
Jow Forums I need to learn everything I can about Canada for work. Teach me everything about Canada you can.

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You already know everything you need to from pol browsing.

For basic info refer to Wikipedia.

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why the fuck is this on Jow Forums?

Literally the same as America, cities are shit and towns and the country are based.
apparently we ended poverty once then was like fuck it lmao

as american you have to know we only have to cities with actual jobs Toronto and Vancouver, Montreal if you are native french speaker if not forget about it Canadians are generally friendly towards you and yea that's about it

>country are based.
I like country too but payments are shit

they are the pussy version of us.

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America tried to invade upper and lower Canada, sure it wasn't a country but the people were the same and the people defended their land. Will admit Canada had nothing to do with the white house. Also don't forget France literally gave you independence.

France did shit until we proved we could do everything on our own and the only reason we invaded you guys was for the northwest territories which AMERICAN settlers lived as to secure a way to walk to alaska and to not give you guys access to the pacific ocean at the same time similar to what the british did with new orleans to try and stop us from expanding westward. The canadian people didn't put up a fight as we burned down ottawa and ontario no problem, we burned most of you're shit down so it was only fair the brits burned the white house down, but we will be back for the entire country and not just the northwest territories.

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i do not know dd


Maple syrup has been shown to reduce male T levels, resulting in our cucked state.

France literally did everything, supplied 90% of the gunpowder, the officers, trained your troops, supplied weapons, supplied the navy, and kept vast majority of the British army occupied.
>Do everything on our own
you mean losing battle after battle when out numbering the British, Washington almost got sacked for being such a failure in till he attacked a bunch of drunk German (Hessians) on Christmas eve.

we just banned religion in public.. hope you don't like to wear a cross or something

They fuck dogs and their Satan is a rake

Not that anyone would, but don't even bother reading this faggots bullshit. Completely inaccurate. Quebec is as important to Canada as much as Canada is important to North America. Namely not at all. They're French speaking morons and just like France itself they'll be overrun by third world replacements by their own will.

Canada offers high quality human resources to American corporations through a weak canadian dolllar, and low corporate tax.

With low corporate tax and a cucked dollar, Canada attracts it's high quality human resources to International corporations.

>OP rambles incoherently for most of a thread and makes up a bunch of shit

Canada might have a free healthcare, but the truth is, every paycheck you earn will be lower by default, because the government health insurance is mandatory.

Really only "free" to refugees, who are basically using everyone else as their slaves.

wait til we elect the far right gov in sept then your meme flag wont be talking

You are allowed to use the canadian currency, just so long as you remember who owns it, and pay taxes. The owner of the currency is the canadian monarchy. If it wasn't their currency, their name and picture wouldn't be on it.

The shilling and the shitposting will continue in person

You know nothing of concord and lexington nor how we used early gorilla tactics to beat there outdated firing squads and if you didn't know washington had spies within the british high command, you clearly don't even know about the tea party and why it was so powerful, you odiously have no idea what you're talking about just like the abhorrent leaf you are.

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Fuck off we're full.

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Canada is America lite

Canadian military is a joke, because Canadian taxes go towards schools and hospitals.

I'm old blood Canadian having ancestry from both Canadian colonies and your new England coloney. And your post sums up this shit hole of a country. Can you please nuke us now???? The fucking post WW2 immigrants have taken over.

There aren't enough of us left to fight... I mean my city use to be 70k now it's 700k .... sooo yeah we are sort of boned. And those 70k had mostly dumb fuck leftist kids so we are even more boned.... so like old blood Canadians are maybe 1% of the population.

We have lost.

Plz nuke us now!

Wtf I am proud to be Quebecois now !

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hold in and do as we do with whites in merica, breed like they do and even more, make you're numbers stronger then there's and they have no way to combat it especially niggers and spics who kill themselves off and gooks will most likely retreat back to china so they don't get absorbed.

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The country is in a death spiral. It'll be on par with the average South American country within a couple decades max, maybe sooner.

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is quebec even canuckian? They hate the shit out of canada so I would say not making "b-b-but quebec" not an argument.

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canada will be a white minority in a couple years, hopefully trump just annexes us

No we proud Canadien but Québec always first

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Together we are STRONG ..

this. there is North Kanada and South Kanada where 90% of people live and stuff goes on. the North is governed by the harsh dictator of nature, usually very cold and desolate

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sea2sea nigga

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obvious non-Quebecois, as they want out of you're shitty parliament system and hate the anglo's and I say FREE QUEBEC.

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Because it's summer vacation and faggot kids are bored. Just sage and move on

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nice meme.

>mfw a burger finds the fake quebecois better than canadians

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Just go get drunk in the woods for 7 days, if you survive, go fuck yourself.