Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

Say thanks to this man.

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Nothing will happen his cuckservative fuck will do nothing because he has no balls
In the end he will be the one giving up just like always

I don't know man. The tide is changing, politicians are cowards, they want to keep their power and benefits too much, in the past that was not speaking against globalism, progressivism but thats not true anymore.

bacarian elections soon, he has to do something because otherwise a lot of people would vote afd.

meant bavarian

But will he stick to it?

Endlich Kaggnazis wieder an der Macht?

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i don't get my hopes to high but there is a shift in germany come to mood, people starting to get pissed.
a lot of shit happend over the last few weeks

You mean the dead jewess?

> Merkel wants two weeks to try to strike bilateral deals with partners, such as Italy and Greece, on migrants and to make progress at an EU summit on June 28-29 on an EU-wide policy.

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They will only push the relocation of rapefugees again.

Lol I would still vote AFD regardless if I was Germany. Both parties completely were in bed with the whole open borders thing. It's time for AFD to rise and both parties to be dropped.

not only, we had a rape case where 8 young men raped a 13 year old , knife attacks on a daily basis, a lot of dead german women, it is clear know and even discussed in media that this shit will cost us ovewe decades because the goldpieces will take more over the course of gernerations then they will ever give to germany, people waking up to this.
its a sacm , soon even the last idjit will see trough this, government is getting really nervous.

Stupid Germans they could have learned from Brits and Swedish how to properly make a cover up.

>Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead
Don't celebrate too early, user. They rigged the election. They can sure as fuck rig a no-confidence vote.

yes germans are a bit autistic and mostly just want to be left alone, most germans still think we are kind of obligeated to take them all in beceuse of our past and that we have a special responsibillity, its easy to scam people such like this.

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Don't celebrate prematurely, this guy has been "opposing" Merkel and then backing down all the time for the last few years, he might continue that.
Or he might have finally grown a spine, but I'll only believe it when I see it.

> have forgotten about the 6 berollion Hans?

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he could simply revoke the oral order to open the border his predessecor gave, but he did not, so as i say i don't get my hopes to high

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6 gazillion
how could we ever not think about that

Wake me when it happens.

Nah, if you are only interested in thing when they happen and not before they happen there is no point to care about waking up you at all. Keep sleeping.