Apparently Jews run the media. I’m a Jew, how do I get in on this?

Apparently Jews run the media. I’m a Jew, how do I get in on this?

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Shitpost here for a few years.

You just get a semi-passable journalism degree, and apply at CNN or MSNBC.

ask your rabbi for a job.

Talk to your Inner Jew.

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youre confused on the part about all of them being involved.
>all media owned and run by jews
>all jews run and own the media.

>Call Uncle Schlomo.
>Complain that you want to work in the media
>Wait a couple weeks
You now have a degree from Yale and work with the CIA sucking Anderson Coopers dick while writing click bait articles about why America shouldn't exist.
You're welcome

Well you didn't say *all Jews run the media. And neither did we. I'm sorry you dissapointed your parents by not taking up the family business.

The method is simple,
>be jew
>find a cyanide capsule
>drink with a glass of water
Join the media !

Just apply for a job

Get a degree in journalism and hopefully land a nice internship. Suck the right dicks and hope for the best.

just apply for your dream company
Is very likely it's already subverted

Contact members of hot community via sinagogue or religious related activities, shill your jewiness on social media( careful with israel stuff, many of important jews are self loathing kikes)

you got a golden ticket, use it.

We run a restaurant actually, but I just graduated highschool and my mother’s already bitching at me to be something like my brother and sister.

>how do I get in on this?
1) make sure you have obviously jewish name, if not, change it to shekelstein
2) apply to nbc/cnn/etc
3) profit

Even though a huge amount of the elites are jews, most jews are etreme inbred losers who weren't born into the game. You're one of those losers, sorry buddy, maybe next time.

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this basically.

Go to some media place and show your dick.

>all media run by jews means all jews run media

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Are you one of those rare, one in a million poor jews that are confused and others are too of why that is? In that case, kek.

Post more pictures of cats.

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>jews run media means ALL jews are or can be involved
Nice jew logic

Meowdy there partnah

I you can't get a job in media without merit you aren't jew


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you will never find a kitty more aesthetic

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You're small time, you need to get in on the running the world thing we have going.

you have to apply through their website

post your merchant folder

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Wrong. OP Ill give you a little redpill. I have my differences with jews, mild dislike but i can get along with the common jew. The problem is the evil Anglo-Jewish elite that attempt to control the planet and consistently throw their own people (you) under the bus to pay for their crimes. Stop being a victim and take care of the problems your own race creates, before NatSoc becomes favorable again because then a second holocaust will happen. Good people will die.

So if you want to avoid that and protect common jews you and other american jews need to condemn the the Israeli media propaganda machine pushing their agendas and ignore their pleas for help as fellow jews, because they will throw the common jew out to the wolves when the time of justice comes. Think about how many rich jews escaped the gas chambers by selling away their family and relatives to the SS in exchange for their own safety. It will happen again.

What are your brother and sister?

Here he is again

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Sister’s a lawyer, brother’s a orthodontist.

this, dont forget to wear something hebrew

No one said all Jews run the media. The media is just run by Jews.

Normally this would trigger discussion for inequality in the work place, but Jews live in a limbo of both being white and not white, so no one will dare call for a black person to take his job in the name of diversity.

Easily. Just study up on the current long term goals of Israel, as stated, and then write about how we as white people need to do more to reach those goals, so as to shut down any discussion that points out that said goal is hypocritical, racist, and engineered slow moving genocide.

Maybe I can infeltrate the media. Bring down the empire and get my mom to shut up at the same time.

Blackmail its effective against people with no moral constitution, like other jews

>cat furniture
what the fuck is that. Never had that captcha. What are you even supposed to select?

It depends do you have an aunt or uncle in the media, or are they in the diamond industry?

>Apparently Jews run the media. I’m a Jew, how do I get in on this?
Attend a synagogue and network. Also family nepotism connections.

I only have an aunt and she’s a rabbi.

You sure you want to quit your job as a bank lawyer that does rhinoplasty/ breast implants on the weekends?

Give Dennis Rodman a nobel peace prize.

>female rabbi
jews are cucking themselves

>What are you even supposed to select?
I'm not sure if they expect you to select the cat furniture including or excluding the cats, they don't specify.

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apply at any financial institution or media outlet with your last name. They will ask you the typical jewish intros to verify you are not an imposter then you will be hired. Congratulations

And you’re a Jew neet jewposting on Jow Forums. They should be disappointed with you.

Then you should aim higher than a bullshit media job. Get a skill. You can even try the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and go into the family restaurant business and take it to a new level. wellfare jews allowed

>NEET jew
you're outta luck bud they're not gonna find you a nice jewish girl to marry now.

I'm still working on getting that white privelage card.

It is easy. Chose company you want to work for. Get to interview. Start talking how your grandfather died in holocaust. And you are in

you are just an oven dodger, jews don't care about poor jews

I appreciate how he is willing to listen to career advice from even antisemites.

Are you poor Jew? Then you can get only free ticket to Auschwitz 2.0 from your community.

Don't worry some "relative" will get reparations later.

Try to publish two identical documents, shop them to agents and use a jew name for one, and a gentile name for one.

You'll see what I'm driving at here pretty quick. Also, did not know cats could be jews.

I just really wanna do art. I can weld and I hear that’s a needed trade right now, it’s just that my mom is a stereotypical cunt who tried to control her children’s lives.

Cute cat kikebro

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Insurance scam bro, burn that fucker down for money, insurance agent will go easy on you chances are theyre jewish.


Go apply for a job in the media. Show them your nose.

Reminds me of an Israeli construction foreman. He wrote an article about how his family tried to talk him out of going into the construction business. He had to struggle and convince his family with success. I guess you need to do the same. Can you weld so well that you can win something for it and take home to show your mom? Or she thinks that goyish work?

Phillip J Fry reporting in

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She sees it as mostly connected to art because of what I’ve made in the past. She says that art shouldn’t be a career and that I’m just gonna end up living with them in my 30s. I would rather kill myself than continue to live with my parents honestly.

Check with your uncle Shlomo

>I’m a Jew, how do I get in on this?
Apply to mid-level management, having several letters of recommendation from (((family)).

I know lots of Jewish handymen and tradesmen. Just go do it. I have a super Jew buddy who works for the train company. He's a loader, wants to eventually be a conductor.
I know a Jewish plumber who's a total piece of shit but amazing at his work. A Jewish plastic salesmen who sells shitty plastic Tupperware to restaurants. Most Jews are poor or middle class user. You seem to fit the bill.

Mate there is serious good money in welding and plating if you know what youre doing. Everything from custom fab to working on offshore platforms.

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Ever tried to make money from welding before? Can you get credentials in welding? Ever considered becoming a skilled craftsman? Is there a special niche for Jews in this line of work? I mean not everyone knows how to install a Sabbath light switch or program a Sabbath elevator.

>playing dumb to make a juvenile point that will annoy people of higher intelligence and draw people of average and lower intelligence into a retarded shitflinging contest
>i’m a Jew


My brother’s girlfriend does it and she taught me when I was 15. Is there some kind of degree I need to get?

That's my fucking cat.

That's also my fucking cat.

What do you mean?

Don't know about US laws but there must be some test you need to pass in order for you to get a license. Get an apprenticeship maybe? We are still decades away from fully automated welding robots replacing human welders in all situations. And you will need more skills than just welding.

That's my dinner.

you were deemed not worthy by your fellow kikes

You don't you're just the jew type who makes shitty slide threads on 4 chinz to defend the clan

a silent truth coming to many getting the red pill

jews are matrichary

I mean it's my cat nigger.

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Looks a lot like Marina but yours is much more fluffier.

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>how do I get in on this?
first you're going to have to take a shower...this way please

I think I know where this is going.

quit bullshitting and post more cats

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Use your BIG ASHKENAZI BRAIN and watch sfcels rant about you on Jow Forums

Bubbles the baby kitty reporting in

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>I'm a jew
I need proof. Post your sisters milkers or gtfo

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What will that prove?

Jewish milkers on Jow Forums have become undeniably jewish.
So I need your sisters kosher tiddays now or forever hold your peace.

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Where would I get a picture of my sister’s tits?

>not having photos of sisters tiddays
>calls himself a jew
Fucking pleb, I knew you were LARPing.

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Soooo cute

Where did you get the idea that she would let me near here with even a tank top on. She’s 10 years older than me, thinks I’m retarded, and engaged.

My cat is also a lot older probably. And it makes me sad my cat is old.

He's all grown up now

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>where would I get the idea that jews are degenerate as fuck
Lurk more. Your nufag is showing.

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