How to save France ?

How to save France ?

Attached: fr4nce.png (1402x841, 1.35M)

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Bullets and holes in the ground

who will get his hand dirty ? Literally Nobody

>there is a person who actually came away from La Haine without sympathy for the lower class / immigrant popularion

>aiming with non-dominant eye
He must have bent the sight the last time he dropped his pistol and surrendered

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maybe you're an easily manipulated little bitch

just a filling pic.

I'm right handed but my left eye is dominant.

how do you fire a rifle?


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Make that wine flow through the cobblestones, Jacques.

Its been cucked since Rescenvalles.

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I look retarded.

Nuke it

>never heard of cross-dominance
20% of population is cross dominant.

je te trancherai la gorge au moindre mouvement fils de pute

good times...

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Shut up bougnoule

Fucking based movie

It is already too late, my white friend. Now kneel and beg me to take your wife as my slave or suffer the wrath of my cock-machete.

We can't...

Black plague

should we surrend to the maghrebian and turk bull ?
it seems to be our only option

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If your flag had a Shamrock in the middle it would be the perfect flag for Ireland.

Il faut revenir au Dieu. C'est la seul chance du pays.

With Italy growing some balls this might help you guys in France. People might start windering why France has to take in non French when Italy doesn't have to take in non Italians.

What an ugly nigger, too. Why would they hang around that?


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on verra bien

By converting it back to Catholicism.

Meet my final form, niggerlover

Let yourself colonised by Eastern Europeans. We know how to deal with muzzos and other invaders.

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I have this dumb french exchange student who goes to my school and he thinks muslims should be allowed in france lmao

Man I read the comments on an article on "le monde" about the Aquarius and it was full of cucks crying that France should have taken the migrants in instead of making them wait for Spain and Italy to decide what they do

China/Russia will save it,
keep pushing those fake stories!

Problem is my fellow Frenchmen overwhelmingly and unironically believe that France is an idea and therefore whoever wanting to be French becomes French.

Would be cool but this is impossible to do when more than one child over two are born from unmarried parents, when the divorce rate is 60% (among those who marry) and over all when everybody is convinced that the name of the rose and game of thrones are realist depictions of France and the world before .

>Le monde
Only brainwashed people among brainwashed people read this and more brainwashed are the people who comment this. Read any garbage media like 20 Minutes or le point and you clearly see the majority doesn't want them.

pretty kino desu

Yeah but you were always hoing to get that response from some people. It is just empty virtue signaling. The real change will be when Frennchmen are quietly talking to one another in small groups and they start saying how France can't take in all the world's poor. And that France has problems of its own to deal with. And how they don't like Donald Trump, but they wish they had a leader who stuck up for their own country like how he does. Then they might bring up how Italy even got a new leader who seems to be doing the same.

>Problem is my fellow Frenchmen overwhelmingly and unironically believe that France is an idea and therefore whoever wanting to be French becomes French.
Yes but in order for the idea of France to continue to exist immigration has to be controlled and in few enough numbers so that they assimilate to France. They must adapt to become French, not the other way around. Also we can not assume that all people have an equal chance or even desire to share in that idea. France is not merely about relative material wealth, it is about a shared history, culture, and set of values that created this bounty but also imposed obligations on its people. Too many of these immigrants want the wealth without being willing to take up the requesite obligations. If people want to immigrate to France they must become French in all ways, and they currently are not.

it is a fictional movie called La Haine about dumb youngsters getting a gun and not knowing how to use it. great movie by the way.

But this reasoning is the core weakness of France. Nobody should aspire to become French. Someone is French because his parents are French, this should be the only way. Assimilation was a mistake and has been hijacked by the law to do the contrary of its purpose.

This is what the French don't want to understand: the rest of the world won't give them the children or the talent they lack. They have to work to get it by themselves. They also think it is generous to give to someone the opportunity to become French but they don't understand that leaving your country is always a failure and you don't do it for the pleasure to go in France, it stays a pain in the ass in the eyes of any immigrant to be in France, for the good ones as for the bad ones.

You may be correct, but you won't convince normies of that at the moment. Start with controlling and limiting immigration. That has to be the first step.

After immigration is controlled and limited you then move on to who would make the best immigrants to France and you stress how the have to be a fit culturally, educationally, and in capacity to contribute to the material development of France. You use this to exclude basically all non western immigrants, and then only take the decent ones from there.

After that is the norm you can try to push for a more idenitarian based idea of France. Everything has to be done in steps or the normies will lurch back left.

Rend nus les ordures et les bandits en publique. L'humiliation peut dissuader les jeunes criminels.

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France is done for just like Germany. We just have to take all the Muslims and then go to the shithole Muslim countries with all the whites and rebuild it. But we have to start with huge walls.