What will become of suburbs?

Will this labyrinth of total jewery ever come to an end?

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Levitt-town NY


Fun fact: Levittown originally wouldn't let blacks move in.

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They will become ghettos as people want to live in Apartments in the city.
Its gonna get swarmed with poor prople basicalyy

That's the WW 2 vets coming home and buying ticky tacky identical houses cuz cheap and quick to build. 1953 from Life magazine

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Niggers forced decent folk out of the city. What you have is cheap housing close by but outside of the crime and literally living on top and under apes.

In the past week I've learned that
>Living in Rural lands is Jewish
>Living in Suburbs is Jewish
>Living in Small Cities is Jewish
>Living in Big Cities is Jewish
Apparently, to be alive is Jewish

fuck off kike

>le niggers ruined everything

>Point out that there's been threads describing that every way of life is jewish
>This means I'm jewish
You're a special kind of Kike, aren't you?

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>Implying they didn't
It's time to face the facts, shitskin

Sure they ruined a lot of things but not everything. Unfortunately they didn't ruin your mother before you were born.

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based. where i live we have an unsaid rule about that. they figure it out shortly after they arrive

I love cities built along grids. The roadways may seem unatural, but it seems like it would lend itself to naturally growing homes and neighborhoods. Homes built throughout different times with various designs and needs. Who will need giant five bedroom houses when people have at most two kids. Let alone huge neighborhoods full of those same houses.

Holy shit.
>ur mom
You reek of summerfag.

Unironically this,

Nigs followed the whites to suburbia, whites are gentrifying the cities again. City I live in went from 40 percent white to 52 in about 6 years.

>a mom joke shut the larping nazi up

Summer doesn't exist on Jow Forums, newfag.

>Yes got rent a 200 sqft apartment in the multicultural city! The food is the strength of diversity!

Fuck off yidd. Owning a home and a bit of land is what white America strives for.

that's where the mutants will live on the outskirts of the megacities

crop circles

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>I love cities built along grids.
pic related= oldest city post Rome to be built using a grid (circa: 1560)

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Where the fuck are you supposed to live then? Shitty urban apartments? I'd take a cookie cutter suburban house over that any day.

Economics too challenging of a subject for you?

the 80% that does not make decent salary cannot afford city apartment life. Add a kid or too and it is 90% who cannot afford it, unless they want to live in a ghetto.

It has to do with land prices more than anything else. An acre may cost $40,000 in the suburbs and $4 million in the city.

Next is construction costs. Over 3 stories and the cost soars.

Next is higher living costs, taxes and all.

Also, quality of life. Many value safety, serenity, ability to garden, open spaces for children to play, lack of congestion, etc. over city life.

Study the economics of housing costs and then think about where people are going to live.

Because you, in your current position in life, wants to live in the city, does not infer that others share your position or values or preferences.

Holy shit this is Houston suburbia to a tee.

I like that you noted all trees are cut down, so everyone is scorched in the viscous sun.

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>Buy 16 square miles of land in the middle of a bum fuck nowhere desert for 50k dollars
>spend like 25k per lot to build shitty cookie cutter houses made of nothing but 2x4's and sheet rock on it in such high density that they don't even have yards
>charge 200k per house because it is "work adjacent" to some factory 10 miles away that is probably gonna close down soon
>Tell people they should be grateful because this is a brand new house and houses aren't cheap these days and this is a great valueâ„¢
>Be surprised when people tell you to go fuck yourself and they stay at home instead
>Be further surprised when the housing market takes an epic shit and you lose millions of dollars on shitty houses that no one wants
>Beg the government for bailouts so you can keep doing this, surely someone will have to buy this shit....eventually

The fucking Jews did this, I guarantee it.

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Farmed for tax

The whole thing is kind of a human farm.

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Nailed it. It all happened after the (((greatest))) generation returned home to spawn boomers. Main street died, urban life died, suburbs devoured people's souls and sense of aesthetics.

I live in a small city about a 30-45 minute drive from Nashville. So many of these shitty subdivisions and low income housing being built here. It is a plague. Whites move here then the low income comes in with niggers and degenerates causing whites to leave and then said niggers go to foreclosed suburb houses slowly turning them into ghetto. I'm just moving back to the sub 200 population town I used to live. Fuck niggers.

Probably become a hell. Nukes were a meme and dont exist, they fell for it after ww2 and fell for the urban sprawl meme because of it. Now illegals and trashy people are slowly penetrating suburbs and cities were shitted with cucks like in san francicso paying overinflated prices for little cuckshed closets surrounded by cyberpunk dystopia like neighborhoods. Cant even go rural cause big farming megaindustry is owned by cultist psycho billionaires that bought americas land to feed the whole goddamn planet. It needs to be shut down before we live in deus ex society. I dont want augmented chips to control me.

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Dallas too

>it's that cheap to build a home

then what would be preventing the free market from lowering the cost of a home? This post makes no fucking sense. New construction isn't that cheap, even cookie cutter DR Horton. They have plenty of competitors and have to appeal to the market as best as they can.

In LA the white stopped moving out to the suburbs in the early 2000s and started gentrifying back in the middle of the city displacing mostly working class Latinos now there's a lot of white people and young families of the white kids in my neighborhood which used to be 75% Mexican 15 years ago it's pretty cozy to be honest.

Literally Canada except the houses are at least 600k

This is what rural retards believe

>muh space for my cheap made in china shit
>we do real work
>hur dur you city folk live like rats

Honestly I can give a pass to rural people, but suburban people are the worst. They're some of the most materialistic, collective people i've met. Once you've met someone from one suburb, you've met them all. They have no dimension to them. I may hate rural people claiming be superior to city people, but I'd rather live in a rural area than ever live in a suburb. Suburbs have no distinctive culture and create a self-important atmosphere

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Why do people have issue with grids anyhow?

Do you like commie blocks, guys?
I like them too.

Jews jewing up things, as usual.
Retards thought they could apply it in mass to cars only and ignore pedestrians, not to mention completely ignored traffic congestion.

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that's to keep niggers from 'getting lost' in their neighborhood

Fucking hell I thought faggots like you were a meme. The rural and suburban retards meme wasn't supposed to go this far! You are not special for living in a city, it's laughable you aids ridden faggot.

Are you arguing for or against roadways laid out as grids?