Why are Asian women race traiting whores?

Why are Asian women race traiting whores? futurescopes.com/dating/interracial-dating/2441/interracial-dating-statistics-us

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because they're women

white people are the ultimate status symbol for all other races, it's called trading up.

how to purchase one

Asian grils know where the buttered bread is.

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Have you seen Asian "men"?

everybody loves the white man
the nonwhite girls usually get the betas, though

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>Asian american

Thats why

>Most racially loyal non-white women are black women

whenever you add the word american after something, that thing becomes instantly much more degenerate

Women are hardly people, they are a commodity, a resource to be traded. White men having a higher share of Asian women than Asian men just means that Asian men are being conquered and their resources taken from them.

Loyalty and honor are two traits women can never have.

Women are biology warfare, immigration of men build next generation slaves, immigration of women build next generation masters, women gain high status men and put children in most power and well connected networking fight agains current social status.

Women could be nice to another women over 30 years if this means children could gain one good job.

Can confirm
I'm going back and marrying a christian qt later this year and she is native Korean.
Ive had my experiences with Asian American women and most of them are a lost cause. Pro tip to huwhite guys- if u wanna snag an Asian girl, meet her in Asia and don't bring her back to America.
You may face some racism in their host country but that's the price you have to pay
T. Gook

How many Christians are there in Korea?

>You may face some racism in their host country but that's the price you have to pay
It's not like it matters the average Asian man will be a foot shorter than you and weigh much less. It's not like they can physically harm you unless it's 10 on 1 so the worst they will do is give dirty looks but if you make eye contact with them they will stare at the ground in fear.

Wew, whites really are just like niggers.

Koreans are pretty hot headed.
Kinda like a Texan but Asian.

The biggest church in the world is in Seoul called yoido full gospel church.

Wow thought its was 15 - 20%

thats why usain bolt has all those swimming medals
oh wait that was michael phelps

thank you for your service goy
more hapa girls for all of us in 15 years

I meant in the "Yea, we takin yo women Asianboi" sense.
Just like niggers.


White is right

asian women are the secret weapon used to conquer the white race.

no, think about that for a second. before you accuse white women of race mixing, realize that without a loving but stern white father's upbringing, her children are going to be niggers regardless of the skin color.

asian women divert white male parenting resources into raising chinky eyed bastards instead of spearheading wholesome 100 percent white all american/european families. think about that for a second. the stern but loving white male father, attention and fatherly love wasted. and deep down we all know that those half asian half white people will never be fully accepted as white unless they procreate with more and more white people until their asianness is fully bred out.

and you already know is behind all of it.

its not white men fault that where on a pedestal

Stay off these datingsite, women are being paid to extract money from dumb men.
A very very small fraction will find ""love""... after paying a lot of money.
These nothing but money scheme.

If you are thinking about having kids, having good social circles and also integrating to their cultures will help with their development. Wouldn't you say so?

There's a 32 year old Korean woman in my college class who has a Korean husband but she's always looking at me flirtaciously since I'm tall and white. I could probably fuck her if I asked her out for drinks. She's really hot for her age, but then again she wears a shitton of makeup to the point where her face is porcelain.

all Asians hate themselves and wish they were White...

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>>Most racially loyal non-white women are black women
Total BS Tey have no other options

They're not. They know our race will die if we don't marry someone, and theirs will rule the world if they marry us.

Win/win, brah. Bring me a Chinese girl STAT.

Ni jiao shen me, mon cheri?

What reason would they have to lie about which race they find the most attractive in an anonymous study?

It doesn't surprise me. I've heard plenty of those stories like that. I think it's the man's responsibility to keep the women in check. I mean sending Your wife abroad to study is asking to get cucked. Either that or he has other arrangements on the side and doesn't care.

Oh great work OP, you're going to trigger Tendie Spencer into another autistic fit of spamming nigger porn on Jow Forums

Fuck you

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Why are white women race traitors? Why are Mexican women race traitors? It’s because they’re women and the only reason sheboons aren’t race traitors is because non niggers find them repulsive.


I went to China for 6 months for my job, and I fucked 18 chinks, most of whom were married.
If you’re blonde with blue eyes and over 6’ y’all in China you are a Hollywood celebrity.

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>be asian
>move to a white country
>complain about whites
I don't understand this.
Go back to gookland I guess?

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t. top 10 things that never happened.

>not y’all
Don’t even know why y’all is in my iPhone dictionary. I never use that.

>because I’m a beta faggot, all men are beta faggots
Dude, not everyone is a onions boy like you

lol I like that picture because its true


White women are the most racially loyal and Asian women are the least racially loyal. The outmarriage rate for white people is the lowest of all races by a significant margin, and there is parity between men and women.

this pretty much asian women are laughing at them
it really is that easy desu

Yeah for 3rd worlders whos only exposure to the West is old movies. Most white women/westernized nonwhite women see white men as boring

>Doesn’t engage in nigger tier degenerate behavior
>Is a beta basedboy
No nigger, just because I dont fuck everything that moves like a manwhore, does not mean I am a beta onions.

"H..Hhe...Hey guys. I know you have never seen me get laid in America with white women. But when I was in China I totally had sex with so many women! It's just a shame I did it in a place where no one could see it happen hahahaha."

>Asian women are the least racially loyal

Because they're loyal to white men so why would that be a problem?

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it's an economic factor, not a race factor. You can buy wives in Thailand and Russia, but not in Japan or Belgium. Ever wonder why?

>be half Spaniard-half German
>my Spanish side is from northern Spain and incredibly white
>have to fight the urge to pound any ethnicity into the dirt with my dick until they become subjugated by it
> I don't actively seek other women, they all start flirting with me like crazy and I have to resist the urge to bang them against the wall until they can't walk
>on more than one occasion they bring up how they're into being dominated and despite being an incredibly nice person, I'm deep down a sadist that wants to tear them apart
My resolution fades each day

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It's all fine and good if you have daughters but if you have a half asian half white son, they are going to be an odd situation when they go looking for a wife.

You just have to raise him to not be a little bitch.

>If you’re blonde with blue eyes and over 6’

Exactly my settis. Chink girls cream themselves over Nordic guys.

it is a problem if you want your country to remain white
plus asians vote left at the same levels as hispanics do

If you are boring you are boring that counts every where for women being funny for example can land you a lot of pussy for example.
I get a lot of attention though cause they think i can make delicious pastries and the like.

It stems from a need to assimilate (literally genetically) to the larger population. This is a woman’s instinct and occurs at such high rates for Asians due to their smaller population and lack of preexisting identity within American society (unlike Niggers or Spics). The same occurs within the Native community. This is also why 2nd gen Asians are so whitewashed (in the worst way unfortunately). Light skinned Latinas do exactly the same, also mixed race girls. It’s instinct.

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Pathetic faggots can’t get laid, so they attack anyone who does get pussy.
Here’s a screenshot of my folders full of pics & vids of chinks I fucked while working in Chongqing, China.
Specifically Jiafangbei.
Suck it, faggots.

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This is it right here.

This is such a stupid argument.
The reason why other races go for white men is because white men are either ultra chad, or an atm betacuck doormat.
Usually, they'll marry the atm betacuck and fuck the chad behind his back.

This does NOT make white women more loyal. They just happen to be the same colour as the best deal for them when it comes to relationships.

>anyone who fucks more than one female in their entire life is a nigger
t. every virgin nerd in all human history

>Bragging about his lays on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
In case this isn't bait, go outside. Get some fresh air and hang out with frens

Sour grapes and a lack of self-awareness. They "prefer" black men because they can't get better men, but they're not smart enough to realise it.

>he can’t get laid so no man on earth can’t get laid
I feel sorry for you, bro.
You must be really ugly.

Nah, it's more that I'm actually black and you literally behave like every thug black dude I know IRL.
It's just nice to know that all that posturing about white superiority is exactly that; empty posturing.

>I’m actually black
Stopped reading.
Get the fuck off my pol, nigger.

Make me, nigger.

I’m actually engaged to an Asian woman. She’s Japanese American and came over here at the age of 5. She only ever dated other Asians until I met her which was simply by chance as our families did business together.

I can honestly say I never felt love like I did for my Asian princess. I’m fine being a race traitor for her too. You guys don’t know what you’re missing out on if you don’t at least try dating them.

She doesn’t behave at all like most women my age do. She never rode the cock carousel. The “negative” is actually a positive in a way too, the fact is they are less likely to have sex early on before marriage if at all. But it’s worth putting up with no sex if you really really want a great wife.

Sucks for the Asian guys out there though. They’re getting cucked hard because everyone wants their females.

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Nice yellow fever compilation faggot. Still proves nothing. Justa bunch of blurry photos, none of which include yourself. Either way, having sex with many women before marriage is nigger tier degeneracy. Larp harder faggot.

Also this

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The same, with a Vietnamese
I introduced her to most Jow Forums memes and she fucking loves pepe

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I can’t imagine going through life with the skin color of shit.
Imagine being a self hating nigger, that you come to a alt-right White image board, because you know you’re race is shit.
I would kill myself.
It’s like being born a walking pile of diarrhea.
You and your people are the parasites holding human progress back.

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It's okay, you're too busy fucking gooks to do anything about it, so I'm not all that worried.
>you're race

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>nice yellow fever compilation faggot
t. White gay who moved to japan to be a teacher and molest jap children

That’s just my “China” folder.
I also have a Sweden, Finland, and Denmark folder.
I travel a lot for my job and leisure.

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And that's why the main occupation of a nigger ruler is killing niggers

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Who let this nigger in here?
Go back to Africa, you disgusting animal.
Don’t you realize where you are, boy?
I’d lynch you just for talking to me in real life, nigger.
I come here to talk to my white brothers.
You’re not welcome here spear chucker.

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Even niggers hate niggers.

I would send the niggers money if they put swastikas on those plates kek


Honest answer coming through!

Most asian countries and cultures are fine with absolutely beating the piss out of their women or at the very least being emotionally cruel to them.

I haven't been to enough countries to say ALL of them, but China, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan all ring true. Outright pummeling the piss out of your wife in Japan is rare as hell, but public shaming and not giving a damn about the old lady at all is very commonplace. Philippines, Vietnam, China, and Thailand, you best believe that women get there ass whopped there. Maybe not in public, but it is fairly common knowledge that they can expect to taste the back of a hand if they did something rude.

Vietnam is pretty heinous with it, a lot of men outright take money from their wives and treat them like dirt while contributing next to nothing to a relationship.

So, when you get someone that doesn't beat women and comes from a culture that doesn't even tolerate it AND shows them respect and a bit of freedom while also being far more affectionate, they eat that shit up.

In short, Asian men on the whole tend to treat Asian women like shit, Middle eastern men tend to treat their women like shit too, and so do Indian men, and a lot of Hispanic men, which is why those figures are so heavily skewed to white men being favorable in charts that show which race likes what.

That said, this only applies to women who come from foreign nations, if they are westernized they are shit.

Kill all incels: problem solved.

They would use the money to light a fire, then not have any money again.

Incel detected.


Literally the muslim solution

Because Asians are smart enough to know that the world will still go on without them, whites think they occupy a special place where civilization will cease to exist without unemployed white neets

Are you serious? White women are the most racially loyal women of any race in the U.S. by statistics.

And if you think women of color find white men boring, go to LA on Saturday night and open your eyes

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>Trading up
It's called insectoid sex slavery

It seems like asian women at my university 9 times out of 10 are holding hands with white or black guys.

I know in Korea they out right pummel their wife in public.
And they can sue your ass if you intervene as a non-family member.

Though in most East asian cultures the wife is lord in the household and will bitch if she doesn't get her way.

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>It seems like asian women at my university 9 times out of 10 are holding hands with white or black guys.
>asian women
>black guys

almost never happens lol


this is how they actually think

>White women are the most racially loyal women of any race in the U.S. by statistics.
>by statistics
>Believing the muh statistics meme

Generalize all you want, but I know my own experiences. Asian women are dating black guys in increasing numbers.

lol ok look at all the dating site statistics
theres a reason films always have white actors as leads

go to the incel community, most are sanjays and pajeets who can't get swipped by white girls on tinder