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>feel bad for the retard that got shot trying to steal something
No thanks

*found guilty by one jeep owner with a gun.


that look kills me
it's the same look niggers give when begging in the city
but if you turn your back they'll hit you and take your wallet

Wypipo law be raciss [indistinguishable monkey noises]

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He could have been a doctor.

Has the left finally gone insane?
They're openly admitting that the dead nigger was a criminal.

Really makes u think

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Aren't the only people allowed to CC in Chicago cops?

>nigger tries stealing a jeep
>got what was coming to him
>the writers at the Chicago Tribune have such a warped perspective of right and wrong that they were probably rubbing their palms together in the office thinking that they were going to stoke massive outrage.

Aren't cops the only people allowed to CC in Chicago?

>try to steal a fucking car, private property
>get shot
What the fuck? Are they literally protecting a criminal?

luton contre la netraliter du web le gouvernement a plus confiance en con peuple

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he was just trying to find a ride to college, that raysic debil didnt have to kill him. he was studying to make his life better, he was trying to improve himself so he could better take care of his 6 children with 7 baby mammas, he went to church every sunday and he as a good boy who dindu NUFFIN! baka wypipo its just a car, let him have it you owe him so much more in reparations anyway.

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>nigger tries to steal a car
>gets shot by the owner of the car (who is white)

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>He was only trying to rob people of their personal belongings
Why are liberals so determined to free niggers of any consequences rather than prevent them from doing the crimes in the first place? Have they given up?

They're also admitting that they exploit the system to keep criminals from suffering the consequences of their actions.

what were his last thoughts, Jow Forums?

Tried by twelve/ carried by six. 90s niggers understood this axiom. What changed?

Niggers gonna nig

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Cof bin dub ho muhfugga

Kek. But was the shooter actually white? I dont know the story but the Tribune usually identifies a shooter as white if they are. Strangely omitted

>fuck wypipo
>wypipo help

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"Oh shit a nigger is stealing my jeep!"

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence to find him guilty with a 9mm punishment.



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The comments seem surprisingly redpilled

>tfw the OGs were smarter and more philosophically stable than the modern black culture despite being murdering criminals hopped up on drugs

sorry, bro

Why do these damn white people make it so dangerous for us to commit violent crimes?

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> What changed?
boys raised by women don't understand that actions have consequences because women are immune from consequences for their actions

they seem to have made an error

Well, he was guilty dumb nigger

Leftists can't win elections with just the leftist white vote. The need blacks to push them last the post.

He got deaded by west side bro.

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sauce? I'm not wading through (((tweets))) to see them.

I was walking my dog last week and a homeless negroid stopped me and said he "had something he wanted to ask me." I had my earphones in so I just shuffled along and told him "sorry, I don't have any money" and his response was "I didn't ask you for no damn money did I"

I had to chuckle to myself because I watched him proceed to ask the white couple a few steps behind me for money immediately afterward. If he had in fact not been interested in a handout then it would have been the first time a random black person spoke to me in public without begging for cash

Pretty much every one is saying don’t commit a crime and you won’t get shot.

>while trying to steal a jeep
Why would you put this in the article?
Hammer the Chicago Tribune with truth bombs lads.


Niggers going to nig. If you try to commit a crime, and you get hurt, that shits on you. Niggers can't comprehend that because they are niggers, and part of being a nigger means viewing criminal activity as a legitimate way of earning money. You ever hear a nigger talk about crime or being in a gang? I have. They talk about it the same way you talk about your day job. They don't think of it as illegitimate, as wrong. They have no shame. They have this attitude like it's literally a service they are providing, that they are entitled to do it.

Niggers will fucking nig.

Worse still, organizers basically have to incentivize them with free things AND A RIDE to the polls in order for them to follow through. Supposedly the same with most Hispanics, they just don't see the point in voting. Talk about betting on the wrong horse

not so well known fact:
urban blacks overwhelmingly support tough on crime legislation

Is this really the best example to bring forward?

S. Nigs gonna nog

>can confirm

they did an entire thing trying to 'spotlight' legal CCWs using their weapons in defense as if it was bad
the reaction was pretty negative

if we juz had mo money fo dem programs....

"Oh dear, I appear to be shot. I know, I'll apply the learnings from my Medical degree. I need to apply a bandage and pressure to the wound. Bip me dooda nib nub bix nood muthafucka".

Do niggers have the cognitive capacity to understand morality or law? Serious question. It seems like niggers only obey the law when they understand it will have immediate fatal consequences if they do not.

Dogs can understand when they've done something wrong, but can niggers?

Conservatives need to focus on converting over Asians. Not pandering to them like the left does to their pet minorities but convincing them that leftists don't have their best interests in mind and that traditional values that conservatives hold better align with their goals.

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Trying to steal something without a gun on top of that

I was at a gas station in the ghetto and had a car full of black dudes tell me they were out of gas and asked for 10 to get some gas. They proceeded to say that their wife and kid was in the gas station. I went into the gas station, and surprise, no wife and kid in there. I came back out and told them to fuck off and they better leave or the clerk is calling police. They tried giving me excuses but I told them to fuck themselves and they weren't getting shit from me. Felt proud walking away, only white boy, armed, come get some niggers

>6 children with 7 baby mammas

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>only obey the law when they understand it will have immediate fatal consequences
They don't though. Mike Brown was a text book example of that. So often you see cases of niggers straight up throwing punches at people with guns then acting baffled as to why they were shot.

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No, they need to focus on not letting these people in in the first place and stopping them from multiplying. How much more evidence do you need that multiculturalism is unsustainable? Even with successful races. If you let people vote for advantages, they will do so. They'd have to be retarded not to just on principle.
The Chinese are the worst offenders, they're deliberately subverting western governments and economies for their own benefit.

Wild idea: don't steal stuff.

Get over yourself. Whites only

I've grown to hate my city
The number of homeless has gotten out of control and their actions aren't being checked anymore
they always have some story some problem the bus change to call their sick family member
and you have to stop being human to get through the thick level of bullshit people become when living on top of each other like rats

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If you're robbing a place you've forfeited your life. Just shoplift if you want to be an edgelord and stay alive stupid niggers.

It's a zero sum game. More of them = more resources needed by them = less resources for you whitey.
There's a reason the natsocs spoke of Lebensraum.

Lol why are viets so based? Probably because they're all small business owners.

>courting 3% of the population when 98% of them live in hawaii and california
they need to focus on solidifying their rustbelt victories and expanding it


>believes her brother was found guilty

Caught red handed in the act. I dunno. Maybe guilty maybe not. We need a judge and jury to examine if he was stealing the Jeep or not. What are the chances he was actually a valet?

They've always been insane, where the fuck have you been?
It's not about equality, it's about revenge.

one nigger less, good riddance

Frog fag

No, conservatives need to focus on winning the White vote and not bending over to the Left at every opportunity.
Non-Whites DO NOT VOTE RIGHT WING. They never will in enough numbers. Jesus fucking Christ, conservatives have been trying to "convert" non-Whites for the last 60 years and the answer is to keep doing that but with muh based honorary aryans? Fuck off. It's Whites vs everyone else, it always has been and always will be.

>be nigger
>get shot

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He didn't even have a gun. Like seriously, it was just a knife

Furrowed brow, very slightly crooked mouth (not immediately obvious, but the left corner of her mouth is a lot higher than the right). That's contempt.

That's not the facial expression of "I'm a victim, I'm in pain, and I don't know whether anyone cares." That facial expression conveys "you are beneath me, nothing more than an obstacle." This is why they get mad when you refuse to give them stuff-- you've become the rock they stubbed their toe on on their way to 7-11 for a forty and a dime bag from Varquellshone out back.

White people, you need to understand something about blacks... They think they're better than you. Oh sure, on some level they know that you're smarter than them, they know you're better at organizing things but... That shit doesn't matter in terms they understand. All the things we have, all the nice stuff we own? We can try to explain why we have this stuff, that we have more because we produce more for the system, but it comes down to abstract terms most of them just can't quite grasp. "Don't go tellin' me you built that nice car yourself, cracker." It amounts to trickery, we're too weak to steal stuff fair and square, so we play mind games.

They don't really understand the world they live in. In their native environment, food is everywhere. In many parts of Africa food is so abundant they have to spend maybe 2 hours a week foraging to feed themselves (at least between famines). Little pickaninnies can leave their mother and have a chance of surviving almost as soon as they can walk (thus explaining their R-loaded reproductive strategy).

I really hate how all this shit always emphasizes "no gun" and "unarmed" all the time, if you are committing crimes against me or my property, you've already made your bed.

Note that they said "steal a jeep" when the owner of the car was right there. It's not as if the criminal broke into the car and was trying to hotwire it. It's at least a robbery.

According to witnesses the carjacker tried to run over the owner, and the owner verbally ordered the guy out of the car before firing. The shooter claims that the guy tried to run him over.

Pic of dead carjacker.

I'd bet a bucket of 22LR that the shooter was black. Shooter was a 45 year old fire department lieutenant, off duty.

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To them, a grocery store is a fruit tree. They give no thought to how the food got on the shelves, it just is, and as far as they understand, will always be, whether whitey is there turning the wheels of civilization or not. We're just a bunch of effete, no-fun characters who can't keep a beat to save our lives. They don't understand a store owner protecting his wares as someone trying to keep his livelihood. They don't have the deeply-ingrained archetype of the ant, just the grasshopper. As far as they know, there's no such thing as winter. They just see someone getting in the way, ruining their fun for no good reason.

being a conservative makes u based? more like makes u a retarded christcuck

>he wuz fixin to turn his life around

For real man, most inner city blacks are in one of two groups generally
>would go out and personally kill every criminal they know of if it were legal.

Imagine if your first reaction to reading that was being sympathetic for the thieving scum who got killed.


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Just a prank, bro!

Honestly, I don't think a lot of them do. They're literally monkeys.

I do a lot of criminology work and you're on the money. Today's gangs are seriously more violent than gangs of the past? Why? The older criminals all got locked up, so the streets have been let to teenagers. They're impulsive, violent, and eager. These new groups are highly unstable and lack any kind of forward thinking criminal sense. They don't give a shit about the community, where at least the old criminals used to pay lip service. They're out of control.

Nice face reading and analysis back to r/K theory.

The complementary side of the story is that white people think they are beneath those niggers, but again on some semi-conscious level understand that they (white people) are smarter, more moral, more disciplined etc. That is a match made in heaven for the gibs machine. Some of the smarter negroes know this all too well and exploit the situation in favor of their tribe, rather than speaking the truth. Better education therefor will not fix this. Free gibs placate the situation but will never remedy it. The solution is not politically correct.

Is the jeep doing okay? It must have had quite a fright.

All Asians need to turn hard red is a significant push from the party to end the discriminatory practice of affirmative action hiring & college enrollment. They know it would be a boon to asians, and whites would benefit as well.


>while trying to steal
shoot the sister and mother too.

i think blacks are admitting when they say this they have no self control and should we treated like children, they need a father figure to control them in society, that figure is white people.

>he wuz on he way to an important businezz meeting that would change he and he homies lifes but once again whitie put a stop to it. sheeett.

Yeah, late 80s and early 90s they focused on bringing down the big players in moving drugs, leaving a void of leadership leading to massive breakups of groups and infighting.
Violence from that spread as what "gang culture" is, and it became a mark of pride to one-up the other guys in terms of violence.

No court costs, lawyer's fees, wasted time, etc. Just a clean up crew and an autopsy. Bonus: Cops weren't out writing tickets for 5mph over the limit because they were having to work a dead nigger scene.
