Invent banks, stock exchange and intellectual property

>invent banks, stock exchange and intellectual property

>disastrous economy


Attached: italy.jpg (324x216, 5K)


We trusted the eternal kraut.

In before blaming everything on south italians.

european union fault

Attached: uYxqn05.png (490x714, 128K)

The Euro.

>>disastrous economy

Northern regions are as productive as Germany, center and South lagging behind are a product of historical fuckfest.

>disastrous economy
You probably don't know about our shadow economy

PD and EU

Unhealthy mixes between business and politics, jews, now europe

Lol honestly this, OP forgot to mention that Italia also invented the concept of mafia.

Italian unification was made to enslave us to britain

You dont like working because life is too good in Italy.

Italian merchant class was surrounded by Monarchs looking down on them, which made them overachievers and led to things such as patronage. When merchants became the ruling class of the rest of the world, they just became a small fish in a bigger pond.

Also the EU led by (and tailored around) German Economy.

>Italian unification was made to enslave us to britain

>disastrous economy
Hah, no, they're better off than the vast majority of us, go check their implicit debt. GDP might not be sky high but they have very very little debt.

Attached: explicit_implicit-public-debt_8001.jpg (800x705, 89K)

Uhm do you care to explain?

Because italians are lazy fucks.

South Italians are lazy bums and criminals. Up north is good industrious peoole.

Ireland didn't invent the banks, retard. and their economies not that bad.

They're probably lazy as fuck.

the EU

Simple really, we have our priorities right. Work and everything is ok, but first comes family, enjoying life, and the sun, vino, good food, sports and clothes and being with each other. Fuck that north european work ethic where you waste you life for some company who doesnt give a shit about you.

>disastrous economy
Looking at per capita GDP growth, it's about the same as France and Germany and better than the UK.
Also Italians have low private debt and the highest homeownership in the Western world, and most of it is paid off instead of leased from jews.
Also memeflag faggot fuck off.

Should have let the based Venetians run things. Or maybe the Genoese. They had the best organisational skills, both politically and economically.

The south may be mutts or Greeks or lazy or whatever, but Italians generally aren't known for a culture of political durability. They've been known to joke about this themselves. Obviously they excel in other areas like cooking and artistry.

It's as if Britain in the past were run by the French. Although, these days we might as well be... what with all the Muslims and the muh equality.

Attached: dandolo.jpg (220x270, 25K)

>Implying muslims and equality are French when you're the ones that choose to take them.
I guess you'll say the 1984 style government come from Germany

Our own leadership is responsible for letting in Muslims, no doubt about that.

However, egalitarianism was originally far more of a French thing. Even our 18th C parliamentarism was aristocratic in nature. French Revolutionary type ideology gradually took over Europe and Britain ended up expanding suffrage over the course of the 19th and early 20th C.

The addition of egalitarianism to the more classical English liberalism has proved a fatal combination. This is shown most clearly by the existence of the Labour party. Although, the Tories have become just as bad in some ways to continue relevance in the changed political environment.

Highest national IQ in all of Europe. Literally too smart to win.

low private debt?

This seems like a good time to bring up the fact that the myth of southern Italians as non European was originally developed by a Sephardi Jew named (((Cesare Lombroso))). Look it up if you don't believe me. D&C ALWAYS originates from the same place...

Austria wanted to control mediterranean joint with naples (i think with the idea to later subjugate the rest of italy as she did with half of north italy but who knows), but britain didn't want competition so their freemasons fostered the unification (the first army to land in sicily before Garibaldi was a fleet of the british navy)
So later, since piemonte couldn't manage to pay back all of the debts and britain feared a big mediterranean country the itslian peoples were crushed by taxation and since now nobody ever fixed it

Italy has never gone bankrupt in all its long history, Germany had a bail-in on its sovereign debt more or less 30 years ago.
We ALWAYS repay debts, no matter what.

>this thread again

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Mussolini killed all your jews

pretty sure the dutch invented stock exchange

banks was more jewish

>Should have let the based Venetians run things
Fucking napoleon destroyed everything
Such a stupid dwarf piece of shit


I don't know if it's on topic but the word "cargo" is venetian
It means load

Oldest bank is Monte dei Paschi in Siena.