Varg's position doesn't make sense
He says that all of civilization will collapse when we run out of rare earth metals
But at worst it will just go back to Late Renaissance era, which is certainly far from primitivism
Varg's position doesn't make sense
He says that all of civilization will collapse when we run out of rare earth metals
But at worst it will just go back to Late Renaissance era, which is certainly far from primitivism
Other urls found in this thread:
>which is certainly far from primitivism
There is your error. You don’t understand his position so you simplified it until it makes no sense
That's because Varg is a LARPing delusional boomer faggot who knows nothing about anything.
But what Varg wants is a "culture" epoch as Spengler described it (dominion of racial instincts and agrarian values over cosmopolitan, civilized and urban values). That kind of epoch always starts and develops under new, strong cultures (for us, it was the middle ages, the renaissance and the baroque)
>rare earth metals
That and oil. He believes we will reach peak oil fairly soon and the economy will collapse as a result. Is he wrong?
we can mine space asteroids.
Varg is a retard like most neo nazis
Asteroids don't have crude oil
Crude oil requires there to have been organic matter there at some point.
Varg is a good man, but full of himself and wrong e agrarian lifestyle
Too many people are depending on the system, when it collapses there will be famine, war, disease, etc.
Most of the population will die and only small tribes will survive, Varg will be among the survivors because he is prepared for this.
Don't you know, the retards are actually saying that oil is produced by the earth's core or some shit, I've seen many people post this recently.
Anytime anyone criticizes your Jordan Peterson-tier cult leader, it's always one of you snowniggers that comes prancing in and claiming that 'we don't understand' your holy scripture.
Interesting how this fucking hack made no mention of this news:
>The newly discovered deposit is enough to "supply these metals on a semi-infinite basis to the world," the study's authors wrote in the paper.
>There's enough yttrium to meet the global demand for 780 years, dysprosium for 730 years, europium for 620 years, and terbium for 420 years.
I used to like him but see what he really is now. He's a guy who fantasizes about returning to his pagan roots and tries to convince himself about how that will plausibly happen in the future even though there is no fucking chance it will. He also has this retarded idea that the brown/black hordes are not a huge problem in the long run because a new ice age will come and only the whites will want to live in Northern Europe. He is delusional.
There is no proof of how crude oil is created. Its honestly a perfectly valid theory especially because there are cases oil deposits being refilled somehow
I'm sorry, why do you homestuck faggots think we either have oil or the world ends?
literally everything is based around oil abundance, are you trolling?
Varg is LARPing. Not just late renaissance era, steampunk era, with assault riffles on top.
If he believed in what he said, he would've stocked on ammunition, taught his children to shoot and served in the army or at least joined a gang.
...Ok so the question was, and still is.
Why do you think, you homestuck faggot, that the world will end if we don't have oil?
Playing the lunatic and screaming "ITS ALL AROUND YOU" doesn't count as an answer.
When did anyone in this thread say "the world will end" other than you, you dumb strawmanning queer?
Our economic system (and thus the social, political and geopolitical system attached to that economic system) would fall down and it could mean or the rise of the "Caesars" or the end of the west.
But surely, another culture and countries will born from the ashes, the world would not end (and nobody is saying it would end)
>Varg's position doesn't make sense
Stopped reading here. It's absolutely true
Varg doesn't make any sense
>be Varg
>ride the wave of black metal and release some half decent music
>be an edgy nazi faglord and burn historically important churches without ever touching a synagogue or a mosque
>get into an argument with 5'2" manlet and stab him to death
>be stupid enough to get caught
>make up a batshit insane claim that you were the victim
>get thrown in prison
>get jaw broken by a fellow inmate but still claim to be 'alpha'
>get out of jail
>somehow convince a literal autist to marry you
>start up a turd of a YouTube channel
>preach about anarcho primitivism whilst enjoying the fruits of technology and living off government handouts
>blackpill your audience without giving any citations
>make up bullshit conspiracy theories without even a superficial understanding of science and history
>somehow be taken seriously
>huge discovery ofva few out of about 17 needed rare earth metals, amazing everyone with the abundance
>now I truly see. Varg should have known we'd just find infinite amounts of these things again and again, no problem, forever.
Silly logic. Not only is this discovery not covering all rare earth metals, but it's still going to be used up as demand continues to grow. This whole model of civilization is based on offloading your problems where you can't see them. Something will give, eventually, and in the meantime life for your family is going to get more and more, well, unsavoury.
>historically important churches
Stopped reading here.
>edgy nazi
On second though should have stopped here
His whole behavior is nigger-tier.
Which is hilarious, because in an earlier video he said that America was the depository for the lowlifes and criminal scum of Europe that polite society wanted to forcibly remove and weed out.
He says all of that with a straight face, not realizing the irony or how lacking in self-awareness he is.
>America was the depository for the lowlifes and criminal scum of Europe
That's true
I add
>leave a pregnant girl with a daughter in Norway for an autist teenager in france
>make her paint her hair blonde to match your absurd nordicist theories
>try to convince everybody that if a man with long legs and smaller waist than his shoulders is blonde, blue eyed and a high functioning autist retard, he is a pure neanderthal
>direct your hate not towards migrants but towards meds for no logic reason
>raise six childrens like gypsies although your wealth is aproximately close to 2 million USD
>be rich because of your music, books and RPG but still parasite the French welfare system
>shill agaisn't identitarian parties and ideals because you know they will cut off your welfare
He should just pay into the welfare system for all the niggers and/or muslims, such as yourself?
That's fucking retarded anyway. Rare earth metals are more scarce in naturally occuring deposits than in landfills anyway, so we'd just start mining old landfills.
Cars can actually run on water. The independent researchers who published their findings got their shit pushed in hard by the ZOG though as a result so they can profit more
Also free energy in general is being supressed, read Viktor Schauberger's writings on the inherent Vril powers of nature and that of water especially
>med*id shitskins mad as fuck about Varg's racial purity
Go back to Africa you apes
Maybe atleast we shouldn't parasite the welfare of ethnic french families when he is a fucking millionaire
Keep that absurd levels of ignorance about history, anthropology and population genetics. Reading a nordcuck is like reading niggers in wewuzzing forums
>Late Renaissance
Not with all those niggers about pal, once the power goes out cities will be overrun
i agree everything else but
>raise six childrens like gypsies although your wealth is aproximately close to 2 million USD
i don't see anything wrong how he is raising his children. people really should buy less shit and learn more skills.
If you don't buy the latest iShit for your kids you're raising them like gypsies, goy.
You know about Spengler, that's nice. I suggest, just for fun, that you read this book:
The author is somewhat bluepilled about race and ((())), but tries to apply the spenglerian model of civilization development to the future west until 2600 A.D. It helps to understand Spenglers philosophy without reading the books.
>pay taxes into shitty system, money goes DIRECTLY to feeding and housing africans and muslims
>go on welfare to cheat the bullshit rigged system to get some of your money back
lol Varg's worst nightmare.
An intensely Christian Renaissance
>Vargs Face When
Fuck I hate journalists
dishonest argument which assumes this shitty system helps no one and you are nigger tier
varg hates the system because he is banned from society he does what he does because he has literally no other options but this "shitty system" has helped and excelled many whites into plenty of great accomplishment.
I was not referring to that
I was referring to raising them without civic education, in a house unable to sustain such a big family that is ramshackle and dirty, with almost no electricity and making them eat "grass" because you can neither succesfully cultivate good vegetals nor because of "muh agriculture"
>(((civic education)))
>that welfare is also supporting poor working class ethnic french families
>a millionaire keeps not only not paying taxes (wich is fine) but parasiting the system, taking food and money from it
>that is right somehow
Fucking niggers and arab "refugees" still don't get to that levels of parasitism
how big house you need for a family like that? you know many generations of people used to live under the same roof not so much time ago. I used to live with no electricity or running water for 2 years and had no problems with it. People don't really need those things to live a happy life.
I readed Spengler's decline of the west myself, and now I am looking for similar reads, thanks.
Spengler is racially a little bit lysenkoist, but is fine because in the early 1900's they didn't knew about genetic reality
Look at the flags that get triggered by Varg.
Yeah but you live in today's world. They dont need every fucking toy the faggot normies buy, but you delude yourself if you think they benefit from being excluded from the world completely. There is spartan raising, and there is antiquated/borderline ancient... guess which one he is using
People also used to give birth outside the hospital, transportate in donkeys, dying at their 50 years old and having like 5 of 8 sons dead because of childhood diseases.
If you had a family that big and millions of USD, wouldn't you atleast give them basic things like electricity, quality food or enought space in the house to have their privacy? Would you get them to live in bad conditions only because of ideology?
They list a lot of things they don't like about Varg but we all know it's simply because he's says meds aren't white and they know he's right.
There are. 5 types who hate Varg.
>the Jew since Varg has and continues to name the jew
>the christcucks because Varg recognizes them as an anti-white fellowship
>the jewmerimutt because Varg has either directly called America shit at some points or have called out its flaws (porn, unsustainable bad food, racemixing country)
4) the white nationalist since unlike most WNs Varg is actually white
5) niggers and nigger lovers since he has a sensible view of race from an evolutionary biology standpoint
Anyone offended by what Varg says or does is a snowflake and is attached in some way to one of the above 5 subcategories
I don't care if I am white or not, I know very well my capacities and problems to base my persona on my race.
Also look at varg's followers (nigger-tier wewuzzing fangirls justifying everything his favourite rockstar)
shits fucked here so probably
6.) People who realize varg is an internet e-celeb daddy just like Juden Peterstein who want to make money selling (((rugs))), (((role playing games))), etc
Your 4th point is either subtle bait or a dog whistle for shills.
1 and 2 are basically two sides of the same coin.
It's pretty obvious meds care about not being white otherwise they wouldn't even bother with Varg.
Imagine the opposite scenario, an Italian calling a Norwegian nonwhite. The Norwegian would laugh at the pizza cannelloni mamma mia and not give him another second of attention.
I don't know how their living conditions really are but i have been living in a car, tent and in a cabin in forest with no electricity or running water. I would not raise a kid in a car or tent but the electricity really is not that important for humans. Also i don't see any benefits for living so long that you cant walk by yourself like people do nowadays.
>cause constant division
>praise atheism with symbolic traditions (wich is fine) and call it paganism
>keep people from moving foward
>shit on everyone who isn't exactly like you, a boomer retard living in a hutt out of welfare handouts although you are a fucking billionaire
>construct absurd theories without the most basic knowledge of population genetics and anthropology
>everyone who disagrees with this is a christcuck, a mutt or a SJW
...... You may be surprised to find out that you can live a long life and be of decent health in your twilight years, as long as you didnt have terrible genetics or had a terrible diet younger.
Also, while it is good that some whites are awakening, in europe the distinction white non-white is meaningless
Varg has done more for the white European race then all the basement larping nonwhite naziboos on this board combined. Varg lives what he preaches and this triggers the poltard and christcuck alike.
You FEAR his powerlevel and rightfully so.
I am well aware of that. But when your body stops working it is natures way to tell you that your time is up. It does not matter if it happens when you are 30 or 80.
>rare earth metals
aren't rare lol
read a book you niggers
Well ok. I just think he unironically is too edgy even if that's the point of such movements. As I said before, there is austere life and there is being hermit tier. When you have family to support the 2nd is unreasonable.
I do appreciate you dont spit random D&C insults like the burger who overcompensates obviously btw
>in europe the distinction white non-white is meaningless
What do you mean?
Well for one there werent entire black or something communities in most countries, until recently maybe. My country is an exception, in Thrace specifically but only multicultural countries had issues that America began facing after WW2
This is quite a dramatic and washed out opinion. You can say if it will rain tomorrow it will be wet.
And by rare materials I think he means oil because as far as for gold, it's a good value storage, you may hold actual physical gold and if price of gold decreses you still hold your gold and when civilisation collapses you can go exchange it for products services.
Also for example, France, Germany and England were white essentially yet still spent their history trying to kill each other.... so you know
>cases oil deposits being refilled somehow
From other oil deposits, dipshit.
What does that have to do with meds not being white?
What does white mean to you? Genuine question
he may be right on some topics, on others he's just straight up retarded
here's an example
>claim to be preparing for complete collapse of civilization
>move to a country with most nuclear power plants in Europe
I have no need to insult you even if we disagree. It will only make mine and your day worse.
I forgot that france is the nuclear powerhouse of Europe
Well in that case you are right. But doesnt that isolate you?
You are the jewmerimutt in my post, notice though how you go immediately into snowflake mode by saying
>muh 6th category I belong to because I'm special
In terms of living an off-grid life Varg is at the absolute bottom rung. He's just not very good at it. Look at his absolutely laughable attempts at "permaculture".
Is this the guy who burnt down a thousand years old architectural masterpiece in the form of a wooden only church?
How is he not rotting in jail?
My family came here in the 20th century and never mixed.
>historically important churches
What's wrong with synagogues or mosques?Aren't those historically important too looking at the long European history of jewry and Islam?
No, I mean if people like you have the same sentiment doesnt that limit potential allies?
>living off government handouts
>without giving any citations
huh wow
>you disagree with my favourite e-celeb
>thus you are mad because of hair and eye color
Like those pop music teenager fans telling you to get a life and that you have envy of him because you don't like his music
I don't care, I am an iberian and very proud of my roots and history, my ancestors shaped the world as it is today (while yours were raping and pillaging)
I think that Varg is a good man and intelligent but that at times he can be seemingly horrible at hearing other people out and it seems to make him bad at debating things. What I find disconcerting is how eagerly he turns his comment section into a circlejerk and seems to just ignore so many comments that would result in positive discourse. It irritates me because he makes very good points but sometimes he says something where I want to ask him "Ok but what if X? And have you thought of Y?" but I know he would most likely just ignore that sort of comment in favor for someone kissing his ass (He doesn't ALWAYS though). That said, he is doing a lot for Europeans and I shill him a lot to people because what he says about certain topics like becoming self sufficient and ejecting from the system I find extremely important.
To be allies is one thing, to pretend that we're all white is another.
>thus you are mad because of hair and eye color
You clearly are. To the point of reducing race to hair and eye color even after posting about racial realism.
>Varg makes no sense again
How is this even worth a thread?
I am actually curious. Can you give some example? I for one think Varg generally has the right idea in that this 'world' we are leaving is a fake construct, a Cathedral for the jews and their goytoys. We do need to simplify our life and reexamine things; after all, we are suffering from societal and spiritual decay not material one.
But it seems counterproductive to abandon what has been built instead of being an active part of change, change for good.
So, the rest of Europe isnt white according to you? Well I personally dont care about it, but one can say that this kind of exceptionalism is dangerous. Not just because (muh holocaust) but that it seems Germans are repeating the same things that bloodied Europe
I wont argue about that because i have no idea how skilled he is. Maybe his kids will do it better. I was just talking about buying less stuff and learning more skills.
>but one can say that this kind of exceptionalism is dangerous
It's the truth. No use in lying to ourselves and each other. If people are interesting in defending Europe they need first to understand that Europe isn't comprised of a single race. Otherwise what's stopping whites from mixing with meds and end up with a mongrelized race?
I fit none of those categories and I've come to dislike Varg for just being a generally mediocre person.
(Ice age)
I mean he is atypical, but how do you reckon he is mediocre?
I see. Good for you to have an identity in any case
Basically both nordics and mediterraneans are leptorrinic, dolichocephalic... the only difference is in hair, eye and a tanner or lighter skin. If you are saying that mediterraneans are not white, then you are reducing "whiteness" to hair and eye color
Example of what exactly? I'm not entirely sure where I stand on civilization but I think our current system is some Brave New World type scenario. I am pretty pessimistic about the majority of people and so I agree that 90% or so have to go if we want a better future. I've been wanting to eject from the system forever though before knowing his videos but that is partially due to being an outsider in general. Yes he is pretty firmly rooted in his stance of wanting to go back to bronze era type tribes, although he has said this is unrealistic in today's age and is more his ideal. He is counting I guess on SHTF to go back to tribes at least. Part of his problem seems to be that he gets so firmly rooted in some views and opinions that he will aggressively not back down or even consider other views much. Part of what I hate about a majority of people is how much people lack perceptiveness.
Despite generally having seen him more of a looney, i do agree with both his opinion and yours generally. But rather than fully allowing the collapse, I am saying we need a purge instead. A full collapse, no matter how much it sets us back, is unreasonable and an excuse to allow weakness for longer.
I think it's good for anybody, wouldn't you agree? Or would rather mix with, say, the Dutch and dissolve both your and their racial identity? We can't pretend both races are white and that the difference is simply color or the size of the head like says.
>varg is retarded
And more news at 11.
Everything for Christ and country, fuck Varg.