Why The Right Needs To Start Creating Fiction

The left flees into fiction so that they can escape reality. So, my fellow Mongolian basket weavers, the answer is quite simple: We must take over the realm of fiction.

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Correct thought will never be the realm of the majority

I'm the master of fiction and the universe

That’s what everybody does when they engage themselves in fictional works you dumb fuckin leaf.

>The left flees into fiction so that they can escape reality.
The left thinks that if they believe in fiction hard enough, it will become reality

Nice try, jewbois.
That's what they said about communists in sci-fi about three decades ago.

Our creative energy goes into memes, and we dominate that space as a result. Whereas liberals-leftists control the institutions and so shut out conservatives in those spaces

Categorically false. They believe their fiction is reality, and choose to live in it as opposed to the real world. That's why they're so flabbergasted when the real world proves different from what they had imagined.

>52 genders
the left is already pretty good at fiction as u can see

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You have the right idea OP.

Hollywood already exploits this and weaves an agenda into mass-consumed fiction.

They only control the institutions because we let them sneak in. They're much less organized than you think, and it would not take long for us to subvert them in much the same way they subverted us. Plus, now we have political momentum on our side.

>They believe their fiction is reality
Only the footsoldiers have been brainwashed to this level. The higher ups are the ones still pushing the brainwashing because they know their fiction isn't reality (just yet).

there are some good comics like stonetoss etc. but we need more


Memes don’t count

Communism was always regarded and sci-fi got coopted by idiots. The truth has always been known and pursued by a fringe few, if something goes mainstream it is at the expense of its soul, it becomes another opiate for the masses

We already do.

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>implying anyone would actually buy fiction about bravey, honor and courage
I’m writing a grand space opera about the importance of “tribe” (nation society), where bravery, honor and principles are virtues. I have zero illusions it will ever sell, even among you people

Are the joker and invader zim degenerates? I'M super sad now :/

>Flee into fiction
Dude, left pop culture is filled with the same politics the dude is trying to escape .
There is no hiding from this political propaganda shit. It's laughable that dude is walking towards the Tardis as Doctor Who is extremely political

No memes are a very purified and distilled art. Liberals have to make shit tier cookie cutter space operas to propagate their terrible ideas. Reactionaries touch the forms and weave memes, a vector through which our ideas are delivered Ima much more concentrated and potent form

The right has made the best ficition. Lord of the Rings. If you met a leftist who claims they love Lord of the Rings (I rarely find ones who do. They all prefer Harry Potter) then they don't understand the story at all. And you need to challenge him on it.

Also most western traditions and mythology are pretty redpilled.

S o y AF

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jesus christ that comic made my stomach hurt

The higher ups move nowhere without their footsoldiers. We need to alienate them from the lefty proles.
Two of my favs:
>Don't worry, both are kosher and you can visit them at work or in a public place.

It is a depiction of a man Jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire

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You mean like Ayn Rand's works?

I like seeing the Left depict themselves. There is truth to it, if you look past the childish way they justify themselves. These are the people so traumatized by reality, unable to accept the tension in the world (because they themselves are so consumed by tension that they cannot tolerate any more), that the only relief they find is in media of the most pathetically low standards.

The thread comic is making the point that in childish fiction everything is acceptance and harmony. When in fact the reason why this adult male is moving towards such fiction is because he has no harmony and has no acceptance for the world as it is.

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Read starshatter, right wing scifi novel

You might have missed the point.
The Left is walking into a candy cane hugs and kisses version of 'reality' that is both appealing and fulfilling.

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Because nothing say Candy Cane hugs and kisses with plots like "kill whitey!" or the page turner of "It's all whities fault "

No. We must be there for the people who wake up from the coma of pop-culture and escapism.
Most modern forms of entertainment are completely corrupt and should be burned down, luckily the "SJWs" are doing it for us.

Don't call me dude.

>We must take over the realm of fiction.

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Reality is the worst thing for free mind and soul. Its a prison.

Dude, Don't tell me what to do you faggot


Why the fuck do these retards do this? We all know what you meant, we all have used whatever word you are trying to avoid using. The only thing that you are doing is coming across as some limp wristed faggot who is so afraid of a word that you will tiptoe around the word and make up new words just so that you can use the word you are afraid of using.

If you want to say "what the fuck", say "what the fuck". By using a fill in like frack you are still drawing to the meaning of fuck, you might as well have the balls to say it.

/mlpol/ is the only true path

invader zim was pretty good

>tfw I'm working on a comic book that's essentially Pulp Fascism masquerading as some Star Fox/Star Wars/quasi-furry space adventure that's designed to appeal to children and man children

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Aren't there three main races in it along with ziggers and some other creatures though?