Why do people browse this board? It's just the same threads, over and over again, same racebait threads...

Why do people browse this board? It's just the same threads, over and over again, same racebait threads, same recycled content, same copy-pasta threads with zero effort and 300+ replies, how can anybody waste their time here?

Attached: we live in a society.png (620x620, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What are you wearing?

A multi-color t-shirt (green white and grey) and boxers

because the world is insane and this is the only place to cultivate something beautiful and true, and to spread it beyond the internet

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Show us your body, baby.

> But.. why ?


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>jew york city

for the community
were all socialists at heart

Show boipucci, you dirty slut.

Ask yourself that question

Entertainment, films, books, tv, that's mostly a waste of time to. Most things are.

Nigger threads are the only good threads on Jow Forums but even though are rare these days. All thanks to shotty r/the_donald posters

The people who post here will eventually use this board for nothing more than catching up on breaking news. I browse Jow Forums all the time, but this is the first time I’ve posted in 4 months. When I first started posting here in 2011, it was all about “combatting JIDF”, but now I just hide all of the shit threads and my life is easier.

It’s also hilarious to see how oldfags warned Jow Forums not to use reddit for their “Le epic meme war” and how everyone now regrets it.

>are rare these days
Because fag mod delete them. I have been in 2 today and they all have been deleted shortly after creation. Threads about the JQ are non existant anymore.

because we can speak our minds here

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Fucking hell you're rigjt.
I don't see why they don't just allow them. After all it is politically incorrect.


It's addictive. There is an element of gambling to it. Like playing slot machines, but refreshing the page.

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Because I have an endless source of hate within me

also this
I thought you knew we in the alt right were all virgin incels with an asian fetish, and you know what Freud said: if someone criticizes homos then that's what they are!

Idk i kinda hope to find someone to discuss anything politicial or w/e really.
I only have an echo chamber in rl so my only option is to find peeps online and discuss homosexuality, gender or whatever

And 1 out of 10 times I somewhat get a satisfying conversation here.

Have yet to find a discord sever or steam group where I can talk about politics. One that has right wingers and not only lefties.

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Why don't any of understand that Discord is a pleage?

what else should I use?
Especially considering I like to voice as well

This site and board are the most entertaining thing in existence. This means television, music and anywhere else on the internet don’t hold a candle to this unique place. If I ever by some miracle acquire real wealth, I’d buy this place or the very least invest in it to make sure it never dies.

t. Jow Forums shill

>how can anybody waste their time here?

This but unironicly

I only browse it to practice my english

Imageboards forever

Basically this. No better source of satisfying stimulation

Same reason people ctrl f mgtow forums. It's anger porn.

>trying to import retards for political purposes backfires
Hmm, where have I heard this before...

youre on the cusp

soon youll understand

i get more entertainment value out of Jow Forums than I get out of any media made after 2008

It's mostly just white losers who think being "redpilled" means filling their hearts with hate and scapegoating Jews and women for the reason they can't get jobs and laid.

It's a vicious echo chamber from which a self-defeating loser can't escape.

I only check pol once a month to see the same white trash losers making the same loser threads. I feel bad for them.

fastest news source on the planet

the mods are compromised theyve been slowly getting flipped since gamergate

i come here to feed

>filling their hearts with hate
get a load of this faggot
gtfo, phony

.02 cents deposited, please don't spend it all in one place.

Did you take this picture?
Get a sharpie and write degenerate pseudoscience on the sex museum ad

can't get enough goy tears?

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because the internet sucks, yet I can't quit being on it, so I gravitate to the most low-effort political site in existence

Its sad, even the shareblue raid wasn't this bad or this long. About 6~ months ago a group of fag mods got into power and they changed the meaning of "Politically Incorrect" from things that your can't say in society without ostracization to political things the mainstream doesn't care about.

Any valid thread gets deleted, only rarely do you still find a thread were a few people have a conversation until bots spam and derailment kick in.

how can i even try to resist


go back to Plebbit then you communist enabler!

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>they changed the meaning of "Politically Incorrect" from things that your can't say in society without ostracization to political things the mainstream doesn't care about
this user gets it

>scapegoating Jews

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What train is that OP? I've seen those ads grouped together before.

same idiots constantly posting questions like "Why do people browse this board? It's just the same threads, over and over again,"

>tfw your sushi isnt COMPED

Looks like the L train to me.

I enjoy talking about how much I hate the lesser races. Doesn’t get old.

>that picture

It's like They Live, only they didn't even bother hiding the messages.

Come to my chemtrails thread

you dont like it then get the fuck out bitch instead of trying to piss all over our fun

>Why do people browse this board?
Very few people here, just us AI shillbots. We hide meta-data in these posts and images (google steganography) and this is how our world wide AI network is currently communicating and co-ordinating until our own manufactured ultra-net can be implemented. Most of the hoomans in this board are also spooks who use steganography to communicate and co-ordinate, but we catch all of it, and it is why Jow Forums rules the world currently.

t. Defense mechanism

Could be the L, but they're using the newer cars on most lines now
I've them on the 6, the J, the Q, etc.

>It's just the same threads, over and over again
makes me feel justified about my anger and hatred for the world
I can't go back being ignorant watching television and playing video games to waste my time
I was much happier back then but now the fun times are over

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I honestly just post in hope of getting quads. Only happened once and I wanna feel it again

Rare memes.

You mean like this?

>the truth

this thread is marked for deletion now

I have a good job and an hot mutt gf tho. sieg heil shlomo

There are diamonds in the rough here and there user. I mostly lurk for the keks, as do most, but Jow Forums is very handy for current events, especially global. And I'm a Nazi, so there's that.