Trump is recruiting for MS-13
Trump is a Russian
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In a way they're right. By Trump acknowledging their existence and trashing them so hard, he's doing a form of advertisement for them.
Didn't obama hand deliver guns to cartels in fast &furious?
Yeah, and they ended up killing a good number of Mexicans and even a few US Border Patrol agents, but that's not what's important because Drumpf.
Oh ya trump is a bad guy. Mother fucking media needs to be held accountable by now
>Trump is recruiting for MS-13
Sounds like something MS-13 would say.
Why does Trump want to keep these good people & future voters out of our country? They should be allowed in and we should pay for all their needs!
>Don't deport and imprison us, you are just making us stronger!
yeah with "gps" in the handles
Democrats & CNN get it, Mexico First, America Last!
>Señorito Drumpf, please!
And liberal bullshit caused us to vote for Trump.
So, really, it's liberals' fault.
This is it for Trump.
Some of those guns also ended up in Europe to be used in terrorist attacks. King Nigger has alot to answer for, but the media treated and continues to treat him with kiddy gloves. Absolutely disgusting
>by calling attention to their barbaric behavior, he's raising sympathy towards these heroic gang members that rape and decapitate children for fun before dissolving their families in acid
>these poor, poor Mexicans et. al
remember Jow Forums, if you stand up to your enemies, they win
Makes me want to deport liberals along with the Mexicans.
When will we get revenge on the lugenpresse?
Fantastic, the more gangs and rapid decline of culture and society the faster and more serious the radical options
kek what else would they say?
In the same way that Obama "recruited" for ISIS, same for Bush recruited for Al-Qaeda, and every other president that has acknowledged an "enemy" you give them free publicity. The media should know this because without their 24/7 coverage of Trump during and up to the 2016 election, they have him billions in free advertising... but if anyone is actually paying attention they would know that the media and different world governments knows this because they will sweep certain topics under the rug and not talk about it so it doesn't grow.
>pic totally unrelated
Literally "if you fight them they win" tier.
Lol my family is from some place in central america.
This place had no gangs, no drugs, crime was kept in check, no kidnappings.. you couldn't even watch a rated R movie until you were 18 yrs old.
The president was conservative, he supported a strong military presence and kept them well trained, bases in around the country side, criminals were dealt with in the form of televised capital punishment (execution). It was safe
Fast forward to now... westernization is well underway, degeneracy at an all time high, cartels were let in (they have rights too apparently), military bases all closed - no soldiers in sight, drugs are everywhere, crime is out of control, people are getting fat, kidnappings all over the place, left wing/liberal school of thought has infected the government
It's all gone to shit
Whoever wrote that article needs to be lynched
gangs are a lot like cults
they're probably christian "conservatives" too.
Sounds like something CNN would say.
after 15 captchas and you get the green check mark
so you want a right wing dictatorship to keep everyone in line?
the military is like a cult too. full of christians
death squads for jesus
both probably think abortion is a sin and should be illegal
lol "conservatives"
I want people like you to die.. as in white people
You are the devil incarnate
This place where I visited and lived in quite often was not oppressed. There was freedom there you could never find here.. yet it's policies were conservative. It's people like you who go to these places or make your comments on mainstream media outlets and inject your stupid beliefs where it only serves to make things worse. I hope something really fucked up happens to you on the street so you feel what it's like to be affected by your own retarded belief system
I don't hate those hicks who make disgusting jokes about anothers skin color, race, situation or death.. but you
I am real close to fucking hating your guts. I mean I think I might actually hate you
people with high moral standards
Tbh every person with an MS-13 tattoo should be shot on sight. Would solve the problem real quick.
How ridiculous does their bullshit have to get before people consider it the onion?
I think a group of patriots in each city should start hunting them down, kill on sight
Give them the chance to leave kill the ones that dont leave and not only them but their whole families
Immigration policy in EU makes ISIS stronger
Immigration policy in USA makes MS-13 stronger
" no little tooth, we can't allow anglophobes to start regulating immigration, that's just what King George wants!"
Has anyone ever bought this shit ever?
Is this pasta?
lol did not have any fresh cuckholding content to put out?
Hey look everybody, another low-IQ minority hating on Whitey because of his own people’s inability to make decisions for themselves and what is best for their community!
Hey dipshit, i know it’s not your fault that your ancestors lived in a hotter climate for thousands of years, this limiting your intellectual capabilties, but now that you have all the luxuries that white civilization brings to the world, how about you fill that little Aztec head of yours with knowledge and wisdom and scientific literacy so that you might actually be able to come to the table one day with new ideas and insightful discussion, rather than the same tired line of FFFUCCK W-white people they made me fat and stupid.
You are worse than niggers because niggers are dumb enough to kill themselves. You fuckers breed like little midget rabbits
>I am real close to fucking hating your guts. I mean I think I might actually hate you
Fuck, man. That's some hardcore shit to say. Mods might ban you for that.
>sees an MS13 thread
>feels that a compulsive fedorapost is a logical response to OP
>sees someone else in thread lamenting about watching his country turn to shit because of cartels
>[fedora intensifies]
I have to commend your ironic 4d chess, leaf. Calling out cult behavior by writing posts that serve as a perfect example of what programmed cult mental-gymnastics look like is creative as fuck
pro lifers
Same difference
Good, this gets more illegals into a gang that allows them to be easily deported.
yup, hez standing on my street corner looking all hard right now.
No obama made them stronger.
ICE couldn't go after them simply being illegal or gang members, ICE had to sit on their hands waiting for the members to commit crimes. Gave them 8 years to grow.
yeah who cares if they committed no crime.
people that make you uncomfortable should be in jail. or dead
>Be Trump
>Declare all gangs domestic terrorists
>Ask for volunteers to help eradicate them
>Pay $1000 a head
>Gangs gone in six months
>USA is a utopia
>>CNN Becomes propaganda wing of foreign terrorist organism
Anything else MS13 wanted you to tell us CNN?
Ok great good luck with the ratings thanks bai
> ISIS and Al Quaeda
Lol no. Those shit grow because USA destroyed their enemies or directly funded them because they were “the enemy of an enemy”
Do you think some goatfucker in some bumfuck sand village keep up with USA news and listen to what the president of USA say
Have we ever seen Trump shirtless? I shudder at the thought, however it would be nice to get confirmation that he doesn't have any tats. We already know how deep he is in with the cartels. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he's in bed with MS13 too. I could see him insisting on getting tatted as some ridiculous display of bravado.
Let's just let members of a criminal organization just roam around.
innocent until proven guilty
>RICO act
>illegal immigration
Never heard of MS13 before drumpf.. They are a small gang
Now him and his proxies label them the baddest mother fuckers in the planet every day... I can see how it benefits.
It's also that he's making mexican legals and illegals feel threatened and the gang offers protection
There are approx 10,000 members in the US alone and another 30,000 internationally operating in countries Dems want to open borders to
So tiny before they blew them up to worldwide stardom
And yes I will personally run the resettlement busses to right wing neighborhoods
you will be resettled to gitmo.