Jordan Peterson is an Overton Messiah

As soon as new truths start leaking into the mainstream, and pushback towards (((our current predicament))) magnifies, out pops an Overton Messiah.

Their job is to jump ahead just slightly of the normie zeitgeist and to drop a few new truth bombs (that normies would have discovered months from that point anyway) so as to gain mass appeal and influence. They curb the sheep away from the real dangerous ideas that would affect (((their))) power.

Jordan Peterson came out of nowhere, makes 50k+ per month, gets shilled on all the big channels/newspapers/blogs etc. Suspicious as fuck....

This shit is no different than Glenn Beck (teaparty fags) or Shapiro (30 year old boomers) or Spencer ("the alt right"). All of them nice little containment zones for the people that "break away" from the mainstream. They also all happen to not be Christian.

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Other urls found in this thread: peterson/end/2016-05-01/

wow great another enlightening "JOOOOOO!!!!!!!" post

Is it about time Lana started sucking black cock to pay for the site?

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Agreed, JP may not be on point in every single way, but in terms of pushing back the radical left and opening the way for open discussion about things that directly threaten our civilization, and were until recently off limits, he's absolutely /our/ guy.

Only extreme left and extreme right disagree, but seriously who gives a shit what the lunatic fringes think, anything that triggers them is just a bonus.

>there are only 2 genders
>gib me 90k now please goy
The absolute state of Judenstein.

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Did you even read the OP?

I said he ISN'T /ourguy/

He is stealing normies away from the truth

nope, he's rescuing normies from the radical left, and opening them up to the truth

JP is like a rock star, you know some guys take women to concerts knowing that the alpha on stage and the powerful performance will get her all wet, meaning he can then capitalize on her arousal by stardom, well JP is getting normies wet for the truth, all we need to do is build on his good work and bring them further towards the light.

He's killing the left, he's making Christian teachings relevant again and the globalists are fucking incensed by him, what's there not to like?

The pendulum is swinging back and the kikes are doing everything they can to keep the spotlight off themselves. By controlling the pendulum!

All those normies would have been goose-stepping down mainstreet eventually anyway.

Isn't he always telling people to take SSRI's and other psychoactive drugs? Decidedly uncool.

Take your pills and shut up goy.

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I already said he's not on point on every topic, but he's doing gods work, he's taking the universities back, and by doing that all the institutions that the universities feed with graduates are going to be taken back too, nobody is 100% correct on every issue, but rather than fretting about what he's wrong on, let's be grateful for the absolute carnage he's inflicting upon our enemies.

>Daily anyone who isn't 100% "gas the jobs 1488" is a paid shill thread.

Post a cool JP video, if you would be so kind.

Have you washed your nutsack today? Well? Better get on with it then lad

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Yeah I'm not bothering. If you believe muhjoo consipracy theories without much evidence you are a joke and not actually helping like you think you are in your addled dick brain.


Just out of the shower. :^)

Juden Peterstein is a sabbatean-frankist satanist so he has all the resources in the form of "people" who will help him sway the masses. His promotion of anti-depressants is one of the worst things he does next to calling white people "almost nazi's" for considering organizing.
Fucking disingenuous bullshit
>t.shit eating shill

Also according to the (((narrative))) this lips should be banned from publicly suc- eeeh I mean speaking.

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>Featured on Oprah and NPR
Alright, this had better be fuckin' good...

look at the symbolism lol, Trumps name on the podium and Abe Lincoln looking on approvingly, add to that the meticulous destruction of the white privilege lie, he probably red pilled 100,000 leftists with talk alone, maybe even more, and each one of them goes out and spreads the message. There is no overestimating the effect this man is having, and he's more on our side than the Joo obsessives would care to admit.

Couple weeks ago i first time went to youtube to see what this quy is because every one talks about him. Had to watch ~5min before i realize this guy is dropping blue pills camouflaged as redpills.

controlled opposition
his pro jewish position is practically indefensible yet he persists

>damage control every time jews are mentioned
yep, definitely /ourguy/, just like Milo, whose a pedo gay kike. its almost like he is everything what the right is actually opposing, but I guess he should be our leader because he said fuck the left.

it is you potatonigger, its the easiest way to notice controlled opposition. If you are not allowed to talk about certain things it makes even more obvious.

No, Milo's is a degenerate trollebrity, Peterson is an actual intellectual who is causing actual irreparable damage to the left.

>our side
I'm not sure we're on the same side.

>because he said fuck the left.

Has he even said that? He's opposed to the "radical left". Just like so many are opposed to "radical Islam" but have no qualms about them so long as they're broadly secular.

It's hilarious that we've come to the point that not using made up pronouns constitutes some radical stance of its own.

It depends if you're a white nationalist Christian or not, and whether you're capable of understanding that sometimes you need to make alliances with those you have some fundamental disagreements with in order to defeat a shared foe. If you're waiting for the world to come around to your exact way of thinking on every single issue you're going to be waiting as long long time, personally I favour an approach where we use friends and enemies alike to defeat the greatest and most pressing threats, then as we progress through our campaign we can either bring those with whom we have disagreements on side, or wait until we have the ability to defeat them too and then act.

There's a kind of imbecility present on both sides, this inability to understand how the world works, and how you need to put something to one side while you focus on others, and why it pays to pick the battles you want to fight, and the time and the place. Too many fools think we can just set out our principles in stone and go out and defeat everyone who disagrees with any of them, well those fools will win nothing.

>Jordan Peterson came out of nowhere

Are you actually retarded? Like, in clinical sense. You do understand how a career breakthrough works, right? You don't just appear on the radar with no previous work, and if you do, you disappear quickly. Peterson has a fucking career to back up his stardom, he was simply at the right place at the right time.

Stupid fucking stormfags should've been tossed into the garbage pile after birth, you're making all the other right-wingers look bad. If anyone is likely to be controlled opposition, it's you.

Yeah I bet you think Spencer and Lauren is with us do you? Both of them debunked a million times here on Jow Forums. The poor finn fucktard might even hung himself due to the shame when he realized what Lauren is.

You are playing the game where you can only lose, but again this is always what anglos did, you are so desparate you are stuck on scratching the surface of the redpill ending up in a conservative cuck, and not even trying to go deeper.
If your mouth was not so full of jew dicks you would notice that these people suddenly pop out of nowhere, build fame off on you, and do this because its profitable. They don't give a fuck about anything you stand up for, in fact its more than obvious from their behavior.

Its just riding the "lol triggered libtards haha XD" train. I said it before and I say it again, you are playing a game where you will lose if you believe these people. You are clinging on shabboys goys, while ignoring huge as fuck red flags. Do you really thing the kikes would allow them to rampage trough everything if they were legit? Honestly how fucking stupid can you be?

Remember this:
If these people would say the truth they would be banned.

Spencer is a pied piper for fools

Traditionalist desu. Peterson is counter-intuitive to my interests because he's defending the liberal and materialist paradigm of modernity.

If you think anything he opposes is of fundamental importance and isn't merely a symptom of prior forms of degradation then you're not getting anywhere.

peterstein is just jewish media promoted kike who's goal is to missguide young people from things that matter right now, and make them focus on shit that is totally unrelated to politics and modern situation in the world

>therefore clean your room, politics are not for you bucko. oh and caring about your people is dumb, we are bunch of individuals but most of you better don't realize that or you'll stop importing all those niggers as good civic nationalist should, just donate to my patreon

>suddenly pop out of nowhere

No, you idiot, they actually don't. You notice them suddenly when they get popular. It's your perception. What really happens is they work to gain e-fame for quite a while, fail a few times, and then start doing something that works and surface to a wider audience.

You're trying to come off as some kind of jew conspiracy expert, but you can't even research a twenty-something blonde wannabe adventurer/journo from Canada.

And besides, all this conspiracy shit is downright retarded. Conspiracies serve only to avoid criminal prosecution, the r/K divide means that facts don't matter to the supporters of each ideology, so you can't "crash the system with truth". You might be able to use it as a propaganda weapon, but its utility is limited until your ideology becomes the dominant one somewhere.

he makes like 54k+ per month on patreon dude. that's soros money.

All you need to do is look at the effects he having on academia, or don't you agree that the lefts successful hijacking of the universities, and their subversion of them in order to turn them into machines for churning out activists is a problem?

And perhaps the obvious impact he's clearly having on these places, and the light he has shone on the insanity they have been poisoning our students with is not beneficial to our cause?

You sound like a spoiled child who can't separate the fact that he fundamentally disagrees with you on some issues, for you that means he's an enemy who must be opposed, even though he's out there on the battlefield slaying your enemies, while you sit in front of a monitor bitching that he's not slaying all of the right enemies.


>who's goal is to missguide young people from things that matter right now

You're delusional. You have unlimited access to 100% proof of leftists' treason and other crimes all over the world, and it hasn't even impacted the opinion of its r-type supporters. Do you know why? Because this kind of shit doesn't influence r-type people.

What really can influence the power dynamics is turning people more K, and that's precisely what Peterson is doing.

jordan is pre-empting the inevitable, that being jordan ideas + jq out in the open. better a man you can control than one you cant. jordan cuts a fat cheque for his cuckholdry.

Do you realize how big his audience actually is? That's not even a lot, you can earn more by being good at affiliate marketing online.

>promotes ideas which are fundamentally opposed to my own
>am just a spoiled child for not supporting him
I gave you the benefit of the doubt but you're reverting to the same standardiser responses every Peterson sycophant resorts to. Look at your clumsy metaphors aping his own. Half expecting you to tell me to clean my room. For "individuals" you're all incredibly similar.

I didn't say we have a disagreement on some issues; I said we have fundamental disagreement which thus, necesarily, pervades all issues. To use your Peterso -esque metaphor, you don't win by standing under the banner of your enemy.

As for his effect on academia? Its far from immediately obvious to me.

>the very moment the question is asked goes full defensive curl ball mode

Gas yourself you polish kike, you are not going to slide Judenstein Petersonburg and the oven dodgers off. Worse than a civic nationalist. If these people were legit they would have been shut down immediately. Even Tila Tequila is more legit than this role playing clown, with the how do you do fellow right wingers slogan, but again its not the first one nor the last one.


Its almost like

You came from reddit.

You frisbee head.
I can hear the jewish beyblades spinning on your desk. Go back to /rTheDonald.

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No, Juden Peterstein is controlled opposition.

>jewish beyblades

audible KEK

Nobody is standing under his banner, we are merely enjoying the devastation he is inflicting upon our enemies, and deciding that while he is currently engaged in routing them, now is perhaps not the time to launch a senseless attack against his flank.

fuck off buckboy

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If this is the case i still think he's done more harm (for them) than good. I think they underestimate how well they did a numbing the sheep and Peterson came around and helped them put the pieces together.
Sure he's funneling people away from the far-right, but he was a voice in the night that woke up normies with absolutely no interest in politics.
To say the normies would have discovered these truth bombs is wrong. It's hard to find these truths when nobody even bothers turning over stones.

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>woke up normies
lol no
these people will either go full grey again or switch sides the very moment alt-lite goes out of fashion.

Is the ideal time to launch an attack not when your enemy is distracted?

Also: what devastation, exactly? Did he make some tranny cry? Canada has serious problems and he talks a big talk, but I haven't seen any progress towards changing them. For example, human rights tribunals which can declare you a thought criminal and fine you onto the street with no appeal.

>Gas yourself you polish kike, you are not going to slide Judenstein Petersonburg and the oven dodgers off.

Slide? You dumb motherfucker, I'm bumping this thread. I honestly don't care what you idiots think, because you simply aren't relevant.

What makes this shit hilarious is the fact that if you ever achieved any kind of career breakthrough, Peterson's "sudden appearance" wouldn't be so vexing for you. You literally have to be a 100% prole to think that there's anything exceptional about how he appeared on the radar. The truth is you have no idea how real world works and you need to fall back on DA JOOS to explain absolutely mundane shit. The only thing you know is how to dig a ditch, or do some other menial, soul-crushing task, and since people simply can't excel at that, the very notion of success seems outlandish and highly suspect to you.

I kind of hope we really do go full Reich, because I want to see people like you sterilized.

You need to have reasonable expectations. This board is the most popular on Jow Forums and is a huge driver of internet culture, yet only a very small fraction are legitimately far-right. Whether it's a leftist movement or a right wing movement, the vast majority will be sleepwalking normies but a fraction of those will dive deeper.
Maybe 1% of his followers will keep moving right, that's still a significant number of people who were apolitical before.

>y-you are not relevant you stupid goy
>I-its not us I swear, d-don't question the (((alt-right)))

lmao polish kike, first you not only dodge the oven but questions too and defend them because you are a kike plebbitor, who goes full damage control the moment you are called out. The moment I criticize these people they show their true colors. Its so fucking easy to push you out of your comfort zone its ridiculous. Into the oven you go.

You know my problem with guys like this is that they are very easily controlled.
A lot of us started the stage 1 redpill conservativism, or even full blown leftist then became gradually right wingers.

Here comes the shit part: these people will remain in stage 1 and never advance further, because they are not exposed to the harder to swallow truths, in fact they actively dodge these things, just like this shabbos goy dodges the questions. They don't think for themselves they would never say "I agree with something on what he said but also disagree with other things". If there was a 1 out of 10 ratio it would be good, hell I would go even for 1 out of 100, because this is the right mentality. This would be the ideal case to build up towards traditionalism, but in reality its not gonna happen. These normies are swingers, blindly following others and easily switch sides.

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I think the goal is to have enough people sympathetic to your beliefs, but not necessarily hardcore true believers, to win an ideological war on either side. Most people aren't hard commies, just run of the mill lefties who believe the left wing is the moral side. Even people who claim to be commies/socialists aren't actually true believers and have been misled about what their supposed ideology entails.

To share some personal experience, I think people are a lot more racist than they let on. I was super autistic, and what I'm saying now proves my cringey autism, but I made a point of learning how to communicate with people and I got fairly good at it.
When I get introduced to a new group eventually they'll have some bland political discussion about whatever is happening. I never reveal my power level or try to redpill them, I just listen to them and try to lead the conversation. They're all racist and don't even realize it. They all hate this social marxist shit and don't realize it.
The conditioning is strong and it's like there is a mental block preventing them from putting the pieces together. They've been trained to have such a reaction of disgust to racism that they don't want to even think about race as it will inevitably lead to wrongthink. I also suspect this is part of the reason the general population doesn't have much of a grasp on statistics. They lead to wrongthink.
It's really interesting to watch them shyly put out a thought or opinion they think is risque like "it's wrong for minorities to only hire their own while whites get pushed out of work to make room for them as well". As if they're expecting to receive a little bit of heat for it. If you accept it and continue the conversation at the same pace and power level as them they'll express even more thoughts they have locked deep inside.
For many they've never had a chance to think about them or develop them, with the right environment they will continue. Peterson is just the door.

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I forgot to add that we started at the stage 1 redpill and progressed because we were open to new ideas and weren't offended by memes and racist jokes so we didn't drown when thrown into the deep end.
Normies are capable of getting to the deep end if they're led through the shallow waters slowly with purpose. They're just scared of the water and won't do it on their own.

Tbh OP I'm inclined to agree. I like peterson, I really do, and I think he has a valuable role to play in the battles ahead, but you're right about the overton window. There is no way a man like peterson, with all the research he's done on the 20th century, is unable to see the J problem. He either knows and keeps it quiet because he thinks thats the best career move, or he's on the zionist payroll.

>Is the ideal time to launch an attack not when your enemy is distracted?
Not when he's in the process of dealing massive damage to a bigger more immediate threat, which he clearly is.

>lmao polish kike, first you not only dodge the oven but questions too and defend them because you are a kike plebbitor, who goes full damage control the moment you are called out. The moment I criticize these people they show their true colors. Its so fucking easy to push you out of your comfort zone its ridiculous. Into the oven you go.

> if you don't entertain my delusions you're a kike and a plebbitor

There's no reasoning with people like you, the only winning move is to physically eradicate you. I honestly don't mind, you don't contribute anything to society anyway.

A lot of non grey but full blown DUDE WEEDS and commies are racist as fuck too.
Its the same as "libtards are the real waysisst" mentality.
The thing is they opress these emotions as hard as they can, and be forever Cuckservatives. Like you said Peterson is just a door is what it SHOULD be, but in reality its not. The only good way is when you redpill yourself, there is no other option because only by this way you can educate yourself without influence. The only way to achieve this is trough hate, which these people like lack. What they have is just a moodswing and childish tantrum, but its not entirely their fault, these people are scared of being labeled, and scared of their own thoughts. Yes deep inside maybe you are fucking jingo thirsting for revenge, you just don't know it, or refuse to acknowledge it.

Slow redpills are uneffective and it has been proven many times recently with the plebbit influx, that thes epeople are easily scared off, and they'll never be able to accept it, which will lead into leaning to the left or grey more.
Either you go big or you go home, if you are afraid of certain truths you simply don't belong here. The hard redpill will scare 99% off but there will always be that 1 who will convert and it'll be impossible to swing him. There is a very big reason why these people are under radar, I said this also many times that I'm fucking tired so learn it already.

If there ever was a 'Nice little containment zone' it would be Christianity.

What these people are is stepping stones. People take what they can use and form their own opinions.

You will not believe but by just the way you type its easy as shit to spot your kind



piece of shit.

At least make it less obvious, but again by just your damage control its easy to spot you. Back to ribbit with you.

They should be stepping stones, but just like Trumpfags they refuse to accept truth of him being a shabbos goy thus and start to slide the topic immediately. I might be a jaded asshole but my point stands still as a horsecock in cold water, and in the end they'll realize this. Too bad as always its way too late, but oh well nothing of value is lost.

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I agree OP, but
>They also all happen to not be Christian.
Isn’t the issue. It’s the fact they use Christianity as a shield and sword on a whim. Id be fine if they weren’t Christian but let their values and beliefs stand on their own two feet.

Shapiro is the most obvious. He constantly shills for Israel and Judaism specifically but whenever he’s defending judaism values he hides behind "judeo-christian".

>The truth is you have no idea how real world work

Bit rich coming from the stupid assfuck who didn't even know what socialism was isn't it? I know what you are now.

>I honestly don't mind,

It's not that you don't mind, it's that you're just not capable. Stay soft cunt.

I still haven’t seen anything actually bad about her.

I mean she’s not an intellectual, and doesn’t really try to be. She basically a freelance reporter and does a decent job, what’s not to like.

... and Im saying this as someone who does watch her stuff

>Doesn't tackle the JQ
>Civic nationalist

I only feel sorry for the poor finn... Or maybe not fuck him for not noticing the obvious.
Start revving up the wheatfields in your brain because you'll be in some big surprise

> You will not believe but by just the way you type its easy as shit to spot your kind

What did you spot, you delusional fuck? I just pointed out that there's nothing special about Peterson's rise to fame and laughed at your failure-induced paranoia. That was enough for you to classify me as a kike. I bet the girls that laughed as you passed them on the street and the kids that bullied you in highschool were kikes too.

Like I've said, any serious eugenics program would start with eliminating you from the gene pool.

According to who? You're still using arbitrary definitions, arguing this shit with you is like discussing quantum physics with a middle-schooler.

Proof? I see this in every thread but never anything backing it up... that said I very rarely look at e-celeb threads
>doesn’t do x
Don’t expect everyone to be Superman, you’ll be let down everytime. What she focuses on she does well.
>civil Nat
Really, she’s awfully chummy with the identitarians

I actually have plenty of firearms training.

You're a fucking brit and you sound too stupid and snowflakey to be an army veteran, you don't get to call other people "soft".

Nice observation.

He is taking whites who are becoming a genetic waste and turning them into productive individuals, what is wrong there?

/o/ here
Our guy is in fact RaceWar Johnny

The way he structures his sentences and words he's using makes it even more obvious, with the holier than thou attitude with the soft non-agressive attitude.

Go collect some zloty from the holokeks, visit your lampshade grandparents in the museum.
>muh eugenics program to remove these ebil virgin nahtzees
Stop it dude you are embarrassing yourself even further.

Call me an incel instead I love it when you grasp on it as the last straw. It makes me hard~

Well the point I'm trying to make is that the reason Jordan is the door is because he's the door to conversation. Conversation is the only true path to redpills, or any major ideology shift one way or the other. Creating an atmosphere for normies to engage in conversations where they feel comfortable sharing right wing ideas will lead to some people getting a pretty big dose of redpills
There is a reason the Nazis started out in beer halls.

Yeah, I've noticed you get excited when someone wrecks your shit and you get to call him a kike. It's a basic psychological defence mechanism. You externalize the threat to your ego and put the blame on the boogeyman to avoid facing the fact you're a useless piece of shit and you're forced to function in a world you don't understand. You maintain your self-respect by escaping into a delusion that you're special because you're "redpilled" and you're "fighting the kikes", while in reality you're a 100% bluepilled stupid fuck with a very typical set of 80iq problems. I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually institutionalized at some point in your life.

People like you are drawn like to real conspiracies like shit to fly, because they allow you get some psychological respite. Since you're fucked in the head and completely incapable of understanding the real world, you blow everything out of proportions and create outlandish theories that simply hurt the cause by making it look laughable to normies.

The problem is that we really do have a problem with kike bankers, but crazy faggots like you make it really hard to mount some meaningful resistance. I'm actually bothering to reply to you only to highlight the fact that sick fucks like you should be completely ostracized by anyone who really cares about fighting the left and getting rid of jewish nepotism.

I heavily doubt its gonna happen, its just a shitty safe space for normies hooking up a trend then abandoning it the very moment they lose. If you advocate the hard redpill you will get you eliminated, with a very minimal chance of turning people, while the step-by-step will result in abomination of a right winger ala Kekistan and alt-right. Same goes for Trumpfags. This is why JP is definitely not a good candidate, he ultimately leads into bad things, and people will not question him.

Normalfags don't have the tendency of doing their own research, its like spoonfeeding a redditor instead of telling him to fuck off and lurk more.

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He pulls normies to the (((center))) and holds them there, he's just as dangerous as the Social Justice crowd.

At least 100K now

Jew/10 Strawman, so ironic

Don’t worry about the shills showing up to throw Peterson under the bus. They’re desperate to alienate Jow Forumsacks from him as I’m sure you can see why.

This post is really for those untrained eyes who might be ignorant of the dedicated shills. Peterson is doing great work to turn the focus on universities as indoctrination centers they are. His end goal is to defund the colleges that push this social justice shit and in the interim, identify (((the professors))) who are pushing it so students can avoid those classes or colleges.

Shills will say Peterson is useless because he won’t publicly name the Jew. What kind of people do you suppose go on to become social justice professors?

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No shit. What do these people want from us? Do they expect us to go around talking about Jews all the time? I know all kinds of Jews and none of them are commies. The whole thing is fucking stupid, but I'll get called a kike for this post.

What's wrong with Spencer? I can't recall hearing any subversive shit from him and he doesn't act like a cult leader or some kind of super important celebrity genius like these other guys.

so if you are not a jew then why don't you jump on my neck in a "What the fuck did you just call me? How dare you call me something like a jew?" Its just so fucking obvious you are a polish kike cucklet who tries to use buzzwords to slide off, while playing off the psychology card. What will you do post Fraud now, how I want to fuck my mom? You talk about defense mechanism yet you don't stand up for yourself and show pride, just exactly as a kike, and brushing it off with the holier than thou card.
Also I'm wondering how much zloty you made by shilling for an obvious puppet, oh wait you didn't made anything right? Embarrassing.

Also for everyone else: mark my fucking words while you try to restore your foreskins: The very moment this shit goes off, your precious Judenstein Peterburger will jump the train and you poor fags will burn in it, just exactly like the Milo and Laurenfags were. I can't even sympathize with you you'll deserve to be laughed at because you ignored the warnings, you never fucking learn your lession, but hey I shouldn't be so hard on you at least you cleaned you room so you deserve some credit. Also you can always do some damage control later anyway.

Can I call you a kike? I really want to call you one.

You seen the info about Peterson's ties to the UN and George Soros?

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She admitted beign in a romantic relationship with a nigger, but defended herself by saying the guy voted for Trump. There's her tweets and shit about that.

You are wrong, he belives what he says, It's hard to separate a good person from a talantive sociopath but I would bet my live on that one

Isn't he pushing for individualism? Only jews are allowed practice tribalism.
These pseudo-intellectuals targeting the right/ nationalism movement have an agenda to break the movement to smaller groups, because it was getting a momentum.
They took control of the movement then changed target from the jews/ establisment to petty stuff like PC culture or feminism, but then again isn't it jews that created & pushed PC culture and feminism?

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>so if you are not a jew then why don't you jump on my neck in a "What the fuck did you just call me? How dare you call me something like a jew?"

Because then you'd just post the Goebbels quote. You think you're smart, but everything you post boils down to the same simple psychological reaction I described above.

You aren't even a true believer, for you being NatSoc is all about protecting your fucking ego. You couldn't care less about the ideology, you just want an excuse to say that everything that you can't handle is on kikes.

It's obvious even in your responses to me, you don't analyze, you don't argue, you don't dissect - you just deflect with the goold, old-fashioned, predictable "you're a kike". And the worst part is that from your twisted perspective, it really works. The bad Pole can hurt you, because you've dismissed everything he says as a kikery and you don't have to engage with any of it.

That's why I said the only way to deal with you is to ostracize you or actually put you down. You don't care about the cause and you aren't even capable of understanding in, so the only thing that you could ever contribute are your mental health issues.

This is apparent even in the way you interpret the whole Milo thing. Yeah, he "jumped the train" and kept a low profile for a while, and so fucking what? Nobody who really fights for something he truly believes in was "burned", the only people this could possible affect were mental posers like you.

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>came out of nowhere

Thanks for revealing yourself greatest ally. You would remember him being mentioned in Jow Forums years before the election because of his free speech stands in Canada, although they did not receive as much exposure as they do now. He only blew up in mainstream popularity in the last 2 or so years and it is only within the last year that daily anti peterson threads are made in Jow Forums.

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Hard to tell, there is always that suspicion about these socially very active people, often LARPers or controlled opposition. I would take a bet on attention whore making a quick bux out of alt right autists.

he voted for trump? FUCKING BASED.

ohoho wait a second, since when did I declare myself as a national socialist? Don't try to slide this you little shit, you are on full damage control now, but you won't escape this now. You are falling into your own trap.
>defending a literal pedophile gay jew
oh now we are touching a good subject aren't we, you are giving me a huge as fuck weapon now here, where in the end I'm even more sure now. Oh yes, and you never clearly stated you are not jewish. Pay attention what you post buddy and mix up your response a little bit to make it less obvious. Also drop the reddit format while you are at it. It was fun as shit exposing you.

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> ohoho wait a second, since when did I declare myself as a national socialist? Don't try to slide this you little shit, you are on full damage control now, but you won't escape this now. You are falling into your own trap.

You don't have to, it's as obvious as your mental health issues.

> oh now we are touching a good subject aren't we, you are giving me a huge as fuck weapon now here, where in the end I'm even more sure now.

See? I said that nobody gives a fuck, and you think you've got a "huge weapon".

> Oh yes, and you never clearly stated you are not jewish.

You're not really helping yourself by keeping it about whether I'm jewish or not. In fact, you're just reinforcing the notion that it's all about your ego and hurt feelings.

> Also drop the reddit format while you are at it. It was fun as shit exposing you.

Once again, the only thing you've exposed here are your brain problems. And I've been here long enough to remember Marisa's wounding vector, back when Jow Forums was essentially weapons + a less retarded version of Jow Forums.

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just no.

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>You would remember him being mentioned in Jow Forums years before the election
There are only 15 posts mentioning Peterson before May 2016, and none of them have any relation to free speech matters: peterson/end/2016-05-01/

Peterson did not make any free speech stands at all before he made a video in fall 2016 saying he would not call tranny xir.

On that note, Peterson is a fake free speech activist. He actively deplatformed Faith Goldy for wrongthink, supports a company that actively deplatforms people for exercising free speech (Patreon), and he never ever brings attention to actual free speech crises in Canada (such as the recent arrest of Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer while visiting Germany).

Why are you defending this Zionist charlatan? Let me guess, you think all of his whining about "antisemitism" and praise of Israel and the jews is just a cover?

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He basically gave that monkey a tl;dr of what I'm dishing out to the Slovak here. "You're a kike" is not an argument.

>Muh shills
When will Hiro filter this stupid word like he did with onions and basedboys?

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Peterson is on the George Soros payroll.

>Jordan Peterson came out of nowhere
That's a warning flag, not a recommendation in his favor. Grass roots, he is not. The Jordecai Peterstein phenomenon does not appear to be organic. That makes it suspect.
>This shit is no different than Glenn Beck
Again, bad. Beck is cuck central.
Literal Israel first jew. Are you trolling
> or Spencer
>Paul Gottfried's shabbos goy
Yeah, can you just lurk more before posting, newfriend?

>he doesnt remember the "this man is your friend" jp memes
>muh fiathgoldy thot

Look at my quote of Solzhenitsyn.

This is why they are freaking out and using shills like you to do non stop character assasination on jp. One one hand you call him a nazi and have sjws try to ruin his academic career and prevent people from attending his lectures. On the other you call him juden peterstein and say he is an enemy because he isnt growing a hitler mustache and screaming about race war.

You are fucking terrified because you tried to bury solzhenitsyn and the story about the REAL greatest mass killing in history and who was behind it. Then this guy comes along and he gets popular not with your easily-controlled attomwaffen faggots, but with NORMIES. and NORMIES start hearing about this Solzhenitsyn guy and you are terrified they'll get curious and read the works you tried to bury.

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