First Dankula and now Sargon joins UKIP.
What can we do to keep our young men from following down this extreme right wing path that includes such dangerous ideas freedom of speech?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Sargoy in ukip

Unironically didn't see that coming

Just joined, we need to get UKIP into parliament and if possible into No.10

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We'll wouldn't you know. Seems a bit of leadership is needed

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basedgon should just kill himself
as soon as his "white niggers" rant comes out he's gonna get expelled

Britain First is the new real Britbong party

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lol this is public though, takes 5 seconds to release it

We need more further right in the uk to balance out the further left the labour party has become we need this to find balance.

sargon isn't based you faggot

Kek, I forgot about that

#MUGA .... Make UKIP Great Again... lets roll

britain first are retards desu..

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What so UKIP even want these days

And what's R Nige up to

>scottish nationalist joins UKIP

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Are there any youtuber more jewish than Sargon?

would you rather be forced to think and say what the republican party forces you to? no? that's why freedom of speeck is ammendment number 1, and ammendment number 2 makes sure it's kept that way.

fuck off, globalist shill

wtf happened to the liberalists?

New UKIP leader Gerard Batten is based af

Your mum.

nigga nige is broadcasting at mo, but he will definitely be up for the battle

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the clue is in the name... UNITED KINGDOM, stopping being a nog-wog all your life

Always working.

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idk user, i only know Morrissey supports it lol

Good. Might get some action out of the waffle.

So let me get this right, bunch of cucks join UKIP ruining it in the progress.

lel you couldn't get them into parliament before what makes you think you can now when all the steam is gone from them?

just admit defeat britbong, you lost. You wanted to be cool and special by not having a representative government and now you must just go and die as the sick dog you are.

although the ultimate redpill is the realization that Britain was always shit, even during muh empire or whenever you want to point.

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Sargon only wants to get rid of Muslims to make more room for based pajeets

go suck off a somalii swedecuck... #MUGA

dis goy is baste

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Make Uganda Great Again?

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>Jargon of Mossad
A thread died for this.

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poorfag please go

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Oi you got a license for dem grenade attacks mate?

I'd expect a lot more from a literal Jow Forumsack

Finally, heroes are rising. With based Sargon's leadership, UK will finally uncuck itself. Mass immigration, rape gangs and identity politics will all be a thing of the past. Resistance to classical liberalism is futile

I've joined after count dankula

Just let it collapse so we can liberate you

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What happened to the literalautistists?

I want to join too but I'm afraid someone will find out. I've never joined a political party before.

Good on you lad take back you're country don't listen to that somali swedish faggot

I lost my memes from /ibs/,no need to remind me

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Oh wait we're talking about "Britain" here.
Im extremly sorry for your country. I dunno but looks like it's lost.

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Dankula is a Scottish nationalist, but not a Scottish Nationalist. He does not support the SNP.

Word filter summer fag

But... UKIP wants unlimited immigration from India, Pakistan, South Africa, and so on.

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Why are threads about the "UK" so blackpilling?

Sargon has gotten really lazy in his arguments and he sucks ass in live debate. I am not impressed

Fuck off, Vee


UKIP would probably fit under the banner of "classical liberalism", just like every other mainstream party (except Labour and Greens).

was joining UKIP part of Sargoys 20 year plan all along?

Sargon can and Dankula will bring way way way more people into UKIP than it currently has. The Tommy Robinson shit will also bring more people into the party. I see them getting seats in parliament. not going as far as to say it will take over, but with time anythings possible. Good on him for using his popularity to promote the only non-insane party in Bongland.

You guys need to think strategically about this. If he and dankula actually succeed Jow Forums britbongs have nothing to fear. They will actually fight for your right to shitpost.
And their mandates have time limits so they will begone soon as well.

How can I be v*e when that piece of shit is no different from sargoy of cuckkad?
The day of the knife is going to come for that gipsy.

Sargon will eventually run for MP.

i guess the liberalist meme failed then

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You mean "people" like pic related?

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No they don't you memeflag shill.

After Britain leaves the European Union, in theory, the British government would treat immigrants from those countries the same as European ones.

That doesn't distinguish the fact that UKIP called for lower net migration back in the last election.

Exactly. If I was in the UK I'd be jumping on board whatever party won't keep raping my speech. Time is now, 2 popular figures with Farage and Tommy Robinson stirring the heat currently. I do not see any better time than right now. Spread the word Bongheads and pray to god something comes from this.

>Right Wing
Pick one.

Make UKIP Great Again... uganda could do with the same treatment desu

absolutely judeo-christian

This is good.
I mean Sargon is a faggot and UKIP doesn't go nearly far enough (I vastly prefer Anne Marie Waters to any UKIP politician) but this is a step in the right direction.

In the UK they have no future dude. Gotta support what isn't absolutely insane. Time is running out fast.

If UKIP got rid of the odd retard that is openly racist in the party which hurts it and we memed them to dominate the media they would steal seats off all major parties. They need to talk about the green belt and countryside issues more to get the suburban and countryside votes thats where their base is.

Yes, can you imagine it?
There are people who still combine the two words.
J*daism and j*wish animals are inherintly anti-Christian.

I guess you are right

Yeah no.
Sargon is the enemy of the alt-right, his defeat is more important than mere British politics.

In order for UKIP to get a seat, a comfortable one that isn't a Tory infiltrator, you would need a significant population of UKIP voters in one constituency. Currently, it seems they are too spread apart.

UKIP actually got 12.6% of the vote share back in 2015 when euro-skepticism was at its height in Britain. That means they third in the popular vote, but still got less seats than the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party. Its insane.


Pumping the party with younger celebrity figures is a BIG step.

First I've heard, what did he get caught saying?

23 seconds in

it's the greatest plan the jews played on the goyim.
even fucking muslims are more tolerant of christianity since they at least consider jesus a prophet

You seem like a man of ideas. You should consider helping in the fight



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Problem is the MSM are more powerful here than the states and we haven't got our spearhead anymore like nigel. We need a trump equivalent to beat the establishment back to below the people not above it.

He described alt-right anons as "white niggers" for misbehaving online.

I mean look at whats currently in the UK... We have the same fucking battle here in the states, our lefties are fucking fucked up but we had a culture savior by having a President like Trump.

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he was streaming with his buds, with the chat full of Jow Forumsboys spamming stepfather memes and such, cue him going on a short rant about "you guys are acting like white niggers"

I like UKIP but they're not being smart with the branding, image, general "feel" of the party.

Needs to be smoother, younger, etc. Something like a bit of Generation Identity, and with some forward thinking new solutions not just "Fuck the EU" (as much as I agree with that sentiment)

"here's your shekels" lol

Then atleast faint-support show a united front. You can still have your ethno-state even easier with Sargon hw is not going to censor your ideas.

Whenever I hear Alex Jones talk about the MSM brainwashing people "foam at the mouth" indoctrination, I can understand why Americans think that is over the top, but when applied to British media, as well as every other institution, it is a perfect description.

>doesn't know that Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom

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United fronts are a sign of weakness, the alt-right is not weak.

I sometimes think Alex Jones over reacting is to keep people on their toes so it doesn't get as bad as he is saying it is. Idk, he did good during the election.

All im saying is use him as he would use you at this moment many of his ideas dont threaten you the same the labour and the tories do. He might not expel every single paki or nigerian now but can you look me in the eye and say Labour or Tories will even put a limit on immigration on Bongstan

I will support, donate to and vote for UKIP, however I'm not sure if I want to get involved.

Don't try to confuse us with your "but the options are so much worse"-talk. Sargon is the chief enemy of the alt-right and we must destroy him.

Alex Jones is a character. The reactions are part of the character (most of the time).

Can your revolution suceed now? By how the trends are going can it suceed in ten years. You are not weak but what you guys plan to take time and the estabilishment is taking notice of you.
He isn't the saviour you want but he can pave the way for the one to be.

its nothing. He just called people like me "white niggers" because we posted rude shit and annoyed him for fun.
Its the internet for fuck sake.

This doesn't answers my question thought

He's not running for election. He's a YouTuber.

So he's a civic nationalist but still understands that niggers universally behave like thugs?

Hmmmm.... Maybe he can break his conditioning eventually.

That's not Britain First, that's For Britain

The revolution can succeed when Sargon is defeated, and not a second before.
Indeed, a powerful one.

he is just a English nationalist who has a hard time facing tough truths such as the inbuilt tribalism of man.
He hides behind principles in a world that is based on everything but. Its commendable but doomed to fail.