Ben Shapiro here from The Daily Wire, AMA guys.
Ben Shapiro here, AMA
I don't believe Ben would do an AMA here, post some proof. Shoe on head.
1. I don't believe it
2. please move to Israel and never come back to the US
Why do you hate trump so much
Why is Ben against white nationalism yet support Israel which is an ethnostate?
I've always wanted to ask him that and wonder why he is never asked that in his lectures.
How many goyim slaves does every jew get according to the talmud again?
Why are you such a warmongering Israel firster? Why do you hate Palestinian children enough to want to burn their skin off with white phosphorus like your people did in operation cast lead?
It's despicable, Ben.
Because he's sort of insane but at least he is making good on conservative policy.
Israel is the greatest nation in the world desu.
Because white nationalism means he has to leave and live in ghetto ass Israel. More people from this board need to visit Israel, it's a shit hole but the people aren't that ghetto, it's weird.
Why do Americans want gun control
Please fuck my hole daddy
Fuck off kike
Remember to sage slide threads
400,000 for every Jew. We are the master race.
We offered them peace several times yet they refuse.
Where did you sister get such marvelous milkers??
Leviticus 20:13
I just want you to burn in an oven.
They are a strong nation. It's funny how Israel uses propaganda to depict they are the little guys
She's Jewish. We are the master race so we have the best form. G-d just made us perfectly.
show me your boipucci
That's Nick Fuentes not ben Shapiro
Shit slide thread Shlomo. SAGE. No one else reply to this obvious bait and slide thread.
Why do you look like a romulan?
this is the most punchable face on Earth
If its really you then post pics of your sister.
Not the worst LARP. One of the worst, but not THE worst.
He seems to be against Identity Politics but so absorbed by his own Jewishness. He's such a hypocrite.
I support all races having pride in their identity and forming a nation, including jews. But Kikes like Ben will never support that policy.
What does your wife do for a living?
it puts the shoe on its head, or else it gets the sage again.
Why does your voice sound like Richard Dreyfuss'?
gas yourself
bumping just to say fuck you obvious jew
You're a sub-human goy. :-)
I’m a jew because I’m trying to stop people from bumping slide threads to the top and leaving out actual good political threads up?
No post the nudes you took.
what does your sisters vagina smell like?
Filthy, filthy, kike. Your time is coming.
You mean the time when we rule over the entire planet and make you subhuman goyim into our slaves? Then yes, our time is coming slave dog.
Hi sir. I'm a big fan and I'd be great to hear to say this.
Oriopahs Neb
What's your sister number?
Why do you said that you don't care about the browning of America when you know very well that they will always vote leftwing for ethno-nationalist reasons? And is it because you are a kike?
I ask for your sister's milkers.
You talk to the bad goys on Jow Forums?
Why do you think it's okay for Israel to have an ethnostate but not the US?
You mean like when you were supposedly genocided?
Your sis is cute
Post them nudes
why dont you go live in fucking israel and fuck off jew?
Is that really the faggot she's marrying? She needs some better taste. Or is Jamal going to be plowing her the whole marriage?
Do they make an adult sized version of you in Israel or is this pretty much as big as the Jews get?
I'm only here for the inevitable Khazar Milkers images.
All that i know is that Jamal is getting dem milkers.
Why are you such a filthy kike? you should do every white American a favor and hang yourself while simultaneously setting yourself in fire.
Ben, serious question here— when are your testicles gonna drop?
Un aesthetic architecture != ghetto
Why do so many kikes post here ?
why do you consistently get rekt when debating anyone past the level of college-know-it-all-freshman?
Differentiate between the 2 immigration bills being crafted in the House and why are both bills bad for America?
you know the drill get in the oven kike
He's been asked that before and his answer has been that Israel has Jews of different ethnicity so it's not an ethnostate. Don't know how true that is though. It's still strange though that it is a country for a specific group of people, but anytime any western country wants to keep their country for themselves they get called racist. I wonder why that is?
Can I rent your sister Ben? I will pay lots of shekels..... I know your kind loves shekels.
This one goes in the oven last.
After the guards get done interrogating her.
her tits are almost as big as her nose
Why do you subvert your host nation?
This is not her you retards.
She doesn;'t have a thin frame like that.
Can we get real nudes of your sister, she's fucking hot bro
>doesn't post proof
Nothing to see here folks sage goes in all fields.
>implying Jow Forums isn't satire
Whats your wifes profession?
It's hard to be a NAZI with Jewish women like that in the world
Why are you so retarded? Is it the jewish inbred genes?