will simply fail.

15. Deported. But I'd probably go after the drug cartels and slaughter the lot of them. Maybe even conquer Mexico just to stabilize the place. Sucks to have an unstable bunch of Latin shitholes next to our great country. Make them privinces, and just don't let the locals into the US homeland.

16. Traditionalism. Also, the penalty for lying about rape should be equal to the penalty for rape, plus a penalty for slander of 100 lashes and a few thousand dollar fine in compensation to the accused.

17. No comment.

18. Skipped. Ethnostate. Hurr durr.

19. Wall. Deportation.

20. Literally could not care less than I currently do. Pedos exist. They always have. Always will. Better they fuck a robot than a child. If they go after a kid, that's when they need to go to prison. Otherwise, I literally can't be bothered to care.


There are two routes I have in mind to address ALL of these problems.

>1. Start some sort of political platform. Like American Renaissance, but not cucked. The platform would have to have a unifying message. It can't be based off of hate for other races. The ethos would be "Unity Through Separation". Other races are welcome to join, crowds will be voluntarily segregated. There would be representatives of other races speaking, emphasizing the importance of nationalistic unity through drawing racial boundaries.

OR....for my more radical fantasy:

2. Somehow start a nationalist uprising in Texas. Start another secession movement, the biggest secession movement in history. Texas is the ONLY state that could pull this off, and there's already a sense of nationalism here (grew up in Texas).As soon as power is seized, kick out Ted Cruz and his cronies and burn down every bank in the country. Kick out all of the Jews and reset the public debt to 0. Implement Natsoc politics. Once the country of Texas reaches it's peak power, wage total-war on Israel and liberate all of human kind.

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>1) The JQ

>2) White Women
strip them of their rights, especially the rights to vote and work

>3) Islam
label it incompatible with the West and begin massive deportations

>4) Niggers
cut entirely or severely reduce the welfare state and promote initiatives to have strong families. they honestly need to get their shit together themselves.

>5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
you can't really get rid of this, but the first step is to not fucking celebrate it. take away their rights to adopt or use a sperm donor and remove laws that cater specifically to them. make it illegal to offer scholarships simply for being a faggot. debilitating mental illnesses detected before birth should be aborted as they are a drain on society

>6) Canada
I don't live in Canada so they are not my responsibility

>7) High Fructose Corn Syrup

>8) Liberalism
this is also something you can't really get rid of, but bringing back American spirit and patriotism is important in curbing this. also bringing back strong family values and the nuclear family

>9) Communism
put them on trail with a punishment of death. they are traitors to the American way of life.

>10) Obesity
better food and instilling a more robust and active gym period during schools


>11) Public School System
gear it towards men's learning capabilities and strictly vet and limit the women who are able to attend

>12) Jewish Debts

>13) Chinks
prioritize American companies and citizens when purchasing/selling goods and land and increase tariffs on imports

>14) Anti-Trump sentiments
people are allowed to voice their concerns or distrust of the President this is not a problem itself, but i do agree that things are out of hand. i don't know how to fix this

>15) Mexican Children
increase boarder security and execute repeat offenders for illegal immigration. change the law so that to be an american citizen, you need to have american parents

>16) Feminism & Rape accusers
see 2

>17) Jow Forums MODS

>18) Brown People

>19) Immigrants
they need to be vetted and come here legally provided they can integrate properly and adhere to American values

20) Child Sex Bots
make possession and manufacturing illegal with punishment of death

Bippity bampitty bump

Walmart has the solution. The price is right.

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cats are demons..

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>1) The JQ
Pic related

Attached: jewsaredyingout.jpg (800x869, 183K)

>2) White Women
>16) Feminism & Rape accusers
Make women obsolete with artificial wombs and sexbots.

Attached: futureofwomen.jpg (1957x1296, 1.16M)


>14) Anti-Trump sentiments
continue to provoke them and drive them to ever more ridiculous levels of hysteria and insanity. its entertaining, and they will eventually burn out and maybe even "reset".

1) The JQ
deport them to israel
2) White Women
repair society and they'll be fixed
3) Islam
leave them in their own countries, not our problem
4) Niggers
leave them in their own countries, not our problem
5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
gas chambers
6) Canada
leave them in their own country, not our problem
7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
stop with all these corn subsidies
8) Liberalism/9) Communism
gas chambers
10) Obesity
11) Public School System
remove minorities
12) Jewish Debts
remove jew
13) Chinks
leave them in their own countries, not our problem
14) Anti-Trump sentiments
same as 8/9
15) Mexican Children
leave them in their own countries, not our problem
16) Feminism & Rape accusers
same as 2
17) Jow Forums MODS
gas chamber
18) Brown People/19) Immigrants
leave them in their own countries, not our problem
20) Child Sex Bots
same as #2

>we will lose another six million Jews

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I see London I see France
I see JIDF larping with a Meme flag

You and the whole middle east deserve to be nuked.
(((You))) """people""" are like a hydra, cut off one head and two sprout in place.
We are paying out of our asses cuz of Israel and their interests.

1) The JQ
>Not my problem
2) White Women
>Revoke all the feminist laws and payouts. Government is not your new daddy/husband. Get over your daddy issues and marry a guy willing to have you and be grateful he married your sorry self!
3) Islam
If they're going to act like supremacist animals; they'll get treated insufferable animals
4) Niggers
See #2
5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
See #2, but add on no more parades or festivals. Cutters, schizos, and suicidal folks are not parading, neither should faggots and other sexual deviants. It's not love; it's a severe mental illness.
6) Canada
Absorbed by the United States and cleaned up
7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
No more government protections and subsidies. Compete like adults.
8) Liberalism
Must observe normal civilized boundaries: country and citizens come first, politics ends at the borders, etc. Failing this should result in impeachment via state recall. People need to grow balls and start treating elected officials as temp employees with borrowed authority again.
9) Communism
Military tribunals and imprisonment
10) Obesity
They wanna be fat and suicidal via hedonistic feels, they can pay for the privilege via private insurance
11) Public School System
Demolish the National system; states can figre it out
12) Jewish Debts
Their debt; their problem. No bailouts.
13) Chinks
Not my problem
14) Anti-Trump sentiments
Who cares. Trump is driving his opponents crazy; they're crazy is not my responsibility.
15) Mexican Children
Mexico's problem
16) Feminism & Rape accusers
Daddy issues does not policy make. Proof or GTFO.
17) Jow Forums MODS
Not my problem
18) Brown People
Don't care
19) Immigrants
So long as it's legal and above board - not a problem
20) Child Sex Bots
Don't care; not affected me yet. If it does, I'll deal with it then.

Or make us anime by uploading our consciousness to VR

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Females should be taught how to raise a family, homemaking etc until they reach 13 and the father finds a suitor who courts them till marriage (around 15) while they help out look after children and mothers in other families and work in other roles they fit in.
The males should finish the basics of maths, language and science by 13 and then do find an apprenticeship/shadow a career of their choice or pursue a focus study and begin earning money by 15, then find a and court a girl and then get married by 18-20.

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All these idiots killings themselves need to go out with a bang and a quench for the high score

Do you have a license for that knife?

Mongols unite once more and conquer the entire world this time. Mongol Empire restarted. All problems solved

You do realize, faggot, that Hitler planned to settle the Jews in Palestine, right? He just failed to get the permission of Britain and then the fucking war started.

We simply let the Jews do as they will over in the middle east and stay out. Sell them weapons. It's not like I want us to conquer the middle east for them and then just give it to them for free. I just want us to get the fuck out of the middle east and let the desert rats fight over their desert, and for my part, I'd much rather the Jews win that fight than the Muslims, because fuck Islam. I'll take an ethnostate, westernized, big-nosed population over a bunch of camel-fuckers.

Maybe biz has ideas on how to fund solutions.

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1) Genocide
2) Enslavement
3) Genocide
4) Genocide
5) Genocide
6) Nukes
7) ?
8) Genocide
9) Genocide
10) Forced labor camps
11) Destruction of the state and everything related to it
12) Genocide
13) Nukes
14) Genocide
15) Genocide
16) Genocide
17) Genocide
18) Genocide
19) Walls
20) Not an issue


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see there is the problem,what you should have said is MASS EXECUTIONS

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Shut up yank fucking hell.

Your one sick fuck. I would never suggest removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples. Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours. It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly, "You came so much inside of me," then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.


Kill all incels and faggots

1) The JQ
2) White Women
>Counterculture, women usually dont have a strong political opinion, therefore we must partially reinstate patriarchy by making feminists and coalburners uncool, that way every decent white woman will despise them
3) Islam
>Expulsions and persecution, expose their barbaric beliefs to normies
4) Niggers
>Expulsions and once we won genocide, Africa will be colonized by Huwhites
5) Faggotry & Mental Illness
>Ignore decent fags, kill activist fags. Mental illness will just fade away in a perfect society, also psychiatry and asylums
6) Canada
>Purge it from niggers and lefties, split it into brits and Quebec
7) High Fructose Corn Syrup
8) Liberalism
>Teach in schools why it's unbearable for society long-term, redpill normies, kill the most active libtards, the rest let them have time to know the truth
9) Communism
>Make private property a sacred principle of society
10) Obesity
>Military education by early age and education on the diet to follow, fat-shaming
11) Public School System
>Purge from degenerates, teach truly useful things only
12) Jewish Debts
>Abolish usury, take over the banks and Wall Street, gtkrwn
13) Chinks
>Let them have their own ethnostates, diaspora will be incentivized to go back where they will be repaid greatly for such action
14) Anti-Trump sentiments
>Redpill normies, expose kikes and their lies
15) Mexican Children
>They have to go back
16) Feminism & Rape accusers
>Reinstate patriarchy, purge degeneracy, punish false rape accusers with public humiliation and ostracization
17) Jow Forums MODS
>Convince the Nip to change them
18) Brown People
>Interracials? It depends on the race and the percentage of mixed blood
19) Immigrants
>Only allow huwhite immigrants into huwhite countries, holocaust the niggers and shitskins
20) Child Sex Bots
>Make real 18+ women avaiable purging feminism

>JQ, Purge Jews and expose them