Are people happy with the new name?
Greece's neighbor will be renamed the republic of North Macedonia
Are people happy with the new name?
Greece's neighbor will be renamed the republic of North Macedonia
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The cunts should be nuked out of existence. The proxy state has overstayed its welcome anyway, it serves no purpose.
Greece has been British proxy and in Cold War until now, an American.
Tsipras is Soros, US scum, like Varoufakis, Zaev, Rama.
>North Macedonia
Still kind of implies that they're looking to gain "South Macedonia"
Better than Fyrom I guess.
Whose proxy state are they?
are they so different from you?
Could you join into one Macedonian state?
Being annexed by Bulgaria would be ideal since their languages are pretty much identical.
The Orthodox state of Alexander the Great is the Patrician name.
They will get publicly hanged for this . Greeks are furious for the double cross by our government.
don't get me wrong, I empathize with the macedonians but on top of our 700 000 turks and 500 000 gypsies we'd get 2 000 000 albanians from this "deal", we would gain far more problems to solve
now if the albozers are either kicked out or the territories inhabited by them are ceded away, I'd be up for it
Still NOT Tri Moreta!
Why do albos cause so many problems?
Why can't they be like are albo?
You deserve all you can get for voting this commie trash in the first place.
Then who the heck are South Macedon?
That many non-Bulgarians....fuq
You could piss off the Serbs and send your gypos and Albos to Kosovo hehehe.
At this point just invade Skopje FFS. Enough of the bitching over a stupid name.
what is something that would have been acceptable?
This North thing does sound a bit silly. It makes it sound like a province
>why do Albanians cause so many problems to foreign, expansionist colonizers from the east
albanians are a nation of criminals, it's generally the entire population, they would plague us to no end
are Macedonians a separate people or are they crypto Bulgarians or Greeks?
They're Southern Slavs, they've got no cultural link to the ancient Macedonians.
They are Bulgarians from Yugoslavia who wanted their own hamlet, like Montenegrins who are Serbs but got their own little plot of land.
Strategic means to gain territory. Create a small heterogenous republic, convince the people they are something else, use their new identity to unite them with you. Example 1: Austria
Example 2: Fyrom
Example 3: Belarus
Anything that didnt include Greek culturetheft
What the fuck difference is that going to make? They're slavs, the name should not have "Macedonia" in it. And who is actually going to say "Northern Macedonia" rathe rhan just 'Macedonia?" As usual, the commie cucked.
we went full retard during the second balkan war or also known as the first political iteration of jackass, as a consequence serbs took a part where bulgarians lived and since they were unable to convince them they are actually serbs, they planted some wewuzism in their heads that they are some precious little snowflakes as not to have an active separatist movement, after 70 years of that, the macedonians are deeply confused people that I feel great pity towards
Why are they doing that if they are not even Greek?
Why are they so insistent on Macedonia, what connection do they claim to it?
West Bulgaria
South Former Yugoslavia
Pikemen when?
to be honest macedonians were cot considered real greeks by their contemporaries, although sharing some cultural practices, they were at best viewed as the violent hillbilies of the helenic world, if alexander never existed the reign of his father would have staid in greek history as a foreign occupation by a tyrant and nothing more, however as his son rofflestompped the entire known world at the time, suddenly macedonians became quintessentially greek, it's all a bit hypocritical, not that modern macedonians have any more rights on the whole ancient bullshit dickwavery but you guys are quite petty for a nation having so much to be proud of
The thing is, this how it would pretty much go down regardless what government was in power. The pressure to include FYROM in NATO is what made them cave in.
Nobody will say North Macedonia, especially as there is no south Macedonia. They have basically accepted it as Macedonia
At least it'll help us in next elections since the commies will lose even more votes due to this.
....sort of. Remember, Aristotle was a native of Macedon too. It is also where Mt Olympus is.
Macedonia must be reunified under Greece!
70% disapproval rates for the deal among greek people and the s*yriza party ratings plummeting as well.
Tsipras is guaranteed to lose the next elections, his cuckservative fuckpuppet Kammenos is basically doomed to remain out of the parliament and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a motion to try them for high treason in a few years.
>They will get publicly hanged for this
Barbarousis get off the internet, they'll find you!
You missed/omitted the part where Bulgarian government supporterd VMRO terrorists killing ethnic Serbs there since 1890s
But cool story.
Elections are rigged so nothing likely is gonna happen.
In ancient times the kingdom of Paeonia was there before Phillip II took it over. Calling it republic of Paeonia would piss considerably less people off.
The problem is those people fancy themselves as Macedonian when the truth is that 1/4 of the population is Albanian and the rest were slav tribes originating from central Europe, that creeped their way into the Balcans in 600A.D. Hardly locals. They have no history of their own, nothing in common to form a unified country.
Nah, Syriza is pretty much out next elections, that's for sure. What's also happening is ND getting in power, puts their own voters into the public sector (as is tradition) and then continue from where Syriza left, following EU's orders like a dog. There's no difference between them, make no mistake desu.
Also, “Macedonian” communists burned church records and books, and there was a huge push to change people’s surnames to fight “Serbification during Kingdom of Yugoslavia”.
The key detail is how COMMUNISTS created “Macedonian” Church.
You're not a Croat
Never claimed to be, you useless shithead.
Here for a shitty wedding of a related whore who sold to Vatican and got married in Catholic church.
But nice reaction to historically acknowledged facts.
Wanted to unironically KANG the whole Macedon thing as reinvented Macedonians for glory.
I'm sorry but no, they spoke Greek believed in the Gods and lived Greekly , satisfying the homoglosson/homothreskon/homotropon connection to Hellas . They were a bit off but so was any other Greek outside Athens , Sparta was a military junta and Thebes were a Kingdom . It's not petty, it's RIGHT.
This, Olympus is at the start of Macedonia , where Thessaly ends.
>Tsipras is Soros, US scum, like Varoufakis, Zaev, Rama
i could believe that this is true because i read that george soros has been targetting macedonia with feminist shit just like he did in ukraine. greek bros, i dont understand why you want to fuck with yugoslavs that are based orthodox. TURKEY is the enemy. leave macedonia alone
East Albania
this means Bulgaria is East Macedonia and Albania is West Macedonia
>You deserve all you can get for voting this commie trash in the first place.
There is nothing left, nothing at all
Fucking commies ruining everything since the 70s
Commies control education, economy, media, public sector, government, EVERYTHING in Greece
And the new generation is even more commie, self hating, pro diversity than ever before
We are done
Just let us be a warning to the rest of Europe on how a nation can be lost by communist indoctrination
Wake me up if the war happens so I can enlist
Both sides are fucking furious it's so fucking funny
Piangici sopra, maroccino
Are you saying that the northern parts of historic macedonia is not in current day North Macedonia? Greek history in action here folks!
Okay , what are you aridiculous imbecile ? Not worth your tongue. Cut it.
Most Asia was part of the Macedonian empire that doesn't make poos Macedonian. The debate was cultural, Macedonians were culturally Greeks.
>Implying that the slavshits and albanians infesting it today had any relation to the ancient kingdoms. Face it: they have nothing in common to form a country.
Greece didn’t exist until recently. “Greece” literally was under ottoman occupation for 500 years.
Greeks are not who you think they are
lmao stay mad
grwece fucked itself with this.
Now people there start questioning why southern macedonia isnt "macedonian".
Greece is at it again thinking they won but the dept will grow
?? You can’t even dispute this. Greece is a fake country. Real Macedonians do not exist anymore.
Too many cultural and ethnic race mixing traitors in your fake country
Tell us about your village in the Balkans, user.
Careful guys, we have an "Australian-Macedonian" here
Real Macedonians as in 2500 years ago Macedonians with sarissas and stuff?
We are talking about history and culture not here about who is the reincarnation of Alexander
t. re malaka
go back
Jesus christ, public executions when?
In short, this is a typical 'WE WUZ' situation.
A group of slavs during the late 19th century decided to adopt the start calling themselves Macedonians in order to establish an independent state of their own in the region.
Up until the break up of Yugoslavia they hadn't even adopted the whole Macedonian image and had no claim to Macedonian ancestry. All this Macedonian nationalism that you see them pushing nowadays began after Yugoslavia's breakup.
>complaining about weebs on a weeb site
diasporafags how about you come live in this shithole while you're defending this disgrace of a nation.
Yes well, guess what , we can .
Qysh thu bre, ka Grek n'Kosov?
They're we wuzing over lines drawn up by the Romans for administration purposes.
None of these mud people should be able to use the name "Macedonian".
Because Macedonians were blond Nordics, as Varg would have you believe. So were the Romans, and every other Mediterranean civilization of note.
Yeah, that's basically the argument
You are pretty enlightened for a Medshit my friend, probably Germanic heritage from Antiquity