What happened to Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon?

What happened to Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon?


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They got eaten by a jaguar next question officer

pumped and dumped in a grave


whatever it was didn't involve white strips

Reality mugged (and murdered) a liberal.

Stupidly went down the part of the mountain they knew was dangerous and were told not to, got injured and stranded in the literal god damn jungle with no way to contact civilization, died and were eaten by wild animals

>They got eaten by
each other

Quite impressed to see this old story here. It's been haunting me since I first read about it and it's frightening. Just thinking of it feels like there are jungle ghosts lurking around.

Anyway, to answer your question: the girl on the right (don't recall the name) was most likely the last one to die. She took several pictures with her phone one night and one of them was pic related. Its meaning remained a mystery until the location the picture was taken was found. It's been interpreted that the Y-shaped stick is supposed to show the bridge the were about to cross, and the other end of that "Y" was the river under the bridge. The two orange papers are the girls. The message seems to show one of them, probably the redhead, fell off the bridge and died, while the other was on land. Pictures of the redhead girl was taken using that phone and showed blood on her head. The other grill probably died due to environment: dehydration, diarrhea, etc.

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I thought they were just bags to catch rainwater

now I'm spooped


Girls go hiking alone, not realizing their utter lack of navigational and survival skills, probably fall of cliff and have remains eaten by wild animals. Locals find body, don't give a shit -- who would in that region? -- and keep moving on.

Nice Larp montaña fag.

probably died of dehydration because of poor planning

Thats spooky, are the other photos kicking about anywhere?
I remember reading about them years ago.

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Hankies on a stick? Really?... How dumb does that bitch have to be to not just write a message on the rock and take a picture of it?

alright, if we're talking actually creepy, I'm going to regret even thinking about this whole thing later.

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There are pics of it everywhere on the interweebs, you just have to search. There were about hundreds pictures taken. With few exception like 3 or 4 pictures (don't remember the exact number), all of them were pitch black. The real reason behind flashing all these pictures in rapid succession in the middle of dead night will remain a mystery but there are theories:

>the girl needed the flash of light to see the way in the dark night of the jungle
>they were trying to call the attention of some helicopter or rescue team
>they were trying to scare an animal or some other unknown danger

For unknown reasons, no other story has spooped more than this one, holy shit.

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Yeah I've got the same feeling man.
Shit just doesent seem right. How the fuck did both become so incapacitated that they couldn't walk to get help?
We will probably never find out either.

Went off road to explore, got lost and died. Typical of stupid "i love to travel" white women who believe world is a playground, they eater die or get raped in some third world shithole or both, non the less nothing of value was lost.

smart stronk wamen dun need no man go hiking
wamen not as stronk or smart as 2018 tells them they are

>Lisanne Froon
>Height: 184 cm (6 ft 0 in)
she was a fucking amazon

Because the jungle in some of these places are dense as fuck, if you walk 50 meters off the path, close your eyes and spin around for a bit, or just lose focus for a moment while hiking, and you might as well be 5 km off the path. If you end up walking the wrong direction you might risk walking 50km in jungle when there was a village maybe 1km away, there would be no way of knowing

Or simply record a fucking message on the phone ?

I mean, they were right next to a river. Your more likely to find settlements on the banks of rivers so a smart idea would have been to follow it.

sasquatch took em

Who cares lol. All these stupid roasties go on foreign dick hunt travels under the guise of '"""""finding their real inner selves"""""". Good luck finding yourself when you're scattered across some monkey republic's jungle lmao.

They died.

implying they went through an elaborate plan to build a message device out of sticks and plastic bags to leave a cryptic message instead of just leaving a note written in plain english on the ground

>Froon's bones still had some skin attached to them, but Kremers's bones appeared to have been bleached.[12][20][17] A Panamanian forensic anthropologist later claimed that under magnification "there are no discernible scratches of any kind on the bones, neither of natural nor cultural origin—there are no marks on the bones at all."[23]

>bones were bleached
>no scratches
>Not eaten by animals

Why not just type a fucking message and save it on the phone ?

Never celebrate deaths of whites, no matter how stupid or brainwashed they were.

These bitches should have had their yapping mouths sewn shut and imprisoned in kitchen, bare-foot and pregnant (with white kids) and would still be alive and safe today.

>expecting intelligent thought from roasties

americans deserve

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Good one

so when we mass execute white communists we shall not celebrate?

No executions. Only reeducation facilities. Let's call them 'Teh Camps'. Hard labour, bick by brick. Some get rehabilitated, some stay forever.

Agree with this, except for pedo-criminals obviously.

they were killed by the cia . they wandered to a active staging ground. the cia was propping up some shit in the region. france wanted to steal land. not sure if any of you remember but france tried to take some land south of mexico but still in north america after the locals killed each other. they didnt kill each other the cia killed them

the cia also had a operation in south america . it failed miserably but you wander in on them trying to make it look like there was some urban warfare with dead bodies they get mad regardless of where

Not only what said but a specialist in the area commented the girls seemed to be following *generally* good advice when lost, that is, to follow the river stream, but that due to the Panamanian geography, such advice is deadly.

Panama has great altitude variability. Impossible to follow the rivers like one would in leveled terrain, they always seem to bring you to a fall in Panama. Follow the river stream in the middle of the night and you're bound to fall some sweet 10 meters down into the rocks. This is perhaps what may have happened to one of the girls since her foot was found to be inflamed and had several broken bones. If it was inflamed then the girl most likely survived the fall and her body had plenty of time to try to heal her. Don't recall which of the two.

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>no executions
you don't get r-selected genes out of someone by re-educating him. if you show mercy you will have the communism problems some 50 years later again

This journey must have been terrible, remember when you lost yourself in your tiny forest near your home, then realise what is the feeling in the middle of a panamanian jungle, thousands of km from your comfy netherlands.

What was their last thoughts ?
"if only I've married Joorg 2 years ago and not left him for adventurous life..."

The backpack was found pristine and the bones had no environmental damage
Both had obviously only been around for a short time outside, indicating someone had dropped it off.
They were either murdered or their bodies were taken after a natural death

I researched this case for a while several months ago and after long online research I came to the conclusion that one of this girls has fallen down a cliff and injured her self and the other one died of dehydration. They then got eaten by animals and the remains of one of them were found on the river bank.

They’ve got eaten by animals most likely, if they got murdered they wouldn’t have taken photos of a cliff in the dark and a injury on the head from the fall

Seems like they were killed by a psychopath , the evidence just does NOT add up that they got lost and died after 10 days.
Why didn't they take any pictures or VIDEOS with their phones until 10 days after the day they went missing. When photos were finally taken , it was of pitch black darkness, between the hours of 1-4 am. Makes zero sense. Why not a video telling their parents they loved them? These are iPhones, girls know how to use them.
Why did their phones call the police at the same time every day, wouldn't they spam the call button all day?
Seems to me they were kidnapped or killed, their bones scattered and packback neatly packed and dropped in a public trail

I remember trying to plan a motorcycle trip down around there in 2011 and reading advisories that basically boiled down to 'yo the farc and its associated spinoff groups are still actively kidnapping people so don't go' so I the 6 foot white dude didn't go.
Of course these fucking sheltered euros women probably read the same thing and just naively went anyway.

>r-selected genes
Communism is an ideology (a jewish one to be exact). If you leave jews around, you'll have it appearing again and again, no matter how many gullible whites you kill. And if not communism then some other jewish bullshit.
The solution is to physically remove the jew. And even then I would try humane approach first, e.g. to another continent, like Antartica or planet like Mars.

A murder normally leaves pretty apparent signs in a body

Nah, their last thoughts probably were something like this: it all patriarchy at work.

There are also a ton of dangerous animals like jaguars, snakes, and even bears.

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Reminds me of the Dyatlov Pass incident desu.

they were trying to selfie but it was too dark

They were Dutch, you disgusting, illiterate, shitmonkey.

>Why did their phones call the police at the same time every day, wouldn't they spam the call button all day?

They tried to call emergency but they called 911 which is the wrong number in Panama. Also they don’t had signal last found out. They porbalbly then tried to sace battery since they had low battery.

later found out*
And save battery*

why not fucking record a voice or video message?

>white women travel to far off 3rd world country
why do they do this?

>After an extensive search, portions of their bodies were found a few months later.

it says it right there

There hasn't been a bear seen in Panama for like a decade. Most people think they're extinct there now. In any case, South American bears are basically herbivores and although they might peck at human remains, they would never fight or kill a living human.

Jaguar maybe but jaguars are extremely rare and jaguar attacks on men are even more rare.

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weren't the bones found of one of the girls drenched in lime or similar

Been a while since I read about it. I figured they got raped and murdered by the locals

wild animals ate them

Dyatlov Pass incident is some nice nightmare fuel right there. It's just weird as fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if those guys stumbled upon some secret Soviet expetiment deep in the Syberian wilderness and were terminated in the process.

Why would they go off trail without a backup battery? I always have a usb charger with me. You know, for emergencies.
They probably only brought a liter of water too

If I ever have to encounter Panamanian fauna in a survival situation I hope I meet a qt ocelot

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I want to pet this
And give some mice and rats

Pic related roasties traveled from my country to India in order to "meditate" there. Of course they got kidnapped by some goatfuckers in Pakistan and our cucked country paid $5 million ransom for them. The bottom pic is how they looked when they returned. Of course they converted to Islam in the meanwhile.

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Its a message for the search parties retards not a log
It suppose to show the way she came and the way she followed, its a universal basic fucking sign
The right girl was an amateur alpinist

Prison uniforms have white stripes

You truly are white niggers.

what the fug, looks like they aged 30 years

>what happened to kris and lisanne


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Those whores should have to pay those 5 million back.

Anyway, here is a good in depth report

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being repeatedly raped by goatfuckers does that to you

Islam is one hell of a drug, plus Slav women age like milk anyway.


something fucky going on with the exif data and picture order on their camera apparently

The girl on the right seems to liked it

they got bleached because they were laying in the sun on the riverbank for quite a while.

Whatever Tyrone Gomez-Stein

>must have been
nigga both of them died HAHAHAHAH

Thanks for sharing this.

I guess if she liked it so much maybe she should have stayed in Pakistan.

There is worse than death


In general, how safe is it to go backpacking through central and South America?

not him, but iirc she was using the phone of the other girl and didn't know the password to get in (the phone was found with multiple failed attempts to login) and was most likely only able to take pictures.

Dumb roasties deserve it

About as safe as dragging your nutsack across broken glass

without a guide i would say the chance of dying is 50/50

Dehydration which quickly led to disorientation and a slow spiral of stupid energy draining choices and death.
Jungle warfare training for fit healthy young males quickly turns you into a pasty hagard zombie, these two sjw types would have been on their knees within 24 hrs.

Why would you do this anyway? Canada has lots of forest as well.

Thank you for sharing. I think it's possible they stumbled upon some spooks and saw something they shouldn't have.

Just go to Brazil. Hang out on the beaches. Fuck some whores. Maybe do some Cocaine or something

The few bones that were found were all scattered across the river and they did seem to have been bleached like says. There's a discussion about whether or not that bleaching occurred naturally or if the girl's bodies were dissolved in acid. Whatever happened no one can be 100% sure. What one can be sure about the seeming obstruction in the investigation on the part of the local police. The local police seemed to be interested in ruling the case as a case of predators eating the girls, or something, "whatever", but the Boquete region has had these cases where people simply disappear. Disappeared people in the region and nearby include (in chronological order):

>Brittish Tourist Alex Humphrey. Missing since August 2009. Last seen in Boquete
>Froon/Kremers case, from 2014
>Entrepreneur Cristiano Zeviani. Owned properties around the region. Missing since May 10, 2016. Last seen in Chiriquí, Boquete
>American Tourist Catherine Johannet. Missing since January 31, 2017. Had her decomposing body found 3 days later by an officer hiking in the beach. Catherine was strangled with her own swimsuit. Local police arrested a teenager suspect.

Note that this region in Panama is close to the border with Costa Rica. Theory is that the narcos smuggle organs from Panama to Costa Rica.

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Not if you are going straight to hell

and enjoy getting aids