
>"Daddy, don't you think here is something profoundly wrong when the top one-tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent of the population ?"

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>"Go learn the pareto distribution sweetie"

Considering the fact that 90% of the people on earth are african or asian shitskins, then yes. I think the top 10% should actually own more than a vunch of billion of animals

yeah so what's your solution ? tax the middle class out of existence ? will that lessen the wage gap or increase it ? did you think any of this through ?

Look, i posted it again.

>giving money to brainlets

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>"Inequality, While Inevitable sweetums, does have social consequences that need to be reckoned with. Inequality has existed across not only all human social environments through history, but all social environments across time, and the only things proven to reduce human inequality are war and plague. That's why I worry about people that aim for equity, rather than trying to fix some of the problems that inequality can have a hand in exacerbating.

Nice framing for your bait BTW

Top 20% should own 80% of wealth, unironically.

The 20% - 80% rule is seen everywhere in nature and that includes man.

>our revolution
It’s always funny to go through old posts from old acquaintances on kikebook to see their cringe Bernie shit.
>We are changing history!
>First they laugh, then they fight you, then you win!
Haha react every one of them, sometimes share those posts to rub it in hahahaha

No, honey, now please stop reading Commie propaganda.

>*unzips dick*

It's not exactly beneficial for growth and prosperity, but a $15 minimum wage and free college isn't exactly going to fix it.
A beatdown on economic rents would be preferable, go full Georgist for a bit and start Land Value/inheritance taxes and basic incomes and/or job guarantees.

all black people should be property honey. then the wealth would be distributed more evenly

>And what is the race of that top 1% sweetie?

Attached: Scooby-doo-Jew.jpg (1200x900, 152K)

>the top one-tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent
I am happy this will never change, it's the balancing mechanism for humans. Why can't we just accept most people are retarded?

>Yes I do, sweetie, that's why I told you not to trust Jews when they're trying to sell you something. That top bracket is almost half of all our country's Jews, and half of that bracket is Jews.

Or I'd just slap the little cunt for being a stupid commie.

>shows her video of Jordan B Peterson explaining the pareto distribution

"Well, kiddo, while that statistic may be true, it doesn't take into account change over time. 70% of American millionaires and 62% of American billionaires are self-made. There may be fantastic concentration of wealth, but it changes hands every couple of generations instead of accumulating in a hereditary aristocracy.

So in that sense, it seems to me that there is something profoundly right about the system."

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Nothing shows the greed, jelousy and ignorance of humans more than the "muh top 1%" meme.

No. I'm selfish, greedy, individualistic and don't give a shit about anybody but myself and my family sweet child. The rich are rich - good for them. The poor are poor - too bad. So daughter i ask - why is it wrong to be selfish, greedy, and ambitious as long as i'm not physically hurting anybody?

Moreover my child, every single person on this planet has selfishness embedded in them hence why there can never be peace and compassion. Let me ask you, do you think supporting left-wing policies is selfless? If yes you are wrong. Why do people support the welfare state? It's because they want it as insurance because one day they could hit rock bottom - they would never support welfare if they didn't benefit from it. Free healthcare? You don't support it because you care about others, you support it because once again it will benefit you - you wouldn't support it if you weren't entitled but everybody else was would you? Communism? You support it because YOU want free goods and services - you wouldn't support it if it didn't benefit you would you? Free college? The same applies and so does every other 'selfless' act or belief.

You see my child everything has selfishness in it - it's just hidden.

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Look up the ethnic group and you will find a lot of Jews behind it.

If I wanted you to open your mouth I'd have my cock out.

>yes but thats because career politician faggots like bernie sanders sit in government for 40+ years normalizing that as a viable career path and eventually sell influence to those top one tenth pricks and preach about how government should redistribute wealth more while owning 3 homes

Reminder that the (((1%))) is real and we do need to do something about it. Any liberal who Occupied wallstreet needs to be remined that the jewish american population (2%) make up 50%of the Top (((1%))).

First post fucking best post.

>90% of the people on earth are african or asian shitskin
This is nowhere near true. Also, it's funny seeing an Italian - the niggers of Europe - talk down on shitskins.

Yes sweetie, I do. I think the capitalist economic model is outdated. It worked for its time, I suppose, but it just doesn't meet the needs of a modern society.

I wouldn't pay much attention to the likes of Bernice Sanders, if I were you. Here, let's go to my study and see if there's any better literature for you.

>If you think that's weird Imagine that the top 1% of the top 10% holds 99% of the money in that top 10%
>And theyre all jewish

Put down that liberal reformist nonsense, change only comes with spilled blood

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Yes, there is, sweetie. You see, 90% of that 10% actually belong to a particular ethno-religious group which use their power to draw as much currency towards them as possible.

is the distribution of income in the united states out of wack?

maybe we could look at the gini coefficients (pic related). we look more similar to oligarchies like russia and china than to the democracies of europe, canada, or japan. and yes, i think that's out of wack.

taxes should be raised for the top 0.1%. them contributing another 5 or 10 percent of their multi-million dollar incomes is not going to hurt them or the economy, if we can put the money toward helping ordinary citizens with e.g. getting medicare for all or free college tuition

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The middle class is forced to pay welfare to the stupid people.

Stupid people waste it on stuff that profits the rich people.

Rich people import more stupid people.

High population ensures cheaper labour, higher rent prices (supply-demand) and bring the welfare (taxes of middle class) back into the economy.

>socialism kills the middle class and profits lazy scum and the elites

The 1% gets richer because lazy stupids cannot handle money.

Make it real capitalism and such people will not have the means to afford buying stuff. People who earn their fair share of money are capable of spending it in a smart manner while scum starves until they learn the reality of life

>being upset that other people have money
Who is actually the greedy one in this scenario.

I think there are a lot of things profoundly wrong with that bottom 90% and that's why they find themselves in their situation

Yes daughter I do. But identifying a problem and understanding the solution are two entirely different tasks. Mr. Sanders has correctly identified a problem but he is not smart enough to know what can and should be done about it.

>(((the top one-tenth of one percent)))

No. Most people are scummy losers

>repeats this to mommy after you drop off after visitation
>never see kids again

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Is this related to Zipf in any way?

in the alternative, the percentage is even worse, so fuck off

Who audited the entire population?
What a job.

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Half the world population is shitskins. How much are you really expecting from? Most of them are just now figuring put the wheel.

Lilly Kruk, in case anyone was wondering.

Why isn't she reading White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell? It's a good book, better than Siege (altho Siege isn't bad it's just a huge meme) or Mein Kampf

Attached: WhatYaReadingThere.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

>my daughter would read utopic fiction.

Also, the 1% is almost exclusively Jewish.

Attached: jewish privilege.jpg (927x1200, 231K)