Pope: Aborting Down's Syndrome = Literally Hitler

Aborting children with birth defects is literally like being a Nazi

(But being gay is OK, God made you that way)

How can anyone take the Church seriously anymore? It's laughingstock

Attached: nazicrimes.jpg (1126x655, 92K)

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Hey user, I am perfect, I am God's child, God made me this way.
Don't abort me · ^ )

>Egyptian baby born with one eye in middle of forehead suffers from birth defect 'cyclopia'

Attached: cyclops-baby.jpg (600x366, 35K)

That’s the point, it’s been infiltrated to turn people away. Only sinners will scoff and walk away, true Christians should be looking to stop this charade

Easily manipulated goy

I'd like to see Pope Francis parenting a Down kid, let's hear his opinion again after 20 years of doing that.

>That’s the point, it’s been infiltrated to turn people away. Only sinners will scoff and walk away, true Christians should be looking to stop this charade
No, only the "gay is OK" part is new/infiltrated... the "don't abort birth defected children" is old and traditional and is just as retarded.
Even the Spartans knew to kill babies with defects. That's the Aryan way.

Exactly, well put.

He's right though, thats literally what Nazis did.

That's ONE OF the thing they did.
A good thing.
The Nazis did many good things.
Just because they did the Holocaust (IF they did), doesn't make it all wrong.

That's true, though. The pope is a heretical moron, but murder doesn't become acceptable because of birth defects.

>Christians wanting more retards
Well, they need butts in pews.
>REAL Christians aren't dysgenic retards

He really meant to say similar to Nazi Intelligence!

>but murder doesn't become acceptable because of birth defects.
By Zeus, I hope you are baiting and not actually that stupid.

So are we finally at the point where we can all agree eugenics isn't actually a bad thing, and is lowkey already practiced by a vast majority of people?

Of course, eugenics is a good thing.

Eugenics is genetic hygiene.
Letting everyone live regardless is the genetic equivalent of not showering.

The problem with Nazi eugenics wasn't that it was eugenics, but that it pretended to be scientific when it wasn't (it was pseudo-scientific for the most part). It was ideological.

However in 2018 we could do it much better.

90% of the autists who comment on this board would be aborted then.

I'm getting REALLY tired of this shit pope

Attached: 1523475644147.jpg (837x1000, 656K)

Only inbred Amerimutts and Arabs

When the media falls the ebil nazi myth will to. People will wake up to the scam they have been forced to endure.

Yes it does, it's sad but it has to be done. It's better to end that kind of life before it properly begins. That way you don't deprive them of much.

I know you think it's cool to be edgy, but you sound like an immature teenager. Sanctity of Life doctrine exists for a reason. Eugenics is a slippery slope, once you make removing undesiarables permissable, morality goes out the window. Next thing you know YOUR head is on the chopping block. Civilization cannot survive without clearly defined morality that respects life, and you're actually just promoting the things that are destroying us.

I'm honestly surprised he's willing to make a stand on abortion considering he's cucked on everything else

Why are they trying to guilt people over the so called Downs "genocide"? Fuck off, Pope.

Any child deemed unworthy should be thrown off of the nearest bridge

Anyone remember the backlash about how Iceland nearly eliminated down syndrome through free testing and abortions? Liberals were calling it eugenics

....so abortion is ALWAYS ok and the woman's choice unless her baby has down syndrome.

Don’t recall this at all, you got a link? But to be fair Nordic thunder is the only place left where it would be possible.

Hey abortion because it is inconvenient for a woman is a-okay because we need engineers but she better abort it due to birth defects. Might as well be gassing Jews then.

Not wanting retards and other human detritus in society is edgy?
Every life is sacred and special, even when it's a worthless retard.

Iceland will go to hell.

Attached: ds1.png (625x788, 882K)


>Quijano asked Stefansson, "What does the 100 percent termination rate, you think, reflect about Icelandic society?"
>Stefansson noted, "I don't think there's anything wrong with aspiring to have healthy children, but how far we should go in seeking those goals is a fairly complicated decision."

Let's be honest, why would anyone care if they are aborted? They will take a terrible toll on their family, will never be self sufficient, and will never be able to integrate into society.

The real question is: how do we detect latent liberalism in fetuses?

>2nd penis on forehead
living the dream

That is the first thing he said in months that's conservative as opposed to far-left drivel.

if there's one thing christianity loves, it's more retarded people to convert