The truth about Yugoslavia

Since it's foundation back in 1945 (or 1943 depending on who you ask) The Socialist Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia was nothing but a cover for a plan of establishing Greater Serbia. On paper it was supposed to be a socialist country where all the South Slavic ethnicities (Croats, Slovenes, Serbs, Muslims (later known as Bosniaks)...) were to be equall, being most numerous however the Serbs were predominantly featured in the governing positions when it came to politics, economy etc. Still the Serbs where smart and didn't pressure the other peoples too hard as they knew it would break the illusion of socialism and basically invite both the Eastern block led by the USSR and the West to invade Yugoslavia. When communism fell in the 90s however the Serbs knew that the world was too preoccupied by dealing with fall of socialism in Russia and started openly propagating their plans for turning Yugoslavia into Greater Serbia. That did not sit well with the other nationalities in Yugoslavia (primarily Slovenes and Croats) and they decided to declare independence. The Serbs claimed that the Slovenes and Croats were neonazis and accused them of counterrevolution and used that excuse to start a bloody series of wars on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The bloodiest wars were those in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina was most complicated because while the Muslim (Bosniaks) were in the beginning fighting with the Croats against the Serb invaders they decided to backstab the Croats and turn against them as well because they decided that they want to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a muslim country under sharia law. So in the end everyone was fighting everyone.

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Not this shit again...


jesus christ, croatian education is failing hard

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take this to /his/, and use the "enter" key sometime.

a German economy professor said the real reason why Yugoslavia broke apart is the fact Serbia kept printing currency and buying stuff in the other republics and at one time Croats and Slovenes stopped this practice.

Ante, please.

what is fundametally wrong with what he said?

Oh boy, here we go again

tell your professor that he doesn't know what he's talking about

>a country controlled by a croat
>serbia spitted in three parts which were actively prepared for secession
>invented meme ethnicities like montenegris, macedonians and bosniaks
do i need to continue?

>were in the beginning fighting with the Croats against the Serb invaders they decided to backstab the Croats and turn against them as well because they decided that they want to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a muslim country under sharia law.
there were no Serb invaders, just Bosnian Serbs who wanted to breakaway from Bosnia, though they were generously supported by Serbian/Yugoslav logistics, C&C structures, and occasional volunteer troops.

Also the fighting between Croats and Bosniaks was the result of HVO winning over HOS forces, demographic shifts caused by ethnic cleansing in Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina (huge numbers of Bosniaks getting displaced towards Central Bosnia as well as Mostar, Stolac and some other Croat/Bosniak mixed towns in Herzegovina) as well as Tuđman's adventurism and Izetbegović's lack of vision.

economy went to hell in the final years. you could buy stuff on credit (which the state run stores were obliged to provide to working people) only for currency to inflate so much that in a week 90% of your debt would be eaten away by inflation. It's why at the time, German Marks were worth their weight in gold.

All true, and i'm glad it sover. But.....i miss the A E S T H E T I C S

>tell your professor that he doesn't know what he's talking about
it is not my professor, its an advisor to Merkel.
anyway, I am pretty sure this happened, the central bank was in Belgrade.

>a country controlled by a croat
that means nothing, the power centre was in Belgrade, the elites mostly were Serbs, they had the biggest incentive to support Yugoslavia

>serbia spitted in three parts which were actively prepared for secession
care to elaborate? the autonomous regions?

we can agree upon it was not Great Croatia, Great Slovenia etc. right?

>Yugoslavia was nothing but a cover for a plan of establishing Greater Serbia

I see nothing wrong with this.

>anyway, I am pretty sure this happened, the central bank was in Belgrade.
inflation happened but not for the reason you implied (that we did it for shits and giggles), i think the bosnian above explained it

>that means nothing, the power centre was in Belgrade, the elites mostly were Serbs, they had the biggest incentive to support Yugoslavia
it means everything because he literally controlled the whole fucking country with his iron fist. every decision made for the country's interests needed his approval first. he was a literal dictator, though not as harsh as stalin but still he held political prison on goli otok where the most prisoners were serbs

>care to elaborate? the autonomous regions?
yes, vojvodina and kosovo. he settled the labor from albania in kosovo and encouraged them to stay by giving them gibs and thus making them fertile terrain for multiplication
making kosovo and vojvodina an autonomous regions which they never were and later in '74 constitution giving them status as equal as republics in the practical sense only encouraged secessionists to emerge and demand even more privileges resulting later in a bloodbath in kosovo when the crisis hit and gibs stopped flowing

>we can agree upon it was not Great Croatia, Great Slovenia etc. right?
yugocommunist motto was "weak serbia, strong yugoslavia". they even supported ustasha's terrorist missions to bring down first yugoslavia during '20 and '30 because of "greater serbian hegemony" at the time

"Croatia" is rightfully serbian soil. It was just a military border to protect against the auatrohungarians.

Yugoslavia was definitely a cover for a Serbian superstate. Serbs always had the most power in Yugoslavia

Its not just that. Most military officers were serbs, most police chiefs were serbs. Croatia was assembling the M-84 tanks, most of them were hauled off to serbia, same with aircraft. For example, croatia currently has 70 of those M-84 tnaks, while serbia has 800. Why were these tanks, assembled in Croatia all hauled to serbia? There is a bunch of examples like that. Croatian workers were working the factories, while serbs were training to fight and loitering around in peace time. So no reason not to keep all the weapons in serbia right? We basically saw the writing on the wall and got out at the last possible chance.

Attached: Croatian_M-84_Zagreb_Military_Parade[1].jpg (1193x970, 386K)

serbia is righful turkish soil. it was just a administrative centre to control the attack against croatians

> Muslim (Bosniaks) were in the beginning fighting with the Croats against the Serb invaders they decided to backstab the Croats and turn against them as well because they decided that they want to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a muslim country under sharia law.

Allahu Ekber.

>inflation happened but not for the reason you implied (that we did it for shits and giggles), i think the bosnian above explained it
he didn't explain anything, who printed the Yugo Dinars, who used them to buy wares?
Who inflated it? The system overall is comparabe to the Soviet Union, where the peripherical Soviet republic printed roubles and bought goods in Russia, the transfer rouble within the COMECON, or today's €, where Greece can print them and Greeks buy expensive real estate in Berlin.

>it means everything because he literally controlled the whole fucking country with his iron fist. every decision made for the country's interests needed his approval first. he was a literal dictator, though not as harsh as stalin but still he held political prison on goli otok where the most prisoners were serbs
a dictator is only as powerful as the deep state allows him to be. What reason would Serbs have to oppose Yugoslavia? Were they not just ordinary criminals?

> (((The truth about Yugoslavia)))
Gtfo shlomo

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nigger-tier conspiracy

>Who inflated it?
it inflated by itself due to shitty economic plan of the socialist yugoslavia and huge debt which increased tenfold in only a few years when the gibs from the west stopped flowing

>a dictator is only as powerful as the deep state allows him to be. What reason would Serbs have to oppose Yugoslavia? Were they not just ordinary criminals?
you can't be this retarded

>yes, vojvodina and kosovo. he settled the labor from albania in kosovo and encouraged them to stay by giving them gibs and thus making them fertile terrain for multiplication (...)

that is an interesting issue and deserves further explaination. What's wrong with Hungarians having autonomy? Also, weren't Albanians the majority of Kosovo anyway? You could not even convince your brothers from
"North Macedonia" and Montenegro to stay.

>yugocommunist motto was "weak serbia, strong yugoslavia". they even supported ustasha's terrorist missions to bring down first yugoslavia during '20 and '30 because of "greater serbian hegemony" at the time
I have my doubts, whyt the ymeant likely was keeping the counter-revolutionary Serbia weak.
Also, are you sad Yugoslavia broke up? If not, why this anger about the Ustasha then?

>you can't be this retarded
you are naive, a Führer without masses is a brown ass with ears we say

>What's wrong with Hungarians having autonomy?
what's wrong with serbs having autonomy in other parts of the republics where they were majority (croatia and bosnia)? oh wait they didn't got any

>Also, weren't Albanians the majority of Kosovo anyway?
it was like 60/40 after ww2 and after serbs were forbidden by tito to return to their homes after being expelled by albanian fascists during ww2, their percentage increased exponential since they had like 10 children during tito's yugoslavia because they didn't pay any tax for housing and had jobs, much alike mexicans today in usa

>Also, are you sad Yugoslavia broke up?
like the most serbs, i'm sad that it ever happened

>If not, why this anger about the Ustasha then?

i don't understand your point. serbs are (naturally?) criminals, thus they are deep state, thus they controlled tito? what are you even trying to conclude?

>why this anger about the Ustasha then?
Because following your Kraut lead they decided to massacre 700,000 Serbs and they suffered exactly 0 consequences
In the 90s they tried that shit again but this time the population had the tools to fight back
Their butthurt about Yugoslavia is the most hypocritical shit on this Earth
Serbia had the largest population (by a large margin), the largest exposed border (again by a large margin) and the largest industry, ofcourse they had the most tanks and troops
It'd be like I was Butthurt about Croats having all the warships and submarines

tl;dr Croats are massive crybabies who fell for the Divide et impera strategy the USA was using in order to destroy the strongest cunt in the Balkans

found quality discussion about yugocommieslavia right here

>majority of governmental figures were Serbs
maybe because Serbs made 60% of Yugoslavia population

But you seem to fail to acknowledge that Serbia during Paris peace conference in 1919, in order to create Yugoslavia said that both Slovenes and Croats do not need to pay Serbia war damage consisting of 500 million francs but instead join in to create Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Both Croatia and Slovenia agreed to this, and didn't pay shit.

The war damage was because the Croatia and Slovenia were both part of Austro Hungary during WW1.

Don't believe me? Check out online if i am wrong or not.

>poor Serbia was oppressed by Yugoslavia
>damn those Croat fascists for breaking up Yugoslavia

maybe you first make up your mind about what you want

yes they broke the first one, then later we broke the second one together

Are you being retarded on purpose? He said in this post that he's sad Yugoslavia ever even happened (i.e It shouldn't have existed in the first place)

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>what's wrong with serbs having autonomy in other parts of the republics where they were majority (croatia and bosnia)? oh wait they didn't got any
Serbs wanted to break away from Croatia, thats's different to autonomy.

>it was like 60/40 after ww2 and after serbs
demography is destiny

>like the most serbs, i'm sad that it ever happened
I don't trust that. They eben kept th ename Yugoslavia after Croatia and Sloviena declared independence. Why didn't Serbia just declare independence too?

Some actions Croats did was over the top, so much I must admit, but then it was pro-Yugo Serbs who escalated the situation and overestimated their power.

except Serbs were busy in keeping their Greater Serbia project named Yugoslavia together by force.

why all this anger then? Why not simply say fuck it and be happy Slovenes and Croats had the balls to end it.

>Serbs wanted to break away from Croatia, thats's different to autonomy.
i'm talking about them getting autonomy like vojvodina (hungarians as you say) and kosovo (albanians) did. they had demands, but tito didn't want to listen. that's why it culminated into what happened in 90s

>demography is destiny
then you shouldn't have any problems to give germany in the control of sandniggers in the coming decade?

>I don't trust that. They eben kept th ename Yugoslavia after Croatia and Sloviena declared independence.
the name was kept since we were the legacy of it

>Why didn't Serbia just declare independence too?
with both autonomous regions and all those serbs sitting outside of serbia?

>except Serbs were busy in keeping their Greater Serbia project named Yugoslavia together by force.
i have already explained to you why it isn't greater serbia, especially tito's yugoslavia, and i won't repeat myself further

>why all this anger then? Why not simply say fuck it and be happy Slovenes and Croats had the balls to end it.
read above

>eben kept th ename Yugoslavia after Croatia and Sloviena declared independence
Because Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia were still in it dumbass
We change the name to Serbia and Montenegro after Macedonia left
>pro-Yugo Serbs who escalated the situation and overestimated their power.
They didn't overestimate shit, they took hold of over half of Croatia, it took the support of the most powerful military on earth to drive them out
>Serbs wanted to break away from Croatia, thats's different to autonomy.
Because the land they were living on wasn't Croatian when the Serbs settled it, it was Austrian and the Austrians gave them the land in exchange for acting as border troops (the early Hussars were Serbs, not even wewuzing even wikipedia says it) the Croats wanted their Greater Croatia but like you said demography is destiny
>greater Serbia bs
They were defending people that the Croats openly assaulted, the greater Serbia ideology came during the Bosnian war

Because Croatia had a large Serb minority within it's borders and we didn't want to leave them with those fucking animals because we remembered what happened during ww2

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>We change the name to Serbia and Montenegro after Macedonia left
we kept the name Yugoslavia all up to 2001 because we were the successors of it

>The Socialist Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia was nothing but a cover for a plan of establishing Greater Serbia
Serbia was divided into 2 parts and had a extremely large portion of Serbs outside of its borders, and Macedonians and Montenegrins were invented as nations for the precise reason of weakening Serbia. Also, why would the '74 constitution be adopted if that was true?
>Serbia started the war
simply factually incorrect
get fucked cryptokike scum

>i'm talking about them getting autonomy like vojvodina (hungarians as you say) and kosovo (albanians) did. they had demands, but tito didn't want to listen. that's why it culminated into what happened in 90s
well, Socialists believe in equality, maybe that's why they did not understand autonomy is desired by certain ethnicities.

>then you shouldn't have any problems to give germany in the control of sandniggers in the coming decade?
It is not me letting them in, and the mass of Germans has no problem with that, so good riddance.

>the name was kept since we were the legacy of it
what for?

>with both autonomous regions and all those serbs sitting outside of serbia?
At least in Bosnia, this might have prevented the war even.

>i have already explained to you why it isn't greater serbia, especially tito's yugoslavia, and i won't repeat myself further
I can see all the Croats and Slovenes moaning about how they lost their powerful positions within Yugoslavia...

We were still country of South Slavs
Only 2 types South Slavs but it still stands


>well, Socialists believe in equality, maybe that's why they did not understand autonomy is desired by certain ethnicities.
these levels of retardation simply have to be b8. why did that not apply to serbs in croatia/bosnia?
>At least in Bosnia, this might have prevented the war even.
yeah, demographic suicide for the sake of not killing the poor zene i djeca ba. at least we tried to defend ourselves, and in bosnia we were relatively successful.
also because of slobo's larp

>well, Socialists believe in equality, maybe that's why they did not understand autonomy is desired by certain ethnicities.

>It is not me letting them in, and the mass of Germans has no problem with that, so good riddance.
that's why you will cease to exist. with that kind of cuck mentality and giving your precious lands to invaders

>what for?
why is this even a question?

>At least in Bosnia, this might have prevented the war even.
the war was to be prevented since there was proposal for radical muslim leader alija izetbegovic to stay in yugoslavia and in return they would have granted higher privileges in that union, but he refused that proposal in the end. as he refused every single plan later which led to war and to continuations of it

>I can see all the Croats and Slovenes moaning about how they lost their powerful positions within Yugoslavia...
because they got everything they wanted in the end, while we got out even smaller in size than we were. yugoslavia was disaster for us

>Because Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia were still in it dumbass
>We change the name to Serbia and Montenegro after Macedonia left
so even your brothers were not fond of that Yugoslavia
>They didn't overestimate shit, they took hold of over half of Croatia, it took the support of the most powerful military on earth to drive them out
The Croat army and militias sure were mighty, but hardly the most powerful army

>Because the land they were living on wasn't Croatian when the Serbs settled it, it was Austrian and the Austrians gave them the land in exchange for acting as border troops (the early Hussars were Serbs, not even wewuzing even wikipedia says it) the Croats wanted their Greater Croatia but like you said demography is destiny
what next? Croats are just Catholic Serbs? Serbs in Croatia were not oppressed before Serbs started chimping out.

>They were defending people that the Croats openly assaulted, the greater Serbia ideology came during the Bosnian war
cause and effect are vice versa.

then explain why Serbs didn't get the automomy you talked about.

>that's why you will cease to exist. with that kind of cuck mentality and giving your precious lands to invaders
once again I didn't say I support that, the abolute majority of Germans does, so what can I do against 80+%?

>yugoslavia was disaster for us
good, I think we can close this chapter then.

>then explain why Serbs didn't get the automomy you talked about.
he literally did you fucking diaspora mong

>Serbs in Croatia were not oppressed before Serbs started chimping out.
wrong, ever since their nationalist party got in power in '89, they threatened, expelled from the jobs and harassed serbs. those years were also the height of serbian nationalism since the tensions were brewing in other part of the yugoslavia - kosovo

>then explain why Serbs didn't get the automomy you talked about.
because tito didn't want it. remember the motto i was talking about above

>these levels of retardation simply have to be b8. why did that not apply to serbs in croatia/bosnia?
it is you who is the retard, the ideology ethnicties are just a spook, an irrelevant detail is very real.

>yeah, demographic suicide for the sake of not killing the poor zene i djeca ba. at least we tried to defend ourselves, and in bosnia we were relatively successful.
you made it very difficult to have sympathies for your cause. The main actions of the Yugoslavian army, controlled by a Serb majority, was to force Croataia back into an union it didn't want to belong in anymore.

>he literally did you fucking diaspora mong
he didn't explain why Serbs who hate Yugoslavia fight for the very Yugoslavia they hate. It makes no sense. Either you hate it and fight it, or you support it.
lol @ diaspora

and Croat nationalists and nationals were not expelled from their jobs by Serbs...
in either case you missed the chance to solve it peacefully, you wanted all or nothing and got latter.

>because tito didn't want it. remember the motto i was talking about above
sure, but ehy didn't Serbs not simply kill him? Or get rid of him otherwise? Surely because the mighty Croat state apparatus prevented them from doing so.

Why even debate with you
You either hand wave it or just spout generic Croat memes

Yugoslavia is dead, you now have you wish, to be puppets to Germany and by extension the USA
What a mighty existence for a proud cock sucking people

yeah, but you maybe forgot what you did during WW2.
anyway, would it not be better to have peace and cooperation?

>and Croat nationalists and nationals were not expelled from their jobs by Serbs...
yes, they fucking weren't. we weren't occupied with croats but with albanians, while croats were occupied with us at the time

>in either case you missed the chance to solve it peacefully, you wanted all or nothing and got latter.
and how would he have solved it peacefully if we were being threatened from all sides? slovenians, croats, and albanians didn't want to live in yugoslavia, and they didn't want to live with serbs anymore either. so how the fuck would you solve that thing peacefully?

>ut ehy didn't Serbs not simply kill him? Or get rid of him otherwise? Surely because the mighty Croat state apparatus prevented them from doing so.
they did rebel once and they all got goli otok'd, the tito's extended hand who was a serb and who wanted to make finally something good for the nation he belonged to got forcefully retired. so they were basically cucks blinded with commie ideology, much like merkel and other leaders who obey to jews not seeing what would happen in the long plan to them

>yeah, but you maybe forgot what you did during WW2.
Forgive them for massacring 700,000 people?
You fucking subhumans are the most entitled little shits on this earth

>Overall, no less than 133,000 people were killed in the post-Yugoslav conflicts in the 90s.
And Yugoslavia was half the size of Ukraine. "Slavs".

I guess we can massacre around a million of hohols and that'd be fine in a decade or so.

>yeah, but you maybe forgot what you did during WW2.
We literally did nothing wrong during WW2, change my mind

>Forgive them for massacring 700,000 people?
let's be real, it wasn't 700k, the upper limit is 150-200k max

>I guess we can massacre around a million of hohols and that'd be fine in a decade or so.
You didn't massacre them, you just starved them

>Why even debate with you
dunno, maybe some sort of masochism?

>You either hand wave it or just spout generic Croat memes
I did not hand wave anything, you just didn't convince me Serbs were the poor oppressed ppl in Yugoslavia and all others were not just because no autonomy was given to Serbs by Tito.

>Yugoslavia is dead, you now have you wish, to be puppets to Germany and by extension the USA
so I am a puppet of myself? I rather regret Serbia left no opportunity out to do all things wrong, and add some dumb myths to their history of heroic resistance.

>What a mighty existence for a proud cock sucking people
that's at least 50% of the population named females everywhere on the world

You realize we wanted a union the most so we took the most responsibility and invested the most

>it is you who is the retard, the ideology ethnicties are just a spook, an irrelevant detail is very real.
i literally have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say, rephrase.
>he didn't explain why Serbs who hate Yugoslavia fight for the very Yugoslavia they hate. It makes no sense. Either you hate it and fight it, or you support it.
because there was nothing better to fight for
you're either some burger vacationing in germany who mixed countries up or a diaspora cunt farming for (you)'s

>yes, they fucking weren't. we weren't occupied with croats but with albanians, while croats were occupied with us at the time
sure, you simply gave them independence and they didn't have to fight for it, the Croat dominated Yugo army commandedby Croat officers only defended themselves against other Croats.

>and how would he have solved it peacefully if we were being threatened from all sides? slovenians, croats, and albanians didn't want to live in yugoslavia, and they didn't want to live with serbs anymore either. so how the fuck would you solve that thing peacefully?
by simply letting them go. No war, no violence means no reprisals in return.

>they did rebel once and they all got goli otok'd, the tito's extended hand who was a serb and who wanted to make finally something good for the nation he belonged to got forcefully retired. so they were basically cucks blinded with commie ideology, much like merkel and other leaders who obey to jews not seeing what would happen in the long plan to them
what I said before, being a Serb socialist doen't make one a Serb nationalist, Serbs were busy acting against their nationa interests too in the name of a phony internationalism, this doesn't change the fact the Serb dominated ruling caste started to like Serbian dominance within Yugoslavia and deny independence to others.

>Forgive them for massacring 700,000 people?
>You fucking subhumans are the most entitled little shits on this earth
aha, just ask for reparations in Berlin

>We literally did nothing wrong during WW2, change my mind
German NS retards sabotaged Italian attempts to ally with the Serb royalists, but that is another story.

>sure, you simply gave them independence and they didn't have to fight for it
they literally threatened to our people and wanted to keep them inside their borders, so it was logical reaction to support them and not let them to be under croatian nationalist boots

>by simply letting them go. No war, no violence means no reprisals in return.
so you propose to disintegrate our country further? are you mentally retarded?

>Serb dominated ruling caste started to like Serbian dominance within Yugoslavia and deny independence to others.
we didn't deny them independence, we just said if they have right to do that than we have too

Just seriously kys

>i literally have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say, rephrase.
you should get familiar with socialism, communism and internationalism.

>because there was nothing better to fight for
so? hanging the own traitors it should have been. But no, they were tame lemmings simply following Milosevic...
>you're either some burger vacationing in germany who mixed countries up or a diaspora cunt farming for (you)'s
a friend of mine who participated in the KFOR troops had to salvage dead kids Serbs had thown into the wells, he said Serbs are the European Talibans. You maybe should do something to buff up your reputation a bit.

MONTHLY terrorist attacks

You are prime example of how much Germany is utterly cucked.

You think that surrendering rightful clay is actually a valid option.

Grow some balls Hans

>they literally threatened to our people and wanted to keep them inside their borders, so it was logical reaction to support them and not let them to be under croatian nationalist boots
Serbs can return to Croatia and live in peace at any time. They just can not promote a Greater Serbia there.

>so you propose to disintegrate our country further? are you mentally retarded?
and what is the result? You lost more without a deal than saving as much as possiblle with a deal.
>we didn't deny them independence, we just said if they have right to do that than we have too
you keep denying the Yugo army was dominated by Serbs.

Actually slovenes had a ridiculous ammount of political power, at least in the beginning. Tito pretty much did what we told him to do.

you could have kept much more if you had agreed to a compromise in time. Why didn't Serbia unite with Bosnian Serbs and let the rest go?

>German NS retards sabotaged Italian attempts to ally with the Serb royalists, but that is another story.
Yes and? What does that have to do with Serbs doing anything wrong during WW2?

God damn you are fucking stupid

>Yes and? What does that have to do with Serbs doing anything wrong during WW2?
they massacred Croats (and Bosniaks) too

>in the year of our lord 2088, when the fighting finally stops and the last jew is gassed in the current greater serbian empire a team of scientists finds a cardboard box in a bunker containing pictures of shitposts and assblast on a strange japanese cartoon site, they use this as a museum peice showing the lack of intelligence of the now extinct croatus subhumanus species and wonder how the lifestyle of these strange animals was
>pic related is what they could estimate was the contact serbs and croats had before the great war

Attached: croat hand.jpg (612x528, 85K)

Yugoslavia worked when it had a strong leader- Tito made sure that “power” (real and honorary) was shared. It worked while he was alive. Disaster ensured when he died

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Wait what? Who was doing the massacering? Us or the Germans?
You put it in a kinda confusing order in this post I'm guessing "German NS retards" means German national socialists right?

im guessing that's because only the slovenians were educated in titos band of toothless communist bandits

What are you doing here? I thought I told you to go tractor your mother!

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>Serbs can return to Croatia and live in peace at any time.
lol, you can't be more wrong. croat nationalist ideology never stopped reducing the percentage of the serbs on their "holy land". in the whole last century, they managed to reduce serbian population from about 20% to barely 3%

>Wait what? Who was doing the massacering? Us or the Germans?
both. I did not say any party did not carry out any massacres during WW2.
And Serb mob killing Serb elites is the very ideological motivated idiocy I talked aout–45
>I'm guessing "German NS retards" means German national socialists right?
yes, those idiots who also missed a chance to keep Germany intact rather than starting a war it could not win,

Op is a faggot. Watch the weight of chains to get better education about why Yugoslavia fell apart.

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weight of chains is mostly a serbian narrative, it's not an objective view

so multiculturalism doesn't work? Or, is this just a Balkan phenomenon?

You will see, really soon.

what will I see, kind Mr (?) Malta?

>Serbs can return to Croatia
There are enough footage and evidence to prove Serbian Genocide in Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and elsewhere in Former Yugo, that even if you combine all incidents that you present as war crimes, it would still look a vague picture of miss-demeanor!
Serbitches ought to apologize, say sorry...sorry for what their drunken orc army of baboons and gorillas did to innocent women and children, elderly and disabled! We kicked them out for a reason and they will not come back. Because they will face some serious horror show if they do.

Attached: serbs fighting dangerous grannies.jpg (2000x1330, 927K)

>you should get familiar with socialism, communism and internationalism.
i'm saying you constructed your sentence shitty, not even attacking your argument, since i can't figure out what are you trying to say.
>so? hanging the own traitors it should have been. But no, they were tame lemmings simply following Milosevic...
that was impossible in the situation, you don't start a revolution back home while your people are in danger outside of your borders
>a friend of mine who participated in the KFOR troops had to salvage dead kids Serbs had thown into the wells, he said Serbs are the European Talibans. You maybe should do something to buff up your reputation a bit.
not an argument
peace was literally never an option, they were very clear they wouldn't accept that
you always seem to talk tough when you have someone behind you and say you're our brother and friend when you're finally left 1v1 with us.

when have serbs won a war without allies backing them?

Začepi gubicu pičko da ti je ja ne začepim traktorom

Attached: f.png (631x640, 145K)

>Serbitches ought to apologize

>be serbitchian prime minister
>go to visit neighboring country
>get stoned like a dog
top kek

Attached: Serbian prime minister Aleksandar Vucic flees Srebrenica massacre commemoration - Daily Mail Online. (1008x794, 198K)

The problem is, it wasnt. Communists literally forced people into accepting fake nationalities such as Montenegrins and Macedonians to make Serbia weaker, and partitioned Serbia into 3 parts.

>when has anyone won a war without allies backing them?
the difference is whether it's a balanced alliance and whether we hide like pussies if defeated.
odgovor ti je u skrinsotu koji si sam postavio

>i'm saying you constructed your sentence shitty, not even attacking your argument, since i can't figure out what are you trying to say.
ah, you can't undertand it then. In the West there is no German ethnicity like a court recently ruled, a Serb woul dnot understand that but a German (who is no German) simply accepts it. Ethnicity, race are spooks, class and humanity is what counts - the commies say.

>that was impossible in the situation, you don't start a revolution back home while your people are in danger outside of your borders
the people were in danger because you didn't make that revolution.

>not an argument
maybe, but this is how Serbs are seen - this makes anti-Serb (and anti-Russian) propaganda easier.

>peace was literally never an option, they were very clear they wouldn't accept that
but peace is an option now, I hope.

Attached: Crvati.png (1515x1078, 1.23M)

just like making up fake ethnicties such as Catalans to make Spain weaker?