The jews didn't kill jesus

>the jews didn't kill jesus

>charles manson is a murderer

fuck liberals.

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Jews Killed Jesus and they call his mother a whore

least muzzie don't do that

Charles Manson was on a duty to kill every last Hollywood pedophile. He was going to kill Roman as well but he was unaware he was in another country at the time. He’s a hero and should be treated as one.

jews love to kill prophets

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death to all liberals


Christians betrayed Jesus.

Telling someone to murder someone is still a form of murder.

>charles manson is a murderer
he hasn't killed anyone personally, he hasn't even hurt anyone, he was given a life sentence because someone killed in his name. You should really do your research before making statements like that if you want people to take you seriously.

So much so they already got everyone believing the next one should be killed so that the last one they killed will return.

>all these Charles Manson-worshipping Atomwaffen Division retards

Manson was the living embodiment of a white nigger who in a fair and just society would've been hanged long ago and you are all are a disgrace to the White Race for putting him on a pedestal.

Oh yeah and James Mason is a faggot. Siege is a shit book.

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>he was given a life sentence because someone killed in his name
Literally told his followers to do that.

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>plotting to kill people in the hollywood elite isn't a noble aspiration
Ok, Moshe.

This pretty much. Manson confirmed that in Helter-Skelter he would be fighting for the blacks in order to try and enslave them after they've won.

>Literally told his followers to do that.
I am literally telling you to unironically to KYS but before that fuck yourself and your mother.

At least I have a mother you monkey

>At least I have a mother
of course you don't.. she is whoring her way thru Europe and you're the product of one of her johns

Now you're just projecting

Fuck off fbi. Daily reminder your top agents cry like tumblerinas when things don't go their way.

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Charles Manson was a satanic degenerate and so are AWD members but his goals were pretty based

>Siege is a shit book
I'm willing to bet you never even read it faggot

>plotting to kill people in the hollywood elite isn't a noble aspiration

And who did he murder? Just a bunch of random people, a pregnant actress, and her unborn child.

Finally someone who gets it. Thank you Hungary.

I read the first two chapters and couldn't finish it because it Shrek compilation-tier cringeworthy.

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>a fair society

Yeah, because fairness and equality are of the upmost importance go- I mean fellow southerners!!

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Rest in piss and shit, Manson.


>everyone who doesn't believe in my communist fairness nightmare world should be hung

>Communist fairness
>Rule of law
Holy shit meng, you are retarded.

>the unborn child of a Jewish hollywood pedophile rapist


"because it Shrek compilation-tier cringeworthy"

h o w

Citation needed.
>Also, sins of our fathers
In the same breath, I'll bet you'll claim to be pro-life.