And you fuckers spit on global warming.
And you fuckers spit on global warming.
The black sun is rising.
its part of earths natural cycle dipshit itll pass in a few centuries
You're going to die and we're laughing at you.
I live inland. Suck a dick, coastfags with your elitist communities driving property prices through the roof and voting for the most loathsome left-wing bullshit imaginable. You all deserve to suck water as your last breath.
Not really, just all coastal individuals will slowly migrating inland until overpopulation starts to become a problem by proxy of terrain decline.
Fuck you. Not happening.
Roman ports in Britain are currently a dozen miles inland from where the current coastline is.
That much ice melting would cause the sea to rise no? Coasts are still here
>North pole
You faggots aren't even trying anymore.
The coasts are full of liberals and leftists, Maybe we should be increasing this global warming, perhaps they would like a bath.
I want to drink beer at the Nevada state line and watch California turn into a beach while blasting Tool from my car.
That's not "Antarctica". You colossal faggot. That's the "arctic". It's the apex of the Northern Hemisphere. You're such an autistic fuck.
>oy vey climate change
>no goyim don't worry about overpopulation of thirdworld shitpeople. What are you, racist?
>half of ice caps melt
>coastlines remain the same
So all that frozen water that was already floating in the water became more water thats still already in the water? Wow, that sounds absolutely terrible and totally not like more alarmist cocksuckery with a hidden agenda.
Its a slow wave
tool is a shit band, music is shit, band members are shit, and their fans are shit and gay
just like the blue wave I take it
i thank god that i will die before i pay off my student loans. in the end that means i win.
>You all deserve to suck water as your last breath.
Those digits don't lie.
Why should I be worried? If you have a glass full of ice water do you think it would overflow once the ice melts? No if anything it will lower the water level.
You need to look into 'pole shift'
And yeah it's way overdue.
>spit on global warming
B-b-but global warming
dude fossil fuels lmao
because of over population dumb ass
>Ice already in the water melts
>Total volume of the ocean remains constant
Jesus christ how horrifying.
Global warming is fucking stupid, in the absolute worst case scenario of releasing all possible carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the effects will be minimally noticeable for the average person, it's not some planet ending event. Third world overpopulation is the real danger.
did you know when ice forms, it expands, displacing additional volume? i.e. le melted ice takes up less volume, which = lower coast lines. what you should actually be concerned with is record iceberg formation this year, which would actually INCREASE coastline to historic levels. We're fine.
>not taking into account thermal expansion of liquids
>Fossil fuels are made from plants
>Those plants would have had to metabolize with the carbon available in the atmosphere
>Carbon gets locked underground
Humanity is saving the planet by re-fertilizing the entire atmosphere with what used to be there.
Its not like we're still in an ice age and that the earth shifts from ice age to warm age like all the fucking time
coasties eternally btfo
please, tell me more, leaf.
>almost all coastal areas are full of liberals
>sea level rise will destroy them all
as far as climate change goes, life will persist, humanity may not.
welp, I guess there's only 1 thing left for you to do then so get it over with.
Big fucking whoop we won't have an ice age. Don't you think that's a good thing?
They're called Milankovich cycles. Google it.
I like how the link expresses the 'lost' of ice while in fact the Antarctic has net gained ice.
Sure it's had billions of tons of icebergs break off and float away and melt, but it's also had more accumulation overall.
It would be like saying a lake is losing more water than ever before, as the overall water level in the lake keeps going up.
Misinformation is worse than outright lying.
Phase change from ice to water causes a contraction of volume but increasing temperature also causes expansion of liquids and solids. This is much the same as heating a metal part very hot to slip two parts together and forming a strong mechanical connection between the two. A small increase in temperature enough to melt the ice still causes overall volume expansion because the amount of water is significantly larger than the ice.
this picture is my life
It takes more energy to melt 0C degree ice into 0C degree water than it takes to heat 0C degree water to 80 degree water.
Also water has a volume inversion at 4C. That is while cooling down to 4C you contract, but from 4C to 0C it actually expands. Making the volume of 0C water about equal to 8C water.
stole from brothers quay
>ask Kurt cobain
Has Al Gore sold his beachfront mansion yet? I'll start worrying about it when he does.
only thing they did right was more difficult time sigs
More directly, water at 0C heating to 4C is shrinking in volume, not expanding. Given the average sub surface temperature of the ocean is between 0 and 4C heating it will cause a reduction in the total volume of the ocean.
yo when you use that one make the chekd post the third line itll line up like cash money
If we consider a 1 or 2 degree increase globally though there will still be expansion because most of the Earth's water is above the 4 degree Celsius point. It's the thermal expansion that mostly contributes to sea level rise and not the melting ice.
Aside from a smaller white patch in the image on the right, can you help identify how the shape of the coasts is any different in the two pictures? Seems like a lot of ice melt for literally no difference.
I wonder what would happen if you just dropped a nuke right in the middle.
Weaponizing the artic and antartica could be a good idea.
It's not. Most of the ocean is below 4C.
Sure the surface temp is higher than 4C but that's a very small amount of the total volume of the ocean.
After 100m the ocean is 0-3C with very little mixing between the top layer and below.
Also what insane model are you using that's calling for 2C warming?
I notice the shoreline is no different or is this picture an inaccurate peice of shit that needs to fuck off?
thanks white power guy. leaf knows nothing, and is in fact a brainlet.
>>muh 1C increase of ocean surface causes a 20foot rise in sea levels...
>>what is 4C total ocean temp?
True, the upper ocean layer will see the most significant temperature change though while the lower region below the thermocline (below 4 degrees) will change only minutely, there will still be expansion overall.
Just talking absolute worst case scenario.
There is no "global" anything, you dumbass. The earth is flat. They are lying.
Satan has introduced the simulation theory because here in a few days, a third of the "stars" will literally fall to the flat earth. This will be hard to explain unless nothing is real and it's just a simulation.
Quit believing NASA lies and realize how much of the great deception you already believe.
Admit your sin and repent.
BELIEVE that Jesus died for your sins and rose again.
Call on Him.
The Arctic is an ocean. Antarctica is the one that's a continent.
>the ice caps grow
>the coast lines haven't changed at all
b-but look at this CG image illustration of what it would look like if the ice melted!!!
>>wew, lad.
Climate change has been going on for years, naturally. We're just in a period of heating up. There were times when the planet was covered in ice. The earth isn't static. We should prepare for this heating up by cutting aid (or at least reducing the ability to reproduce) to countries that do better in hotter climates. Their populations are set to explode and there won't be able to feed themselves. Cut aid to stop climate change and over population. A stich in time saves nine.
It's not wrong though, sea level increases with temperature and this can be shown with recorded data, even factoring in ice shelves and the colder lower levels of the ocean.
>No one hates women and gays except muslims. Men love women and get married to them and we couldn't care less about gays.
>The left is an ideology that supports a strong government and weak enterpreneurs. That means more taxes to maintain the massive public sector.
>Heritage is important. If we forget where we came from, we lose track of our purpose.
>You blindly believe what your government tells you. Have you seen the sea rising at all? I live next to the sea all my life and the shoreline is exactly the same. I'm not a denialist but not a blind believer either.
This must be the most cucked meme on the planet.
They* won't be able to feed themselves
>dumb yank doesn't know that the density remains the same so the sea level doesn't rise
>there will still be expansion overall.
The ocean temperature doesn't really change that much due to the top hot layer sitting on top of a staggeringly huge heat sink. Thanks to the thermocline we don't suck all the heat down quickly, but it's still moving a huge amount of heat down into the depths. That very slight heating causes very slight contraction of the volume of the oceans. Given that the depths are something like 97% of the ocean we have vastly more ocean that will contract than we do have surface water that will expand.
But back on topic to the ice melting, well it seems some disagreement is present.
>“Our main disagreement is for East Antarctica and the interior of West Antarctica – there, we see an ice gain that exceeds the losses in the other areas.”
Also the melting of the ice in the antarctic is driven by geothermal activity not ocean temperature.
You do realise that both all the northern ice and the ice shelves in Antarctica that are actually melting are both already floating in the water right? Them melting means almost nothing to sea level since they displace most of their volume of water already.
The land ice on Antarctica stubbornly refuses to move, despite the fervent wishes of the left.
>they won't be able to feed themselves
The African diet consists of three staple foods: mud, flies, and other Africans. All of which are in endless abundance. Worse than the Ice Age, prepare for the Nigger Age.
It o k.
What time of year? Antarctica melts in summer and freezes over again.
Btw why should i care about Antarctica when i get refugees who destroy me? So i can pay for one more thing that doesn't benefits me?
Then they'll just move inland.
Up in the Mountains, so I don't give a fuck. Most of the people on the coasts are jews, faggots and niggers so they all deserve a cleansing.
It's a question of which effect is more prominent and all recorded data shows increase in sea level with increasing temperature.
The faster the earth kills all humans the better.
Not really true. Melting Greenland's ice cap would lower the sea level in the North Sea because it wouldn't be exerting the gravitational pull on the water it currently does. A raise in ocean temperature in the Pacific would raise the evaporation dumping more snow onto the Alaska, Yukon BC coasts building huge glaciers that once flowed out across the continent.
When South America was connected to Antarctica the circular current around the south poll didn't exist and plants and animals lived in abundance with limited ice cover, even while the ocean was cooler the sea level was higher. Now with warmer oceans but the circular current it's a block of ice and the ocean level is lower.
A simple more = more relation is ignorant and unhelpful. But nuance doesn't sell alarmism to the people.
"Artist rendition picture proves you need to buy green energy now."
Dumbass. If all the ice at the north pole melted, the sea level would lower. All that ice is floating.
On a related note, If the south pole warmed enough to melt the ice, the most of the first ice to melt is also floating, lowering the sea level. It's only after an ungodly amount of ice that is sitting on the continent melts, would the sea level start rising.
Proof climate change fools don't know basic science.
im sure the US government could have stopped that by taxing factories and causing them to move to a country with even less restrictions.
True, still there's whites who give them money and China is actively colonising the continent. They're being subsidized by more than the natural flora and fauna. That needs to end, if not the 3-4 billion that are already there will jump to 7 billion by the end of the century.
>ice melting in a cup lowers the amount of water in the cup
thank god
Do you have any idea how much money a northern passage would save? Trillions, bro, literal trillions of dollars. We should have troops up there with flamethrowers 24/7/365. Fuck that ice, nigger
why are you promoting the earth is actually a pair of tits theory?
The increased weight of the water is pushing the ocean floor down, though
Adding 50,000 new pages or regulations would have helped too
What did the pack ice look like in 1934? How about 1784? Or 1084? Without any long-term historical context, this is nothing but a shallow emotional ploy.
>all these fucking threads about coast sea lvl.
You guys are retarded. That’s not the problem. The problem is the climatic belts shifting and food growing areas becoming barren. And you poor fucks living inland are going to be the new Irish potato famine victims, it doesnt matter if you grow the food, the ZOG only cares who can afford to pay for the food.
Ice melting in the ocean is nothing.
Ice melting on Antarctica's land mass is something.
Guess which one this is...
Before the industrial revolution the climate had been perfect for millions of years. Every day the temperature was exactly average. Rainfall was plentiful, but not too much. Tornadoes and hurricanes occurred rarely, and then only in areas without people.
Does this mean Californians will have to move closer to me or will they die off because they're not in their natural environment?
Can we have finally acess to sea after this collapse?
Fuck the coasts, coastal towns and the commie fags that inhabit them. This will lead to better climate for inland America.
It's okay, the ocean floors have dropped in depth to compensate from the weight of the water ;)
is there any reason to care if they're wrong or not if it gets people to care more?