Big redpill regarding race and genetics

so lets say you think brown hair is a white feature into prospect

By now Europe natives are 50/50 Brown blonde, But were they?

The neanderthals were around for 700 000 years, and guess what if 50% of them had brown hair then there would be no blondes left today

Even if 5% of them had brown hair it would eradicate all the blonde hair from the species due to the brown hair being dominant genetically
(Same thing with Brown eyes)

What this means is that all Europeans used to be all blonde
Instead the brown hair and eyes actually comes much later with african admixture

>All in all all brown haired people are mutts, and there are no native ethnicities to europe with that hair color, they are not white

And Blonde hair and blue eyes would be the most pure, seeing the north euros also habe an average iq much higher then lets say italians (Bigger brainsize)

Attached: 321312321.jpg (1000x2662, 973K)

And how come the Nordic (Aryans) So superior to the rest of Europe?
They plowed through the dirty mongrels of the south easily and are consistently rated as the most intelligent beiutiful and strong
Why is this Jow Forums ?

Attached: LANDSTAKENBYSWEDES.jpg (4696x5384, 2.82M)

Watcha doin', Rabbi?

Attached: Divide the goy.jpg (252x291, 29K)

I have blond hair and brown eyes.

And based on your flag I'm certainly whiter than you Mohammed.

black hair = / = brown hair
light brown hair = / = dark brown hair

according to this beethoven was an african, fucking nordicists I swear

>Dominant/Dominant + Recessive/Recessive = Dominant/Recessive
>Dominant/Recessive + Dominant/Recessive = 25% chance of Recessive/Recessive
Go back to school achmed. Let the white people teach you basic mendelian inheritance.

>god tier
christcucks gtfo

>Jesus christ
>blond and blue eyed
top kek

Whoa there Rabbi, you're shilling it too obvious!

bump ginger to god tier or we sabotage the ethnostate

>Varg Vikernes


Okay Muhammad I think you're getting high on all the welfare gibs

lmao Varg is a better person than Ben Franklin? Nice pic OP, you retarded faggot

i want some proof that jesus, caesar and alexander the great were blonde

>this isn't European

Guess I'm race traitor now.

Off to vote gibs and more invaders.

Attached: anna.jpg (524x720, 59K)

>not knowing that ginger is god-tier as long as not Irish

get fucked divide and conquering faggot.

show us your hair, faggot

I am purely white, pale skinned, blue eyes but brown hair. I am mostly english though about 25% swiss.

My father and one of brothers is blonde but me, my mom, and my other brother are not.

Am I, my brown haired sibling, and my mom all night not not white even though me and my sibling likely carry blonde genes?

Does that mean we should help the jews import 3rd worlders because whitey is oppressing us?

Attached: auburn masterrace.jpg (590x590, 249K)



Show us an eye or hair picture Muhammad. Or show us your DNA.

Attached: DNA.png (814x858, 50K)

Or you can continue to say Blond hair and blue eyes is the only thing that makes you white.

Attached: mulatto.jpg (300x300, 26K)

D&C shill thread

reminder nordcucks never did anything worth mentioning for thousands of years

>born with blond hair
>now its light auburn brown

Hait got darker when i became older. Was a literal snow niglet as a kid

Doesn't include anyone from Slav nations in god tier .... Includes Edison and not Tesla.

How can you be so based? I think I'll leave for Africa and donate my house to the swedish government now.

dirty blonde with hazel eyes, where do I fall? 100% European DNA.

>hurr durr, fight among yourselves white people