What are the favorite podcasts of Jow Forums?
What are the favorite podcasts of Jow Forums?
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The Dick Show
The Pro Crastinators podcast
The Biggest Problem in the Universe
Yaron brook show
Hardcore history. His very first podcast is comparing Hitler to Alexander the Great and he subtly defends natsoc all the time.
Order of man
Jocko podcast
paranormies presents
Myth of the 20th Century (very bad audio at times but the content is fantastic)
Poz Button
>suffers some audio probs but great content. Hail Borzoi.
Unexplained with Howard Hughes
>ayy lmaos etc. Based podcast
Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux
Also this, wish dan would put more common sense episodes out though.
you lazy
a little description?
the dick show
The Position Button is great but I was a little disappointed with the True Detective episode, I thought they could have gone a lot more in depth.
I sometimes listen to Molyneux
some people seem to hate him around here
*Poz Button
>Yaron brook show
Good choice, Moishe
Their early shows were horrible, I couldn't listen to the one on China because it was so tinny.
They're good content though and pretty much the only active podcast for Social Matter.
I miss Ryan Landry.
I watched Sleepycast when that was active.
Don't have the patience for political podcasts, it's either a partisan circlejerk that breaks news like I already haven't heard it or it's a poor man's cult.
Closest thing to a political podcast I'll put on in the background is Styx, but he literally just recites Jow Forums threads and people pay him to do it.
yaron is the most influential objectivist of this time
the dick show is a comedy podcast, dick is the host and he invites people to talk about what makes them rage
the procastinators are... i don't know how to explain
the biggest problem is a precuel to dick show (hosted by dick and maddox)
I like that but some of Borzoi's choices were kind of underwhelming like Fern Gully. I wish he also had more content.
>all the replies and nobody said Fash the Nation.
Entitled Opinions
>Lit and philosophy podcast out of Stanford
Bill Burr
>Funny idiot talks about sports with his based wife.
The Daily Shoah if it's considered a podcast.
Sargon of Akkad, Andrew Klavan, Bearing, Sugartits, Styxhexenhammer666, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder
Guys I know this isn't a podcast but I really miss Art Bell.
did u know burr's wife is black?!?!
thanks user
I might check them out
Ascending the Tower by Social Matter was pretty active up until February. I'm not sure what happened there.
Lot's of good content, then suddenly nothing.
Used to watch Joe Rogan but the guys podcasts and views are starting to become shit :(
Who else to watch?
JF Gariepy's The Public Space, old Opie and Anthony shows on YouTube, and Nick Fuentes' America First.
George Noory is pretty entertaining though... I've never heard a conspiracy theory talk show host who's so... indifferent...
are sam hyde's hyde wars considered podcasts?
Also, the Weekly Sweat is ok.
>Chilean Dickhead
Andrew Klavan
The sofa kings podcast
joe Rogan
Ben Shapiro
Dan Carlin
Remember the names, folks
Renaissance Radio
Adam and Dr Drew Show
Asam Carolla Show
Blueprint for Armageddon was my favorite series. It was the perfect "audio book" for World War 1; even better than Guns of August. He did a really good job of relating then to now.
Hardcore History and Common Sense by Dan Carlin
I've read too much Joe Rogan pasta to ever properly enjoy one of his shows.
TDS,hatehouse,shit on TRS basically.
I can’t look at Crowder the same anymore. Not since Yusef or whatever the fuck that natsoc’s name was.
Liked him better when he was mostly about philosophy
David duke show
Strike and Mike
Hatehouse as a guilty pleasure
Not a fan of Noory. You're right that hes indifferent, but its not out of some kind of journalistic neutrality or professional objectivity, I think hes a genuinely boring guy who likes shilling for weird medical supplements more than finding interesting guests. Heather is better.
dickheads all over the world
that's a podcast you all should check
Everyone has slip ups and no one is infallible. I remember when Sargon lost his cool debating alt-righters (he's good at triggering leftists, but wasn't prepared to face people who aren't easily triggered) and came up with the 'liberalist' movement, which I disagreed with; I thought he had already made a good point when he distinguished 'liberals' in the classical sense from 'leftists' who are the SJWs. I don't let one bad encounter ruin someone who I find to be otherwise credible.
radical agenda and ze public space, also
No Agenda
The Dick Show
JF Gariepy
Dan Carlin
That's right, June is Cultural Appropriation Month isn't it? Maybe he should call out Marshall Mathers for his cultural appropriation.
The word you're looking for is "aloof".
Art was a master of interviewing. He and Howard Stern knew/know very much how to cut through the bullshit and carry interviews to the point that virtually every response had/has substance and leaves you wanting more.
For example, listen to Ghost to Ghost episodes. Same theme, same format. George just says shit like Wow! Incredible! That's scary! while Art pressed the caller and got far more details out of the situation than they initially relayed.
Coast to Coast is very much a "wild west" of callers now. A lot of horse shit and pseudo-intellects. The last time I heard a caller worth a shit was when the engineer from Monsanto called in and pointed out all the bullshit a guest was spewing about herbicides. He was explaining how the guest's logic was flawed and cited independent studies; she was fucking dumbfounded and George had no fucking clue what was going on.
That wasn't the case when Art was at the helm. Callers were a lot more genuine and normal.
Coffee with Scott Adams
Did you see Crowder vs Yusef?
Also if Crowder ever came out and admitted he acted like a retard I would probably look past it. If he did that I’m unaware of it.
I can see why you'd miss that. I was never big on conspiracy theory radio, but I'd have AM radio on in the background when I was sleeping and Coast to Coast would come on and Noory just clearly doesn't give a crap. He'll let his callers ramble on and only ask the most basic questions almost akin to a Hollywood therapist. It was amusing to me just because it's the exact opposite of most conspiracy theorist hosts, like Alex Jones, who are loud and very sincere about whatever they're discussing.
Yes I saw it. Not Crowder's strongest moment. But again, everyone has slip ups, I've had them before. Does that mean I can never recover and be good again? I don't think it's fair to hold people to that level of standard.
The Schlomo Shekelberg Experience. Guy basically redpills you about how free market capitalism exploits the worker and leads to pretty much anything bad happening in the world right now. I only pay 100 shekels a week for it - but it's really good advice.
His content is good but I have a hard time listening to Carlin's voice.
I don't know if it's still really a podcast, but True Capitalist Radio
Also Tales from the Trough. Donovan the Barbarian is the greatest.
And The Fatherland needs a shoutout.
Europa Weekly, if it's still a thing.
And STEMTalk from the IHMC, for something not at all political.
Ok so I've been meaning to ask people, does anyone know what Renegade Radio was/is that the TDS used to call out on occasion? Sounded like they had an issue with TRS and I never understood what the issue was.
dan carlin.
though some of his topics are boring as shit, when he has a good one, its usual pretty great.
>who gives a fuck about martin Luther
>who gives a fuck about american relations with cuba circa the mid 1800s
his ww1 was great
Most of TRS (especially Hate House)
Hyde wars when i see them
if I ever wanted to start a political discussion in a google hangout can I announce it on /pol or is that foreboden?
Also The art of manliness
I hear ya man
Like I said, if he acknowledged how retarded he was in that slip up, it would go a long way for me.
Yeah his casts are amazing. Informative and entertaining.
>pic related one of the only casts that can actually get consistent laughs. Glad Cumia can still be funny
Cumia has sex with mentally ill young men. Buys them boob jobs.
Hardcore history, I purchased all of the podcasts
Good for you, who gives a shit. I like him too but he talks too much especially for the first 30 minutes. He spends way more time talking about what he wants to talk about instead of just talking about it than needed.
You probably cant