Who are the rudest ethnicity?

Who are the rudest ethnicity?

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you know the answer. gif related.

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Chinese easily, I used to think it was blacks but then I had to deal with Chinese tourists all summer last year and they had no manners at all. It's weird because all the other Asian tourists are very nice


anything not white

Probably Abos.

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>not politics


I’ve dealt with Chinese and I gotta agree but it’s just because that’s how everyone in their country acts so to them it’s not rude.


Yeah pretty much
It’s not like other races that are too dumb to have manners. Jews are smart and know they are being complete fucking assholes but don’t care

American Niggers. I used to work at a museum and they were so fucking incapable of showing any kind of curtesy and kindess. Even niggers straight out of Africa had the decency to show some sort of gratitude.

Old white boomers, I've dealt with every kind of person and ethnicity/nationality and old white boomers are the worst, Finnish people and other Baltic people are by far the best in my experience though.

Tossup for me between blacks, Arabs, Chinks and Jews. I've seen all of them be very rude but in different ways.
Least rude: Tossup between the Nipponese and whichever is the least rude race of Europeans, not sure which myself.

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Arabs, Americanized blacks, and to a lesser extent, the Chinese.

Arabs come to your country as immigrants and then stare at you and make fun of or judge you for not being like them.

Americanized blacks are hyper politicized and think they need to show you up if you are are a European, because of false concepts like white privilege.

Chinese aren't hostile rude, just they have no filter and do things that are odd,or annoying. They are preferable to the others.

African blacks are generally ok and positive people who don't want to start a fight because your skin is wrong colour, but the ones who spend time in Europe for a while start to become hostile. It's weird.

Turks and Serbs. Shithole countries with the most arrogant attitudes.

Honestly, everybody used to be polite. Even people with customs that are rude to us were contrite about them once upon a time.
Everybody says that Canadians are polite but we're just behind the times, I traveled all through the US and much of the world as a petroleum brat in the 70's and 80's and I found friendly humble people everywhere. Like people say that Russians are rude but I went to Siberia and everybody was very friendly to me and they did not know that I was used to traveling so they thought I would be very homesick and prepared some surprises for me of western candy, even Canadian candy, they found me smarties somehow and I made each pack last over a month.
It's after the jerry springerization of the west that everybody started to be rude to each other on purpose, in my experience.
I saw no different in how polite people were between Calgary and OK city and Atlanta and Port Harcourt Abu Dhabi and Russia, and many more places.

>You got 20 bucks you can giv... lend me?
Sorry man, I don't have any cash on me.
>Fuck you den

Niggers for sure. I even did give a chick 5 bucks gas money after she gave me a sob story about not having enough gas to get her kid to the hospital. It was literally all I had and that just seemed to make her madder.

Chinese and Koreans are a pretty close tie.

Akshully Muslims are pretty generous and hospitable people.

French... plus they smell

>plus they smell

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Abbos are fine, they're just the dumbest.

In the south: blacks
In the midwest: whites
In the northeast: everyone

>he actually gave money to niggers that asked
You absolute fucking cuck

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.t Chinaman


Indians followed by Chinks. Canada is a nationality but any Canadian I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with is a piece of shit unless they're older and from like Alberta.

this doesn't matter the ethnic atheist are always cunts everytime


lol my dude its a well known panhandler trick. sob story at the gas station.

My mother once called Jewish people obnoxious
I don’t know what she was talking about :/

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thats right
you will never be one of us

thank god, I will never be an autistic fat fuck then.

Gooks. The fact that there language sounds like a form of barking doesn't help either.


Haha nice troll,user.

Indians without a doubt.


Nothing ruder than open defecation

I've worked as a hotel front desk agent for years and had every nationality as a guest. Rude can appear in many forms. Honkies are rude in a cold way but they don't bother you much. Indians are warm hearted but can be extremely rude if they want to assert dominance over you. French people can be quite rude as well.

you thinks it's about ethnicity? wrong!
rich snobs

Chinks, especially mainland ones. No contest.

Chinese people.have u ever seen a Chinese kid take a shit at a dinner table im a restaurant even though the bathroom is 5 feet away? I have witnessed this several times in my travels

I seriously couldn't work in the service industry.
having to take it with a straight face while being abused by "customers" just because
yeah, no thanks.

if I get an ear full, I at least want to be responsible for the fuck up


You chicken nugget scoon.

This. People have little to offer now in the way of decency and self-respect.



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Somalis by far. second most rudest funnily enough would be white trash, then ghetto niggers. but i can categorize them into classes of people. Somalians of all types are rude as shit and the only worthwhile Somali was a US Marine sniper who left Islam, became bartender and is working towards his degree in Computer science for software engineering

Niggers. Never fully evolved from ape-dom. Niggers from any continent.

German tourists are rude as fuck and lack all manners.

I can see the chamber it's empty nigger

Not only the rudest, but also the most lacking in situational awareness.

Those guys gets it
Jews are the rudest ones. They come to your country and they preach on how about you should change, buton no they only tell you what to do, because they never gonna do what they tell you goys.
And if you dare to speak against them then they gonna call you anti-semite and call support of other Jews from different countries (who are Jews only when it's suits them, otherwise they have the nerve to speak on how communities they try to blend in should change) act like those countries condemn you for your unbelievable sins.
And then even race traitors - good goys types joins those Jews, who lead.

Germans are the rudest. Don`t believe me? Go skiing in Germany.


I hate this job, but I'm good at it. You have to learn not to take it personally and be proffessional. Also, working in a hotel can be a vastly different experience depending where you work and how many stars the establishment is trying to maintain.

At least white trash are white. Negroids will always have jungle blood. Whites have the ability to change.

Arabs here in the states can be super nice though, unlike Europe. I think its because they can't bring all of their relatives over to America and like they can in Europe so they have to make do with the community around them. Then they see it's not so bad and become humble as fuck. I only know a handful of Arabs who are always rude and nasty, but they have New York accents so I wonder if that played a role.

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You think that, but that's not true. For the most part the white trash are using hard drugs, and even if they quit and changed their ways, they get that really annoying former drug addict attitude. The best you can hope for is that if white trash have kids, that somehow the child grow up in a less shitty environment and doesn't act like a complete failure that his parents were.

Can you explain the appeal of this SNIFF-posting?

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Jews or Chinese.


Maghrebis, with Algerians being on top.

Easily niggers.

sure, different establishments attract different people, but hating your job is a sure way to unhappiness.
I hope you got a backup plan before you snap.
until then, godspeed

Would say niggers, but they're just too inhuman to use a people word like 'rude' on


We live in a land...

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Chinks aren't rude, they're just oblivious and undereducated in Western customs because they're fucking poor. You don't see kids defecating on tables in tier 1 coastal cities.