cavort all over Paris, take their dancers to European museums and parade around naked while Classicism rots in the background.
Nig Kang and Qween
Other urls found in this thread:
We can only thank the eternal Anglo for this.
Continental Europe is pretty much destroyed in
a couple of years thanks to them.
Yes, the (((anglo))) did this. Not the hooked nose tribe that control the financial system, the media, the politics, military, law et cetera. Clearly the big pig farmers (that's essentially what the "nobility" is) of England caused the negro invasion.
music is so boring, wtf were they thinking
>190 million likes
people are simply too fucking unsalvagable
Who let these niggers in the museum?
Soon my friend.
>tits, sex, porn, violence and degeneracy everywhere
>its ok
>bad words
>better censor that sh*t!!!
No I don't like this.
>Go apeshit all over yo museums whitekrackers
Does anyone actually enjoy this "music"?
First off, it's 190k likes, you utter fucking retard. And yes, humanity is doomed. We will never reach the stars, but we got our nigger music.
13yr old mutt kids like it.
Why were thse nigger animals allowed in the Louvre? The amount of damage that could have been done to priceless paintings if one of them had a chimpout? France has shown itself incapable of caring for the Louvre anymore, most of it isn't even French art. It needs to be removed somewhere safe like to an underground bunker in Iceland.
no, the anglo actually caused this
Feels like an invasion to me. Like they are doing a tribal war dance in front of our most sacred artifacts. Feels like they're sending a message
that is exactly what they're doing
No. Only black people, and whites that try to kiss the ass of blacks to not look "Racist". It's incredible how huge the guilt is here in this respect.
I hate the fact anyone thinks this shit is good. Rap music only became decent to dog shit to absolute garbage that deserves to die.
It's basically music for the Low IQ and highly brain damaged.
Kind of deserve that guilt. Whites would feel even more guilty if native americans and aborigines survived and didn't get 99% of their population wiped off the map. Whites didn't have enough time to wipe niggers off the map and now they've come back.
jesus christ its worse than i thought
How can any European white person not see this as an attack? The symbolism is all over the place. It's them literally attacking European culture and history. I don't consider myself a paranoid right wing retard but this video is as clear as day an attack on European history.
>Censor everything related to Hitler
>Brainwashed to believe everyone is better than their own people are despite being the greatest Engineers on Earth.
At this point Native Americans and Mexicans are considered more human than that apes. I would not mind killing them all and starting it all over again.
Honestly mate, how many folks you know have actually read Shakespeare or bother listening to and understanding Bach? Europeans don't value their own culture anymore, no wonder that apes are able to trample around disrespecting it like this. If we gave a shit we'd have prevented this with violence, instead we impotently watch them do it with their millions of dollars and millions of fans.
Who even listen to these types of music? It's quite funny to think that more than a million people listened and liked this shit.
I think we need to show everyday people just how important these works are and why only Europeans could do this. We have Fashwave but we need some other genre to have pride in ones culture and to see why there is beauty in their own heritage.
Only blacks do i can not fathom any other race listening to this garbage.
Everyday people follow an elite, our elite trash our culture and promulgate a completely degenerate, alien one. Either purge the elite and replace it with an explicitly European one or watch everything your ancestors built crumble into dust.
The future genetic material of the Western homelands unfortunately.
what is the black equivalent to the Louvre?
Start filling your house with traditionalist art and artifacts. Start cooking traditional European meals. In a low key way, show this to people whether it's over social media or by invited people over. Becoming well read on European history and mythology. Work out, become an inspiring human. Inspire people to want to be like you- someone who embodies the glory of their culture
>only blacks
Are you pretending to be retarded? Go look at any popular black musicians crowds on youtube. It is a SEA of white.
White Americans don't have culture anymore and try desperately to fit in with blacks. It's shocking you, as an American do not see this.
All this shit because Americans could not pick their own fucking cotton.
I see why honor suicide is a thing. The shame of this is almost unbearable.
What did she mean by this?
Gucci Mane
The issue is we need to have services or companies that fight to preserve history. I am not saying to start a lobby group but we need to stop supporting the enemy whenever we can and try to listen to music, purchase art and keep supporting studios etc that give us our culture. It's part of the issues we have still. If we do not have an Ethnocentrism attitude and trusted these companies less we would kill these elites off and try to prop up new ones.
I would think that way too I am trying to figure out more ways even if we have to pay for artists and support them creating Traditional art. We need to seek it out and create it whenever possible.
All white music is one (follows the same rules) and merely differs in style. I don't need to pray to Bach, when contemporary bands regularly rehash the classics:
>This is the maddest I've seen Jow Forums in a while
I don't blame you all, this is absolutely shitting on our great cultural history. The niggerest video I've ever seen. I'm surprised they didn't rub their asses on the artwork
cow dung hut
This is 'high art' to niggers
Listen very carefully here, because this might be the chance for you to recognise something that you have an idea of but can not articulate.
You keep finding these videos of blacks mocking classical culture in edgy ways. There are dozens of them now, and each one has millions of views. You notice the transgressions done against classical culture, and you're appalled - not just because of the transgression, but because the transgression itself doesn't seem all that transgressive.
And you keep finding these transgressive non-trasngressions, and you think it must be one group, like Jews or Anglos. But you never stop to think about it in terms of what is actually pushing it - neoliberal capitalism.
The whole economic system that we have right now is fueled by aesthetics, and what's more, transgressive aesthetics. Every taboo that is broken, everything that is sacred that is profaned, everything that is venerable that is mocked and despised MEANS a new market, a new brand, a new way to sell shit. The system can not survive without constantly performing these creative destructions, it survives only in constantly destroying things so that new things can be made. Every time a Piss Christ is made, it means a new market to sell miniature Piss Christs or Piss Christ T-shirts, thus keeping the whole Behemoth alive.
Yet, this board in general supports neoliberal capitalism. It thinks, naively, that it can co-exist alongside socially conservative values. It can not, because socially conservative values is about saying, collectively, that some things are sacred, and the whole existence of current aesthetic capitalism is that it destroys that which is sacred, for the potential markets that said destruction can create.
If you are honest with yourself, you need to
1. Find an ideology that puts socially conservative values first above everything (reactionary right wing politics, monarchism, theocracy) OR
2. Go through the circle. Embrace it, go full acceleration.
Apeshit, indeed.
Sadly the elites own all the big time studios and have ruined a lot of music with remixed, recycled and boring garbage. But maybe supporting small studios and indie stuff would be better.
Didn't listen to the track, but I actually enjoy the shot composition, the interesting low curve pans and how the main nigress is costumed. Did a white man direct this?
>find an ideology
Kill yourself redcoat faggot. Cowardice courses through your brittle veins.
Neoliberals and Neocons are nothing more than Jews under those terms. We have been ruining our culture more so over the last 60 years underneath them.
First time listening to nigger music
I barely understand a damn word, who the hell enjoys this?
Is there a more ape-looking nigger than Jay-z jesus fuck
niggers arent people. The vid proves it. Dogs are better
Blacks, Jews and whites that traded their own culture for an even worse one.
I am sure it was a Jew who else can keep these blacks in check?
Mean while in Greece last week an REAL African KANG got baptized Orthodox for his people
>Neoliberals and Neocons are nothing more than Jews under those terms
See this is the problem that you have.
You think that it's not the system that's the problem, but the people in charge.
You think that if you just murder the Jews, and take over the economic system that they have, that thinks will be fine.
I am telling you - it doesn't work like that.
Neoliberal capitalism demands - requires - constantly evolving new markets. This is basic economic here, constant growth is required to keep the whole thing afloat. Every natural resource has been cornered, every industrial process perfected, the only thing left to extract new markets from is culture, and the way to do that is to destroy what culture there is to create new markets and brands.
It doesn't matter who is in charge, the same demands will have to be met.
You can't just kill the people in charge and take over. The whole system has to be collapsed if you want your values and culture to survive.
I thinks it's trying to communicate
Honestly, that is a neatly produced video, reminds me of Gesafelstein videos.
good point
The metal scene has branched into a completely separate ecosystem in 1990s, for exactly this reason.
Maybe I am in denial because Rap feeds into greed of people that psychologically project themselves. I do believe that those whites are hating their own culture to fit in with blacks due to "mah slavery my opression" narrative. My guess is white music has sucked ass recently were its just black music now.
Holy shit i hate niggers.
Race war when? I don't want to wait any longer.
I agree that creating a new culture that celebrates the old and tries to push things in a modern way would be a greater idea than just killing Jews themselves. The Jew thrives on power and authority. Take that way from them and they go home. This is why creating culture is important and we need to keep figuring out how to sell it to the world.
And yet, everytime a culture thread is started on Jow Forums so we can learn about and celebrate the great culture that the West has created is made...the mods lock it
Exactly. I doubt there's a single man alive today equal to what Europe was once able to produce.
I'm not sure exactly what it is we need, the only thing that's obvious is how far we've already fallen.
We need to make it into a general. We do have SIG,Fashwave and Red Pill threads. But we need to try to create something in a similar vein to it.
The Mona Lisa defined beauty.
I think Beyonce is jealous.
Does Africa or some majority black country have a single museum showcasing their art and history? Probably not.
What you should see is hundreds of years late to the game, proclaiming they're part of the team now and still just entertainers wishing they had what's on those walls.
It's ironic to say the least if not sad as hell. A building is just a building, a painting is just art. You can buy and occupy and own those things, it doesn't matter but those are actual events that took place and those two entertainers have no history related to them.
They should be promoting black and African artists and history like the whites have done for themselves for centuries. Instead, they got elite money and fit themselves right in there with the elites. Two fucking bums. It's the Great Gatsby.
Good Idea. Maybe call it Western Culture General? We can post music, art, and philosophy
>I agree
You don't agree with me at all, because you've concluded your post by saying that the point of culture is to sell it.
Why is this a hard concept for Jow Forums to understand, considering you're some of the few people to actually recognize the problem. You can not preserve a culture alongside neoliberal capitalism, because it will demand at some point the creation of new cultural markets, and that demand will mean the destruction of the original culture.
Nothing can be preserved with neliberal capitalism. Nothing. It's entire modus operandi is what is called "creative destruction", whereby from things that are destroyed, new markets can be generated. You can grasp that this happens with everything ecept culture. Just make the simple leap and all of this shit - niggers prancing around the Lourve, black rappers in Scottish art galleries demanding whitey be killed off - falls into place.
Architecture too
Yes. fantastic idea
Not Great Gatsby... the other one. It was the best of times it was the worst of times one.
Here is the general. Never made one before, so hopefully I did it right:
indeed, I LOVE that video too. It has a similar feel. Also, I rewatched OP's video and there's some very strong and very self-aware symbolism in it.
The core theme is of course about "muh oppression" but also about the fact that they have "come to power" after being nothing but tortured animals.
Visually the story shows a very westernized suit wearing african couple visiting the lourve:
>they go through the gallery and at first marvel at the beautiful details and brushstrokes.
>but as they zoom out they slowly see a very self grandiose culture.
>this visible aggravates the preformers
>Next we see black local French nigs, hidden in the slum, the camera never focuses on them.
>It's juxtaposed with shots of blacks hidden within some of the artwork, it ends on a well painted nigress poitrait.
>The before so westernized couple are becoming more feral. We see that they're wearing bling, have no shoes or tear off their clothing. There's a sense of rage.
>The before so unfocused on slum dwellers are now in the lourve. Dancing, roaring.
>War artwork is shown (what appears to be a white man screams)
>More dancing, the scenes linger out.
>The main couple laugh at the camera.
>We end back on the suit wearing couple, unhappy looking, till they sorta "wink wink" at each other.
Question, is screencap of a white guy? He appears nowhere else in the video and it made sense he's where he is narrative wise?
looks good
>I doubt there's a single man alive today equal to what Europe was once able to produce.
I'd argue that composition-wise Tuomas Holopainen (Nightwish) is on par with classical composers we all know:
But the market is what it is, so both his band's image and 90% stuff he did is cheesy as fuck.
I fucking hate these two no talent cunts
The only rapper who deserves respect is Kanye
Kanye actually changed music with his albums
The Louvre will never smell the same again
To me they are bragging that Niggers are taking over Paris.
>The core theme is of course about "muh oppression" but also about the fact that they have "come to power" after being nothing but tortured animals.
I didnt quite listened to the lyrcis, just the video, the only impression I got from the whole video was - white creativity ftw.
So literally oogggaa boogggaaa We Kangz and shieet.
Yes this world is doomed when niggers become the majority.
Why the fuck are Quavo and Offset in this track doing adlibs but not a single verse. Are Beyonce and Jay-Z so incompetent that they can't write their own shit anymore?
Too easy
Holy fuck this is worst song I've ever heard in my life.
Oh look beyonce does trap music now
Just like every other fucking song out there. Wow so original
Its Apeshit alright.there is no better way to describe the song
>Unless you want to call it apesheeeeeeeiiiitt.
God, I hate niggers.
I didn't factor in or listen to lyrics either. But the video itself is very pro black power.
> in a building built by a white man
> in clothes inspired by white man's style
> all can you do is shake your ass
Black power FTW, yup.
Are they wewuzzing so much they don't realize the shadows are not niggers.
the beat is pretty gud tho...
They are moderating that video hard.
You have 0 analytical skills. Go look at a brick wall.
Checked tho
Kek and Hitler are watching over us.
Not worth analysing, the nigs think shadows are niggers
Previous thread got deleted once an interesting and deeper discussion about the symbolism came up. I'm guessing this one will remain up because all of the discussions appear to be about stupid shit...So far
If any of you eurofags want to see us nuked after watching that video I don’t blame you.
It will be like the realization at the end of The Planet of the Apes.