Describe the moment you fell in love with Trump?

describe the moment you fell in love with Trump?

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probably when i watched the red dinner. It was also the moment i knew he was going to win.

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when he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem to make sure Arabs and the world hated Israel even more and making certain Israel and their zionist terrorists will be alone once the war comes.

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The Arabs don't really give a fuck about that. They have more than enough internal issues

Hearing "You would be in jail" after 4 months of researching the Clinton cabal and watching Sanders fold under himself like a wet paper crane, I realized Trump was the first person I wanted to be president since I was born.

yeah but you do. Which is all that matters. Jews created their own downfall by arrogance. Only the humble will claim Jerusalem. You... however... have chosen poorly...

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God, what a bunch of faggots you Jow Forumstards are.

This. I hated trump during the primary’s (supported Rand and kinda Kasich) but became a lukewarm supporter when he won the nomination. This dinner made me a diehard supporter and I’ve only loved him more since

when he pwnd ¡Jeb! in the debates over the Iraq War

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Im not but he loves jews and jews love him.

When I visited Jerusalem and thought yes this is truly land of the chosen people and we should protect with all our might.

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When CNN told me that he will be the new Hitler :3

I hate Donald Trump.

This video brought me to tears the first time i saw it

When he told the world jew foundation he wouldn't take any of their money

Also pls rate my pic related

14 / 88

I'll take this as a compliment




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This. Mine also

after seeing some hilarious memes on the_donald

Trump makes Israel fall in love with him again and again

"Only Rosie O'Donnell"

It was at that moment I realized we had something special

pic related

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Sometime before the nomination. He was different than the other candidates and it helped him immensely.

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shut up u frail ass long ugly jew il fking kill u irl hoe and punch your hook nose

Shitty force meme. Nigger's hotels and casinos.

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*SNAP* this goes right into my cringe compilation

also this

When I realized he is never never ever on the defense. Offense only.

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When he invited Bill Clinton’s rape victims to the debate.

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That was mine too. Getting opponents on the defensive with endless accusations of sexism and racism is a tried and true tactic of the left to bend the right to their will. It's always a disingenuous and cynical power play but Republicans always end up engaging with it regardless. Trump's ability to refuse to engage with the "prove you're not a sexist" bullshit told me he was legit.

his statement on the 2nd amendment right after he anounced.

>"You'd be in jail."

*SNAP* you're going to the oven
il kill yo ass jew

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When his bellend hit my g spot.

this goes right to your school teacher

“im thinking about running for president”

i fucked my teacher at 7th grade open up your border so u can get BLACKED u ugly jew

nice to see you posting again ms may

*SNAP* this goes to yo ass


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The moment Clinton said

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The reason I haven't fallen out with him is the method in which he goes at people. He will go at people like news anchors and politicians with reckless abandon completely unprovoked, I assume because they have to keep up appearances to the public. This makes celebrities and stupid people go after him, which results in hilarious low blows. Hes like a rabid chameleon

Joined up in december of 2015. He was the only one who had a good economic message.

I fell in love with Trump when he went down the escalator

That is true actually. Their whole reaction was a momentary, emotion-ridden, female-like burst of outrage...a very Arab thing. They already forgot about it.

when my local rabbi told me that if I as a right wing man didn't support drumpf he would come and chew off my foreskin, I couldn't do anything about it because jews own me like any other fellow amerifat

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It was when Marco Roboto verbatim repeated a line one of his staff wrote for him 4 times. At that moment I realized Trump was the only candidate who used his own brain and spoke his own words.

"What about the alt-left"

pls bumpa

can't remember, but it was around the time i saved this pepe back in june-july 2015

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That first interview with Katy Tur

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The moment he entered the race and immediately started to shitpost. And fuck Hillary.

>it was her turn

this one

When he utterly destroyed Jeb in the debates and said he was low energy.

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why do you guys care so much about the embassy being in Jerusalem anyways?

Jeb's entire campaign was comedy gold



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>"Trump has donated to liberal candidates!"
>"I donated to you too."

The absolute lack of a fuck he gives about any of this stuff. He didn't buckle down at all when people pressured him. He simply does not give a fuck.

He does some things I think are full on retarded but my god overall he's a total badass.


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I don't get why you're still hopeful about that. If he even tried to go after her, she'd get someone to blow his brains out faster than they did Kennedy.

When he changed the name of CNN from Fake News to Very Fake News.

Has there ever been a bigger bomb dropped in presidential debate history?

>the moment you fell in love with Trump?

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Yet another thread reeking of Hasbara astroturf goonies

I saw him meet a vet who'd lost both his hands and he touched the crying guy's face so he could feel some human contact.

It just hit me how Hillary fucking Clinton would rather DIE than touch that man, whom she doubtless despises as beneath her magnificence. Filthy bitch. Trump genuinely cares about normal people, probably the only president in my whole life who has / will. The rest of the government is so hopelessly corrupt and disgusting; half of them are human traffickers or cover for them. Nice to see someone who they absolutely hate in charge, someone who mercilessly shittalks their stupidity.

Christ, he baited the media into fucking defending MS-13. His ass-blasting the media is far and away enough to make me love him.

>I realized Trump was the first person I wanted to be president since I was born.

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"They're not bringing their best"

Unironically this. Watched him kill it and then go straight into drunk uncle mode and realized he was completely aware of everything he's been doing.

top shelf

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>God, what a bunch of faggots you Jow Forumstards are.

and yet, here you are

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ohiofag here. did you have random white men nodding to you a week before the election? especially election day, we were riled up

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This pic describes Trump perfectly.

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>tfw you realize this retard wrote a book about covering the Trump campaign and is now an anchor

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ExCalifornian here, ending up spending an entire month with relatives in Virginia because I didnt want to be trapped in CA if Hilldawg won and SHTF.

Thank you people who's votes mattered for listening to us blue state refugees and doing the right thing. I owe you a debt of gratitude.


It happened everywhere.

Combing through Clinton's emails... kek, fuck it let's be real. next question?