
biologically good or bad?

Attached: Irish_eritrean.png (629x629, 584K)

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bad but sex is ok

case in point


Good for Blacks and Indians (dots) as the offspring is often much better looking and a vast improvement on their Darker side of their family. Barack Obama is an improved Black Man not an improved Whyte Man.

What is it with the French and their love for racemixing?

Everyone talks about Sweden, but France is way worse in terms of demographics.

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Good if upgrade. Bad if downgrade.

What is upgrade, what is downgrade? I think u understand.

Are they voting democrat if not fuck it

A vast improvement amongst the darker Races, they hav high status amongst the Darker Races, a half-caste girl is desired by all Black Men and envied by all Black women and still seen as one of theirs.

As an American I always enjoy this meme because nothing salts a nigger's watermelon more than seeing some pretty black girl with a white guy.


An upgrade for a Black or Darkie but a downgrade for the lighter Races.

Indian man white/SK/Jap lady.

A Half-caste is an upgraded Black Person.

>nothing salts a nigger's watermelon more

my fucking sides

>Based niggers amirite fellow maganigs?

Depends on the race. Some trade down, some trade up. Genetically you are more likely to inherit the problems of both race rather than the solutions.
Socially, it is really irresponsible to have a mixed child since they were never belong anywhere and have no place in this world.

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Did that guy find the only 1 Negress who's remotely attractive?

Automatically become the Kings and Queens amongst their People.

Look at me, I am an improved Black person.

They become the envy amongst the Dark People.

Add to that, black women with a college degree are the highest demographic earner's in the US (even more than Jews), white-male+black-female marriages have basically the lowest divorce rate for white males (either 1st or 2nd), the only real downside is the mulatto kids.

That is of course unless you're banging a mulatto which most light-skin or moderately attractive black girls are to begin with. Then you're looking at good-looking quadroon kids, unless you have weak ass (Jewish) genes.

I fully endorse white guys marrying infertile black women and having kids via white surrogate mothers.

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for sure. i love black women but the thought of mixed kids is a real turn off. hopefully find a nice white girl to have kids with and fuck all the cute african girls on the weekend.

You have to remember the majority of "blacks" in the US are basically mulattos. And there really are quite a number of very attractive mutts, particularly in the South. Mulattos, quadroons, octaroons, light-skinned, etc..

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You got any idea how many pretty black/mixed girls in the US would be a white guy's side chick?

You can't be some fudd, but if you're white, employed above min wage, got your shit together, and like to beat guts; the world is your oyster.

Forgot obligatory pic.

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King and Queens of the Black People.

This nailed it, the reason blacks and Asians love to mix is they know they will churn out an improved version of themselves while destroying/polluting the white bloodlines from existence which further improves their potential societal standing in a globalized world.

It's bad. If it wasn't for strong federalist governments those babies would be dead.

The best part, is the most asspained negros are hoteps. The very "we wuz kangz" types that meme online.

When they see an attractive black girl with a white guy, they literally lose their shit. It's fucking immense.

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I was in Uganda last year, and although they are nice People, I didn't see one good-looking female all the time I was there.

race fucking!!!

Niggers can only breed up whereas humans can only breed down.
It's like having two cars, one jalopy old banger and one pristine Rolls Royce. You can take parts off the Rolls Royce and put them on the jalopy and the jalopy, while still a piece of shit and ugly as fuck, will manage to look better than it was purely because better parts have been added to it. The Rolls Royce, whether you directly swap the jalopy parts over or leave the parts you've removed missing, will look like a mangled piece of shit.

Half-caste is an improvement.

I wouldn't racemix bc the odds of inferior gene expression seems higher. When's the last time you met a high achieving mulatto?

Doubleplusbad mate

It is like a Millionaire and a Beggar going halves on everything they own, the Beggar gains everything and the Millionaire gains nothing.

It is a good thing to get Blacks, and Indians girls pregnant.

Never saw a full african women that was actually good looking.
Literally now clue how some people can find Africans attractive.

If I am doing the mixing, then it's good.
If other people are doing it (especially white women), then they are filthy degenerates.

I know, I'm pretty "based", ain't it kids?

ethiopians can be cute

but they basically look indian

Attached: ethiopiangirl.jpg (500x497, 52K)

this girl is perfection

post her body