His soi neolib grandson writes these btw not him, the actual old guy barely knows what’s going on. It’s disgusting.
Harry is a cunt and it was his father that did all the work, all he did was be born and get lifted up by his hard working father. Funny how people that didnt put in the labor become socialists.
Its cure how he talks of his fathers experiences yet he seems to have none of his own.
Wouldn't that simply play into Elon's hand?
Harry literally proved Elon's point.
this boomer-spawning old man is starting to piss me off
t. class-cucks that let capitalist cuck them and then thank them for the opportunity.
It's capitalists that are destroying western civilisation and filling it with niggers and degeneracy, but keep chasing the cultural marxist boogeymen.
> rubbish bin
As if British food is a step up. No wonder they clamor for cultural enrichment.
>could have ignored it
>could have joked about it
>decides to be depressing with no sense of humor
>Child labourer in the 1930s
>Family moved thrice despite his father being unemployed
>Poverty which according to him excluded eating from garbage cans, no proof exists
>Logically he should have been illiterate, malnourished etc
>Yet when signing up for the army he went to the RAF rather than being made a frontline grunt
>Everything that's known about him is of his own account. From his own books, statement and claims.
Btw did you guys know that Kim Jong-il wrote 1500 books before even graduating college?
>marxism run by jews
>marxist schools run by jews
>lenin was a jew
>stalin was a jew
>trotsky was a jew
>mao's top advisers were jews
Tell me more about how it's white capitalists doing literally anything bad
Frank McCourt was similar but he wrote books n shit
Yeah, I'll give a fuck about this old mans street cred the day Britanistan stops being a fucking disgusting embarrassment that should be pity nuked.
>like most
Fuck off Corbyn.
Didn't Elon describe himself as a socialist too? There's a difference between the kind of socialism Elon and Mr. Smith espouse and the kind that comes from the mouths of depressing, humourless people who attended an expensive college.
True socialism comes from experience and understanding, without those the message becomes about attacking and degrading rather than building and co-operating as it should.
Who rules society? The people with the money.
Who wanted migrants? Capitalists.
Who wanted women working? Capitalists.
Who supports everything that will increase profits, regardless of the costs to society? Capitalists.
Stay cucked.
It's so funny to me to imagine how you're chasing boogeymen while your society becomes even more non-white right before your nose and you don't know the cause.
Misguided fool.
The answer to all your faggoty little questions is "jews" but you refuse to acknowledge it
The answer is capitalists. You’re pretty stupid if you don’t think a “Christian” capitalist would behave exactly like a Jew when they try to raise their profits.
Some capitalists are jews, but not all of them. The answer is that the ruling elite are not truly ideological, they are means to an end. Globalisation and all the "degeneracy" you so despise is REALLY good for business and profits. It's awesome for it, that's why "degeneracy" is the norm. Because it's beneficial to the system. Not because there's an evil jewish group secretly corrupting the magical white social order. But keep living in lala land.
Nobody cucks me though.
I'm humble person that invests into PMCs and military industry to make some profit from war.
This is Jow Forumss cross to carry, capitalists are the ones pushing for illegal slave labor, making propaganda filled media and indoctrinating kids with through pop culture. It's why ancaps are so funny, they would get sold down the river by the rich if their ideaology ever became reality. National socialism is the only cure.
Sure you are
Then why are leftists the ones who keep talking about filling countries with sandniggers?
socialism only for hite people is not inherently wrong. it can coexist with democracy and capitalism. when u involve not whites and white race traitor though then u have a problem. we should throw the nonwhite and white race traitors out the window not good concepts such as socialism
does this old man not know what "usually" means
Because they are indoctrinated by all the capitalist propaganda saying cheap labor in the name of profits is a good thing. All these leftist media outlets are owned by capitalists who push propaganda to help their buddies get richer. That's why leftist support people like Clinton, you don't actually think the clintons are socialists? They are billionaire elites. Most of America is brainwashed at this point.
Too blurry to read
Oppression in the digital age?
Yeah that would work if they still controlled communication. Now any fuckery leaves an opportunity open for others to exploit, even on the basis of human rights.
By the way you don't HAVE TO work anywhere, you can quit and find another job anywhere. Stop being a cuck to one thing economically.
Your horse buggy whip degree is useless.
let me guess...he also walked thirty miles to and from school every day
Long post but not an argument and I never said anything about jobs. All those commercials with mixed races families are made by capilists. All the nigger music pushed on young kids is by capitalists, all the news agencies telling you refugees are good and borders are racist are owned by capitalists.
ALL capitalists want slave labour. They just cant get away with it everywhere, so they made wage slaves instead,
You love this wage cuck?
No. Every time you make a statement these days you gotta cover your back by saying that you're speaking in general terms, not universal.
Yeah because the US is literally mixed, note the memes, and because there's 300+ million of them that they do that. I like to point out that if they perpetuate multiculturalism, after a few generations they wont have diversity at all, it will all just be mud. That makes a commie stop and think a little, which is rare. Preserve biodiversity! Just don't expect feminist targeted advertisements to match your values.
>Fought against the man that basically ended child labor
There is no capitalism, currently it's a Marxist experiment with fake money globally.
>True capitalism was never tried
Nigger you're a man named Leslie. Nobody cares about your opinion
Oh it was, but because oligarchy wasn't involved it got corrupted on the governmental level, now we have fractional reserve banking, Keynesian economics, and unsold treasuries.
>Dems aren't the only ones hoping for an economic collapse.
In another way it is alot like the opium wars 2.0, look at BRICS vs US petro dollar, which one is kikery, which one is less so or not?
A socialist is an Authoritarian Utopianist.
Don't get caught up in the actual beliefs of socialists. That is a trap. Socialists merely promise the people anything they desire, in exchange, the people must let the government make decisions for them. The socialists seeks total government control over almost everything.
So he fought the German keiser?
Thats way pre WW2.
Elon is so correct, my cousin is a miserable son-of-doctor Chicagoan and socialist.
Used to be the most fun chill person ever, then he went to Chicago.