Male, 22, degree and employed making $62k annually

>Male, 22, degree and employed making $62k annually

Why exactly should I get married? There are only small benefits to being married, like joint income and taxes, but those don't outweigh the consequences as far as I can see.

I have no desire for children, no desire for being tied down, and no desire to potentially have my life ruined by someone else.

inb4 "But muh white ethnostate" Fuck your ethnostate, I don't owe you anything

Attached: Marriage rates.png (800x600, 53K)

dot cry about the system, fix it
leave the crying to women and minorities

I didn't say the system is broken, I asked why I should participate in it at all

ONLY do it for kids, just fucking trust me on this one, man to man

No kids = no point, don't you dare do it

In the end we are all truly alone anyway user, no matter what we do to try and lower our walls with somebody the will never truly know what its like to be your individual(self).

This of course gives life meaning, and makes what we do worth it and thus we can truly impact the world. Whereas if we were never seperated from our kind then we would cease to be the individual (we) would become pointless. We would be as skin cells on a newborn. If one died, it effects nothing, and if many die, they grow back.

Your life is your candle, and because of this, marriage is only what you should seek for the desired impact.

Don't listen to those who say it will prevent you from dying alone. Because in the end,that's the only real promise we have in this life.

Hedonism will lead you to a pit of despair. You don't see it now because you're not sufficiently looking into the future. Live your life for you and when you're 35, childless, your parents are in their last phase of life and all your friends are gone all you'll left is increasing meaningless injections of materialism to fill the void.

Don't believe me, don't trust me, live and you'll see soon enough. There's only so many excuses you can make before you have to responsibility.

If you don't participate in society expect to be shunned.

If you want to be genetic waste product be my guest, we don't need the weak willed, social Darwinism is at the core of our beliefs.

To be honest, if you find the right mate, you will be happier, healthier, less lonely.

Darwinism is a liberal plot anyway to justify their degeneracy.

>haha just give up all of your time, money, sanity and self-worth to raising a parasite for 18 years haha
>haha dude just accept responsibility

Some people don't need to get married and have kids to feel fulfilled in life. Those people are much better people than you.

>hur dur getting married is only about monetary benefits
>its not about forming a life long bond with a female and raising as many kids as you can to be better than you were
Dont get married user.
We dont want your weakass cucked selfish genes in the ethnostate
Literally kys or dont reproduce pls thx.
Pic related is you, for sure, I can sense it.

Attached: 1517015552773.png (777x1000, 417K)

if your potential mate has been dicked by a even a few men prior to you she will not bond with you.

t. married a virgin, married happily 14 years later with 2 kids.

Attached: partners.jpg (1223x1570, 312K)

>when the great depression started, people started marrying like crazy
>when WW2 ended, marriages plummeted
How could there even be marriages before if all men were in the war?

i wish your parents had felt that way

No shit faggot.
Please show me where in the fuck I said anything about that.
Obviously you marry virgins only, thats a given unless youre a brainlet.

some more recent data would be nice. attitudes towards sex are not the same as they were in 1995

Meanwhile, the nogs with nothing to lose are fucking like rabbits. Can't wait to see this country in 30 years.

Attached: 1504114232069.png (1280x800, 1.83M)

fuck off, nigger.
I dont give a shit if your nigger whores get raped in the rectum by a train of Tyrones and proceeds to pass HIV on to your retarded ass.

Attached: sheeit.jpg (501x373, 42K)

yeah, because magically used up whore become good housewives in 2018.
There's a simple reason religion pushes chastity on women since the dawn of writing. It works. Attempting to marry a women who's taken loads of jizz across her face from a dozen niggers is bad form. If you need more recent numbers to work out that conclusion then you're an idiot. wine aunt

Hey, at least your gene pool will be gone. And that's a good thing!

This is our penance for providing them subsidy to breed unchecked. Abortion is not limiting their numbers sufficiently.

Attached: nigs_civilization.png (500x638, 117K)

Artificial wombs will make women obsolete for reproduction purposes.

Attached: futureofwomen.jpg (1957x1296, 1.16M)

marriage in its current form in America is a scam. the only benefit goes to divorce lawyers and the state. if by some miracle you dont get a divorce and live happily ever after congrats you are the exception and beat very long odds.

implying the monkey human will cultivate anything but the female for fornication purposes

Wait till you're 35 and marry a 20 year old with a good ass lawier looking over your prenup, brainlet

Attached: IMG_7369.jpg (259x194, 17K)

Attached: arguingwithholes.jpg (520x588, 121K)

There is no 35 rush you idiot; that's for roasties. If not a LARP user should look to get married NO YOUNGER that 35, and not to a woman older than 25 (at the oldest; remember Christmas cake rule)

The posters i'm responding to wouldn't have kids even if the woman was out of the equation. It's all about their serotonin and dopamine drips until their body fails them. No nurturing a future generation, no passing on good ideals, no early mornings reading to their children and making them breakfast. It's all ME ME ME and are essentially the fat that culls itself.

not like the government is helping white birth rates. its much easier to just replace the pop with brown monkeys from a third world nation.

>projecting this hard
Fuck you and your nigger family nigger.

What if you take a girls virginity and then marry her?? Hmmm

Surely no ethical dilemmas here.

Every fucking normie since the dawn of time married and regreted it later. Yet they do it again and again...

Depends if shes a crazy or not.
No matter what, if a woman has the crazy stay the fuck away (accept for occasional sex).

They are all crazy user, it's just levels of it

Only about 20% of the people who get married should actually be getting married. People jump into marriage because marketers and media companies tell them it's normal and expected behavior.

you are doing nothing for society