17yo killed in deadly round of Russian roulette


Attached: a_way_to_kys.png (1059x642, 348K)

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Stupid. but not really political. Ergo, slide post

Is there video footage of it happening?

>Raising a child in Las Vegas
>Expecting everything to go fine

And the winner of the Darwin Award is .........


nah, no video. apparently someone just found a dead kid lying around an abandoned house. also, its henderson

Idiot removes himself from the genepool. We win again.


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some dumb nigger in my highschool back in 2003 died because he tried to play it with a 1911
(not a wheel gun)

The point of Russian roulette is that it's a party trick, you fucking moron. You're supposed to use sleight of hand to take the round out of the gun.

nah this can't be real

It wasn't Russian Roulette. Nigger in pic is the one who shot him in the face.

Attached: killer.jpg (304x388, 35K)

Did he drop any good loot?

I used to play this when I was a teenager. Most times we would spin and at most get through two trigger pulls before someone pussed out and lost with the six shooter. Once, after four turns between three of us it came to me, with the fifth pull. I put the barrel to my head and at the last second pointed it up, just above my head, but close enough and fast enough the the others couldn't tell, then pulled. The gun went off and I threw myself down to the ground. It was bretty funny as they flipped the fuck out at first, before one of them immediately started talking about where to bury me. Good times

At least he didn't lose.

paddock has hernderson connections, that crazy dude who blocked the hoover dam is from henderson. wft is going on in henderson. is it some cia nigger zone?

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never go black on roulette

No you aren’t. The weight of the bullet is supposed to make that part of the cylinder end up away from the barrel, but you have to spin it just right.

came here to post this

did the same with my 50cal bmg sniper rifle.
we loaded the gun and put rubber bands around the trigger.
After the 8th rubber I finally pulled out and my gf wasnt pregnant that day

not really, its just a cheaper version of vegas. henderson was created during wwii to produce magnesium and a couple other chemicals. pepcon explosion is the coolest thing to ever come from henderson

>supposed to
>spin it just right
yeah I'll pass anyway thanks

>some guy shoots himself in the head


>Dumb nigger
If he meant a literal negroid it could very well be real.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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it is
and I do

Over 300 dollars which were spent on shoes and drugs.



So does this count as winning a game of Russian roulette? I mean, think of the odds.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

As opposed to a non-deadly round of Russian roulette?

>pepcon explosion
thanks user, this is why I love this place

Fucking idiot. I could rape his ass and now he's gone. Sad day for bois lovers.


He's not buried yet, probably, you can still rape his ass.

the building next door to the pepcon facility was a marshmallow factory. they rebuilt for some reason afterwards. good day for marshmallow futures

Blanks can absolutely kill you at such range.

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that seems pretty fun

it's a great party game
if the balloon pops you drink


we all die
whatever yolo

yolo to the next level

I thought Russian roulette was supposed deadly, if played correctly .

dis nigga leaf gets it

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Russian officers were known card players, with lots of money to be thrown at, this was probably a play to those that got deep in debt.

You play this, then you're a brave men and we won't mess your life. Just a suggestion, but psychologically this feel right.